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Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAT7LT havfng betn made in tbe oondition I of a mortuage, executed by I'atnck Kennedy uid Nancv Kennedy to Elijnh W. Morgan, dnted 11 Faauary tirst, A. L 187 , and recorded March flrst, b ycar, in the Washtenaw County Registers i tti-f?. iuliber4fï of mortgagei, pge 4Sf and astl ligutd to Chustian Helber, assignment tïated and r reoonied February lwentieth, same year, iu libei 18 of mortgaiies, page 50S, by which d.-iauft the il power oí' sale thtiein fiontained became operativo h ind the sum of lurte ltuudred and ninety-five dolg Iers is elaimed as now due thereon 'ihcliidinjj: pret tniura puid tor intmrance and a reasouable pttorJi oeyld fee,) and therc are flve ftjrtber intallmentí' v witb interest to become due, ami no suii or prod ceedin;s .having bef n iastituded to remover the r morteage deht or any part thereof: Notice iIj therefore heivby tivt-u, t"ataald mortgafre willbe ■ t'nrecloNd by h sjiic of tbr uortgaged pn miaeis, oi 1 inini' i ; t rt thereof, to wit: f.ots nninbtT ihreefaod ( foorteen, in bloeit anmber three north, in mug1 two vnrt, in the city ut' Aun Arbor, at the Court s House in fluid city, ou ihe Fifth divy of June noxt, t at ïnion, .sHiil mortgage iras giveu to pecure the payment of thepurchatemoney for Ui n'rtaíred i premisos. 1 Ann Arbor, Harch 1, 1875. UHlïTHTIAN'HKLBER, E. W. MoBOAN, Aipiïee. ( Attorney 1 520 i Sheriffs Sle. i IY VIRTUE ot one execution issued out of and ( J unOer the sealof the ( ireuit Oourtfor tbe ' ry ot Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to iu ' iict.fl, wherein John (Jlancy in plaintiff and [ riek Kelly and Kliza Kelly are denudante, and for ! ihe want ot goodn and chattelw, I bave ihin day Bflixed nd levied upon all the nht, titl und interest ot Patriek and KlizB Kelly !ifor;aiil, in and t-o the foUowing described pro]jtjity, lo it : The Bast Uall ot the southeant quarter oí sectiüii tïiirty ; ;iisi thb Horthenut qnarter ol Hip -ourheat (íuhi-ti r oi sèotioD Lwt'Tity-iiim;, ill in lownahip numbar Olie tUthoJ range nx mut, rashtí:naw coun tv, Htate of Miob gan, vrUioh above leHtü't Uil prop erty I bIihU eatpOMjfor saleat rmhlic aactton, the iaw direct, Lo hihesi buiurr. a tbe south dooi ui bhe I ouit Uouae in tbedty of Ann Ariior, on Suturday, twenty-nintb daj ui May. A. !. 1H7.Ï, :il '.-ij ..'i-!i-k a. M. o) asid day. lnti:d. April 10, 1876. M, FLBMING, sdcriH, L86 By VVm. il. MüIktybe, Dep'y shenli. MortgHe Hiile. DKKATJLT h;tving Iteen mude in the eondition ot a ceitnin moitgHe wher-by the pOW6] ui' rein contataed to '.-11 haa bfcomp operatlve, hxecuted by ' 'hurtes K. Treadwell, oi the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw ounty, Michigan, and Lucinda A. Treadwell, hiw wir-, oí' the sume place, to tlu andenripned Ludan S. Fulk-r, oi the city of Ann Art"T in isid ootmty and Si ut -. u mortgagee, dated ihe eighth day ot March, A. D. one thonsand etbt humirr d and .seventy. and rpcorded on the eleventh day of March A. D. 1S70, at three o'elock v. m., ín the otñoe of the Hejíisíer uf Lieeds tor the Oounty of nshUimw', in the Stute ot Mi hÍL,'itn, in liber 42 of mortg-uges. on pue 351, u po u whkh aid rnortti'ae thore ia clitiinod to bfc (lue at tiie date ai this n.cic the suin of two thouiiind und eijfhtj -lour dollar and hfu-en L'tnti, and no Huit or proceediiiíiíí ut luw or in Bhároery baviog been iusfitutcil to lucover any pari then-of : Notice is therefore heteby