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The Skeleton Under The Cook Stove

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About eiglíteen moiiths ago a man ïaincd Jacob Weavor, who lived with his itèf-daughter on bis farm abotrt onc nifc west of Miles' Point, M., was issed by bis noighbors. Grave euapi■ious were indulgen! in by Öl commmiily that t)nMld iiiiui bafl ixM-nfoulIy dealt witli ; 6ut bis Btop-áaughter, wlio . en oypd an uuo.nviablo épütntion, and hor husband, McMeaiiH, toid a pJmisiblc Story, whieta their little daugbter scomcd olearly to corrobórate. They pretended that tliey liad given . the oíd mam SK'O, and tbat he liad started 011 foot toward Hardin, iu Eay connty, to mako soinc piirohuHos, and liad run oiï with the mofaoy. Tl lis story did íor a time, but the peoplo renewed their snspicion.s thal the oíd man liad been murdered, and, it coming to the knowledge of MoMílana that he and his wife were gravely suspected, the family suddcnly deeamped last fall, taking away all movable articles. The house whieh they occupied is a one-story fi-ame, with a kitcheii-shcd on the north side. A few days since, two youths, who were out hvuiting, went into the .uneoaupieil premiges tt escape the rain, mul, witb boyish curiosity, oommenoed prying into thiugs. Ono of Üiem noticcd tliat a part of the dirt Hoor of the kitehen was sunkeu down below tho rost of it, right under tlio place wh.'iv ptoubtleas tke stove had stood, and on ono side a crack in tbc grouiid was found, into which a stick was iuserted, and tho bova workcd out the long bidden mysteiy. " Tho hole was a grave ! DoubÜess tho stray cattle driven iuto the untonanted shed by the winter blasts had pressed down tho loose earth in the giraye. Thé. boyK at once gave the alarm, and the neighbora disinterred tho re-. niains of Mr. Weaver. Dr. Barnes examined the body, and recognized it as the missing maii's. One arm and a part of ono side wcre gone, otherwise eighteen rnontbs bad notrenderedthe body eutire ly unrecpgnizable. It was l'ound that tlie sknll ïiad.been cmshed in by blows ! f rom an ax or some othor heavy instrument. This was doubtless the modo of the old man's di-ath. The most horrible pari of this inhuman tránsaction is tbat step-daiigliter coidd havo liyèd so long, porhaps a year, and cooked lier meals right over the spot where her motber's husband lay in bis rudo and Woody grave, For a few hun drod dollars' worth of truck sho and hor husband had munlcroil hirh, aiul they had buried his poor, mutüated, old and weai-y body just Wbere, of all places in the world, a womaii, one would think, would least care to have her victim. For heartless■ n. 'SS and depravity this exceeds any; thing ret'ordeil in the history of the notoriiuttfe liendcr family.


Old News
Michigan Argus