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Füetheb iiiv lügfttion ulo the defaícatíons of Jackmm, the missing Boston lawycr, sweö the amount to over $700,000. A TEBBIFIC exploBion occurroil in tlic drug store of J. Ii. Dows, iu Boston, last weck, a"oniolishing the rour-stmy burMtng in wliich tho i store v;ik siluatrd. and 1 ■ n r v i 1 1 l; a, largo number of people In the ruins. Six iicad bodies have 1,1 11 hilicn froni tlie miiin, and it is beljeved Lhat othcre will bo fonnd. Alargo numbci ui people wcro also injured. Varions thoories aro advanccd asto the nat uro il nd causo of the explosión, tho cliicf one benig tlial a ga generator in tho cellar cxplodcd. It. in fclsó Btatèd that nitro-glyoerine was storcd in tho building, as do other subetanco could have caused bucU instantaneous destructian. A I'Ahty of üvo persons, whilo yachting on Spy pond, near Soutn Holyoke, Mass., the scène of the dreadful boloeanbt by the burning of thcl'reneh C'atholic Church, were eapsized; and two of them. little girls of twolvo and thirteen yeara of age, were drowned. 1!ei:xt conüagratiotis : Tavlor's Block, at WorccHter, Mar-n.. Iobh Í2(;3,000, inHuranco i125,00() ; at Bt. Johns, N. 15., 8t. Luko'a ('liuivh and eixty-eight houncrs and itiops, with a Iohh of Y250.000, and 110 families rendcred honreleBS ■ tho Rivernido Nail and Plato Mili, at Whecling, W. Va., involving a loss of $75,000. . . . A monster expedition is organizing in PLiladelpnia for the Black Ilills. It is said that 10,000 men are enrollcd. II. O. Camkkon, of tlie Univcrsity crew of Trinity College, WUB drowned near Hartford, ('onn., hust weck, while fractiofiög In a strefl, in company with S. D. llooker, tho Captain of the crow, and H. SI. ahorman, also of the crew. TIiohIicII waa oapeized ly tlio wash of a Bleamer An attempt was made last weck to rob the National Mohawio Bank, at Cïreat Barrington, Mass. Several maskod bnrglaru entered the home of F. N. Dcland, the Cashier, and having gagged and htmdcnffed him, compelled him to go with thom to the bank. whore they triod to get him to open the vanlt. Bcing unsuccesafiil, they took revengo by robbing Doland's house of all it valnabloH, and tlicn deeamped. SriiiN(iUi.i.i), MaBB., was rccently visitod by the most destructivo flre it ever had, wliiili destroycd nearly forty buildings, inoluding a number of business blocks, and causing a total loss of at loast .toOOOO. A high wind pre vailed, and at one time the whole business sertion of tbc city was seriouwly tlircatencd but the lire departmont, witH assistanco from ! Chicopeo, Holyoke, Westfield and Hartford, r sucoeedcd in getting the ílames under control, THK WKSI. ïhe gransl Kippers pp6r to be maliing but slow progresa in tlio WBt. Tlioy aru bcing dcstroyed in great nuinbciu by overy mciins al lbo command of the farmers, and it ia now hoped that thcir devastatious wil! not be as great as was at iirst iippr elicnded. . . . ïhe oflioers of the secret servico, in scarch of i evidence to be used against the Chicago distilI Iers, conceived the idea tliat the froight bilis of ' the several railroads would show how much spirits had been shippod within a givou tirnc, and by coniparing these bilis with the beoks of the distillers and gaugors, au approximation of tlie amojuit out of wliich the governnient bad been defrauded might bc obtained. The offiers hail some tronble with the I'ittsburgli and Fort Wayno comjiany, bat tinally received aib stracts of bilis of