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JmSoE exprenscs tho belief that tho jury in tlio Tilton-J'.ceclitr okfee will not dináureo, but will spoedily rcaeh a verdict. ... Chandler, Hart & Co., boot and shoe dealers, of Philadelplüa, have failed. LiabiliticH. 125,000. JurxiK Poutkk. of the counsel for the defense in the B'ooklyn scandal trial, opened liin j ment on Wedacsday. May 1!). ïilton and I ton wcre handled quito roughly, the speaker potnting them out in person and denouncing them with sconi ful emphasis. A terrible contlagration oceurred lat week at Oaceola, Pa. Two hundred houses are roported destroyed. and twelve hundred people are rendered homcless. The fire originated in a lumber yard two miles airoy, bni a Uigli wind carried the bimiing embera into all pa-tn of tho city, and it was fouud impouaible to stay the flames. Half the town was eousumcd, includng all the public buildings and nearly all tho Theadjacent villages of Houtzdale and Powelltou were also jiartially destroyed. The total lobs will excecd Í2, 000,00. Anothkk victini of tlio speculating raania has come to grief in Bowton. Mr. Abr:ih;im T. Jack-, on, hitherto a respected member of the bar, bas diaappeared, taking wiüi liim several large uniH with which ho was intrusted. amounting in the aggregate to $70,000 A dispatch from Pottsville, Pa., states tlmt deatructivea lires were raging in tbe mountains in that -icinity. Slabtown, a snrall mining villnge, was entiroly i destroyed. A diapatch from the samo jdaco states that an attempt was made to burn the '. town of Shenandoah, lires beiug Btarted in wveral places Dy incendiaries. Tlio llames were discovered and extiiiguishcd. üno ineendiary i was arrestcd. Caiumsal MuClobkey bas been presented with a diamond cross wortU 420,000 by tho young laly pupün of Bt. Viiipcnt's Institute in New York. Anotuer murder, even inore hoiTible in it.H details than that of Mr. ])ingh;im. a few weeks since, was perpetrated ii iïosiun (St Hunday. A bright little gh-1, Mabel Young, 5 years of age. was murdered in cliuroh. and bruised and mutilated. Tho body was carried up in tho tower and thrown upon the floor of the loft. Tho aextou of tlie churcii, Thomas Kpër, bas been arrested on suapieion of being tbc authcr of this foul murder. THE WEST. Theiie eomes from Oaage, Kansas, a utorj'. of tho stato of desperation to which the peoplo of tbat Btction have been brought by tho grasghofper pestileuco. A party of farmers, scorning concealment, boldly entered a gristmill and boldly helped themselves to sixty packs of Hour, oaymg mat. iuey nau ncitnor footl nor money, and tliat tbey would uot permit tbeir families to fitarvo wbile food was within reach. It is said that the coiidition of the people is more critical than ever bef ore Mr. Totter, the Supenising Architect of the Traasury, does uot thiiik that au.v portion of the valla of the new Chicago Custom-Houso can he saved. The Btrncture will have to tre razed to tho ground. Mus. JlAitY Lnroour, widow of the late President, has been adjudged insane by a jury of the County Court, at Chicago, and will bo sent to a private institution fr the care of the insane at Batavia, 111. The unfortunate ividow of Abraltani Lincoln made au unsuécesaful attempt to eommit suicido at Chicago, just bcforo leaving for tlie Batavia asylum. She pvirchased what she supposod to bo a bottle of laudanum and swallowed tho contente. The mixture, honre-ver, was of a harmless naturo, aud her design was thwarted. .... A number of gaugers and storekeepers in Chicago, who wero participants in the whisky frauda, or wero crimiually careles)?, have been removed, and three or four of them have been held to bail to await the action of tho grand jury The Indiana Grand Lodge of Oud Fellows haa just sustained the action of a subordínate lodge in suspending a member'H