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LYNCH & KINNUCAN, MBRGHAMT TAILQBS. 181 JelTerson Avenue, i MERRILL BLOCK, Detroit, - Mich, OUR STOCK OF FfNE WOOLENS Is the largest and most complete to be found in tlie city of Dütroit. OcnUvmon Vinititli tO Ctir Sliould examine these goöds before purchasing Our Styles are Imported expressly for us and are confined to our Hoose. Samples sent to MJ part of tho State. LYNCH & K1NNUCAN. 1532W13 NEW ARRIVAL OF SPKING AND SÜMMER CLOTHINB. WM. WAGNER Has .1 hm Received A FSIME STOCK, "Which must and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Alno a t-.ill stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to auit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. W AON ER, 21 South Maiin St. Ann Arbor. 1496 v : boot and miiii: store, Opened April 1, 1875. I have opened u Boot and Shoe Store in the Fantle Block, No. 43 South mum .Street. I have one of THE MOST ATTBACTIVE STOCK of Boots and 8hoes ever shown in Ann Arbor. They are aeJected with gruat care, and offeied at very low pricea. lu Ladies' Fino Shoes I have a full line, comprisinpr all the Noveltiee of the suiitou. I a in now receiving NEW GOODS DAILY. My etock Is entirely New, thoroughly assorted, and marked at priceti that v. 1 1 1 tmil the niuut econoiuiottl buyere. Pleae ire me a cali before puicliaiug' vlNüwhero. Iö25ni3 JOHN BURG. f IVE OKESE FEATHJUK8 PIRBT QXJALITTT CoDoinnty nnhnnd andforsaleby BACHfr ABEL. tcTremtT A First-class Dsntist Office and Rooms, over Bach & Ab 'I's store. PHILIP BACH. Dated May, 1875. I52!lw3 3 . ri g 4 5 B oo L í 8 9 Sfls.'iï fa BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to the Practical Edueation of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Womeu. Day ClHsaes throughont the year. Eveninp Classes from Bepteniber to Juue. Instruction according to the moet approved plans, and mostly individual. Students can enter fit any time and receive superior instruction in Business Penmaiiahip, Comiaercial Law, Business Correspoudence, Business Arithmetic, Single rttid Doublé Eiitry Book-keeping, Grahara's Standard Phonogaphy, and Practical Telegraphy, Maiu line wirespuss directly turough the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, affording the student every advantage of "Actual Office Practice." The progrese of the atudent in Book-keeping ia greatly facilitated by the use of a new Ohart entitled " Book-keeping at One View," just publiahed by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or address, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1493U COTICE TO LIME DEALEES. i. ■ The undersigned has made arrangementa to furnish all customers with the very best of Kelley Ialand, Ohio and Monroe "White Linie. Also keepa on hand Water Lime, Akron, Oswego and Louisviïle Cement, and Plaetering llair, and the beat warranted Laad Plaater of Grand Kapids. BUSINESS CHANCE. I will sell at a bargain, all of the Lime Kiln Property, aituated on the M. C, R. Rt, near depot, with all tlie required Stock of Toola, Horse, Wagon, &c , atock of Lime 8tone aud five hundred corda of wood, all ready for business. ANDRKW BIRK, P. O. Box 17. 1525m2 Ann Arbor, Mich. GENERAL lAW AND BUSINESS ROOT & GRAN GER, having aecured the exclubívo use of ROOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS for the county of Washteuaw, whioh they have oarefnlly rovised, posted nd perlected, and havinfi, with au extenaive ana reliuble correapondence, opened a General Business Agency at No. 6 Weat Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the aale, purchaise and leasing of real eatate, the loaning of money, collection8,negotiationB, contracting and conveyanuing, Life and Fire Insuraucea, and to the praotice of Law in the variouB Courts of thia State. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1476, TRACY W. ROOT, B. F. GRANGKK. MUST BÍCIiISl 111'. SINCE MAKING A CHANGE IN MY BUSINESS I have allo wed over five montlis For the BettlenMnt of old books. A vcry large number of aceounta siill rciiwiu uupaid, and Must be paid within 60 Days OR WILL BE SUBJECT TO CO.STS. J. T. SWATHEL. Ann Arbor, April 2,1875. dmtBU ' Estáte of Puschal Masón. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coumy of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the Probate Comí for tht county of Wasbtennw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ami Arbor, ou Monday, the twen ty-lurtli day of May in the year one tüousand eight hundred nd seventy-five. