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The Phüadelphia Presa of the 12th Inst. saya iu ita rovicw of tho wheat erop ropería rom all Bcctions of Pennsylvania; "Aeareful survey leads to tho lx-liof that not over half a erop will be gathcred, and even thin ainouut dependa upon tlie routinuanco of flry wfeather." A eili, hna passed tho Xew York Senate for the reduetion of tolla on the Eric canal 33,'. per ceut. A hobkible tragedy occurrcd at Byfield, Mate., last week. Clintou Russel, aged 19, killed hismotherwith a shoeknifo, uearlv eever ing her head from her body. Ho then attaeked and dangerously wounded liis fiither and tliree brothers. Tho young man had shown syrnptoms of inaanity for sometimo paat, and at tho time of the tragedy was suffering from neuralgia. At laat accounts tho extenaivo striko of eoaimincra Btill continued, with more or leas violent demoiiBtrations The investigation into the opor'ations of the New York silk eonapirators shows that of the BilK placed upon tlie market in that city the government waa doprived of $1,500,000 A diapatoh from Philadelphia states that S. Grosa Fry, President of the Philadolphia, Darby, and Spmce and Pine Street Eaihvay Companies, bas made an over-iaauo of Darby stock nf from 10,000 to 20,000 abarca, and of about C00 aharea of the Spruce and Pme ptreet road. Tho money raiscd upon the stock waa naed to bolfiter up tho Emana Iron Companv. Mr. Fry expected that upon the revival of tho iron trade hewould bo enablod to roturn the money borrowed on the stock for that company. He haa made áu asaignment for the benefit of lúa credi'oi'S. Horace B. Claflin publishes a statement in the New York papers in regard to the marmer in wiiich the government has been robbed during the past two yeara by tho silk and lace importéis. He claims that the regular importing houses have lost two milliona of dollars by irregular importations A monster Black Hilla expedition is being organizod in the East, and will leave Philadelphia about tho lirst of June. Nearly 2,000 name8 have beeu enrolicd....A uumber of whiaky aeizurea havo been made in Boston The Opera-House and several stores at Burlington, Yt., were burncd last Saturday. Loss, 75, 800 Alfred 8pcnr, of Rockland, Me., shot bis wiie and then killed himself on Friday last. THE TVEST. GuAs.sHorrEits have appeared in multitudiiioub numbers in somo portions of Kansas aad Missouri, and tho indications are that tho devastations of last suminer will not only be repcated, but that a new territory will be ravaged of ita human suatenanco Tho Kt. Louis Democrat haa been sold to the St. Louis Globe, and the two papers Consolidated. The prioo paid was about ■f350,000 One hundred meu have left Kansas City for the Black Hills, and 300 more are at Choyenne on tkeir way to the eame point The Grand May Musical Festival tooi; place at Cincirmati laut week, and was a magniiicent affair. The city was garlandod with llowers and bedecked with flaga, and the enthusiaam and muaic was immense. The firat general convention of the Roformed Epiacopal Chureh was held in Chicago laat' week Judge Dillon, of the United State Circuit Court, in a decisiou rendersd at Des Moines last week, aflirmed tho validity of the Iowa Railroad Tariff act of March 23. 187 J.... The Western Unitarian churchea haVe juat held their animal eouference at Chicago, which was largeJy attended Tho mnth animal reunión of the Grand Army of the llepublic, held in Cliicago last week, was tho largest and most Buccessful the veterans have ever had. Judoe Dili.on, of the Umted States Circuit Court, has decided that Council Bluffs is the eastern terminus of tho Union Pacific railroad. The Council Bluffers are jubilaut oyer their vietoi-y, while Omaha ia correapondiugiy dcapondent....The Wastern diBtUlers whoso establishments were recently seized, have formed a combination for tho purpose of testing the constitutionality of tbo revenue lawa that permit the eeizure of property in auch a Bummary manner. . . . A party of Black Hills adveaturers, consifiting of forty two men and six wagons, has been capturad by a detachment of troops and taken te Fort Eandall as prisoners, to be held until inatruetioiM are received concorning their treatment. Tuk fears hitherto oxpressed of a reuewed visitation of the graashopper plague is verified by accounts from varioua quarters. In Eastern Kansas and Weaiern Mias uri a graaahopper panic already prevails. The peata are already up and doiug, and have started on their line of mareh, destrojing everything green in thoir way. The route lies in a northwesterly diroction, and the only hope of the farmers is that the grasshoppers may disappear in time to savo the corncrop. Iu several counties in Minnesota the eggs are hatching fast, and wai-m weather ig expected to hri-ng with it a renewal of last year's devawtation and ruin. James Lick, of San Franeitco, lias mado a new trust deed, wliich, however, aeems to be cjuidly Uberal with tho one recently cmiceled UharlcH Pope, tho eminent tragocian. ia playin;,' an engagnment at MeYicker's Theater, Chicago, in the great historical drama of "Samson." The Governor of Missouri has iasuxd hi.