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Finance And Trade

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Tho Hitualiou in iiuiiucial circlo in without inotablo chango. Tlie nupply oí loanablo fuiulH íh quite largo and tlio demandn light, iutorcHt ratos ruiing ean_v but unobangcd at 7@11 per cent., according to tho nccurity offered. (lovcrnment bonda tirni and iu deluaud, rb followH : Hrnntvi. Setting. V. S. of 1 '.Vlí'X ]il'. (J. S. S-30'sof 'M (ex. int.) Hl!1,' 111 U. S. B-UB" of 'il-l (ex, int.) .-...117', 118 U. s. ,r-'j()'a .if '6S (ex, tot.) 190)5 iv.":, Tl. K. r-2(i' of 'ir Jahuafy aní ítU] 142% U. S. 6-90'B of '117 .laniiiiiy nd Julj .124 124M U. 8. 5-20V uf 'M Januafj aud July.l23í 1237Í II. S. ID-ID'rf , .,, .117X Í18 II. S. niiw 5'n cif '81 (ix. int.) UHX H'1'. l!. S. eurt'uey G'ö I'J4 -is 1'i-l v. Gold (MI weléhl) Hfl# lli Ci.1,1 .■nllJ.nllM....; 118J ll'„ Golrt ...;::...: ; .ll-";., 11' JllifcAIS'l CI-TB. Thcro was coimiilcritblc "xcitcmcut aud iütérefit Bhown in tbc rain niarkoln tliiï'iiii; tho j)ant week, uii'liit (iiinH i (icokloiUy pauicïy foeling prcvailed, with a general rnpid and severe decline in valur;; all rounil. Tho Hpeculative clement lackei eonödonce m the tnde, and the Meeepre to hoII wan urgent and imporative. Tho maikete on Monday xliowod considerable woáknesSi but it was nut until after tho cIohc of 'Chango tliat the deeided downwanl movement sot in. The failnre of a largo and prominent "long" lirm wno woro operáting heavily wan ono of the ]riiuupal rcaHOim of tho breali. jmd up to Wednoaday night all tho market.H wcra rapidly deeliiiin. Tho Htoekn in ntoro aro heavy all round ; tline wa no encoumgenieut in the tono of Jiuropean New York advicen ; on the other hand thcHO markets wero coiiöidorably lower. Tho wcatbcr was all tlmt eould be dcHired for the gro-ving cropa and rathor wurm for the acqaSuüatea gram in Ktorc. The rnpid declitio n vahien wan ehoeked ouThui'Hday uniiei' a good dehiair from bojío, who wcro bayiug at tho declino, Ijiit again becamo firm ut tiio clono of tho week and ruled eany. Tlui foHawiug table ahows tho prioos current at tho opening aud eloüe of tho pawt week: No. Q,sp'g wheat. cash t .D.r @ :96, $ .90 9 .90J No. 2, Bcllor Juno 95 '.(ii ,90 i .90; No. Q, sellcr Jüy ■.)(.tíl.ü2!, Vi Mü No. 2 corn, cash 88 (4 .06 .Gl.V" .Ijj No. 2oorn, sellerMay. .(H ',(■, .66; (" .(il '- No.,2 coru, sdlcrJuui ,6S@@ .88j ■■ .61? No. 2 corn, scllcrJnly. .69 .71 .W,, hiel No. Soata, cash ' .Cll @ .lid'., r ..r7 ' , No. 2 natu, m'IIit May. .60 ' .61 .5."'.,i .."i."i ' . No.a.oat8, geiler Juni ..()'.,(" .!,'■. (8 ."'T 4, No. !„is, HW.Iiil.v. .58 &JN&X ' -'■■' No. 2 ryc, cash ' (Sl.Ofi @1.03 No 2barley, cash 1.35 @I.S8 1.20 (31.25 N.i. 2 hiirl.-y, K. 1.(12 @1.05 1.13 (Ml.lli PS0TISIQN8, An umiHniilly m'tivn bufiinesfl waa iraiipactod ju tliitf iu;u'kct, and tlio JluctiuiüoiiK iu vahie weim quito Hovero. Tho íiiIIiumuich brouglit to boar upon iho niarkct wcre of all tinfavorablo tenor, and Rcncrally calcnlalcd to produce wcakiiCHS. BMbton nnd foreign adviccB ijeiicrally roported Aycakor marketn, and tbis caiiaod an iucroased desiro to Heil for future dolivery, and au Imyor in view of tbese qtiotations wcro only willing to makc moderate jiincliawcH the market rulccl weak. It wan jiot until conwideril)lo of n decline had boon establisbeu tbat bnyera could bc induccd to take hold i freodom, and tiicn tbo movcment was quito brink. ïbe Htook of mesa pork and lard aro fair, whilo tho amount of winter (■Tircd nicatn ia ratbcr ligbt. PriceHf a compared ïvith tbo curront übutm of a wook agi, liavo declinad about ïl.lM),1.25 on mes pork. le per Ib on lard, and .'