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judg-e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Paachal Mason deceased. On reading and riling the petition, duly verifted, of Erit.stus P. Masón, praying tliat a certuin iustru ment now on rile in thie Court purporting to be tht last will and testament of said deceastd, muy bt admitted to Probate, and that he and lïetsy A, Mnson may be appointcd Executors thoreof. Thereupon it ia ordered, tnat Monday, tht twenty-first day of June next. at ten u'cioek in the forenoon, be assigned for the oi said petition, and Ihat the de visees, legateet and heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all othei perBons iuterested in said estáte, are required toappeur ata sesaion of sa.d Court, tben to bc holden at the probate orÜce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show c.iuse, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not bt grauted ; And it is furtiier ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons inter ested in suid eatate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thertof, by causing h copy of this order tobe published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatini in diiid county three suceessive weeks iirevious to said day of hearing. (A true copy) NOAH W. CHEEVKH. 1532 Judge of Probate, Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnahteimw, bh. In the matter of the estáte of John J. Kienzle, Catharine C. Kienze and FiederickW, Kienzle, minors. Notice is hereby given, that in uursuance of an order granted to the uudersigned Elias Haire, guardián of the estáte oí said minors, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county oí Washtenaw, on the twenty-iifth dny of' May A. D. 1875, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the dweiiiui? house on the PKgPiiape hil ilawhui rfcotiibnl ÏU tllL 'l'OWUöljlp UI í FBtídom,in the county of Washtenaw, iu daid State, on Thursday the Üteenth day of July, A. D. 1875, at one o'ciock in the afternoon of that day {subject to all encumbrances by mortgagR or otherwise existing at the time of the sale, and also subject to the right of dower of the widow of said deceased therein) the following describebed real estáte, to wit : Situated in the township ot' Fieedom, county of Waahtenaw and Btate of Michigan, boginnin at the sontliwest corner of the southeiint quarter of the northweat quarter of section numbw twoutytwo, in t .wil three south of range four eadt; running thence nortü along the Üue of said southeant qurter of the northwest quarter of said section Beven ty aud one-half rods to the center of the highway on said lot; thence easterly along the the center of said highway forty rods ; thence south to the south line of said lot ; thence wes along the south line of said lolto the plaee of begl&OÜlff, reserving on thfi west side of aaid tract of land one and a half rods in width, eommeneing in the center of the highway, west, running south to Lake Pleasant, Datfcd May 25th, 1875. ELIAS HAIPvE Guardian. Sheriffs Sle. BY VIKTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed, wherein John Claucy is plaintiff and Patriek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defendnnts, and for tho want ot goods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest ot Patrick and Eliza Kt-lly aioresaid, in nnd to the following described property, to wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; alao the northeast quarter oí the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, all in township nuniber one south of range six east, Washtenaw coun ty, State of Michigan, whicb above deserfbed property I shall expoíae for sale at public auction, as the law direets, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twenty-ninth day of May, A. D. Í875, at ten o'ciock a. m. of said day. Dated, April 10, 1875. At. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1526 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'y Sheriff. Estáte of Eliza Ferguson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, 1 ss. