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The Detroit Murderer John H.

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as, was on Friday last oonvioted ot the crime of doublé murder and sentenced to the Stato Prison for life- the extreme penalty of the luw. The raurderer is a colored man, and his victima his wife and wife's daughter. The St. Louis Rcpubiican's Kansas City speoial of the 23d says the grasshoppers carao into the town and covered the sidewalks, fences, yards, etc, and the citizens, instead of going to church, have been destroying them all day by bushels. In inany places so many have boen killed, that an almost unendurable stench has been created. Trenches are dug into which they are driven and killud by millions. A PBOSPEROUS and hopoful condition of affaire is said to existin Aransas ander the new State government. Things nover looked so well in all parta of the State as now. The ring of advonturers who endeavored to maintain themselves in power by the roinstatement of Brooks as Governor, is completely broken up, and none of them have any political future. Clayton, Dorsey ahd "Poker Jack " are all in disgrace, and the two Senators, it is said, will certainly pass out of sight at the end of thoir present terms of office. The Sioux Indiana who have been in Washington to negotiate with the Government for the sale of the Black Hills called on the President, one day last week, and had a big talk with the Great Father. " Lone Horn " said : He waa glad to see the .Great Father. He then said he did own some of this great country, but the white people wanted to take it away from him. Hy greatgrandfather, my father and niyself weie chiefs. I uover clairaed I owned all the country before to-day ; but now I claim it. I own it alone. These men you see (alluding to the Indiana around him) are soldiers and will fight. The new license law reads as if the author was under the influonce of strong tea or a lemonade while frauiing it It fixes the lioense as follows : Upon the business of selling or offer ing for sale spirituous or intoxicating li quors by retail, or any pateut medicine mixture or compound which in whol or part consista of spirituous or intoxi catinerliquors, f 150 ; selling or oftoring for sale, by retail, any fermented or brewed liquors, or any otlier beverage, $40. Webster defines " beverage " thus - 1. " Liquor for drinking- generally anplied to a pleasant or mixed liquor." 11 Liquor for drinking " is defined as " any liquid or fluid substance, as watoi milk, blood, sap, juice, etc." So none of these articles can be " sold or offered for sale " in thiB State without a license of $40. Acoepting Webster's definitions, are not pop, soda water, loinonade, tea, coffee, chocolate, and " liquid ot fluid " of any sort included in this provisión ? The increase of national banks in the West is an encouraging sign of the return of business prosperity. A number of bfinks have reeen tly commenced ope rations under the national svstein, in various parts ot tne country, thus showing that capital is seeking investiuent where it can be appropriated to tho uses of business and the promotion of our industries. The opportunity for a new d8tribution of the currency last year was not embraoed in the West or South, as there was both a lack of ineans and a want of encouragement in these sections for the establishment of additional banks. The revival of ocmmercial prosperity is producing a marked change in this respect. It is much better for the community that money should be invested in banks for manufacturing and commercial purposes than to have it loaned on mortgage and on long time for the encouragement of an indebtedness, which too generally ends in the fiuaucial ruin of the borrower. It will be well for the West as soon as possible to get through paying ten per cent interest to Eastern capital and thus prevent the ruinous flow of money from the Western debtor to the Eastern creditor. Let Western people keep out of debt to the East, and make vigorous use of their own capital, and they will soon obtain substantial property.


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