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ETEW ADYEBTI8EMENTS On the street , a few days sinee, a Gold Finger ting, which the owner can have by illint; at my iffice, in the Opera House blook, and provinjj proerty' EUGENE K. FRUEAUFF. House for sale at Auction. Po be removed from premises, sale will take place at 2 o'olock. FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, )n corner of William and Fourth si's. For particulara enquire of CHAS. BOYLAN, Auotioneer. ËpÖÏTSALE. Forty acres of land within the city limits, with omfortable buildings, and youug orohard of two ear's growth, on reasonable terms. For further ■articulara apply to EDWARD DUPFY. April 29, 1875. 1533. NEW PATENT REFRIGERATORS AT PEASE'S. In this Rcfrigerator the warm air ís separated l'roui the cold. uu STRICTLT SCIEHTIFIC PRINCIPLES ind is carried into a condensing chamber, leaving the contents of the cupboard apartinent PERFECTLY COLD AND DEY. Instead of the bulky and odorous packing used n other Refrigerators, the entire exclusión of air and heat is attained by the use of two thicknesses of specially prepared paper, with a dead air vacuüm between. By the above iniprovements A Large Percentage of Ice is Saved. CALL AND GET ONE AT G. J. PE4SE, 46 South Main Stbeet. ORCHESTRAL HALL WASHINGTON STREET, Is again opened under the management of its former proprietor, F. RETTIGH. THE BEST SELF-PLAYING OEGAN IN THE STATE. Restaurant, flnest Imported Wines and Liquors, Bottled Ale, Lager Beer, etc. Everybody hungry or dry should not pass by without making a cali. F. RETTICH. Mortgage Sale. Default haviug been made in the condition of a certain mortgage executed by Wiiliam Kyan on he eleventh day of April A. D. 1874, to Martin lyan, executor of the last will and testament of idward Kyan, deceaeed, which caid mortgage was ■iven to secure the purchase money of the preniises 'herein desciibed, and recorded in the office of the legister of Deeds in the county oí Washtenaw, (Lichigan, in Liber 50 of Mortgages, on page 229, ind which said mortgage was on the second day of s'ovemberA. D 1871, aasigned by said Martin Ryan 0 Leonhard Gruner, and on the same day recorded n the office of the register of Deeds in the county of Washtenaw, in liber 4 oí assignmeuts of mortganes, on page 4'27, and on the24th day of IVoeinber A. D. 1874, Leonhard (iruner, asslgnee aa aforesaid, assigned the sume to Wiiliam F. Osills, which assigument wae recorded on the same day in the office of Register of Deeds in the county of Wanlitenaw, in liber 4, of aasignments of morttraires on page 483, by which deiault the power 01 aale contained in said mortgage has become operativo, on which mortgage there la claimed to be due at the time of this notice.for interest, aixty dollars and sixty-Bix cents, and aleo the further sum of thirty dollar for n attorney'B fee as orovidedin said mortgage, and no suit orproceeding at law or in equity having been inntituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or any cart thereof : Motice is, therefore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, at the Boutb front door oí the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw is beid) on the flrst day of September A. 1875, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day the lollowiug premises deBcribedin said morteaiè,viz: All ol village lotB number five and six in block number forty-nve in the village of Manchester, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan , according to the recorded plat thereoi, or fl') much or such part or paris thereof a.s shall be necessary to satiafy the amount due upon eaid mortgage. Dated June lst, 1876. WILLIAM F. OSIUS, ÏBEDERIOK P18TOEIU8, AaSlgnee. Att'y for Assignee. IMS "DUT YOÜE MONET WHERE IT WILLDO THE MOST GOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPET1T1ON ALSO, A FULL LINK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. JT" Cali befare purchasiug. 1 5 South Main ötreet. _EJ ÏVTotice! The notes and accounts of the Ann Arbor Trad ing Association have been left with me for collec tion, AU persons indebted are requested to maki immediate payment, or suit will be oommenced. Aprl' ' JOHN N. GOTT, Atfy for Asnignw ARE YOU tiOING XO PAINT ? If 8O, g tO L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE! and get THE AYERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, The BEST paint for any use that is inade. .Hardware and Stoves CHEAPER than any place IN THE STATE. 31 South Main Steeet. RAILROADS. M'ClllUAN CEXTRAL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. OOINO WEST. ■? MM H Bft g WW BTATXONS. H M g, L 8 P g LH W I a. h.;a. m. i'.m. p. m. p. m. f. m. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 0i 2 30 4 00. 5 40 9 50 Wayne, 7 57 10 36 i 8 18 4 52 6 43 10 37 Ypsilanti, 8 30 11 00Í 3 40 5 25; 7 10 11 00 AnnArbor, 8 55 1115 3 62 40 7 45 1117 p. M. A.M. Dextcr, 9 20 4 08 6 03; 8 10 Chelsea, 9 40 4 17 6 20 8 30 Urnas Lake, 1006 4 45 6 49 800 Jackson, 10 35 12 30 í 10 7 15 9 25 12 45 F.M. A.M. Kalaniazoo, 1 55 2 65 12 26 '2 53 Ohicagoarrive, 7 40 8 00 6 30 8 00 OOINQ KAST. tb il! il gb 3 p ;,? w , W;_ o A. M. A. M. P. M. F. M. A.H. Chicago, leave, 6 00 9U0 6 14 00, p.m. a.m. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 40 10 20 2 35: P. M. A. M. A. M. Jackson, 2 08 4 08 7 00! 12 45 4 52 11 40 Gran Lake, I 2 45 1 32 6 23112 00 Clielsea, 3 10 8 00; 6 50; IS 20 Dexter, ] 3 25 8 201 6 08112 31 AnnArbor, 3 52 6 14 8 37 2 22 6 28 12 45 Ypsilanti, i 4 20 5 25 8 55 2 42 6 48 1 flO Wayne, ! 4 45 5 43 9 28; 3 03 7 08 1 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 45' 3010 1(1 3 50 8 00 2 00 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILKOAD. OOING WEST. -1875- OOINQ EAST. 8TATION8. Mai;. Êxp. STATIONS. Kip. Mttil. Detroit, aep...7:00' 3:3o' p" M Ypailanti . . . . 8:35 6:45 Banken 3:15 2:Ï5 Saline 9:30 6:21 Hillsdale ... 3:30 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:00 6:42 Manchester.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 7:05 Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 p.m. Saline 7:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:28 9:04 Ypsilanti.... 9:15 5:25 Banker 1:45 9:15 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect March 28, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Bnp't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at "Wayne Junotion with traius of the Michigan Central K. R. Four tramn North and four South daily except Sunday. In Eiteot Mat 24th, 1875. OPINO SOBTH. M - L Á STATIONS. " 9tJ OM L MJ? oW K itj ai pa z; A.M. P. M. P. H. F. M. Wayne, leave 8 67 12 ST 6 03 11 00 Holly, 10 45 2 S4 7 45 4 15 Flint, 11 25 3 10 1 8 24 4 58 Enst Saginaw, 12 45 4 16 40 6 25 Bay City, arrive 1 20 4 66] 10 15 7 25 Reed City, 8 25 12 lb Ludington, 10 45 4 30 OOINO 8OUTH. A. M. A. M. P. M. Wayne, leave 2 65 6 20 8 20 Monroe.'airrivo 4 05 T 35 9 15 Toledo, arr. 6 08 10 0ü 10 20 The steamer " Johu Sherman M leaves Ludington on arrival of Day Express at 10 45 making close connections with theSheboygan & FonduLacR. R. at Sheboygan for all points in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ule Upper Península of Michigan. Returning leaves üheboygan at 12 30 noon, conneeting with the Nijiht Express leaving Ludington at 6 P.M. ; connections at Ludington also with Bteamera for Pentwater, Manistee, Franklin, etc. BANFORD KEELER, AH't Supt. J. P. NotTBSi, Gen'ï Ticket Agent. ROOFINC. THIS ROOFING 18 DTJEABLB AND WATERPKOOF; VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNEY8 AND CONNECTIONa BETWEEN WOOD ana BRICK. This Roofing has been in nse five jears and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofa an indefiDite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roof It is flre and water proof ! This palnt will be put on by the Company or sold by the gallon, with instruotions how to apply the game. war No Coal Tar is used in eitber. We solioitthe pnblio patronage. Allwork will be wananted. AU conimunications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO. P. O. Box 222, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGA . Residence 43 South Thayei Street. 1478 tf The Quality of our Flour HIAUi: A Sl'HtULÏÏ J. M. SWIFT cfic CO., of the late flrm of Deubel, Swift & Co., offer to the public a flrattclass brand of Flour. Orders for FLOUR AND FEED! may be left at the Post Office, in our Box. marked J. M. 8wift & Co., or at the mili, whioh will be made a specialy. DELIVEEY FREE- TEEMS CASH. 1525W6 f. Hl. SWIFT CO. TO XHOSE BCIL,BIN.- Tkree artioles I agree to furnish at Lowest Bottom Prices : French and American Glass, all aizea, doublé and single thick for stoie fronts, dwellings, pictures, &c, all kinds of Stained and Figured Glass. I also guarantee the best made Sash in the State. Glass ready set- French or American - and rant safe home at my risic, ana au ninue ui ouu Cases, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your orders. Send for prioes. t. P. KAKI,, 44 Jef ferson Ave., 1529w4 Detroit, Micu. VATtyTC Have you an invention for Jn I CnlOi which you desire a Patent, either in the U. S. or any foreign country I Then end to the Mechanica and Inventora' Association, the only reliable Patent Agency in Michigan. 87 W. Conejeas St., Detroit. 1629ml THOS. S. SPRAGUE, President. OLASS PAINT. jñ WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. Window Glass, Plate Glass, Cnt, Stained and Enameled Glass, Frencl and Gerinan lookiliK tiluss Plates, also Beymer, Bauman & Co's Striotly Pure White lead, all at bottom pricea. IÍ in want of anything, tg, ,08 Woodward Ava. and 10 aConBJ . cwTvöiGPs SALVATOR BEER Ia the best brewed in the West. Milwaukee Brewery, Grand lliver Avenue, DETROIT, MICHIQ A N MUST BEJLp ÜP7 SINCE MAKING A CHANGE IN MY BUSINESS I have allowed over flve months For the settlement of my oíd booka. A very large uumber of accounts still remaiu unpaid, aud Must be paid within 60 Days OK WILL BE SUBJECT TO COSTS. J. T. SWATHEL. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1875. 8rul524 I. J. MECHEM, M. D. Humt opittliixt imtl I ! i lrí mi. OrHceand reaidence corner of Maynard and William strcüta. Ü24m3


Old News
Michigan Argus