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for tho county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tentli day of May, in the yeir oue thousand cight hundred and seveuiy Öve. Present, Noah W. (.'heever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Eliza Ferguson, leceasfd. On reading and filing the petition, duly vcrified, rif David Henning praying that a certain instrument now on flle in this Court, purportin to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may bc ap pointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eventh day of June next, at ten oV-lock in the forenoon, be ossigned tbr the hearing of aaid peution, and that the devisees, legatees and heirts ut law of said deceased and all other persons interusted iu said estáte, are required to appewr at a sessiou of s;iid court, Uien to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitioner shoulu not be grauted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intereted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by OflUslng u eopy of tliis order to be published in the Midttyan Anux, u ituwspapcr prínted and' circulating in snid county, three suecessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOA1Í W. OHEEVHR, 1SM Judgeof Probate. Comniiasiouer's Notice. STATE OP MrCIOAN.County of Waahtenaw, ss. The undersigned havine been uppointed by the Probate Court for said ooufity, úomiolsalouera to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demiuids of all persons against the estáte of Oramel Beckley, late of aaid county, deceased, liereby give notice that six months fiom date are aliowed, by order ot said Probate Court, for creditsji-n to present their claims apainst theestute of said deceased, and that they yill meet at the late residence of aaid deceased, in the city of Ann Arbor, iu said county, on Tuesday thethird day of August, aad on Wednesday, the third day ot' November next, at ten o'clock a. m., of each of suid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. DatedMay 3d, A. D. 1875. JOHN LENNON. i ommisafoners. "ÜARM POE SALE. One of the bost farms on Ludi Plains, containiim 130 Km ; ::■" tem timbr the balance uodera hlgï state of culi ivutiuu, and wel) iratered. Buildings iu good condition. Auy person wishlBg to pur ChMe u lirsl-L'hiss lanii slionld uuik-' :ui i'aniiTi:il iuii of this iinip.iiy. Forpartlcularsenqulre, upon the pivmises, oí MltS. 11. 11. HOWE. Lodi, May 12, 1874. ; pOR SALE CHEAP. 100,000 S2XXXTCZ.ES i $2 per thousand. t At Hknning's Apple House, near the depot. JAMES DONOVAS. ' Ililtn di'Xk''1'1' dny at home. T.this Bres. Ad PO lu P-wUares3 U. Stinsun & Co., Portland, Me Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT liuving been made in the conditions of ;i certnin moitgne whertty the power bherein oontained to v-li iun ti oome operatlve, cxeouted by Charle K. Treadwell, ot the town 'i' Aun Arbor, Washtenav County, Michigan, und Lucinda A. TreftdvéU, liin wiï ■, of the nume pluce, tothe umlcisi; lied LndcroaB. FuUer, ol thecity of Aim Arbor m hhiJ ooontf and Htato, hm mortgnK'1: dated he eighth duy of March, A. D. one thousaad Mght hundrcd uní Beventy, and reoorded on the tüeveitth duy of Alureb A. I). IS70, nl threi o'clook P.W., in the offloe ol' [leieter ol Deedt for the Oounty of Waahtenaw, in the State oí Mi hiun, in líber 42 ot niortgageft, od page 351, ujion wliich Baid mortgage there is claiined tobe due at tía; dftte oí thin notie' the sun of two thouHand and oilit y-f'our doiiaiM and ttfteen Dtnts, and nosuitoi proceedinga aI luw oi Lnobancery haring beeninfttitatttd to reoove &ny pari thereof : Notlce ÍH thert'iortí hdieby iven, tlitit by viiiun ot tbc pcwtrot Guatai&ed in laid mortgage, I shall, on SatunLiy, the twenty-sixth duy ui Jone, A I. 1876. a,t tun o'eloek in the forenoon. hl'11 ut nubho uction, to the higuesteat bulder, (the to tuk e ilacc ivt the south door of the Conrt Honse. in the ïty of Ann Arbor, in suid couuty, suid C'ourt. foute being the place of holding the 'ircuit t'ourt ui iaid coimty of Wnyhtenawj the piemisee decribod in, auch mortgage. or so inucíi thereof as ihall be necessary to satUfy the amount due on uch mortgage, and legal contri mil ohargea of such tale, toethtír with nn attomej föe of rhirty dolan eo venan ted for therein, tliat is to sa y the oUowing piece or parnel of lund situated in the ,owii of Aun Arbor, Wiiahtenuw couuty, Michiriin, known. boiinded and described a foll(jwn, ;o wit: Coramencing at tin iron stakc in the enter of the road, in a nortlierly ilivetion tbrougL the eaet half of the northeant luüiter ot suetion number twenty-one, tnwn two louth, range mx east, from which in the tliretion itorth '-%% degrees west i an oak gftte post, distance 60 links, ilso south 'M'% dpgrees woat is n red tak, diameter IStnches, distance 4l4 linkH ; run huil" tbtmceaouth on the line meridian ten Gbfcine bodsix linka to the qnarter aection line; tbence lOUth K6JÍ degr@a west mi 'hequiirter aeetion litif [ivo chainb and thlrty-wven links to E. West'B Une; thenoenoiib 24J def?res, west aeven chiiins and thirty links to the oenier ol therood on the hnlf qwiTtei ttne? fchenconorth '-;'L. dwreei enst up the oenter of the road fivu ohainn a&d ten links ; thence novlh 68J deprees ejiet in the center oJ the road four chaina ana nine links to the place of bepinning, containing hix and twelve hundredtha acres mor.' or ïess. Dated this thirty-firet day ol Uarcfa. A. 1). 