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Mortgftge ForecioBure. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a mortgage, executed by Patnck Kennedy aud Nancy Kennedy to Elijah W. Morgan, datet January flrst, A. D 1873, and recorded Mareh flrst sume year, in the Wasbtenaw County Begieten Office, in liber 46 of mortgagea, page 435, and as sigued to Chiistian Helber, aasignment dated anc recorded February Iwentieth, same year, in liber 48 of mortgages, page 505, by which default the power of sale therein contained beoame operative and the sum of four hundred and thirteen dollars is claimed as now due thereon (including premium paid for in&urance and a reasonable attorney 's fee,) andthereare five further installmenta with interest to beoome due, and no suit or proceedins having been instituded to recover the mortgage debt or any part thereof: Notiee ia therefore hereby given, thatsaid mortgage will be foreclosed by a aale of the mortgaged premiaea, oi some part thereof, to wit: Lots number threefand fourteen, in block number three north, in range two east, in the city of Aun Arbor, at the Court House in aaid city, on the fourth day of September next, at noon, said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the purchaeemoney for the mortgaged pre mises. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1875. OHRISTIAN HELBER, E. W. Morgan, Assignee. Attorney 1534 Estáte of Michael Quigloy. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the fifth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and aeventy-five. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate Michael Quigley, deceaaed. Ün reading and filing the petition duly verified, of Mary Wall, by Patrick Wall, her agent and attorney, praymg that an Administrator (de bonis non), with the will annex ed, may be appointed on the etate of said deceaaed. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesilav, the sixth day of July next, at ten o'cnck in the forenoon, be aasigced for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legateea and htiiis at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons intereatod in said eatate, are required to appear at a aeasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, íf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Bhould not be granted : And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said eatate, of the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated Ín said oounty, three succeaaive weeka previoua to aaid day oi hearing. (Atruecopy.i NOAH W. CHEEVÜK. 1534w3 Judjje of Probate. Estáte of John Geo. Paul, Incompetent fcJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Proüate Court for the eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the aeventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. 4t.In the matter of the estáte of John tieorge Paul, Incompetent. J. Jacob Jedele, Guardian of aaid estáte, comes into court and repreaentB that he is now prepared to render his ünal account as auch Guardian. Thereupon it ia ordered that Wedneaday, the seventh day of July uext, at ten oclock in tho forenoon, be aaaigned for examining and allowing auch account, and that the next of kin of said incompetent, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aeaaion of said court, then to be holden at the Pro bate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and ahow cause, if any there be, why the said account ahould not be allowed : And it ia further ordered that said Guardian, give notiee to the persons interested in said eatate, of the pendency of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publi&hed ín the Michigan Argust a newspaper printed and oirculating in said eouuty, three succesaive weeks previous to said day of hearing-. (A truecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKIt, iiï:S4w3 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. WHËREA8 William O'Haraand Hanora O'Hara, bis wife,did execute aud deliver to Fredenek Huson, an indenture