I tion with the order on the ground that he was I a saloon-keeper. AiTj'-.n i protracted trial, the St. Louis Republican lias been assessed oue ceut damages for calliig a lawyer a "shyster." The issue of the Chicago Ocean for May 21 was probably the largest daily paper ever iasued in this or any other country. It ooiitained the delinquent tax-list of Cook county, and the wholo paper embraeed 18 full sheets of 8 pages oacï, 144 pages, and 8C4 columns. Thirty compositora vore employcd 36 days in putting it in type, working 0% hours per day. The manuscript copy of this enormous tax-list weighed 275 pounds, and oeoupied 13,370 pages. The granshoppers arrived in Kansas City lapt week on their Eustern journey. They marched into bowrj and covered the sidewalks, fences, yarda etc., and the eitizeñs, instead of going to ehurch, devoted the day to dcstroyiiig the pests Daniel O'Lh-tv, the pedestriaji, has jiiKt nccomplished at Chicago the marvelous featol' walking 500 mile in 153 hours As might havo been nnticipatcd, the attempts of partios of minera to reach the Black HUls and their arrest by the military aro causing trouble. The Gordon party was Btopped by a company of soldiere wliilo thoy wore ■ in the State of Netnaska. Thev refused to bo arrested, preferring to iight. The offioer in command of the detachnient sent to Fort Laramic and ('aiup Sheridarí, and a romjianv of men with a (atling gun started fur bis aanatanoe. The minera aleo eent out cgurieiu and intoüigenco was couvoyed to bout 500 other prospectara, who were their way to th; liHI. to hurry on aud oin in a resistonoe tothesoldiers. Mcanwbile a dispatoh was seut tó rtcii. Bhoiidan, asking that the Gordo party be eet at hberty; and the General ordered üieir uucoulütional release, provided they were in the Btate of Nebraska when halted. .c iurther states that prospector will not be allowed to enter the Big Hora country. . . . Kansas picures havo tested the grasshop])erH ae lood, and tind them very pal atable. THE SOUTH. The colorcd people of Tenuessee haveetaiU-d an emigration moveinent, and met in conventiou at Nashville the other day to (liscuss the matter and adopt meaaurea ueceaaary for remov:d to some other State, (rcat inducemanta are held out to them by part ie:; do.irous of socuring the settlomcnt of the colorcd colonies j upon uuoccu])icl liinds, ik1 the movement appears to have assumed a ehape which meana exodus A tire at Waóo, Texas, last weck, deatroyed H2i5foöO worth of property. Tm: Centennial of tlie M 'Kli'nliurg Declara Hun ui' [ndependence (May20)waa veiygencrüllyai'd baartily coleliratod in tire principal et s of tho Sou.h JeseD. Ikighi, fonui ilv.l United Ktates Senator from [ndiana, died al Baltimore a few davn .!. 1 1 i lHm - eae was an organic alTectiun of the heart. The notorious counterfeiter Pete McCartney, has again Blippod froni the euntody of the olïicers of tbo law in Texas. Gjíít Beaiid, one of the most troulilesome of tho Indian prisonors reoently taken fi'om l'ort i BB1 to Florida, met his dcath hm rathor unhemir mnnuer tho otheï da}". Tho noble bravo jumped from the train near Lake City, Florida, and attempted to escape bj running, but a j directed ahot from ono of tbc KOflrda brought him to the dust. He ibed oursing tbo Boldiers and tho white triho generally, two honra after bo'uoi l'ot Indiaus in Texaa ai'o both iiumoroiis aud troublesomc. A white woman va rtoently kUlcd by them, and by way of rctaliation n party of ranyers killed tivc navagcH and one renegado whit man, and carried tüeir head to BacksborOa BAltimobe staneïs a chance of Hcenring tho lnniHii lino oí twolve or foiutecn steamBhipa to plyDetween her harbor and Liverpool. ... Ferdinand Dudenbofer, lleceiving Teller of tho (emiaiiia National Jiaiik, Herr Orlcans, bas been arrested, cbargod withembezzling !?15,0UU. WASniN(JT()N. Hkcueiaky