('i%c on all deHcriptionR of meat. Tbc markot closod Rtcatly at r.).7r(TJ.8O per brl for nicH potb Hiot. and .til). 75 heller Juno. Canil lard plagad cjuiet and iirm at Í14.Ü0; Heller June Ktealy at iU.25(Vi) 11.30, and seller Jiily cloncd iirni'at f14.95: l.ivi: stock. Tbc cattlo market opened wcak and declincd about 'Uliii per lüü lbH, under moro liberal offerings. BhipplDg eteera qnötablo at $5.00(3 6.25 for medium to cboieo. and$6:86@6.T6 for ct; bulk of Balan at M0@6.20, Stock cattlc ruled dull and easy at $3.50@5.00. i ïbrough Tcxans arrived freely; sold hIow at I Y3.00(f('4.50. Höga dull. weak, 'and about 50c lower. rooi" to choice, ÍG.25@7.50 ; general ; market at tbc cIoho LG.80(í7.00. Sbeep steady ; shorn, $3.50(o5.50 for poor to cboice; no wooled on sale. HEUDS AMD UIGHWINEM. Tbc movemont in tbo soed market waa oiily fair during tbo weak, but a íirrn feelinj; provailed tbrougb, and ('ormer priocH were maintiuncd. Tlio RcaHon, during wbich tbc ]irinciiial Hpcculation íh reportad is tranaaoted, is about over and tbo tranyactionti tbat aro now being coneummated are almoat cntirely on shlppiai? account. SaleH of timotby ranged at 2.25íít12.5(l for common to prime. Clovor quotable at ;jr:G.4O(iG.5O for primo medium. l'lax old at !il.(iU(rfl.üo lor good crnslnng. Sales of Hungariun ranged at 1.40()1.50 for good to prime, aml millet sold at il. 50(1. 55. A few light salea of buckwheat were mado at $1.15@1.20 for prime, liiiyers and sellcrs of highwinea were aomewhat apart iu their views aud the market ruled ratlier quict. The market closcd didl aud nominal at 1.11@1.15. l'KODÜCK. Tlic nrrivals duriug tlie week wcro quito liberal, but tho doniand waa of a high local order, and tlic market rulcd ratlier diül. lteceivera, in anticipatiop of inereascd arrivalH of new gras made, were genorally anxiou to keep their atooka down, and in ao doiug they wcro conrpellod to accept lower prices. Bhlppea have reduccd their bids on old butter to U(tllc, and BOiiio nales were reported at Iliia range. Fresh made sold chioliy at 2ü(i23c for lirata, and the bulk of the reccipta could only be classed aa auch, whilo it waa diflicult to obtain over 25c for cxtran, thoitgh an occasional package ranged as high au 26o. Dealers anticípate moro liberal receiptö, aud were generatíy anxioua to keej) eonaignmouta cloaod out. Quotations at 25(ii'2(ie for extras, with only occasional 8&les at outBldo'ügure; 2ü@23c for fuiste; 16@ 20c for Beoogde ; I3@15o for thirda, and 9(3llc for inferior and greaso. Thcre waa a good domaud for Eaetcrn medium beana, but the light stock restricted trade andthomarket ruled quiet bút tirni ; quotable at fl.'JO iu lote, and H. 1)5 (a2.00 in a &mall way ; Western were dull at $1.00@1.75, aocordiug o quality. Broom com was in good demand añil drm at llj@14c fW ho. 1 to extra lmrl. and 10(o)llc for good to choice atock braid. BoeaWitx quiet at 2H((í:0c. ('idcr was quiet at Í5.75('(i.