of mortgaije, bearing date the ninth dtty of April, A. D. 18711. on preniises therein described as all that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty of Washtenaw and State oí Michigan, described as wit: Being the east threet'ourtüH of lot number three (3j, in block number one, south of Huron street, and range number two east, according to a recorded plat of the village fnow cityj of Ann Arbor, which said mortgage was recorded in the Register' oflice for the eounty of Washtenaw, aforesaid, in liber 49 of mortgagea on page 382, on the ninth day of April, A. D. 1873, at :4Uo'clockp.M. and whereaa default haB been mude in the condition of said mortgage, by nonpayment of moneya thereby secuied to be paid, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and there is now, at the date of this notiee, claimed to be due on said mortgage the aum of eleven hundred and twenty dollars and eighty four cents, besides an attorney fee of thirty dollars, in said mortgage expreasly agreed to bu paid as often as aay proceeding ahould be taken to foreclose the eame ; and whereas an adjudication of bankruptcy has been passed in the District Courl of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, in bankrup cy, atrainst the said William O'Hara, since which adjudication the said William U'liara has decoased. Now, therefore, no suit or proeeeding having been instituted ut law to recover the debt now remnining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and leavo haviug been grauted by an order of the aforesaid court, ou the seveuth day of June, A. D. i87o, to foreclose said raortgage by advertibemont, in pursuance of the Btatute ot the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided. Notiee is hereby given that to aatiafy the aforesaid aum due on aaid mortgage at the date thereof, with inteieat, and waid eum of thirty dollars, attorney feo, andallothor coats and expenses allowed by law. after deducting the amount of all rents that ahall have been rtceived by the mortgagee, above named, on account of the mortgaged premised under authority of the aforesaid order, the said mortgage will be foreclqued by a sale of the mortgaged premisea above described, to the highest bid der, at the outer aouth door of the Oourt Houee for the oounty ot Waahtenaw, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county (lid Court Houae being the placo of holding the Circuit Court within the county in which the above described premïses are situatedj, on Saturday the fourth day of September, A. D. 1875, at one oclook in the ai'ternoon. Datcd, Ann Arbor, June lOth, A. D. 1875 FJiEDBRICK HUSON, Root & Guangeb, Mortgagce. Attorueya for Mortagoe. 153f AFULL LINE - OF - Sevvln Macltine Meedles isoiu WINKS & WORDEN'S. & g 4 H O r ■ e p i s H r Q a S fe' MANHOOD : How Lost, How Eestored ! ..„ Juut publislied, a new edition of ïr. üSt.'ulverwt'H'w Celebrntcd EsjyfcJÉw;i,y on the radical cure (without mediSK eine) of öpermatorkhoja or Heminal "WeakDess, Involuntary Beminiil I-osBes, Impotency, Mental and PhyBical Incapficity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, indulued by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. Price, in a sealed envclope, only six cents. The ctslebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstratie, f rom a thirty yeara1 Bueceatul practice, that tbe aiarming consequences of Belt-abuse maj be rudically ciued without the dangerous uae of iutermü medicine or tlie application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certuin and eftectual, by means of wluch evcry suflerer, no matter what his condition mny be, niay cure bimaelf cbeaply, privatuly, and radiically. Bar Thia lecture Rhould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the hind. Sent under Beal, in a plain envelope, toanyaddresa, post-paid, ou receipt oí six cents or two postage Htainps. Addrese the Publishera, CHAS. J. C. KLINK & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post OtHce Box 4586. 