1875. LUDEMA E PÜLLKR, Z. P. King, Uortgagev. Att'y tur Vloi-tgagee. 1524 Mortgtige Öiile. DEPAULT havingbeen mude intheDoadlUonsof a curtiiin mortgte made and executed ly ilur man Teats and Hannnh Xetits, ol' the city of Ann Arbor, WíLshtenaw county, and Btate ol MlchiiTitn, to Alanzo Allen, ol ('luyvilie, Uncida county, New York, on the ftfteenth day oí Novt-nibcr, A. I). 1873, and recorded in the oihce of the Kegister of Deedafortho county of Washtenaw uforesaid, the third dny of December, A. T). 1872 at iwo o'clock and forty-ttve minuten in the afternoon of gatd day, in liber 45 of mortL:afïe8, on pHga St86, as which raorttfíe and note accompanying the si tuit; uniie in yun uur, ipii tu uoraiuii nu, un1 sum ot onti thouMtnd nine hundiurt and eihty-two dollars, and no nitor proceedings ai Law ha ving been instituted to recovar suid sum of money or an part theroof: Now, theref re, notice is hereby „'ivL-n, that by virtueof the power of sale contained in r-aid mortñffO) I shall Heil at publiu auction to tbehivhest bidder, on ria-turday, the seventeenth dy of July, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon oí thiit day, atthesouth door j# the Conrt llouse in tht' city oí Aun Albor, (lhnt bemg the place of holding the Circuit Court for uuá county ot' Washtenaw), the pieraisee dí'scribed in dtiid mortage, or tso mtioh thereoí as will iiisfy iaid mortaged debt, tou-cthi-r with Interest and costa allowed by law, und an attorner fea of twaaty-flye dollars pióvided f r thertiin : Thut tract or ]arcel of land described a lot nuinbtT one in block nimiber two south oí Hurón street, range eleven east, in the city of Anp Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State oí' Michigan. Dated April 15, 1875. ' ALONZO ALLEN, By Attorney. 152f Mortagee. Mortgage Sle. DËFAULT havingbeen mada in the eonditione of a certaín mortgae, executed by John Zeeb and Kathrine Zeeb, bis wife, both of the townliip of Aun Arbor, county oi Waahtenaw und ístate of Michigan, to William April, Administrator of theestate of Veet Zeeb, late oí' aaid county, de eeaaed, beariug date the twenty-ninth day of Lecember, Ih73, and recorded in the oflicj of the Kegisterof Deeds of Waslitenaw county, on the aecond day cf Jauuary, A. D. 1874. in líber 47 ol mortgagea on page 443, at ten and ouc-halí a. m. uí' Híiid duy, on wbich morfgageand the note accompanying the name, tht' re íh clairned to be due ut the date hereof the sum of nine hundred and live dollars and eighty-five cents, uLso the sum of even hundred and ioity-one dollars aiid hixiy-one centa to become duo. abo au attorney's fee of fitty dollars provided ior by the terme of said mort-, gage, and no suit or proceedings at law or in ohjincery haviug been instituted to recover said amount or any part tfit-reof : Notice i therefore, hereby yiveu thut by virtue of the power of aalo in said mortgitge contamid, on the Sevenïeenth dayofJülï, a. 1). 1876, ut the hour of üloven o'clock in the forenoonoi said day, I huil sell at public vendue to the hightst bidder, at tht; eouth dooi ol thy Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, (that heilig the building where the Circuit Court lor the county of Waahtenaw is held) the sus lU'senueu m aaiu monguee, ur au muuii nieivor ;iw shiill be uecessary to satisfy attid amount, witli interest, costn and expenses allowed by law, aaid prtTiii.