given, that by viitite of the pewcrot sale coutained in said mortHgo, I shull. on Sulurday, the twenty-sixth d;iy ot J line. A D. 1875, at ten o'olock in the forenoou, bcII it pubiie iiuction, to ttie hiyrbertU'Ht bidder, [tbe aln to takc place :it the south door of the Court Houe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid couut, awid (Jourt House beinr the place ol holilin t)ie Circuit mui tor said county of Washtenawj the piexninei deaoribed in sucb mortgnge. or so muc:íi tiieit-of (i tmli ba nee ary to s:itisiy the amouut due on suoh mortgage, and legal oosts and churg ot mieL íil, togelherwith an uttorney fee of tliirty dol iars co venan ted for tberein 1b at in to Síiy the tollowing pieoe of parcoi ot uaná "ituutt-d in ihe town of Aun Arbor, W'ashtenaw county, Michigan, known. bonnded and dewcnbcil uy folloWH, to wit: Oommencing at an iion stuke in the center of the rond, runmnf? in a northerly direotioa throagL 1 he ewii balf of the northpast quarter ol aeerion numbt'r twenty-one, towa tvvu BOttth, range jix easi, from winch in the lircction aortfa &$6 dejirees west a tin oak gate nost, distance 60 links, nJo aouth :i dere- west is i rad oak, diameter 15 inche-s, ditt;;nee 7-iU links; run uing thence south on the line meridian ten chaiiif und six links to the quarter ection line; thence sonto Sf i(greirt wobt on the quiirtcr seftitin line ftve ehaiiiH iind thirty-seven linka to E. WentN line; (henee north '1J degrees, west leTen ohaina iiud thirty iinks to the center of the ruad on the hult quarter Une; thouce north ti.VL, degreea eaat ap i Iw oen ter of the road chains and ti-n liukh ; north il1 ., i .ii ( s east in center of tbe rond foor und nine links to i}ie place of bc (inning, contuiniug six and twelve hundredthracreH more ot ïese. latetl Uub thirtj-firet day o! March. A. D. 187-r'. LUDËACA E. FULLKR, Z. P. Kikg, Moriiiiigee. Ati'v lor Moitgagee. IÍS24 Mortgage Hale. DIíFAl'LT buving b-„-eri mt'le inthecomlitionsof a certitin mortgHge made and exicuted by Her inau Teats and liannah Teats, of the erty of Ann Arbor, Wttfthtenaw eounty, and tate oí Micluííhti, to Alonzo Allen, of ( lityviiie, Uneidu county, New York, on the fifteenth day of November, Á. 1. I.STJ. and recorded in the oriïee of the liegister of Deedl for ihe county of W;ishteniw iforesnid, the third day ot December, A. D. L87J at two o'elock and forty-five raiuutew in th afternoon ui said dity, in libiT 45 of morteanes, on pne ÍS6, ou whiuh inortgnge and note aceoinpaoying the süme there )ï now due, Apiil fitteenth, 1S75, the sum ot one thoneand nine himdreil nd eigfaty-two dollars, and no suit or prooeedlngi at Iaw havin been inHtituted to recover tmid sum of money or any part thereof : .Now, theref re, uoiic i }ierVb iveii, that by irtueof the power of s;tle coutaineil in said niortnge, I Bhall tseil ut public auction to thehighesl bidder, on Saturday, theweventeentli dav of .luly, l.7i, at two o'elock in the nfternoru oí thaí ílay, at tlie jsoutli door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, (that beinr tbc place ot hol!inK the Circuit, Oourt tor Baid county of Washtenaw), the piemisen described in said mortgage, oi so much thereof as will eaUirfy Haid inortija[r'() defot, togetlier with interest and cost allowe'd by Iaw, and irn attorney fee ot twenty-flve dollar provided f r therein : That tract or piircel of land dewiribed as lot nurabcr one in blook number two aonth oí Hurón street, r;iue eleven east, iu tbe city of Ann Arbor, county of U'ashlenaw