Biumiow is st.irring up tbc roveimo thicvea pretty ciTp.ctually. Haviltg oaptiucd half a Inindred WcHtern diétÖtétS who havo Hwindted tlie goveniment out of enough nioney to pay the national debt. lic has turned bis attention to lbo New York importera, who he bas reason to beliove have not paid all tbc dnties for whieh they are liablo. The Socretarv bas alno decided to piwh a thorougb investigation into tho alleged frauda in tho building of the Chicago Cnutom-Honse A remarkablo discovery h aaid to have been nado in Washington. It is to the effect that lie cnforcenicnt of aji order usued by Secro;ary Staiitnu in 1862, iind pcafciluing until 1HC5, cvying a tax of $5 per month upon the wage il' eaw rolored attaché of tho military Kcrvice, lenigncd to cíente a fund for the temporary miintenaiice of freedmen, amounted to au euornous sum, of which --15. 000,000 were never exoiidcd in the marnier contemplatcd, hut remainediuthe liands of Quartérrnastera, who, being under no legal obligatiou to turn over or scemnt for tho money, havo had it ever since. rhe Sacretary of War refuses to entertain a slaim for the roatoraüou of tho monoy to employés from whone wages it wan deducted, having no ituids vhrewith to pay sucli claimH, if allowed, aud ho au appeal i.i to be mado to Cont;ies -for an appropriation. SnsiK of the IndianCbieia fromjtho Cheyemio IïiviT Agency liad a pow-wow Avith the Prosident, oh Wcdnesdny last. Lone Horse, the principal Chief, mado a threatening Hpeech, which is suppoHed to presago troublo unless bis demanda are oompliod with. The I'rcsident iuternipted liis oratorical outburst, tiaying that he did ïiot care at that time to (Iíhcuhh the subject further Tho investigation into tbc " ■ w York Cnstom-Hoiiiïe frauda promieea nomo Htartling developuienta. The noble savages lied Cloud, Lone Hom, and othors ïiow on a, viait U? Waaliington, are very inucb. dissatisüed with their reoeptiou. They prof er dealing' with the President directly, but a líe turued them over to the Seeretary of the Interior, in wiioni they havo no conlidence. thcy threatcn to go on the war-path ivhon they return. l'íiíAL Jr.wEi.L lia ordored tl ie ïeletting of tho mail-contracta in whioh tho frauda were discovorod TheSioux chiefs at WiUihiiigtou 'ere dissatislied beeauae they were iuartered at a tomperanco hotel, and antedrto go whcre fire-watef was more plenty, but their wishes were not complied with. SroTjui) Tau.. oue of tlie big iojiins now at Washington, "did" tbat city last Sunday in a blue .blanket, blue flannel pants, and a doinccrowned feit bat of tlie latest fadhion .... Attorney-Oeneral Pierrepont is. gtatcd to bc putting harp edge on bis official ax. The ('onmiiBtiionerof the General Land Office decideH that tlc beiieñts extended by law to pre-eni;)tors who, ly reason of the ravages of granhtppen, aro compelled to leave and be absent lrom their land-, may also be extended to jire-emptoi-s whose crops have in like raanner been dostroyed, but who, neverthelesB, coutinued their retsidence npon their respective claims. Those whoee crops were destroyed or serio'isly injurod in 1871 will be eutitled to an extensión of onc year from and after July 1, 1875, and, wlien the injury ocenrs in 1873, the extensión will date from July 1, 1875. GENERAL. The Mexican banditti are again raiding on the Rio Grande border. They are reported to be coinmittiug depredations dajly, capturing eattle aud driving theui across into Mexico, beBides committiug other outrages. At Nashville, Tenu , the other day, the Cheyeniie Chief, Wichita, one of the seventy-flve Indiana eu route to the Dry Tortugas by rail, got hold of a knife and stabbed two soldiere, one of them, it ia fcared, fatally. Tur. General Assembly of the. Presbyterian Church, North and South, are uow in hoshíoh - the forracr in Cleveland, the latter in