-es being descrioed in aaid mortgage ftsfollows: AL that traedor ptircel of laúd aituuted in the eouniy of Wawhtenaw and State o f Michigan, boumled un ti described ftB í'ollows viz : The west halt of the riurthntst quurtur of section numbei ten, in township numbtt Iwu south, in range niiniber six est. in the county oí Waehtenaw, eaid land bui Dg thu mime tractor purocl of land ieeded to Daniel C. Haas Iy David Camp and wife, on the ïiincteeiith nf Odohcr. lööS, aad roüorded iu IiDèf 44 of aeeds, pne 186. Ann Atbor, April 2it, 1S75. WTLL1AM APRIL, ]). ('kameh, Adin'r, uU:., Moitagee, Att'y for Mortgagee. Iií7td Mortgage Salo. DEFAUF-T hnviníí boen made in the condition ot a certain mortago execuU-d by Aril]ium U'Hiira und Hannoru O'Hara, bis wiío, oí Anu apbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridget Baffan, oí the same place, on the nimh day oí July, A. I). ene thousund eiirhi and seventy-thiee, and recoided in the office ox the RegÍBtet of Deede for the county of Washtenav, aioresaid, on the eleventh day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'cluck p. m., in Líber 4H ot moitgagee. pagu (05, und tnere is now olaimed to be due tho sum of tive hundied and sfatty-flve dollars and seventy-four cents, alao an attorney'a fee of thirty dollars, should any prooeedinga be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings in law or equity huviug been had to recover the same, or any part tliereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby fiveu that by virtue of the power of s:ilu in Hid murtguse contained, I shall well at public auction, to the higbeat bidder, on the seventeenth duy of July next, at '2 o'clock iu the afteruoon of said day, at the iront door of the Cotsrt House In the city of Aun Arbor, eounty aforeKaid, (that being the p!aee of holding the Circuit ('ourt for said countyj, all that cei-tain piece or parcel of land, known, and describid as follows. to wit : Lot six (6). block two C2), soutli xaiiLre twelveeast. in the city of Ann Arbor, according to the record kI plat theieof. Dated April 22, 1875. BRIDORT KAOAN, John N. Gott, Mortgauees. Attornoy for Mortgaee. 1527 Mortgage Sale. DEFATXLT having been made in the condit ions of a ceitaiu niarigage, whereby the power to sell therein contuined, has becomo operative, executed by Charles Holmes, Jr., and Frunces A. Hulraes, his wife, of the city of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Ellen J. Whitman, of the same place, dated the lïfteenth day of November, A. D. 1867, and recoivled in the office of the Regfeter of Doedsforthe county oí Washtenuw, in the State of Michigan, in liber thirty-seven of mortgages, pape 74-2, which mortgage was afterwnrds assigned by the Haid Kllon J. Whitmiin lo Anne Meniott, of Pittatuld, Washteuaw county, Michigan, wfiich aSBÍgament bears dato the tenth day of Maren, A. L. 1871, and is reeorded in said Kegister's ottice, in liber i, aásignment of mortgnges, page 52, up n which mortgagc there ís claimed to be due at the date oí this notice the siim of one thousuud four hunnre-d und sixty-nine dollura and sixty-one cents, principal and interest, and also the further sum of twenty-five dollars for an attorney' fee as provided in baid mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted to recover any part thereof : Notice is therefore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained iii said morigtige, I sïiall sell at public auction, to the hiijheht bidder, on Öaturday, the fourteenth day of August, A. D. IS'75, atteno'clockin the foivnoon of that day, at the sonth door of the Uonrt House, in the city of Anu Arbor, (that belog tho place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Wiishtetmw) the premies described in said mortfrae, or sn nmch tliereoi U shall be neceasary to sntisi'y thu umouut due on such mortff&ge, togetber with interest and legal coste and chartri'rt oi such sale toiretlier with an attornty's fee of twenty-Üve dolhirw, pruvided for in euch nuntgaffe ; that is to say, that traet or parcel of land desitribed as follows : All ot ïot numbur twenty-tíve. in Xormal adiütion to the yillage (now city) oí Ypsilanti. Michigan, aecording to the recorded plat of sai 3 addition. Duted this Uth day of May, A. D. 1875. ANNK MEIiKIOTT, Frazer & Hamilton, Aasignee. Attorneys for Assinee. 