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Pith And Point

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A liiTEïuiïY bet - The alphabet. A stormcenter - 01(1 Probabilities. Sub that is bom a beauty is half rnarried. Savauk saloon-keeper - " Let's lick :ier." Vested interest - Moncy in the waistooat pocket. To hohse-oar conductora all woinen ure passing faro. Jones is like a candle - he always smokea when ho goes out. IpEbfbb the wisdom of the unlearned to the folly of the loquacioiw. - ( ïeero. A landlord, ha ving let all his housos but bise, was asked il' tliat unlet houso was liis last. "Yes, last, but uot leased," was his reply. Mks. Mary Sweeney, of Jackson, Mich. , beat a inau in the race for pouudmaster. The possibility for puns about this ia siruply unlimited. Sechktaiiy Bristow entered upon the discharge of his duties with a great deal of spirit. - New Oiii iiu.i lïi publican. Great Seizer. - Intcr-Ocean. The racing fever has broken out in a iii'w place. They are having góndola races of a very exciting character in Venice. Bad races for bctting on. Gone dollars. See ? Fine sensibilities are like woodbines - delightful hixuries of beauty to twine iuoiind a solid, upright stem of under.staudiiig; but very poor tilinga if, unsustainod by strength, they are left to creop along the ground. The Detroit Pree Pree says: "Long John Wentworth makes one plug hat last him niiie yeara, but lie changes shirts once in two weeks." And that is much cheaper than if he made ono shirt last him nme years, and changed plug hats once in two weeks. - Norrisiown llerald. Old Deacon Eobert was worked np to a high state of onthusiasm in a revival. He was exhorting the unconverted to nee f rom the wrath to come bef ore it was too late, "For," said he, "the Lord is here now, and He may not be here again in twenty years. " Lady (particularly solicitous about the hetilth of the eider Mrs. "O-; er - eau you teil me how old Mrs. Jenkins is ? Butler (severely) - " Oan't say, ma'um! To teil the truth, ma'am, I dou't feel justiñed, as an old servant of the fiimily, in telling nry mistress age to nobody. - Punch. A CtNCiNNATi bruto criticises the "American f emale speech " with heartless severity. He ridiculos the " ronverBational shiiek " of the average Ameriean woman, and says that " tho scroam11 belle is a eiumteter whioh uil recognize." And the worst of it is, wo fear the Gineimiati brute i right. - St. ZjOuit ili)bc. One of the saddest cases of purming an record occurs in tho last letter of Julia Ward in tho Wonuin'a Jon mal. She aulogizes Mai-ia Mitchell as one " who professes astronomy, luit praotices charity. No glitterüig Svtiu-n or Júpiter leade her away frpm tho ial-nxy whoso bright particular star she i. " The itiüics are Mrs. Howe's own. Oh ! Julia Ward Howo could vou make such an idiot of yoursolf ? -


Old News
Michigan Argus