-j proclanaation calling upon the people to serve Ftrareday, June 3, as a day of fasting aud prayer, iu order tliat they may obtaiu divine protection from a graashopper peetüenoe. Intelligor.ce reachcs him from all parta of the State that thero is clangor that all the crops will be destroyed as in Kansas, Nebraska, and lowa last year. The Governor thinks that only the iuterposition of Providence can stay the threatened invasión AdviccH from Yankton, Dakota, report that Capt. Bates' command has captured the John Gordon Sioux City felácli Hilla party. Tliey were taken at the White river Crossing, and WÜ] return hcune via Yanktim. TUK SOUTH. Tin: Southeru Memorial Association has adopted a resolution that "all the s#küers of the Federal and Confedérate armtea be cordial! v invited to join tlie Memoiial ABSooiation in j decorating graven at Arlington on the Int of June." A lire at Marshall, ïoxa, last week, degtroyed property valned aiiUlMlÜ. . . .Geus. Hatoh and DaviH, of the United States array, have returned to New Orleanu frora the Itio Grande. They report that the raids are becoming more bold and frequent. Mnrders of AmericaiiB aud friendly Mexicans are eonstantly occurring. The civil autberiten on thia side are under the eor.tro! of tho Mexicans, aud prevent the United States troops from malring arrests. Unless snmmary meaaures are taken by the United States troopfi, they thiiik Ui o counties between the ltio Grande aud the Nueces will soon be iu tho hands ei Mcxuau outlaws. Jokh Frazp.r (colored) was hanged at Oamden, K. C. on thi 14th inst.. f,r Iho murrlrr of Benjamin ('ooper. On the scaffold he con fessed that he murderod his wifo and cbild and a negro woman, and had bumed innnv barna luid (:iii-hoiiHPH rl,üii!;is rrjiuti n bonnieoue harvest in proepect. ,hy. üoqpkb luid Puiup Haney, tw. were hangod at FrauHin, (t., on Uaj 15 tbtihe morder of an aged oolored man. GEN. ANDEX-VlOE-PET5SIDKKrJ.JH.N-f. SnOIiNBiscn died at Lexington, Ky., on the 17th of May of ahsoewt of the liver, combinedwith consnmption, aged 54 vcars. WASHINGTON. The Grand Jury of tho District of Columbia hiw iudieted lïill King tot pcrjary Tlio WnsHiugtSn néfrublican intímalos thSt SeeretaryFish will retiro from tl.u pabjpet at t'ucond oí í lie ñaca] year. Tin: Attorney-( IcneTSI, in referenco to an inquiry from tlio Rcerctnry of War, gives lus opinión thftt enrollment betere tho proelamation and mcntioned in tho act of A] ril 22, 1872, does not preclude a claim f or bom ity vrli oro a eompany or regiment ïïm mustered into the military service of tho United States prior to July 22, 18C1, onder said proclamation and order. .. .A. C. Buell, the newspaper correspondent, has ngaiu been iudicted by the Lifvict nmd Jury for libeling ex-Senator Oliandlor. Tuf. Poetmaeter-Oeneral has isaued an order forbidding the payment by the Postmaster at Cincinnati of postal money-orders drawn to the order of L. D. Sino, wbo is engaged inconductiug a gift-enterprise. All registercd letters addrosscd to Siue are to be rctumod (o tho office from whieh they wcre mailed. Tuf, Sooretary of tho Treasnry has called in ■■?!■, cflO, 000 additioaal 5-20 bands. Seciietaky Biíistow has decided upon tho appointment of a board of the most experienced army engineers to proceed to Chicago and exainine the wails and foundations of the Custom-IIoune. The Secrotary, it is said, has no doubt üiat the work must bo torn down, but lic desires first to obtaiutho judgiuent of tho most eminent experts. TUK TILTON-BEJSCHER TUIAI EiafiTY-npiH Dat. - Theodore Tilton occupied the witnoss Btand the whole day, end cnterod into a sweeping denial of tho totitimony of Tracy, Woodley, Mrs. Palmer, Bessio Turner, O! i Johnson and Sam Wilkeson. Ekjiity-sixth Dat.- Tho feature of the day's proceedings was tlio appearance of Mrs. Woodhnll in tho eourt-room. Sho made a short introductory speech to the conrt, and then offered a package of lettex's, snpposed to relate in somo dogree to the parties to the scandal. Afterthis she retired, when Houlton was recalled and askcd a few questions. Tho prosecution thou rested. much to the surprise of. everybody. The defense then commenced their Burrebuttal testimouy. Freeland was called and contradicled Mr. Bowen as to the time of the meeting at his Eiohty-seventh Day.