1629 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditione ofacertain indenture oí mortgage, exeeuted by Philelua Coou and Ellen Lucila Coon, his wife, to Arthur l'olhemus, beaving date the üfteeuth day of Jumiiuy, eighteen hundred and seventyfonr, umi recorded in tlie ettos of the Kegister of Deedi lor the cuunty of Washtenaw, 8tate of Uiohigao, in liber 50 "of mortgnes, on page ;i9(3, on the seventeentlt day ot Jainiarv, t'ighteen huudri'd and seventy-tour, by which defuult the power of sak? coutained in such inortguge has become operative. and no snit or prooeedintn at laworin chuLutrj baring been inatituted to recover the iruouut due (Ui aait! mortffiig-e or the note aecompaiiyiug the same, niid therebeing now claim ed to be due on said mortgaye and note, the suni of seventeflB liuudred uiid on OOllan and thirty-four oentA, ad ahso the turther au ui of tliirty doUan as au attoruey fee on the foreclosuro of said ninrtgtíge specially afreed to be pttid, should uny proeeediiiff be taken to forcclose the emme : Ñotice, tberofore, is héraby Eriv?u, tbat sttid mortgagt will be foreclosedon Monday, tlie aepond flay oí August next, at ten oViuck in the íort-noon o)1 thnt d;ty, ut the south front door of the Qourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in yaid comity of Waslitenaw, [said Cimrt Houae bein the place of holding the Cironit Qourt tor said county of Washtenaw), by tale, at public auotfon, to the liigliest bidder, for ïrtsh, nf the premisos described in a;iid niortgaire jr no múch thfi.Di as slüilt be neoewary to eatitfy :ln' ;munnit due on eaid mortgaye, with reaHon:iblc TOdtB aud expensea, togetherwith the attornty fee f thirty dollftn pi-oviJ.d for in aid nnrt:riige, rhioh said menrtgaged pnmiMl are dctcribrd as iollows, viz.: Bëing situated in tlie villaje oí Uiinilu'ster, county of Washteimw aioresaid, and ginning sixty-four and one-half feet east of the tast lint ot vülage lot nuiiikr iour f4), in blook lumber iwiiuiy-! wo iJ2j, running thenoe northerl n a parallel with said lot elght rods; tfaenee asterly twenty two f-eet ; t honre ttoutherly on a a ralle 1 liñtt at aí'oresaid, eight rudo, to the nortli mo of faighway; thenxH aloug the said hihway ! wenty-two fet, to the pbiee of beKinninif. DatedMay 5, 1H7j. AUTilUK 8. roLHEMUS, ; B, D. K'inne, Mortagee. Attoruey for Mortgagee. IMa Morrgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the ,-,■ of a oertain murtgage, lade b, T ?" Laffery and Catharine l.aih-, v, „ie nf" „í,vtl"mSr of Atin Arbor. .n the f.., ,i,lv 1 U-,,,'t,I ""% State or Michigan, to tminull mSm S T sume iilace, dated Ostober twentr-nnii Á e 1868, and recurded in the oitice „, u2iXl hDeed, fbr (Vahteimw County, Michig?,?' S:S0 o'elock, p m., in lib.r ;, of mortgaéo. 7 '" 34S, ttpon ui. ei, ,aid mui bedue, by vul,,, „f the ÈonditK ihêiïS" ï remainina unpuid at the date of il,i„ n(jll': " i Bisteen htmdred imd imo ddlliro ' e Bveeenta l$l,801.4&), aad m ,itt.,n„-T i', ,.?"■ d0U,proyided'íoriIi.ídinortí,ageT120f! or proceiKUngB havitg beel mstitoted at, 1 reoovel the kuiu nuw remainutg nmise, ? liy eaid iiiortKage ur nny part w therefore, l.y virtne of the power of Bale contSÜl DWitgage, nduj viilue of the 8t . ,'' Biich oases maae and provided: Notiee ia ,(■ i givun, tluit un Bsturaay, the ninetëenth tl r June iitxt, at twelve o'olock, noon, of that il the front door of the Conrt House, in the ,..'"', Ann Arbor, in said rountj oi Ua-I.i,.,,... '"' Btateof Michigan, (said Uoort Home benuï aj place of l.oldiug the Circuit Court tor said conn . there will be sold at public auolion or vendur the hihet bidder, pteniisi b deitchbed in -S luortRnge, towit: All of lot number iem"u, riwatlifl'? addituin to the city of Aun Albor oordtng to the recorded jilat of said addition ' K' Datad Hurch Ui), 1876. EMANUEI. KAN EUCIF.NE K. KjIfEAVPF, .MwrtaL Att'y for Mortc.iiroe. 15jr,td swEstatu of Putrick Cavanaugh. UTAÏB OF MICHIGAN, Couiityof VV,v-i'ehn k ' s. At a BeaMon ol the Prohate Court fctttu oounty of Wuïhtenaw, holden ut the l'rounteuffl id tifan city of Anu Arlior. on Tbursday, the thi teenth dy of May. in the year one tlionmlj eight hunoied und wvsiity-flvê. Present, Noub W. (,'lieever, Jndgeof Probate In the matter of the eatate ol l'iitrick cw naüjll, deceHt-,1, Onreading and flllng the petition, aulyveriflni nf Cnthrnne K. Jame, praing that au AiluS tl ator ruay be apijointed on the estat cvaaud. Tnereupon iti ordered.thaf Monday, theiereun day ol June next, al ten n'eluck in the for,'u00I. be assigiied foï the hearing ol said petition uC! that tne hcirs ut law of snid deceased, and aii othft perBoue intervvted in nid estáte, are' requji'6i to appear at n session of said court. then to E holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Am Arbor and-how cause, ií any there be, w prayeï of the petitioner sliouid not be gi i And ït is f urther ordei ed that said petitioner Mm notiee to tlie persons interest, d in said estáte tf the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by canaing a. oopy of this order to bepulí lislied in tne Michigan Argut, a newspaper primeü and cireulated in said county three tmecesaive weeks previoun to said day of beiring. ÍA truecopy.) NOAH W. OHEEVER 1S8U JudgL' uf l'robste. Mortga{e Sale. DEFAULT having beeu niadt in the conditionot acertain niortage executd by PatrickWd] and Mai' Wall, nia wiïe, tojohu Bicharda oaOi ninth day ol February, A. 1. 