lading, wliich furnish presumptive evidence of gigantie frauds. SIcWaters, the notorious Westers desperado, who was under Bcuteuce of twenty yeara' imprisonment in tho Nebraska State PriBon at Lincoln, has finally ended his careor, being shot deal by tho guard in attempting to load a revolt of the prisoners. Kansas Oitï dispatohe state that the grasshopjicr scare is rnpiilly abating, and that, as a fecling of rejoiorng bas g&ttèttilf talien the place of dread and gloom among the people, the Cliiel' Eecutive will noqn bo called apon to istmo a proelamation for a day of thanksgiving iuistcad of fastjrjg and praver. Uit. J. II. Ecci.kkton, of Philadelphia, HM been eleotod Episcopal Bishop of Iowa Tlie iudiaiia iu tbc Koullrwest are again reported to bo on the var-ath. Settlers iu Kansas aro íiooing from tlicir homes. Tui'. lialtHiiore and OMp llailroad Conipanv lrns vacatod the Exposition building at Chicago, whioh it had boen using for depot purposea for ome timo pat, and odtabÜHlied a teraporary depot iu a pont al -car. ioeatcd on a Hidc-traok laid byntealth qpon city property. It i evidently the pulposo &i the compuny to obtain depot ground by Uook or by erook, and the city will probably havo a good deal of trouble on account of it....ïhree brotherti named ThomaH, Elihlia and Jiuod ('ravens. living near Liberty, Mo., quarreled over a división of land recently, vrkeo J'.liHha drow a revolver and üred, iiiHtantly killing Thomas, and alightly wounding Uood. j TUK SOUTH. Tin'. prospfH-ts for the eotton erop are good. J. JIalkSyphki:, o -inruil k v of CoDgreBB, and -A. J. 8yphcr. plaatera of Kt. Mary Paiish, La., Imva gene hito btcukrafcy. ïhoir mrtnersuip habilitaos are over vlln.OUO, and tlieir aaset Icbh Ulan Í25.(l()l). W.V8HINGTOIS Tiík Secretary of tho Troaury luis appoiiitdd (en. J. i). Webstor, cf Chicago, Mr. I'out, a New Yoïk chitect, and Mr. Marero chnsette arohitott, ík a eommiwnion to examine the Chicago ad&oill Souse building, and decide nliclhri' tbc walla muat oome down. In Iiíh interview with tho Kioux ehicfn the otbcr day the President proponed that t'n leave the Black Hillg :md niigrate to tho Indian Territory ; luit lied Oloudsuid fhey would uever leave the moudtitina of the North. SpoUcd Tail denied ever having quesöoned the vcracity OÍ 'Seótdtáíy Oowán and íminiÍKsioner Smitli. A visir wafl puid IhhI, week to tho President of tho United States by the Panal envoya now in thii-i e iMitry. 'l'li'1 llolv l-'ülhrr at Rome had especially deeirei to the oompli mèhis of ihe éoaHou to tlic firad of ftre Ann'fïran natii.ii, and Muit. wan v.hat it wüL all iduuit. Tnr; ('imiiniHHioiior of the Gojneraj Laud Of; íice has ;o modified bis previouR instructionfl regarding the act p- ëA byCongresa Fot the benelit of grasshopper snfferers, as to hold tiiat the bencflts extended by the lawto prr-8nit,"in who, bv veas,, n of the ravagoH of the graaalioppers aio oompelled to leave and be absent (rom their land, may altjo be cvliink-d to pre Omptorti whose or naanner been destroyed, but who have nevertheless correaI poudiug claims . . . . It is statad that the pria&on for the iay of tlic army for tlie currcnt year ia inadefluato, umi u consoqucnco olïicers luid eoldicrn wil] rcceive only liftten day1 psy at, the end of Juno, insly&d of for a fiill inontli. Tlio delicicucy wil] havo to bo made np by the nct Congrcss.... liiHtruciioiiH havo been ent by Attornoy-Goiicnil fierrepont lo the variouH District AtlinifM (lircH-tin thom fr