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USIXESS DIRECTORY. s GBOBG, M. !., Physiclan anti Burgoon. , Office and residence No, 7 Washington atroot, irdoors eiist ol Main, Anti Arbor, Micb. aüGBNE K. F.RUJ5AUFF, Attorcoy at Lw, 'j Sotary Public, and Commipsioner of Doedfl ■ ivunsvlvan) i. Confttülatíonii iu the Gorma n or jjiish lauguajie. Offloe, HUTb Operfr-House, Ann ■'t, M eb. ry. WGWITT, M. I., Physician and Sur' jeon. OfflceOTOr Wat tB1 Jewelry Store, Maiu wt, Ann Arbor. [ÜKARBOB WINKRAL SPKINGS, Morris Y_ líale, M. J.T SuperJntrmtent, -Office in buikl, ,-oni'T Mauu and WTfri Il-iron streets. rriNBS & WORDEN, 20 South Main street, 'y Anu ArbT, Micb.f wliftlrsale and reta'l dealin Pry Go ds Ctrpeta d Groceriee. ÍACK & SCHMID, rïpaler in Dry Goode, Groceries, Crookery, &e., No. 54 South Main eet fH. JApKSON, DeutiBt, eucceseor to C. B. B porter. Offloe ooroer lin aud Huron-ett., ■r i :i' itore f Itüif k. Trein -in, Aun Arbor, Mich. estheücs Bdmialstrel if required. 1THKHÍ,VM & Wil KOON, Life and Fire l Innuraucc Agenta, anddealeffB in Beal Estáte. ico on Haroii ntreet, )ACH & AïïKIi, dftalers iu Dry Goode, Gro) cories, &c., kc, No. 26 South Maiu street, Anu Mr. rpL VVAGNER, át alee m Kpady-Made ClotbV iup, Clotha, Oasstmeies, Vestiugs, Trunks, ret Bags, ato., '21 South Miiiu Btreet. Iïi:iH:iïHK SCIIAKIÏKUI.K, trarberof , the PIANO, VIOLIX AM) GÜ1TAK. ridence loatbwdBi curuer Muiu and Jjibcrty nUi Ann Arbor. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, TTORN-EY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ami Arbor. MB8. H. J. HILTON, M. Ïx7" HYSICIAN AND SURGEON Im and Retidenoe No. 88 Ann Streel, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. "ironice honre H to 10 a. ni., aud 2 to 4 p. ni. leferfnco - Prof. Suger, Prof. Palmer, GET YOUB OB PRINTINC Doue at the iVrtGrTTS OPPIOE. . ..___ - _mmt JOHN G. GALL, Dealer in 1ESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausagcs, Sec. lere eoliciteil and proruptly illled witli the best meats in the market. Cor. Hurón anti Fourih-ttt., Ann Arhor. J. FBED. BROSS, Manxifacturer of CARRIACES, BUCCIES, jmbar Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. llwürk warrauted of the best material. Repairjrtone promptly aud reasonably. All work -varated to (iive perfect Batisfactiou. G8 Souih Maiu v. KOCKERY, GLASSWAKÊ AND GROCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY iveiD store a large stock of Crockery, GUssware, itffd Ware, Cutlery, Groceries. kc.} ie, all to be ld at uuusmlly lovr priceB. No. H East Huron-st , Anti Arbor. HEÑRY MATÍHEW8, Beuier in RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. lluron Streel, neil to Leonard House. f'rd' i-h lef t by i-uptomers proraptly ftlled. IIENRY MUBPHY, Dealer in ROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, i'o. 9 Norlh Main ütreet, Ann Arbor. ProJuce takm in ewtibmtg. ! V 13 RY 13 ü D Y ö A Y S THAI REVENAUCH is ïre ioss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Buron Streel, up-slairs. w. XlqvejöyT Tobacconist ! I 1 DEALS IN HOTII , 1 UNE-CUT ANI) SMOKING ! : Tobacco, SNTJFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Eipreu Office, AN'N' AKBOR, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING ""''l iiiform )ii unmerons Citenda and the public ' "'' i.v that be has fttted nj' tlie ptore latcly occu' "y J. C. Walaon & Co., 28 Kaht Huron-st., as a Mery and Confectionery Store, mi '" '" '''■ a Kll'rl ttnttai to busiucsn to mcrit Uur TiÁ ' 'Vl' :l ae of patronage. Tarticular atlce Cream Department. n'' "K l!Hko". Pyramiid, UI kindB if Fruit Cake ilion ' prem furuirhed families or partin on a ,"''' Fri'Kl' I''r"il" "'"l Confcflonery tl1 and. Goeds deltvered tree of charge ti REMKMBER THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St.. A1NN AK1ÏOH.


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Michigan Argus