and State of Mioni gan. Dated April 15, 1H75. ALONZO ALLEN, By Attoruey. IBM Mort irapee. Mortgage Sale. DGFAULT having been mnde in the conditions ot u certain mortgutre, executet by John Zeeb and Kathrine Zeeb, his wiie, botli of the townhip uf Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Statu of Michigan, Lo Villi;;m April, Administrator of the estáte of Veet Zeb late of .aid county, de ceased, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of December, A..D. IbTSi and recorded in the oüiee of the Register of Deetis of Vahifciiaw county, on the aecondday cf January, A. I. 1874 in liber 47 ot mortgages on page 413, at ten und onE-half a. m. of Buid day, ou wl-ich mortgage and tiie note aceomp;iuyiug the game, thfre is olitiined to be due at ihe date hereof the stim of nine hundred and tive dollars and eighty-ñve ceuta, nlso the sum of even huudred and iorty-one dollarw and uxty-oae cents to become due, ulso an attorney's fei? ol litt.y dollars pro idtd tor by the taran of said mortgage, and no suit or proeeedmgs at law or in chancery having bren instituted t recover said unountor any part thereof: Xotiee i- therefore, hereby given that by virtue of the powor of (ale in tiiri mortgage containul, on the Eíeventüínth dayopJuly, A. D. 1875, at the hour of eleven o'elock in th forenoono' said day, 1 shail sell at public vendue to the. higheet bidder, at the south door oi the Court House, iu the city of Aun Arbor, (that being the buiMiug where theOircuit Court for the county of Waalitenaw is beid) the premises described in smid mortgage, or so much thereoi as shall be ïïeccssuiy to latisfy said amouut, with interest, costs and exinset alloweü by biw, said pitmúeb being deacribed in aaid mortgage as lollows: AL that truct or piirci-1 of land aituated in the eounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, bounded and described aa follows viz ; The west half of the northeast quarter of section uumber ten, in township number two south, in range j ber six nat, in the nounty of Washtenaw. aaid land bcing the same tract or parcel of land ieeded ! to Daniel C. Hans by David Camp and wiie, on the nineteenth of October, 185S, and recorded iu '■ iiber 44 ol deeds, pne 186. , Anu Arbor, April 2(i, 1875. MVLLIAM APIUL, D. Cbamkr, Adm'r, etc, Moitgugee, Att'y for Mortgagee. ióu; td , Mortgage Sale. )EFAUÍT taaving boon mude in the condition ot a certain morfegaffe execuwd by Williáin O'Hara and Ualinoru ü'Hara, hls wife, ol Ann Arbor, Washtenaw couiity, Michwun, to Bridget Katfjin, oí the same place, ou the mnth day ot' ■July, A. D. riw thousmid sigol and seventy-three, and reeoided in the office ot the Register of Deeds fot the county of W'ashtenaw, aioresaid, on the clevtnth day of July. A I). 1873, at three o'clock p. .., in Liber 43 olmoltKages page Ma, and there is nou oiaimed to be due the siim ot tlve hnndred and sixty-flvi' dollars and Kventy-fbur cents, also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars, shonld any proceedingsbe taken tv foreolous the ome, and no prooeodingv in law oit'qnity hHVJDg been had to recover the sanie, orány pitrt ther-of : Xow, therefore, notiee ia hereby giren, iliat by virtue of the power of sale in saiil uitírtafere coutained, I ehall iel] at public auction, to the bigbeet bidder, on the aeveiitecnth diiy of July nest. ut 2 o'clock in the nflernoou of said day, at the iront door of the Oourt House in the city of Aun Arbor, county aforesaid. (that bems the p ace of bolding the Circuit (.'ouii for said conntyj, all that certain piece or paveel of land, known, and descritwd as follows. to wit : Lot six (6), block two (21, nouth rane twelve cast in the city of Ann Arbor, accordinir to the vecorded plat tliereof. l)ated April 22, 1S75. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Mortjfa-eea. Altorney for Mort(faie. 1527 Coriiiuissioner's Notiee. STATE OP MIOHIGAN.County of Washtenaw, ■t. The undersiL'iuvl haTine been appointed by the ProbateOoart for said eonnty, oömmiraionen toreceive, examine and adjust all claims and deTnancls of all persons waüuit tl. e estáte of Onimel Beckiey, late of said county, deceased, liereby give notiee that six montha trom date are ttllowed, by order ol said l'robatc Oourt, for credit on to present thetl clainiB iiïuinst the estáte of .-aid deceased, and that they will meet at the hite re8ideuee of said deceased, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Tueaoay tlie lliird day of A neust, and on Wednesday, the thiid day of Ñovembél next, at ten o'clock A. m., of each of auid day, lo reoeive, examine and adjust said claims Dated May3d, A. D. 187. (ÏEOEÖH H. RHODRS l„ Jilll.V LENNON. Commissloners. Coromissioners' Notiee. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, lK!.. i he undersigmd liavini; lieen uppointed hv the Probate Oourt for said Oounty, (.'ommission ' era to receive, examine and adjuat all oiainu tan demandaoi allperaoni ajrainst the estáte of Robert Powell, late of said county, deoeased, hereby t'ive notiee that six months from ilate are allowed by order of said Probate Court, for creditora to present tñeir claims airalnnt tiie i-state ot' said leeeased, and that they will meet at the r lence of said deceased, in the township of i M in said eounty, on Mónday, the nv teenth daj'of s iuly, and on Tuesday, the uineteenth day of o iotober next at ten o'clock A. ML, of each of said 1: lays, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. I FIELDER 8. 8N0W, ) p DANIEL LEBARON, J-Oommisioners WILLIAM F. ALLEN, ƒ Dated April 19, A. D. 1876. 1627 Mortgage Sale. DEFaÜLT havïug Úeen mart in th conOA a ivnaiti niortgage, made and exeouted f uu.l Hiña Rayer, hia wik of An!, , or, Michigan, to Pbilip l;„i, „t the un LLL■ 4 the aineteenth day of April, in the 7Mi' en hundred aud e-WlfVl:jatlr oa ecorded in the officeof the iï-_iN t ofDewhM'1 .untj of Wasbtuaw State ol Michigan onSSS ay of April, a. r. is7j. ai 9 1-2 o'ckx A V w, ï? er '- nl'"! ■ 'Qnwhích'íli' 1 bedueatthfcSateofSik?" loe an iiiBtallment of interest amoUntiníTÍ undi id thlrteen dollars and eightY-file ''" ritu another installnient of one hundred nÏÏv1 óllars to become due 00 th nl . , {,n lext, together with au attorney 's fee of thwS" ars ühould auj taken to feT losetbeiutme; and do suil or proceedinw !' laving been tiwtttiited to recover said euntiflS!1 ■y orany pan tlwreóf: Now therefore, notLï lereby glven, iliat i.y of thepwerof ffi! aid uortaageoutaint'd1 1 sball geil at public 'Mder.oi öaturdaï minSÜ IKCOMD i.i of Mav n: :-i. at ten o'clookin thefiv. 