1UEW icooi AND siioi; moici. Opcncd April 1, 1875. I have opened a Boot and Shóe Store in the Funtlc Block, Ho, 43 Boutb rnain .Street. 1 have one of THE HOST ATTBACTIVE STOCK of Boots and Shoes ever shown in Ann Arbor. They are se'ected with great care, and offerud at very low pnces. Iu Ladies' Fine Shoes I have a f uil line, comprising all the Novelties of tlie season. I am uow receiviny NEW GOODS DAILY. My stock Is entirely New. thoroughly assortod, and mtirkcd at pricea that will uit the most economical buyers. I"l4;is ix a cali iM'É'ori' , rliïisiiiu clsiu In ie. U2ftm8 i JOHN liURG. ! "CVÏRM FOB SALE. j Oneof üic bost, üiruison Lfxli I'Uiins, cuntalninK e 130 acres; 8fi aores tUnber the balance andera high ( state of cultlvation, and well watertd. Buildings i in L'ood condition. Any pcrson wiahing to pur] cliaseaflrst-clüss larni ahonld make an exaniinatloii i of this property. For particular enqulre, upou Uib premlseS,of MES. H. H. HOWK. j Lodi, May 12, 1874. ;) J Jlr JC3L JCm JCm.3L EJ ROOFIñIG. TIITS ROOFINO IS DURABL.E AND WATERPROOF: VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROl'N'D CHIMNEYS ANO CONNEOTIONS BETWEEN WOOD and B1UCK. Th is Roofing has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indefi nite peiiod, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roofs It is flre and water proof ! This paint will be put on the Company or sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the saine. RST No Goal Tar is used in oi t hor. We solicit the public patronage. All work "will be warianted. AU Communications should be addressed to the HUTCKINS ROOFING CO, F. O. Box 222, ANN AKBOR, MICHIUA . Kesidonce 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf I. J. MECHEM, M. D. Hoincopatliist and I Dlectricimi. Otticüuud residence corner of Maynard and Willuiin streets. 1524m3 rENEHAJL L.AW AND Hl SI.MJSS AQE3STCY. ROOT & GRANGER, having secured the exclusive use of KOOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS for the county oí Washtenaw, whieh they have carefully revised, jioftted and pcrlccttd, and havinfi, with au extensivo auu reliable correapondenee, opened a General Business Agency at No. 6 West Huron Btreet, in the city of Ann Arbor, will altend pronrptiy to the sale, and leasing of real estáte, the loaning oi' money, oolleotions.negotiations, contracting and conveyanoing, Life and Fire Inaurauoes, and to the practice of Luw in the various Courtsoi' tliis State. Ann Arbor, May 1, 147;". TRAC Y W. ROOT, B. P. GKANGKH. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUTjT having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, exccuted by Alvin J, Cple, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State OÍ Michigan, to James Trtadwell, of Dixboro, county oí Washtenaw, and State nforesaid, on the eigbth day of January, A. D. one thounand eight hundred and seventy-two, and recorded in the office oí the Register of Deeds of said county the ninth day of January, A. D. 1872, in liber 48 of mortgages, on patreeight, and there i uow claimed to be due on said mortgape and the bond acoompanyüiff the same, the buiii of teven hundred and tiity dollars, also an attorney's fee oi thirty-tlve dollars, should any proceedingB be taken to foreclose said morlgage, and no proceedInffB in law or in equity having been had to recover uil sum of money or any part thercof : Now, thereiore, notice is hereby given that by virtuo of the powei oí sale in said mortgage contained, I ihallaellat public auction, to the highest bidder, on the thirty-fiivt day of July ui.xt, at two o'clock i'. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, connty yforesaid, [that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county) all that certain pioee or parcel of [andsituattid in the city of Ann Arbor aforetmid, ioramencing at a point in the section line between áectious twenty and twenty-nine, at the northwest corner of land lately owued by AVilliam O'liara, thence northerly along the line of Q. Ward's rnill i-ace (so called) to tlie south-wcHt corner of said Ward's mili pond . thence eawterly nlong the south Line of aaid "VVard's mili pond to the south-east ïorner thereof; thence norfherly along the east ine of said inill pond six rodH, toa point parallel with the nortli wall of the county jail; thence jasterly on a direct line to the jail fence; thence wmtherly along the jail fence to the south-west ïoner of the said jail lot; thense easterly along ;he south feuce of the saitl jail lot to ihe west line jflandsof Mrs. McCourt ; theuce BOutherly iiluiif;he west side of eaid land to the north line )f Felch street ; thence westerly on the north line f Veich street to the line of the mili race; thence o the place of beyinning; reBeiving the right of the laid ward'a grantees to repair tlie ruce and pond imbankment, without any manner of trenpaseing m the 1-iud hereby couveycd; the land deacribed eing the f-anie land (exciL-pt tlie streef) deeded by )avid Page and wife to Bernard Harkins, February 'DatedMay 1, 187C. JAMES TREADH'ELL, 'ohn N. Gott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 152U i LYNCH & KLWICAX, MERGHANT TAILGBS. lsi Jefferson Avenue, MERRILL BLOCK, Detroit, - Mich. OUR STOCK OF FINE WOOLENS Is tlie lan;est and moei complete to be Femad in the city of Detroit. Gentlemen Visiting the City Should examine these goode beforp purehfreing Our Styles are Importod exprcssly for 118 and are connned fco oür Houae. Samples sent to any part of die Stuie. LYNCH & KINNUCAN. 1532wlit C. BLISS & SOIT are now re ad y for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consisting1 of CLOCKS, VVATÍHE8, ■JEVVELUY, SilYBr & Platefl Ware anda ering them at priees never bofore ofïered in the market. tiomething new in TEA. SETS and at a great reduction from former prices. SSRemeinbcr we have llie Iirurrst Stock in tlie city. i all and nee for yourselve. REPAIRING NEATL7 AND PROMPTL? DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1522 NEVARRIVAlT OF ■ SPRING AND SÜMMER GLOTHING. WM. WAGNEE lias .1 iil Received A FINE STOCK, Whieh must and will be sold at PKI13ES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a fnll Btock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work wammted to auit. Also a Full Line of Furaishing Goods, CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 Soutu Maih St. Anst Arbor. 1496 A tiRAIMÜ ACHSEVEIVIEÍMT! #175,000 Worth oí CHAMPION Mowing & Heapiag Mach.ines A.T ONE SHIPMENT. Makiníj ïwo Immense Trains op TwentyTwo Cars Eacic, Loaded Entirely with Champion Machines from One Concern. ËXOClling In mtitsruitude, V.-iluc. and in Display, auy Mïipim-iii oï Ag ricultiintl Iiiiplomcntii ever 111:1de 011 tlie t: lol'. M. KOGERS, Agent. nWEUiING HOVSS8 FOK 8AI.E. Alargo and very w;ll built brick house, with two or more lots. Two larg-u íranuíd houses. Alao a good sized briek house and f r urne house ; and a sniftll frame house on a good lot, intendeil for adding- a front. For salo on fair terms :md a reasonable credit. Alsoother buildingn, lots, and property. 1TÏONEY WATKU--Su many wihhing wborrow money apply tome tlmt I eau reahly olttuinfor tender t good satisfuctory invostments ut ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1S73. U231Í For Sale Gheap. The Bubscriber ofifeza foi Bale hia HOUSE A2TD LOTS on West lluron itveet, next wrsl il' S. P, Jcwcti's residence. The house is oneof the bost, and pleasuutcst, for the slie, in the city. Will bo sold for $600 loss tlian cost. For particulatB (■ John N. Qott, or 1530 A. 1. BKSIMEB. rpu THOSII IH'II1I..- Tlnce artiolM [ A Iagree to furnish at Liowest üoKum l'rios: ( French and American Cilios, all size8, doublé nm ( llngle tlnek for stote fronts, dwelliugs, pictures, &c, tdl kinds of Stained and l-'iured (Ijish. I j ulso giuirnntee the beat made Sanh in the State. , [Hats ready si't - Freneh or Americun - and war rant safe homeat m y risk, and all kindl of Show c l'usi's. White Metal, and Walmit. Sund in your c arderá, tíend for prices fc. l. i: If I.. 14 Jeffcrxon Ave., j l.'i.Uw 1 UüTROIT, MlCII. I PñTrUTO llave you an invention for e LJn I t"l I Ol which you delire a Prtteut, r X either in the U.. S. or tny foreign country I „ Then send to the Mechanica and Inventora' e Vtt8ociationf the only reliable Patent Agency in p Michigan. 