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June Magazines

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If you shouLd lay Scnbner for June on the taMe uefore me (says some one writing from New York), atter looking over the pictures and hrowsing through Clarenco Cook's Furniture Article and the " Old Letters," and getting even with the eenals, I should settle dowu to the reading of James T. McKay's " Birdsall of Mapletou." I can teil you confidentially, that I would Bet be disappointed. That McKay has a wondorful way ot making people and events seem real. As in reading the best fictionists, like George Eliot and Tourgeneff, you cannot help putting yourself in the place of this and that characler ; and every now and then you are startled by au awakened memory. McKay is uueveu in hls storiea ; but at his best he show an insight into the deepest things of the huurt aud a dramatic power which are altogether his own. Albort lihodo's description ot ' The Lain Quarter" gives, I should say, a pretty good idea of a certain phase of l'arisiau Uohemanisin. Col. Wariug's paper on Dutch i'nriniug appeals forcibly to the agricultural districts ; aud gives these districts - particularly the dairy farms- some praotical suggestions of valué. Mr. A. B. Johnson, secretary ot the late Mr. Sumner, tells sonie charactonstic anecdotes about the Senator. As tor Mr. Cook's household paper, with its tasteful aud pretty illuetratious - this is oue of the most amusiug aud iuterestiug papers in the ntimber. The suggestiuna as to furuishing, etc., are gíven very modestly, aud iu a uianner which sets the reader to thinking for himself ; aud the way tliat the author overhauls some of his engravers will be fouud exceedingly eutertaining, especially, I should suppose, to the eugravers themselvea. There is a gouerous iustallmeut of " Seveuoaks," and a very small iustallmeut of the "The Mysteriou8 íslaud," which the Editois seem to be boiliug down to the very last poiut. This story has been stoppeil by the English magazine publishiug it ; but in ita conilensed condition m Scribner it seems to interest the youug people at least. Mr. Munger's article on " Maxima" presenta views on the subject which will be new to many readers. The most strikiug poetic feature of the uumber is " The Power of Prayer," a darkey dialect poein by Siduey aud Olifford Lauier. Dr. Holland discusses " Instructiou from üutside," " The Shrinkage of Values," and " The Music of the Church." The Old Cabinet oontaius "Some Sugge8tiona Conceraiug the Art of Conversatiou." The new department of " The World'8 Work" is quite full.


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