100H of s;iit day, at the soutli door of the fÜT Hki.iv in the city ol Aun Arbor ithal lace of holding Circuit Court for said counhríS Wjflhtenaw), the pre-miöea deacribed in said nu f ííiií, to satisfy said amounU, with interest J nut xpensei allo wed by Uw, whicb premises AU iliat certaln tract -r parcel of land descriheS foUowa, in wli -. commi m ingtwenty-two feei 3 the northweat corner of lot number tuur 14, k me aouth of range Bve 'üi. oh ïïurun streá in ,1 '■ity of Aiiu Arl...i. couuty of Washtenaw andsu,. jl Michigan, thence east twenty-two fee) on Hur street, tbence south ons bundred feet, thence twenty-two feet, thence north one hundred ímV' the place of begiiming; aK, the rigln .,,( ]iriv;] '" of using at any und all times an all;v eiffhi si M,. suuili end .i' lol : al8o,theea1 theessi i-riek and stone wall of the " atore, froia tbe top to bottom, tuated on the noni vreet eoraer of etaid lot number four. said buildln beingthe name w hich vraa erected and is now qW aad ocoupind a a atore by Luman tt. máwMon ■ ah tbeground npoa which said eastlialfof nov stands." dU Datad, February 25th. 1875. raiLIP BACH, Mo Mortffftge Bate. DBPAULT haring b ■ n made In the condiüm of k uertam mortgage, mude by a ut hm, Lnífery aml Catharitie ÏJiffery, tiis wife, ofthadu ut Ann Arbor. ïn the oouutj n ashttüaw Htate ol Michigan, to F.xn;inut) lliinn of tl ■ame pi nee. dated Obtebez tirenty-fint {' IK(), ui:ü repurded tu office 01 Register of Deeda for Unahteuaw Cuunty, Michigan, on tb twenty tirat d.iy ol Otrtober, A. 1). Mis ! 'i:'M) o'doflk, y t., in libei 3t) of mortgogea, onpsp! ;ï42, upon vrtiicu aiü mortgage there iitcliuuedto bè aoe, t,y virtue ut conditione tiiertot bimí reinaimng unpuid at the ilHte ol tliin nolicè, the sum of aixtetn Imndred and olie i"i! 1ftreoeots ($lt0Ül,4j, and an attoruej :. dollars prerided lor in ttaid mortgage; und aosui: or proeeudisgs haring been inatituted at law to reeover the kuio now remaining due undienoij hy unid niortfíaee ur nny part thereof: K(f therefore, by irtue cil the poer jt Balt uuntaiW in si'i mortgHge, andby virtue oí the stttfxtte fa hiich cnes made and providcd : Notice 1 berrtT giTea, that on Batarday, the runrtccnth day of June next, at twalve o'cloek, noon, of that day B[ th front door of ihe Court House, in the dtyef Ann Arbor, in hai3 rounty of Wahttrünw, and ■Mtiti.'of Miehian. (said Couri I plHce tif bolding the Circuit Court tor snidcüuntr thère will be sold ut public auction orvendattt the lii-htbi bidder, thppremisea describí mortti:ig'. to wit: All oi lol nunibei Swathel' addition tothc-cit ol Anu Arbor 't oording to fche recorded plat of said adilition Uated March 9, 187.".. EMANUEL MANS, Et'hkne K. Kr.UF.Ari f, l('rt gaste Att'y tor MortKnee. lJ2ñtd Mortgage Sale. ÜEFAÜLT Iiüvíhk ben mad in tin conditlon t acertain mortgage exccutcd hy Pai nnd Mary Wall, Ma wife, t.i Juhn Hu-hard ninth day of Kebruary, A. 1). 1867, and recórdaili offleö of Rig1f({er of Deed for the ooumv..! Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, in mortgagen, on page 626, by which defauli the pon of sale contained in said mortgage has fiative, on which mortgagë thure i claii due al the date of this uotice for principal, Interat and Bttorm y fee asprovided i'or in naid luort the sum of six huudred and thirty-onedolünu] twenty-three cents, und'no suit or pnx-uedingit tav or in equit} haring been iustituted I the amount due on Baid mortgage or any pir, thereof: Non therefore, notiee is hereby given thai by Hrtue of the power of sale containedii said mortgage 1 sball sell at pui. lic auction, aitW south frntn door of the Couri House, Inthecitjtf Ann Arbor, (that being the building tn which tha Cireuli ourt for said county of WashtenawlabeMi on the twelftb day of June, A. D. ia'elock in the forenoon of that day, the folknrtBg preiuiwH desciibed in iaid luortgage viz: All that trad or parcel of land situated in the city of Au Ariior. in iliu cuunty yi' W atihtenaw, ;. Michigan, known and descrlbed as lot thirteea (ö)j blookfour(4] north range four (4) oast, kDwmii the Lnvery place, accordlng to recorded plat-i: the villagt; (now city) of Ann Arbor, in saidcounty of Waahïenav, aod somuch or such part órparü thereof as sliall bo aeceasary tij satisfy the anwuui due upon ;üd mortgage, Dated itli day ui' March, A. 1. 