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A Queer Courtship

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One long sumnier nfternoon, thcre camc to Mr. Davidson's the most ounouB specimen of an cld bachelor the worltl ever heard of. Ho was old, gray, wrinklcd, and odd. He hated old womcn, especially old maids, and wasn't afraid to gay so. He and Aunt Patty had it hot whcnover chance drew them together ; yet still ho came, and it was noticed that Aunt I'atty took unuaual jjains with her dress wneuever he was expected. One day, the contest waged unusnally strong, and Aunt Patty lelt in disgust and went out into the garden. " That bear i" she muttered to hei'sejf, as she stooped to a iiower which ftttmcted her nttention. " Whftt did you run for?" said a gruff voico behind her. "To get rid of you." " You didn't do it, did you ?" "No ; you are worse thnn a burílock bun-." " You wou't get rid oí me, cither." " I won't, oh?" " Only in ojio way." " And thatí" " Marry me." "What! us two fools get mariied? Wliiit would peöplè say ? "That's nothing to us. (lome, say yes or no ; I'm iu a huiry." " Well, no, then." " Very well ; good-by, I sliau't come agaiu." VX "Stop a bit - wliat a pucker you're : in!" " Yesor no !" "I muHt consult-" "Al! right ; I tlumght you were of age. Good-by." "Jabez AndreWS, don't bo a fool. Horáe back, I say.. Wliy, I believe (he Iritier na taken me for earnest. Jabez Andrews, 111 oonaider." "I don't want any oaosidering ; I'm i going. Becky JlastingK is wniüng íor mo. I tliought l'd give you the flret ; chímce, l'atty. AU right ; good-by." ' Jabez ! Jabag ! Tliat stuek-uv JJccky Hasfcinga wluin't havo him ! Jabez, yo ! Do WOVL liear - Y-o-s !" " That ar' patch oí grouMd 's moru'i-i11" said :ui Ömaha man, poiating to a grave, all by itsélf outsiáe th(;town. "I vcckili you'll knc.w tlmt, sti:Mi'l', wheu vi iu it ag'in. The ookypant of that 'wiiHtlm furst man Hoituh tlvi-elcy vr told to gít West -likewise he waa hmig for Htealin' a mewl."


Old News
Michigan Argus