37 "W. Coni?re8 St-, Detroit. ] 1534w4 THO8. S. Bl'ltAGUE, President. t AUI 1 can inake85 a day in thoir own city j,i, towu. Addies, ELLI8 M'F'U CO., Wul,liam} Maati. 16S4wl Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain moitgnge whereby the pover tlierein contaiued to solí has become operative, x. by Charlea E. Treadwell, of the town of Aun Albor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and Lucinda A. TreadweU, his wif , ut the sume pltice, tothü uiidt-rsi-ned Lttdema E. Fuller of the city of Aun Arbor ia said eounty and Btate, aa mortgagee, dated ilu eighth duy of March, A. D. one I houoand eignt hundred and seventy, and reoorded on th day of March A. D. 1870, at three ocl(uik p. m., ia the oifleeof Register ol Deeda for the County of Washtenaw, in the State of Mi tugan, in Hoer 42 of mortgages, on pafje 351, upon wliich BSid mortir&ge there ia claiined tobe al the date oi this ootioe i he mud of two thousand md eighty-four dollars and tlfteen cents, anl no snit or procèedinga at luw or in chancery haring instituttidto recover any part thereof : Notioe is therefore heieby given, thnt by viitue of the pcwerof sale ccmtained in said mortgage, I shall. on Saturday, the twtmty-sixth day oí' June, A D. :87ö, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, au 11 at public auotion, to the highestsst bidder, (the sale to tuke place il the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, Btiid Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for Bftid county of Washtenaw) the piemises deMunbed in surh mort gage, fli Be mueíi thereuf as shali be neceasary to satiafy the amount due on sueh mortgage, and legal costa and ofetrges oí such Bale, togetherwith an attorney fee erf thirty dol Lara eovenanted tor tberein, that is to say the following piece or parcel of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw cuunty, Michigan, known, bounded and described as follow, to wit: Oomraenclng at an hou stuke m the center of the road, running in a nortberly direction through the eabt half of the northeast quarter ot section number twenty-om, town two south, range six easl, from which in the directies oorth '2%% degreea west ia an oak gate post, distance 50 links, also south 3(X degreew west is a red o.ik, diameter ISinohes, diUUiua 7-t1 links; run niu-r t henee south on the line mecicUan ten ohaini and six links to tho quarter seetion line; tlienci soul h , weai uil the quarter section lint livi; chaina and thlrty-seven links to B. WestV line; t henee north 24 ;, dagrees, west sevenchaim and thirty links to the center ui' tberoad on the half quarter Une fchence north W, degrees easi up the oenter of the road five chaina and tes links : thence norlh 68) degrees enst íti the eenter oí thi road tour chaina and ninc links to the place of be. Lrinnintr, containiug six and twelve hundredthi acres more or leas. Dated this thirty-itrst day oí March, A. D. 1875 LITDUMA E. FULLKU, Z. 1'. Kino, Morigaye?. Att'y lor Mortgngee. 1524 Mortgage Sale. EPAlTIr Imving been made inthrconditionso: ' i eurtain mortgage made and exeeuti tl by Ëfer man Teats find Haunah Teats, of the city oí Am Arbor, Washtenaw county, and State of Mfchi ■uil, to Alonzo Allon, of Clayville, Uncida county New York, on the uiteen th day of November, A D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Registe: of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw uforesaid the tliird day ot December, A. D. 1872 at tw o'elock and forty-rlve mimites in the afternoon o said day, in liber 45 of mortgages, on page 386 on which mortgage and note accompanying thi same there is now due, April fifteenth, 1876, th. Bum ot one thousand nine hundieü and eihty-f w dollars, and uo suit or proceedings at luw havi&f been instituted to recover