fconitoftnco proaeoulionM aviiiiwt nll the membcru of the whiUy ring. The goveriimeiit ia experiouciiift ome difficulty in hiiiiig aiUUtiónal counsel, owing to the fact tliat tho connse! alreaily deHignsted nhmwi au miwillingiiess to accept the compensation tixcd by tho governnient. A suMMiiiï Utouicut of tho reccipl.H Troiu tho varions HOiirccH of internal revonuo for tho lirrtt oight montliH of the fiscal onding Juno 3(1, 1875, oxhibita au Inoreasc over Uiol'c oeifts for tho Kanio ïierioil of the proviOUS yoar of over f 10, 000, 000; The tax on liquora of all ltind yielded noarly Y12,000,000 ; that on toIiacco 2fl,000,000. Tho tax npon tho circnlaliini and bmidefcs of the lmkn givc iilxiut 93,000,000, and all otber souroes Iokh than !r5.O()(i,00 S)ecial Agriit tialé, who waa doputeá liy the Treasiir.v Diiajlmoiit to malie an examination of the workings #f tho yntem of eiiHtoms-rcveimo (fcllèctioti ut interior portn of entry and delivory, has sulnnitted his re]rl, and is of the opinión that hoiup of tho onelioifc C'uHtom-IIouHos of the Wobt tap bc abollihek ArroRNKï-(!KXKnAi, 1'iekkkí-ont ha ÍHHiied a circular naying that ho linds tho &p{ftopriatípi for flie oflice ncarly oxhaiiHtod, and iní general eeononiy and rotronchment. . . . A general order issued from tlio War Departtneut aimoúnces tliat Hic ftpproprlMióri nuulo by tlio lant f or tho pay, etc., of tho arnry for tho fiscal yoar onding Juno 30, 1875, is t-'.KKl.OOO short of tlio sum eatimated for tho Vñir Depnrtnicnt, and ' present indications aro that the appropriiitionH will prove dciicient. GJ5NJÍKAI.. A scheme ík on foot at New York for tho reorgauization of tho Northern Pacific liailrotul Compauy, with a view to the complction of tlio lino from iln preawifc lennimiHat liisinarok, Datarta, to Puget Sound. . . . Tliis m tho Boaaon of religious aniiivcrsnrieH. Judging by the miraba1 recently in hoshíoii in all p.aite of tlio country "one wouM think tho Amcricans averyreligiouö poople. NeverthcleBH tho criniiiuil rocord doe not Hccni to diniinish vory pen:eptibly. JIore mÉeiounry work at homo is evidently ;;ic.itly needed. Deuohation Day waa gonerally obaerved thrOHgaont thc Northwent on tlio 29th ult. and tho flowor-strewer honorod ilile tlie last rotting })laccH of tho fallón herooH who "wcre the blue md tlio gcpff. Kloijnent orators vero on haud in profunion, and the bird of frecd u Ihittered, and tho English languago milTered. In tho "hytcr" libol suit of Bush va. tbo proprioíor of tho Chicago Times, tlio jury bronghtin a verdict for tho dufendunt. Tho plaintiff atíkod for 150,000 damagoa, bilt did't got a cent. . . .Krcent dcatlin : At Munich, Jliivai'ia, Joliaun Klein, tho eminent punter; at St. Louis, of oonsumption, Col. James McCoy, of (en. ijliernian's HtatT. ïho railrond war at tho East has asHiiniod a deoidcdly important aopect. ïho I'etinHylvania ('onipaiiy refusos to allow any of tho ponta care of tho lïaltimorc and OhiO road to pas over ita lino from I'hiladelphia to New York TIiíh, of courne, ]jrevoutH thc Baltimoro uu Obio from fullilling it contract for carryino tho mails botween those pointH. l-OMTICAL. Tuk reniihylvania Hupublican Ktato Conven tion niet at Imncastor last week, and re-nomi nated Gov. Hartranft. llenry lïnwlc. of Erio waa nominated for 8tato Trcasurer. The reno lutionn favor protection to home indiiHtr clica]) traiiBportation, freo banking, and a af and uniform national ciirrcncy, adjuutod to tb growing wants of thc business