St. Loiüh. ïhjs United States Centenuial CommiaKion met last week in Philadelphia, and organized by the eloctiou of Gen. Joeeph 1Í. Hawley, of Connecüeut, to the Presidency, with a large mimber of Yioe-Presidents and members of the Executivo Committee. The programmo of ceremonies for the opening aiid closing of the Exhibition and Fourth of July embraces the designation of U. S. Grant as President ; Charlea Francia Adams and L. Q. C. Lamar, orators ; Ilemy Wadaworth Lougfollow, poet ; Ralph Waldo Emcraou, reader f the Beclaration of Indcpendeuce ; Gen. W. T. Sherman, Grand Marshal ; Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, late of the Confedérate army, Maater of Ceremonies. ....For geuuine, unadultcrated cheek commend ub to the noble Bavage. At the iuitial interview between the Rioux delegation and President Grant at Washington, last week, lied. Cloud opened the hall by infonning the " Great Father" that the whole pale-face race wero hars, present company not exeepted. Spotted Tail snapped bis lingera threateningly in the PrcBident's face. aud notificd liim plainly that he need not send them to the 8ecretary of the Interior, as tlicv would treat dnly direetly with tho Great Father. Lone Horn foliowed by ahaking Uia list under the President's uose, and iufórming him in a deflant tono that he (Lono Hom) "ownedall tliis couutry," and that it wouldn't be safe to trifle with liim and bis hravfts any longer. (1i:n. Sukuman bas been offerod $60,000 by a publishing hocisc for the right of publishing his memoirs exclusivoly. I'OLITICAI,. Tui! President states in the moBt positive terms that there is no truth in thorumoi-s that Heoretary Fisli, of the State Department, or öecretary Dolano, of tho Interior Department, are about to rosign their places ín the Cabinet. . . . .The Sccrctary of the Treasury has made the following appoiütnlents of Interna! Itevcnuo Stoi ekcepors : Lndwif; Weolmlberg, George Mieuel, and Henry Fiecher, for tho First District of Wisconsin, and Jotjeph G. Thompson. Fomth llliiiois. fiaugors -Jamos .M. BÍardsley, Fourth Illinois ; F. W. Paine, First Wisconsin, and David Htewart, Fonrth lowa. ('m,. A--A HATnfHws, Collector of [nternal Hevenue for the Ninth Dintrict of Illinois, bas been appoinied United States Bnpervtisar of Interual Revenue for the district smbntcñng the Ktates of Illinois, HHccansiiy and Minnesota, vico ü. W. Muim. removed. Evi:iiK'ri' 11. PoMEituY lias ticen apjjointed U &. Attorney for tho T rrftdry öx Ari,on;i. foki:k;n. Advicks from Havana report that highwa; robbesies and mmders are bo frequent latcly in tlie streetw of tliat city that the Acting CaptainGcneral, wlio was oimaeli robbod in the street of ïiis wiitcii and jewtihv. wortli c4U0. has ordcred all culprits hcreafter to be tried by the militarv authorities. lui ie ,-. ■iiinsont cl fi]niu has iaaued a doeree il rl.iiin Mie flc'loi'iil peiiod opened, and grantiljg to tlio preeStbe priyjldre of dlucjisèiüg all fof int t ut.ioi i;il nfuestiofts, Haviiiffthe (iiicBtion of the mouarchy. witU tin; utmost freedom. DisiAiiT k irfdiled witU au iiiteution of rosiiiuiu;; til tlie cK):ic of tlio next H.'Miion óf l'arliumf-nt. ... (Jermanj hafl fMfuestéO l'elgiiim to pruhibit religioiia ihmccíohh. A AEXJOIOUS proceHHioii pawwing tbrongh the streeU of BrusselB receutly was attacked by the populace and comielJed to take refuge in the neichboring housen. Ton of tho rioters woro arroHted by the pólice. ViotATioNs of the proñ nnd ccflesiastical laws aeo rigoroiisly punisUed in Oermony. About 100 persona wcre receutly flned or impMsoned in the space of fourteen dayH, tlie nurabor inchiding pricHt. editora, etc.... A f n y-lioat hnyiug iinumberof Catholic pilgrilUH on board was receutly Himk in the riror Mur, province of Tyrol, Austria, and seventy-oix of the pilgrima drownod.


Old News
Michigan Argus