1SG7, and ; the office of Registe] of Deedt íor the njuuuoi Washtenaw aud State of Michigan, in , mortgages, on page 626, ) -y whlch default the pon of sale contaim-d in said mor t gago lias becomfru. erative, on whicb mortgage thcre i& ulaii due at tlie date of this no1 ice tor principal, interes aud attoriK'v fwi ís prowMed for in said niortgaa the Miin of -i hnuctrud and thirty-one dolían j twenty-three cents, and 'no suil or n law or in equlty having been Instituted the amount due on said ptortgage or aiiy pin tbereof: Now therefore, notice herel that by virtue oí' the pewer of sak eontainedn said mortgage I shall sHl at public auction, aut south froni dooi of the Court House, in I Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which'ö Circuit Court for said county üf Washteua -il the twelfth day of June, A. D. ;■, a'rlnck In the foreuoon of that day, the fiillwifó premlses described in said mortgage, viz: tnu-t or parcel of land situated in the city of Aun Arbor, In the county of Waahtenaw, and SUteoi Michigan, knovn and described i lot ihirteen (13 block finir (4) north range four(4j east, knovnu the Lavery place, accordmg to the recorded platoi the village l aow city) of Ann Arbur, in said fountj of Waab tenaw, and somuchor auch part orpuu thcreol' as shall be necessary tosatisfy thi due upoB said mortgage. Datéd 12th day ui Marcli, A. D. 1875. JOHN RICHARDS. A. J. Sawyer, Murtgagee. Aii'y lor Nfortgagee, 1521 Mortgagü Kitle. DEFAULT having been mode in the ot a mortgage executed by tieorge W. Havent and Mary Havens, bis wife, to Charlea T. Wilaot, all Ol the city of Anu Arbor, liicbignn, duted tht Ihirtuenth dnT ol April, A. 1). 1870, and recorded on theüfth day of May, A. D. 1870, at two o'elock in the ai'ternoon of that duy, iu líber -II uf murtgages, on page 61G, upon which mtíi-tpage thereii elalmed to be due at the date oí tbis notice the suiu of one thousand five hundrtd aud torty dollars, and no suit or proeeediugK at law having been iuHtituted to recover the mortagfd debt.oran)' part thereof: Notipe in therefore liereby gma, that uu Baturday the twenty-liirst day of August, 1875, at ten u'cloek iu tüu lureaoou oí tsaid d,I Bbailsell at public auction, to the highest ma, at the south door of the Court House in tlitcityoí Ann Arbor, the mortgag-eil premisee, or no mucli will Batisfy the amount due on sucli mortguge and legal costa and charges of fueh eale, together witït au attorney fee of twenty-five dollars, to wit: Lot wumber Üve, block number eleven m Ilicurk'saddition to the ei y of Ann Arbor, county oí Wi-!iIt.'uaw and Statt; uf Michigan, except four rodain width ofl trom the north t-ide of faid lut. Dated Aun Arbor, Mareta 19, 1875. 1622-32 CHARLES T. WILMOT, Mmtgagee. Mortgüge Sale. DEFAULT lw ving1 been made itv Oae coudition of b certain mortgage, exetmted n .imJ. Cole, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Y ishhnaw, and State of Michigan, to James Trendwell, of Dixboro, county of Washtenaw, and State afia waid, on tlie eightl} day of January, A. D. one tbouHtind eight íiundrud and scvunty-two, and record ed iu the office of the liegister of leetisof mi county the ninth day of January, A. U. 1873, in liber 48 of mortages, on pageeight, and tbmp now claimed to be due on said múrty!iLe and the bund iiecompanying the same, the sum of ieren huadred andtltiy dollar, also an attorney's fea ot thirty-Üve dollars, should my proceedinga be taken to forecloae said mortgage, and no proceedinp in law or in equity baring been had to recover tmid sum of mouey or any purt thereof : Now, therefore, notice ia herchy pi ven that by virtneof the power of sale in said mortgagfl contained. I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the thirty-ñrut day of July uext, :it two o'elock p. m. of said day, at the tront door of the Coart House, in the city of Ann Arbor, eoimty n foresaid, (that beiug the place of holdins; the Circuit Conrt for eaid county) all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the oity of Ann Arbor aforesaid. commencing at a point in the aection line betwetn sections twenty und twenty-nine, at the norttnreat corner of land lately owned by Williwn 0'Earn, thenee northerly along the line of G. 