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ASN AUBOB, TnUBHDAY, Mliy27, 1875. Apples- 75@8üc. Be.ans- l.4O. per. bu. Butteb- 18a. Beef- G@7 per hundred. - Cobn- 50@6Oc. per bu. Chickens- Dreased lSe. Eoos - Command l'2c. Hay- $1u310 per ton, according to quality. Labd- Themnrketatftnásnt 16c. ünions- $1.00. Oats- 45@48c. Pouk- $7.00'S7.6n per hundred. POTATOE8- ÜS@7áC. Turnips- 25@35c. Wueat- White, $1.161.20. WEEKLY MAKKET REVIEW. Eustern markets. The New York grain inarket has been weak and irregular, with 2a4e decline since last week, on wheat and cora. Oats have fared soine better, having ruled strong during the whole of last week, but on Monday dropped oft Ia2c. Live stock in New York were quite strong during laat week, but on Monday ahaded down a little, prime to extra steers quoting at $12 7óa$13 26, and ordinary to good, Í12 75a tl2 50 ; sheep at 5a6 25 for clipped. Detroit Markets. General trade has no new íeatures. The warm weather makes people feel better disposed f or business, but we are so near the suminer vacations that there is not much probability of a revival beí'ore iall. The condition oí the orops has vastly improved, bat the outlook on wheat is f ar f rom satisf actory. The wheat market was quite uusettled during all of last week, with a decline up to Saturday oí Ia3c, and on Monday a further decline of fully lc on white, amber holding strong, and selliug at about the same figure as No. 1 white, viz tl 2ó 1-2, extra white at íl 26. Corn dull at 77c. Oats lower at Gáa66c. As to the grain market iu general, ït is uot likely that much of the wheat uow in hand will be marketed while farm jwork is active, as at present. In the meantime the best guide that the farmers can have is to watch the coudition of the growiug erop, for on that will depend very much the value of the grain now on hand. As for the coarser grains, there is nothing in this reglón especially to cause any apprehension for a full yield, and a weakeuiug of prices is but reasonable, while an increased acreage of corn, consequent upou the probable shortage oi wheat. will further favor low prices for that grain. Butter has ruled steady and firru, with an indifferent supply of fresh make. Some sales are reportad as high as 22c, with the average at 20a21c ; old at láalSc. Oheese quiet at 15a 17o i or stale. Eggs are not over pleuty for the season, at 14alóc. Hops nominal at 45a50c. Potatoes weak; early rose, 60a55c; peachblows, 70a75c. Oíd wool is moving a little at 40a46 for extra fleeoe. Sales of beef cattle at Mouday's market were at somewhat advaneed figures, but due rather to a better qualty of stock than to a real bettering of prices. Sales were made of Chicago steers as high as $6 62 1-2, and oue lot of Michigan steers with whicli extra pains had been taken in care and fatteniug. at $6 50. The general range of pnces, however, 'is unchanged. Choice steers and beeves of good weight, Ï6at6 50; good butchers' cattle, $3 75a4 75; fat oxen, Ï3 50a 85 60; covps, $3 25a$4 25; milch cows, each 3öa$50; tat sheep per cwt., $4 50a5 50 hogs. 6 68 ; veal calves, each, $3 00. The Wool Maekbt. - Wool continúes vory quiet. Late Boston quotationa are rather lower. Michigan and Wisconsin flecee, which all along have been quoted 48 a 52c, is 47 a 50, and this ie only in small Jots. Manufacturera, it is said, are looking for lower prices on all description8 of clothiDg wool when the uow clip begins to arrive. Fhiladelphia quotes New York, Indiana and Western fine wools at 48 a 50c. The U. S. Economist, of New York, quotes the market quiet, but, " f rom the f act that stocks are very small and assortments consequently not inviting." It also says that the princicipal cause of the present quietude is the unsatisfactory state of trade amoug the dry goods and woolen interest. The same paper says that at the sales oí colonial wool now progressing in London sharp conipetition has brought high prices, and that " frora these iudications it is clearly evident that we shall obtain little or no wool from these auctious." It also quotes California, Texas, Georgia, Kentucky, etc, as realiziug a stiffiiess in prices " wholly at variance with prices of inostly all textiles." It also predicts higher prices in the most northern and Western states " than manufacturera or dealers eau pay with any degree of sdtety to their best interests." This sounds very curious, to say the least. With p rices so high in London as to cut off foreign competition, with the new clip of domestic being taken at full prices, and with quietness in the Eastern markets simply for the want ol stock to opérate with, the inlerests of mauufacturers and dealers are ondangered. The query is who buys the wool in those places. There must be buyers or there would be,no prices. Are all the rest of the world fools enough to buy wools at high prices, simply that they may decline on their hands, and theu give to New York and Boston operators a chance to buy them up at panic rates 't It is too much to suppose that wools will reach any fabulous prices this year, but if there is auything in the state of the market described, it points to fair prices, and to these both manufacture and dealers will adjust theraselves.


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