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[I-rom tur Chicago Iribune.j Tire doath of President Ijincoln wan je of the nation's snddest misfortunos, - il mififortunn that it has nofc yet outivocl. The fact that he had fallón by the land of the n.ssa.ssin only tended to in;ensify the public grief , and to add to tho loom whicb scttlod ttpoti the popular ïoart. But to none was the ealamity flo ainful, and upoö nolle were ita traeca So joutiiinous and marked, as his immediliate family and intímate personal Mende. The nation put on its garb of nouri ing, to be worn off by time or ef'aced by the rapid succesaion of great lational evonts ; but the hcarts of his 'amüy were pierced deeply and eternally. Especially was this tnie of his widow ind eldest son, the former of whora, at ïhe time, it was feared. would lose her aiind. In fact, the effect waa visiblo in iier subsequent life and oonduct, which iirao Bcemod to heighteu and increaso. The death of a son ivüs one of the inlüo tions which her mind, then failing, was sopú called upou to endure. Travel, shango of scènes and associidioiiM, the best of medical care, all failed to arrest the promonitions of a failing mind. The [avish affectioiis of her children, and the eonsolation of friends, and the nation's sympathy, failed to arreüt the nymptoms of insanity or to lighten her mind of the immense burdenit was totteriug beneath. She continued to decline, not only in vigor oí mind, but ia physical conditiou, nothing Kerming to avail her in her grief and declining years. So feeble liad bccomo the state of hor mind, and as a eonsequence so eccentric lier nature and habite of life, that, Saturday last, a eouncil of the loading physicians of tlio city and her personal frifenuá was held to consiiTor what was best to be dono for her. She was stopping at the Grand Pacific Hotel, and from the imeortainty of her demeanor it wius feit that soniething was necessary to be done to protect her lifo from her oivn hands, and to secure her from bodily harm. Tlie resiüt of tho cotmcil was an agreernent to petition Judge Wallace, of the Oounty Conrt, to make an order of warrant and venire to try the question of hor sanity. The warrant was aecordingly issued yesterday, when a jury, composed of Dr. S. C. Blake, C. B. Farwell, C. M. Henderson, S. M. Moore, L. J. Gage, H. O. Durand, S. B. Parkhurst, Williani ötewart, D. K. Cameron, J. A. Mason, J. McGregor Adams, and Thos. Ooggswell was impaneled for the trial, Eind Miiry Lincoln . was brought into court. ïhe nnfortunate lady enterad the court-room scarcely observed, and oentaiuly without her sad mission being known, except by the frieiids who aceompanied her, and the largo nrnnber of wimesses who had been summoned. Tho lady was pallid, her eye was watery and excitcd, and her general appearance that of one snffering from nervous excitemept. She waa attired in a plain blaek snit, and waa neat and comely of appearanco. In tho party accompany ing her waf her non, whose every feature waa marked with sadneBB. His eyes, too, were snfi'used with tears, as were also those of several others of the party. Tho persons entering the court-room had more the appearanoe of a funeral procession than anything else, and their apsearance was the signal tor a breathless silenee among the few in the room at the time. She took a scat facing his Honor, and by her side sat her counselor and friend, and tho biographer of her husband, tho Ilon. I. N. Arnokl. The petitioner, her son, Robert T. Lincoln, took a seat near her and obliquely to her left. ïJeside him sat the Hon. Leonard Swett and B. F. Ayer, counsel for the petitioner, while in front of them and ou the west side of the room were seated the jurors who were to pass upon one of tho most important and regretful cases ever presented to a coui-t. Af ter the examinatiou of alargo nnmber of witnosses, friends and relativos of the family - iurluding the eldest son, Robert T. Lincoln - wnosè testimony left no doubt in the minds of the jury that tho mind of the unfortuuate lady has been for years the prey to growing madness, and that she ought to be placed under restraint, the jury retired and in a féw minutes returned witli tho i'ollowing verdict : We, the undersigned. jiuora in tho case of Mary Lincoln, alleged to bo insano, having hemd the evidonco in the cafle, aro satisfice! that tlio said Mary Lincolu is insane, and a lit person to be sent to a Htato Hospital for the Insane ; that she is a resident of the Stato of Illinois and eouiity of Cook ; that hêr age is 56 years ; that the disease is of nnknowii duratiou, and is not witli her hereditary ; that shc is not subject to epilepsy ; that she does not manifest homieidal or Huicidal teudencies, and that she ie not a pauper. The verdict was received by Mrs. Lincoln without any visible emotions. She was stolid and unmoved, and did not allo w its reading to intermpt the conversution in which she was engaged with Mr. Arnold. Jmmediately after the verdict was annouuced the court-roora waa deserted. Mr. Swett obtaiued an order of the eourt for her deliveiy to the proper officer, who aerved the necossary papers upon her and furnished her with duplicaten. A consultation of her frienda wiis then had, when it was agreed that she should be comniitted to tho care of the Bellevue Place, Batavia, HL, superintended by Dr. R. J. Patterson. Wlien Thei e is Ho Jilore West to (ïo To fSpeaking of the prevalent Western inimigration iever, the St. LouLs RepubUcan observes : " Moving West is an American business ; we have been engaged in it for .1 hundred j'ears. Bilt wliat will we do when there is no longer a West to emigrate to ? That time has nenrly arrivod. When it comes, the growth of the country will thereaf ter react toward its center. The populatiöü of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinoia, Tirginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee eau be doubled, and yot not reaeh more than a huntlred to the square inile. The country will grow in a different way. Oreat manufacturing centers will arise ; interior towiis and cities will be built up ; our coal and iron ïcsources will be developed, and the principal part oí our surplus gram products will be needed for liome cojisuuiption. That is what we will do when ihere is no longor a West to emigrate to.


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