- Several witnosses wcro recallod, iucluding Bowen, Claflin and 8outhv,ick, after whioh Evarta announced that the evidence was all in, and that he and Judge Portcr would oceupy not more tlian five daya eumming up for tho defense. Mr. Beach, for the plaintiff, will oceupy aboul aa much time, and the Judgo only a day or two, so that the first week of summer may see the case closed finally. The court adjourned for six days to allow counsel time to prepare for oumming up. GENERAL. The Baltimoro and Ohiorailroad continuos its liberal policy of furnislüng the public with the cheap passenger and freight ratos. It has just redueed the fare from Chicago to Pittsburgh to Í7. TnE National Encampment of tho Grand Army o; the Republic, at its recent meeting in Chicago, elected the following oiBcers for the ensuing }-ear : Commander-in-Chief, Comrado Hartranft, of Penusylvania; Bonior Vice-Grand Commander-in-Chief, Comrade Reynolds, of Illinois; Junior Vice -Grand Commaudcr, Comrade Buckbee, cf Conneeticut; Surgeou-Geiieral, Comrade Foy, of Massaehuaetts; Chaplain-in-Chief, Myron W. Hoed, of Wisconsin. ïl:e election for a Xatijnul Council of Administration rosulted as f ollows : Maine Edward isore Portland Nov.' Ilampshire. . Aaron F. Stdveiu NaKhuu Vermont ï. SU-wart Strauahan . . St. Albans BaBsacnUBitta JoBiah Wt&ott Worcester Rhortü iBland F. H. Barney Providencu ('iiuncticut Joha G. Healey New Haven New York John G. Oopley Elvira New Jersey F. W. Sullivaii Newark Ponasylvauia Livi Iliiber I'oUsvillo Potomao John A. Dcrling Wahington OUio James Baruett Cleveland Illinois J. J. Palmer KocMord Wisconsin Henry G. Hoger Müwaukce iimnesoUi True. S. White St. Paul California D. J. Himmons Sacramento The next meeting -vvill take place in Philadelphia during the Ceutennial celebration. The rociprocity treaty between tlio United States and Hawaii has been ratilied by Kalakaua Agents of the government continue to make seizures of distilleries and rectifying establishments for alleged iri'egularities. POÍ.IT1CAI.. The Bepublicans of Kentucky met in State Convention at Louisville on the 13th inst., and nominated Gen. John M. Harían for Governor, Piobert Boyd for Lieutonant-Governor, and William C. Goodloe for Attorne}--GeneraJ. The platform adopted by the Convention is a long one, reaffirming faith in P.epubhcan principies ; approving the iinancial polioy of "the administration, and holds that the flnancial leginlation of Congress should be steadily direetcd to the resumption-of specie paymeuts at the earliest date consistent with the business of tho country. Col. J. II. Britton, Democrat, has been elected Mayor of St. Louis. FOHKIGN. The Pope reached tho age of 83 on the 13th of May, and was presonted with a cougratulatory address, signed by a full million of tho citizens of Gennany Later advices give the number of Uves lost on the steamer Cadiz at 63 A man, said to be a relativo of Archbishop Lcdoeliowslii, bas been arrestod by the Germán authorities, as the chief eonspirator in the plot to assasKinate Bismai'ck and others. Tue Catholic Bishopsof Pruusia liave decided to disaolve the religious orders which the State tolerates, rather than see them subjected to Government supervisión The island of Saghalion has been ceded to Kussia by Japan. Spain ha paid to Minister Cushing the last nstallment of the Virginios indemnity The luiiatic (yConnor li; been arrested again at Buclriiighmn Mace, with a piatol iu bis posseaaïoii, ivith wliidi it ia KiippoHcJ Lo inteuded taking tlio lifo of Queen Victoria Tho atcamer Faraday has uccceded in findiiig the United States direct cable, and will fíhish layüig thc cable oh fatít aa posaible. Accoitmxo to foíeigrí a9v!coB tho resnlt of the RnWlMI Czar' visit to theCicmian JCmperor of Berlín ia tu aaaiu-auce of the maintenance of peace in Europe, for the present, at least. It ie very evident that there vna danger of ivar, aud that thia danger and ita aversión wore the occasion of the Gaan'á vieit. 1ÍKAZIL ia suffermg from the effeete of a finan . cial panic,..:One hmidred and thii-ty bodiea had been recovered from the mtocIc of the Schiller tip to May 17. . . .The f'oimt do Cliambord declarca he atill has hopee that the monarchy will be re-eatablished in France. Ji.Miusi) favor peace, nl favors ucbiteati'iiibctween France and (ei mnny, iu order to uvert a coíIíhíoii TUtre is a posaibility of the Pope and King Víctor Emmnnuel becoming reconcilcd Tho Papal Nuncio haa made a formal deinaud for tho reetoratiou of Catholio unitv in Spain, and the government haa replied that it ík reaórvcil to maintain liberty of worship In consequence cf tho refuBttl of the lqoal auUiorit:é to repair au unaafe bridge at Cloutarf, it will be ïiecefaary to hold the internaüonal ritle match at ;iurngli,Vicldow, or some other píate not in the vicinity of Dablin.


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