intereste of tb country, cqualization of soldiers' bomities. anc thospeedy adjustment of all claims arising on of the late war. A resohition was adopted de claring agaiust a third term, and another o poning tbc doctrino of Stato rights. Tin: President has availed liiraHolf of tlio opportunity presenta! by tho renolutioiiH adoptcd by the Pennaylvania Bepublican Gonvention to deiiuitely annonnce Iuh viewa ou tbo tliird-torm queetion. ín a letter addreesed to flen. Hany White, l'icsidí-ní, uf 41 10 Fennsylvania Conventioji, (ín. Grant statcH tbathewawnot wihingl a candidato citlier for a firfit or for a scoond tenn. The reason given for not sooner answering tbo asscrtionH regvding bis tliird-lorni cunilidacv íh, that lieretoforotbequcHtion liaw nevo lceii preHCiited in wuch a form tliat be could, witliout Beeüing undigniüed, notice it. Now, howover, tho reason no longer exiato, and bo acoepts tbo earliest occasion for a roply. In cloHing lus letter bo suya : "I am uot. nor liavo I ever been, a candidute for a ronomination. I woiild ut accept a noniination if it wero tonderod, uiiIckh it tshonld come nnder Hucb circumHtance as to mako it an imperativo dulv eircumstanceH not likely to arise.". . . .Col. J. ir. Britton, Democrat, bas been inaugurated Mayor of Ht. Louis. It is not known wbcllier Mr. Overntolz, independent, will continue tbc conteKt for tbo oftico or not. FOIÍKIÓN. The Mark Lam; Express prediets a poor crop of coreáis in Franco on account of tbe di'ougbt . . . . Tbo upper bouse of tbe PrusBiim Uiot has ])iHscd tbo biU for tbe Hiippression of conventh, and relativo to tbe adniinistration of ebureb property A man lias been irestled in Vienna wbo WH tbe boarcr of an anonynioiKs letter coutaining an oiTcr to aasassiuate J!imarek for a million íloriiiH. Tbo writer of Uie letter Iihh not been discoverod. OwiNii to the dinHcnions aruoug tb ConHcrvatives in thc Freneb Assembly, tteüblieans bavo been permitted to cboo majority of tbo now Committeo of Thirty, whioh is to llave a mu sway aner mo aujourmncni oí me Asscnibly. Fortuijátely for France, fiowover, bnt fow extremista havo been eleoted, anl tliero will be no grt'iit danger f rom their adminiBtraüon. .Okbmaííy contúvoos the war on the Oatholic lÜBhops. The Bishop of Similor ba-i beten Bummoned Ea íesjgfi Iiím Seo. . . .Tlio Poi,tugueiíe Cortea ba pused an it providuig for Uio full :ui(l linal i:üiui.-i';iiiii]i o I' laves in tliat kiiigdom Tue Hceond attempt of Capt. Paul lioytou to cross the HiiglÍHh chauuel ivith his life-preq-rver sraa íMitir;ly huccoshíuI. Jfc arcomliliHlied the feat iu twenty-three honra aud thii'ty-eigbt minutes. Tho distance where be OTossed ík between twcnty anl tliirty miles. . . A battle botwecn tbe Carlist and government troops i reported at Alaosa, wlierein tbo (JurliHts lost BCventy killed and 200 WOUlidjed. (cu. DoiTetíai'ay ■ is reported woundod. . . .(Jen. Do CinPcy, tbc l'i-enob Minister of War, :inltH for a credit of 51,000,000 franc, to continuo the work mi the fin tilication of tbe eountry, antl Cor tbo supjily of war material. Thjs failure oí an extensivo flim in the ron batanes i reportoá in En'land, involving Diany other Iiouhoh aud Beveral milioiiH. It ík that of theAberdaro fron C'oinpany, witb líabilitloa of (.'750.(100 Tbo QDvileee question has been so modiñed íu the llritihb rarliamcnt tbat Iiitcafttr Btrangers will not baveto withdraw uiiIchh they aro ilisodorlj'.


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