said suni of money o: any part tliereof : Now, theref re, notice is bereb] giyen, that by virtueoi the power of n:ile cont;úne in said nioxtgage, I shall sell at public auction t( thehigh8. bidder, ou riaturday, the sevunt een t luim of July, 187;'), at two o'elock in the afternoon ot thfl day, at the south door of the Court House in th city of Ann Arbor, (that bemg the place of holdm the. Circuit Court for said cuunty oi Washteaiaw] the piemises described in siiid mort git ge, or so mud thereof as will aatiafy auid mortgaged debt, to getfaer witli interest and c(sts allowed by law, an an attorney fee of twenty-five dollars proyided f therein : That tract or parcel of land described a Int number one in block number two south o ilurou street, rang6 eieren east, in the city of Am Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michi gan, Dated April ló, 1875. ALONZO ALLEN, lïy Attorney. 1526 Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DËFAULï having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by John 5Ceel and Kathrine Zeeb, hia wife, both of ïhetownsinj of Ann Arbor, county oi Washtenaw and Ötat of Michigan, to William April, Admiuistrator o the estáte of Veel Zeeb. late of said county, de oeased, bearing date the tweuty-ninth day of De cember, A...1). Ih7;i, and recorded in the office of th Register of Deeds ot Washtenaw eounty, on tbi seconddiiycf January, A. 1). 1874 in ïiber 47 o mortgages on page 443, at ten and one-half a. m of said day, on wliüh inoitguge and the note ac companying the same, there is claimed to be dui at ttie date hereof Uie sum of nine hundred am , live dollars and eighty-five eents, also the sum o seven hundred ana íorty-one dollars and sixty-om cents to beeome rlue, also an attorney's fee ol iitt; dollura provided ior by-tlie terms of said mort ;ae, and no suit or proceedings nt law or ii chancery having been institüted to recover sait amount or any part thereof: Notice in therefore hereby t;iven that by viitue of the power of salt in said mortgage oont;ini-d, on the 8f.ventkf:nti day of July, a. l. 1875, at the hour ot' elevei o'elock in thn forenoon or said day, T whall sell-a public venduo to the bigbeet bidder, at the soutl door ot the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the building where the Circuit Court fo the couTity oí' Waslitenaw is held) the premi ses described in said mortguge, or so much thereo as shaU be neceasarytö satisfy said amount, witl interest, costa and expenses allowed by law, sai( preniihes being described in said mortgag-e as tol lows: Ali that tract or parce] of land situated ii the coumy of Washtenaw and Btate of Michigan bounded aud described as follows. viz: The wesi Iialf of the northeast quarter of section aurabei ten, ín townslnp oumber two south, in range num ber six enst, in the county of Washtenaw. sait! land beicg the same tract or parcel of land -ieedet to Daniel C. Haas by David Camp and wife, or the nineteenth of Octobor, 1858, and recorded i líber 14 of deeds, page ikg. Ann Albor, April 20, 1875. WILLIAM APRIL, D. Cramer, Adni'r, etc, Moitgagee Att'y for Mortgagee. IS87 td Mortgage Sale. DEFAUrT havin? been made in the conditioi ot a certftin mortgage executed by Willian Ü'Hara and Hannora Ü'Hara, hia wife, of Ann Ar bor, Washtenaw (xrtmty, Michigan, to Bridge Eagan, ot the same place, on the ninth day o J uly, A. I). ene thousaud eihl aud seventy-three and recoided in the office of the Register of Deedi for the county of Washtenaw, aioresaid, on th( eleventh day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'elock p m., in Li ber 48 of moitgages, page 065, and there i now claimed to be due the sum of five hundred int sixty-iive dollars and seventy-four cents, also an at toruey'sfee of thirty dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedinga in Inw or equity having been had to re cover the same, orany part tliereof : Now, there fore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of thi power of sale in mud mortgage eontainea, I shal sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on tlu Beventeenth day of July next, at '2 o'clock in tht afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbo, county aforesaid, (that beins: the piace of holding the Circuit Court for said counly), all that certain piece or parcel of land, known, and described as follows. towit: Lot six (0), bloek two (2), south range twelve east, iu the city of Ann Arbor, acoordifig to the recorded pint thereof. Dated April 32, 18W. BRIDGET EAOAN, John N. Gott, Mortga-rees. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1527 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having boen made in thecomlitions of a certain mortpuge, whereby the power to sell therein contained, has become operative, executed by Charles Holmes, Jr., and Francés A. Holmes, his wife, of the city of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Ellen J. Whitnian, of the same place, dated the fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1(7, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county ot Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber thirty-seven of mortguges, page 742, which mortgage was afterwards assigned by the Huid Ellen J. Whitman to Anne Meriiott, of Pittsfic-ld, Washtenaw county, Michigan, which assignnient bears datft the tnth day of March, A. X. 1871, and ia recorded in BaidRugiBier'a oltice, in líber íí, assigument of morttages, page 52, upt n which mortgage there is claimêa to be dut.' at the date of this notice the sum of one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty-one cents, principal and interest, and also the further sum of twenty-five dollars for itn attorney's fee as provided in said mortgage, nnd no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted to recover any part thereof : Notloe is therefore, liereby giveu, that by virtue of rhe power of sale eontainedin said mort gage, I shaU .sell at public auction, to the ÏUtfhest bidder, on öaturdiiy, the fourt.eenthday of August, A. D. l".r, ut ten o'clorl: in the forcnioon of thnt day, at the south door of tabs Court Houmi, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that beiog the place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw) the premisea desciibed in said mortgage, or so muoh Ëhoreoi ns shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due on such mortgage, tbgetbdr with Interest and legal costs and charges of feucli sale, togetherwith an ntiornty's fee of twenty-five dollars, proyided for in such mortgage; that is to say, that. tract or parcel of lnd described as follows: All of lot nu moer twenty-fiv, in Normal uddiiion to the village (now city) of Ypsilunti, ÚLicmgan, according to the recordad pist oi boJ 1 addition. Dated this 14th day of May, A. D. 1SI& ANNE MEHKÍÜTT, Fhazkr & TTamtttóV, Asslgnee. Attorneys for Assigaee. 1629 Mortgage Sale. DICFAULT having been made iu the eonditions ofacertaiti indentare ot mortgage, executed by l'hilclu.s Coon and Ellen Luella (Joon, !iis wife, to Arthur Polhémns, bearing date the ii í t ■ day of January, eighteen hundred tin! Beventyfour, and reoorded m tho office of the Register oi Deeds for the county of Washtenttw, State of Michigan, in liber 60 of mortgages, on page "ü(i, on the sfvenu-entli (iay ot January, eighteen hundted iiid Boventy-four, by whioh defanlt the power ot salí: cuntainel ni sucli mortgage has bwMMSlfl operatíve, and no suit or prooeeduigs ut laworin chtvncerj having tuin Instilnted to recover the amonnt due on said moxtgage or the note Roecmpanyiog tib same, aud there baing now chiimed to bc tlue on said mortgage and note, the sum of sevenleen lumdied and one (ioJlais inul thirty-four cents, and, also the turther sum of thirty dolíais as an attorney fee on the forecloeure of said mortgage specially agreed tobe paid, sliould any proceedings be taken to foreelose the sume : Notice, therefore, is hereby given , that suid mortgagc will 1ü foreeiosedon Monoay, the -iecond day of August next, at ten o'cJook in the forenoon of that day, at the south front door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in said ooontyof Wasbtenav, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of V;ishtenuw), by' tale, at publio auction, to the bighest bidder, for taah, of the premisas deiMíribed in said mortgajre, ur M) miicli thereof as shall be neeeasary to satisfy the .