1875. ■loii.N RICHARDS, A. J. Sawykr, Mortgagee. An'y Poi Mortgagee, Ifi21 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hoving been made in the cooditiotii oí a certain indenture ot mortgne, execuU-il by PbilriLut Coou and billen Luella Coon, hiawiíf, to Arthur Polhemufi, bearing date the ñfteentti day of Januaiy, ejgbteen Iiundied and seventj four, auö recorded m the oiñoe oí the Kefrister uf Ueeda tor the couni-y oi Wasliteuaw, Btate ui Michigan, in liber óü of niortgaijes, on page 0%, on tlit; seventeonth day ol ilannary, tighUsn hur.dred ;iiid seventy-four, by which úefniüt the povi-t oí tmle coutained in mii murtgais bus bêcoiaa operativo, and no snit or procecdings vA as oiiu uhanccrj having been instituttd to recoyer tli amount due on tsaid iuortgnge or the note accompanying the same, aud thcre being now cluimedtii be due ou taid moitgagy and note, the .sum of iteventeen nundml and one dollars and thirty-four ceniM, tiiid also the lurthtr sum of thirty dolían ao an attorney fee on the foreelonuie of said mortpage speciully afreed to be paid, sbould any proeeedings be taken to foreelose the sume: Nok therefore, is hereby giveu, that eaid mortgagcvSl be foreclosedon Monday, the secoud day tii AugiH next, at ten o'clock in the i'ortnoon ut' thflt day, as the south front door of the Court House, inthu city ot Ann Arbor, in Baid county of Vnsl,ttma, duid Court House being the place of holding tte Circuit Court for said county of Waahtenawh ty sale, at public auction, to the highedt Mdder, ftf cash, of the premises detcribed in said mortgsst, or so much thereof as shall be necesury to satisfy the mount due on said mortgage, with reasunablï costs and expenses, together with attorntyinï of thirty dollars provided tbr in said mortgap, which said mortguged preiuises ai6 depcribed follows, vis.: Being situated in the village of Manchester, county of Washtenaw aioreefiid, aial beginning sixty-four and one-half fect east oi the east line oí village lot number four f4), in block number tweuty-two (22j, ruunin thence northerir on a line parallel with Raid lot eight rods; thenco easterly twen t y two feet; thence southerly nut parallel line as aforesaid, eight roda, to the nortb line oí highway; thence along the said higlinnf twenty-two feet, (o the place of beginning. Uated May 5, 187ö. AKTHUR S. PüLHEMUS, E. D. Kinnk, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1529 Mortgage Hale. DEFAULT baring beeu made in the conditie of a mortgage executed by George W. HiivflU and Mary Havens, his wife, to Charles T. Wilmot. all of the city of AnD Arbor, Miehipm, dated th thirteenth dny oí April, A. I). 1870, und recoióed on the Ütth day ot May, A. I). 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon "f that day, in hber 41 of tuurtgaeSt ou page filti, upon which mortgage tlereii ulaimed to be due at the date of this notice tbe euni ot' one thousand five hundred and lorty dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law haviugbeen nstituted to rucovtr the iuurt-uH-d uebt, oraDT part thereof: Notice is thereloie hereby (fí that on Saturday the twelftfa day of Juiie, l.1 shall sell at public auction, to the bighest bidder at the south door of the Court House iu the city of Ann Arbor, the mortguged pr misen, or so muchsi will satisty the amount due on sucb mortguge tM legal costs and charges of such sale, togethei wü an attorney fee of twenty-Üve dollars, to wit: ' aumber iive, blook number eleven iu HÏBCodt'sl' htion to the cï f of Ann Arbor, county of Waüf tenaw and Stute of Michigan, except iouirodbW n'idt h otf from the north pide of suid lot. Dated Ann Arbor, Mnrch 19, 1875. 