()() per brl for choiee Bweet. Cranborries slow at i)8@10.50 for fair to choice in barrels, ('hcoae waa dull, with a good mam poor and not fully cured on the market. Old faetóry sold at6@löo per lt lor (jmmou to good, and 12( Uc ; new rangod at 10(12(; for fair to prime. Ulied fruita ire quiet, bot at tho same timo a firm feeling )irevailed and former pricea wei'e maintaiucd. New York and j'Michigan ftpplea quotable at 8j@8J , b ; Ohio and Southern about 7)@8c ; lialveK psaüliea 'J(. '.i1., i', and blacklierriea at 9%e. ]))ied Iieas were dull at $2@2.10 per bushcl for clioice green, and $1.75(i 1.80 l'or marrowfat. llrecn pillea woro iu botter aupply and prioea were easier ; ciuotable Í3.25@3.5O in Iota, . and iS3.75( 1.U0 in a relail way. llides wora in ; good requent and stoaxly at 8c all round ; calf Y'. (a 13o, and dry Hall.rd löci 15)0, Ilay waa iu fair demaná at tl8@20.00 for No. 2 to prime timotliy ; il2.0(l(17.00 for No. 2 to primo prairie, and Wll.8O@14.0Q for felough. Maple augar riold at lo(fi)15c for jiuro new. New potatoea were very dull, and at the cloae there wore a good many poer lot olfercd on tho market ; qnotablo at Ï9.OO@4.5O tor ronmmii to good, and f5.00 for clioice. Potatoes wero dull i'laHtcrn pcachb]na quotable at H0((j)85 in car lote, and Western about 70(rt75c. Vegetables were quiet at 92.50@3.50 per brl Por onions ; 45(i' (ido per bu for turnipa, and ïl.25(fïl.5O per 1)1-1 l'or pai-anipíi. Vcal w;n dull and very weak ; salce ranged at 2@8c for poor to choice. Kggs closed at li4c for Iota iu carriers, aud ab.out 14c iu looao packages. cnori.KAiij:. J.I'MIÍKJt, AND WOOD. Tliore waá no chango notieeablein the market for eooperage. The domand for paoktng descripticins was vrry light, the principal iuquiry being for üuur bairels for which prieos weru niiiintaincil. Quqtationa rimgod at 1.12X íor pork barréis, -f 1.35 íor lard tierces, La0@2.0fl for whisky barréis, and 45ói50o for llour bar rel. ïlie arrivals of htmber wtro móSeráta and salcH wero gcncrallymado at Tonner prices. The nuuKet okwod with about all sold. Êoarda and siripa quotable at 4!).()0( 11.00. and .joist nnd Hc-autling $8.60. hingles $2.25@2.75. Tlnri' waa but littlc doing in wood, iind no chango of impórtañee was exhibilcd iu prices. Quotable ni $8,80peroord for hickory, $7.50 l'or maple, -, (i 50 for birch, and ÍG.OO for alaba in the ynfda. Telr;i!iiililc Market Kcports. SKK YORK. Ilri.viK 11 (4 13 dona Drcraéd (4 8 ObTTOS ]"i(4 n; I'i.oru-Sinn'rriiir S'-Htrrn 4 70 (4 Ít5 WHEAT N'd. 'J ('liic:it,Mi 1 12 @ 1 H No. 1 Spriuar. 1 20 I") 1 -i Cium TR (i 77 Oats 74 (A 70 J;vk 1 07 í, 1 00 I'oiik-Now Meas 20 U (L30 LABcSteaua liv@ H; BT. i-ouis. Whuat -No. 2 Ueil 1 24 @ 1 38 Cobk-So. 2 S.'W (il @ 93 om-. No. i ■■ "'. 1 Rj r N.i. 2 1 OH @ I 06 Pon Miíhs 40 60 irf20 75 Labs 14 "! 15 Hoo i'' 25 trf. 7 60 Caitle 4 75 @ 5 50 HH.WATTKBB. wiiKAT- No. l 07 (, :n Ho, 2 M (.. M Oohn- No. 2 61 & U tró.2 39 Hvk 1 Ofi 1 08 BAJti.üY- No. 2 1 15 @ 1 20 OINCIKNAll. Whkat- Uc1 1 ?5 & 1 30 Corn- New 11 m ';l oa-m m ' ta Rye J 10 1 I '■'■ 1'ouK- Mess.. SW Q0 930 SS Lard H.'ÍC 14 TOLEDO. ■VfHKAT- Extra 128 (J-2 Amber 1 80 1 32 ornNow 71 s 7:i AT8 M # N DETUO1T. Wueat- Eitra (, 1 20 Ainbcr @12J orn 7 (% fiU ÜATB 0.1 65 CLETELAH. vheat- No. i nea ïai i 28 Xo.2 Bed 1 3:i @ 1 M c.onx n (a, ?r. Oatu 1)3 , B


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