'Ward's raill race (so calledj to the bou west corner of asid Ward's mili pond. thenee easterly nlong the eonlb line of said Ward's mili pond to the aouth-easl corner thereof ; thenee nor) herly along" the east line of said mili pond six roda, to a point parallel with the north wall of the county jaü; thecce euuterlyona direct Jine to the jail fence; thewt southerly ahuif? the jail fence to the south-wpst coinerof tht; said jail lot; thenoe easterly alonï the south fence of the said jail lot to the west lio oflandsof Mrs. MeCourt; thenee souther the west side of said land to the north line oí i?eicn street : tnence on tiie nona uu of Feich street to the line of the mili race ; then to the pltice of beginning; reseiving the rightoitbe said Ward's gran tees to repair the raen and pond 1 embankment, without any raannor of trespassmi on thel-tnd hereby conveytd ; the laml described being the tame lund (except the street) deededby ( David Page and wife to Bernard Harkins, February 1,1857. Dated May 1,1875. JAMES TKEATWELL, John N. Gott, MoitgaswAtt'y for Mortgagee. 1629 MortgHge Foreciosure. DEFATJLT having been made in the condition of a mortEage, executed by Patrick Kennw and Nancy Kenoedy to Elijan W. Morgan, dt January ürst, A. D 187 , aud recorded Marcbfink same yeor, in the Washtenaw County Rep" Otiice, in liber 46 of morlgages, page 435, and M" aigucd to Christian Helber, assignnient dated recorded February lwentieth, same yenr, inu 48 of ïnortgaes, page 505, by which defau't tM power of aiilè therein contained became operat and the gum of three huudred and uinety-tive aullara is cluimed as now due thereon (inclmlmP11 mium paid for insurance and a reasonable tl ney's fee,) and there ure flve further instaumeD0 with interest to beeome due, and no suit or pro ceedim.-a having been instituded to recover I morttfage debt or any part thereof: Notiif & therefore hereby given, that said morlgage iUM foreclosed by a sale of the mortgnged pnn sume part thereof, to wit : Lots numbor tlirn" fourteen, in block number three nortli, in rtffl two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, ut the Coon House in said city, 01) the Fifth dny nl Jnl - at noon, said mortage was giveu t" paynu'iit of the purchame money for the i preniites. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1875. 0H1USTIAN HELTiER. E. W. Moegan, AswgieeAttorney 1520 Estáte of James Bell. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteo. i 88. Ata sessionof the Probate (mrt i county of Washtenaw, holden at the Prubate omJ in the city of Ann Ailioi, on Mouday, the WJ day of May, in the year one thousanJ elgm ha"' dred and seventy-Öve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate Id the matter of the estáte oí Jumos Ben, ■ of Darien, i i the county of Fairtield, in the itle of Oonnecticut. deceased, , On reding and üüuj; Ihe petition, doly verme"; of Amlrew BeU, prayibs that a cerfain tnstrnii now nn flle in thu Court, ïiur]jorting to be an e x emplitiod oopy of the last will and tt-! said deoeaaed, may be admitted to probnte, nlltwtl: Hlcd and recorded, and that he may be ppoitc" Administratur with thr will aDDexed. th. ThuKupen it ia ordered, that Mnmiay, "" seveiith day of June next, nt te o'cloek in tlit ' . noon, be nssigned t'or the hearing of f1' ï tion, aiul tlutt the dt-visefs, legatees and .r!pr. I'aw of said deoeaeed, and al! otber persons 1"- ested in aá estáte, required to '''I'P''11!,,. ion of aaid court, thon te be holden t , Probate Urlice, in the rit y of Ann Arbor. W" ](.v muse, f nny there be, why the F' , of the petitlr.ner should not be granted: . it is further orderid, said petitioner ƒ■ notice to tlie persons interested in said the l)-Ticl.-iicy of said p.-tition. and thf I'"" "Jhereof, by eftaBing a oopy of this order to w.P lishedinthe Michigan Argus, a newspaper L"S aml cinul.itinp In said county, three iuwesn weeks previous to aaid dav of heining. „ (A truficopy.) NOAH W. ('11 KEVEH, IM JadiroofPr '"' Assignee Notice. All persons havinc claims nainst tlie H"n ' . LoiSr&Co., and aKninst Traoy ■ W raqutstedto present them tome, aM .■!■ ■ j )Wing the said parties n reqnestcd w ca ' icttle. I otter for tak . . acres of land ñau jbservatory; Also oie nn livided hali "' '' r,i jetween Besimer-s Kesl' tuant and the ïvj, ECouw, and other landt ii. I he Statu. For luru mrtieulars cali on me. g sMITH, Dated May 6, 1S75. 152'Jtf Assipl


Old News
Michigan Argus