1Ó22 CHAKLES T. WlLMCT, Mortgag Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT hiiviog been made in the cod oí" a certain mortguge, execated byAlvto Cole, of the city of Ana Arbor, county of Vashte naw, , and State of Michigan, to James Trend of Dixboro, eounty of Washtenaw, and 8tnte afre' said, on the eigbth day of January, A. ún thou?iand eight Imndred and aevtnty-two, aua" corded in the office of the Register of Peedfl of es! eounty the ninth day of January, A. I1.' libet 4S of mortgages, on paueeiht, uid üiW1 uow claimed to be due on aaid mui i bond nccompanyiüg the sanie, the gum of tW hundred and lift y dollars, also nu attonifj's W ot thirty-ftve dollars, should :iny proce taken to foreclotse said mortgage, nd no procos inga in law or in equity hnving boen had to recoVtf said utim of money or uny part thereof; oT; therelöre, notice is hereby given llmt by virtue' the power of sale in safd mortgape contaiii"shall sell at public auction, to the higheat bidoei. on the thirty-tirst day of .iuly Dt, at tvou'eta i. M. of said day, at the froot door of tlie Gourt lionse, in the city of Aun Arbor, eonnty fíto; (thnt being th: plaöe oí holding the Circuit CjJtfJ for said eounty) all tJiat certain piece or parcel land situated in the city of Arbor aferesJ1'1comraeneing ut a point in the section ÜDe betW seötiona twenty and twenty-nine, at the northffe31" corner of land lately ovned by Willinm O'HaT;1! theuee nortlierly along the line of U. Ward' r, race (so called to the south-wet corner t "i]'': Ward'amill pond. theaoe eaaterïy alon? the om line of BHid Ward's mili pond to tlie south-e1 corner thereof; thenee nor herly along tlie WJ line of said mili pond six roda, Toa point par1111 with the uorlh wall of the eounty jail; thiB t-astcrly on a dirert line to the jail fence; tbgj southoriy alontr the jidl fence 10 the soutb-w; co ner of said jail lot ; í hen se easterly i}v the south fence of the .said ittil lot to the w81 lin,. Oflandsoi Mm. McCourt ; theuee sontlHy Ij!11-' the weHt Mide of iaid Land to the nortn '" of Felch Ktreet ; thenee wewterly on the nortn W of Feicli street to tbe line ot the mili race; ötfwj to the place of bviuning ; reseiving the rijfht of " aaid W'jird't gfaateee to repair the race and po embankment, without any manner ot I on the 1 nd hereby eonveyed : the land det1"1 being the rarae land fexoept the streef-) de David Page and wite to Beman) Ilarkind, Febru'. 1, lUf. Dated May 1, 18Í5. JAMKS TREADHIA. John N. (ïott, Mark Atfy for iMortgagee. 1529 ______ Assignee Kotice. All pcrsnnH haTins ('hiinis affaiost tlie flrm ' ' A. liéftw & Co., umi ajfttlust W. Bont, " ramuMtodto present tbem tome, nnd a" If. „j iwiiig the said pari iert r re rttiuosied to ciill lettle. I otfer tur Ml I h of land nea,r .' 't bservatory; Also oi.e nnlividsd lmlf "1 ■- K", wtween Besimer'e Eest -uant and the I'" louse, and other landsit. he SUto. For fui" )articulars cali on me. J. K. 8. SMITH, Datod May 0, 18"5. liiHt


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Michigan Argus