-1111011111 due on said mortgage, witii reasudftble ;osts and expenses, togctlier with the attorney fee )f thirty dolían provided for in said mortgage, .vhich said mortgaged premises are deecrïbed u follows, viz,: Eteing eituated in the vill.-tge of M;inc]i(-stt_-r, oounty of Washtenaw aloreeafd, aud eginningsixty-foiir and one-half feet, east. of the ;ast line of villaje lot number four M), in bloek iumber twenty-two 22, running thenoe northerly m a line parallel with said lot elght rods; tlience ] msterïy twenty two iVet ; tlienen southeily on a ' Htrallel lint as aforeaaid, eight rod, to tlie north ( ine of highway; thence ajong the said highway wenty-two feet, to the plnce of begin ning. Dated May Ö, 1875. ' ] AHTHUR S. POLHEMUS, I 15. D. Kinnk, Murtgagee. Atturney tor Mortgagee. 162U Mortgage Sale DEFATLT haviOg bun made in th uf a certain murtgnge „„ ,, , e '■niliti,,. Laffery and Catharine Lafle,y ".ij Aftc,i, of AnnArbor, in the county f wilt'. oitI(3 State oL Michigan, t„ Emami.l K?""" ui BHme place, dated Octobei rwènfvflüï "' tl. iM8, ni r ,rded iu the om,v V, ,,st D Deeda foi Washtenaw Counts h i twcnty tirst ilay of Ooiober ? if "",' Ih 3:30 o'clock, r .., i. libel ;;.,„',,. S, upon ui im i.aid murtgage tl, í "■■!".. bj virtoe ui the eondi remaininji unpoid al the date of tw. um oí sixteen hnndred and une doiïh! ' BveoenU rl,60l.j, and nu ;„„, ' ' V""1 '"■'■ dollars provided lor in said inortiTf? lce'"fori, oi proceedings haring been instituten"!,' ,' recover the Bum now remaimnir d,,, , ' ii l. wiid mortKtwe ur any par! tlisV"i ''SM tlicrcforo, by viilue óf the power" of ! f' N" in Baid mortgage, undby virlue .,f t V, ' siich cases made and provided: Noti ■ e 'i etven, that on Saturday, nn,.t ';" " hert;. June next, at twelve o'cfock, noon „f .1 a"y ( the front door oí the (Jom I Houaè i„ ,f dnï.it Ann Arbor, in baid oounty of w' „1 , "" % M State of Michigan, (said címrt Hou L!!," place of holding the circuit Court lor s, 1 " therewillbe wild ut public awti,„ " 1("tj, the higheBt bidder, the premisea iliscni , ' :' mortgnge, to-wit: All of lot nun.l Swsthei's addition toihecity cl Am, Y',ïra' i: cording to the recorded pint oí Baid udiliHn ' " Dated M.irch 29, is75. amon. Eüoene K. Khi.eaufk, " ' ' ELii'A1'Si AtVf.tbT MortLfnj;ee. 156td "". Estáte of Patrick Cavanaueh " UTATE OKMICIII' A.N, CuuntyuMv ' O 88. At a Ke.-iJOll Oi the l'rohut Cllini county of Wai-htenaw, holden at the 1'rol "ll8 111 U10 city of Alm Arbor, 011 Thuisdnv n ' leenth day of Muy, iu Die year oné' tïi' tiglit hundied and seventytivej K Present, iNuali VS". Obeever, Jud?e of pmi, In the matter of the estáte I PittCT naugh, decensed. li1 On reading and nliug the petition, aulv, I of Cathenne K. James, prayiug that „'.S ; trntor may bc appointed cm tho estáte t . ï" eeaaed. ' " de. I Thereupon itis orderéd, that MoDday th„ ■ day ut Jane next, ut teu o'clock in the 1 wi 1 be assigned for the hemiug ot saij „ that the hetrt a Uw 01 snid di-c-nVd Ij" oth persons intereeted insuid estáte IS to appeui at 11 stssion ol aaid court' th ' holden at the Probate Office, in the ctar rfl" Aa'bor, iindiliow caust, it at, y there be .v,,? prayer uf the petitioner shomd ot Anditis turthtrofdeied thai Baid petitiST l noticuto thuporsons in uoiil e2 the eendency of Baid petition, and tbc Sj , hereof, by causing a eopy of thia order to ï!i ? . lished 1 in the Michigan - Arffus, a newHpan ffl and oirculated in uid couuty three sacceaiTíSS ' previoue 10 saH aay of hennng . (Atruecopy.) N OAH V. CHEEVm , 1530 " Judgeolft 1 Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT baving been niadi in tlieco a ccriain mortj . . aud Mary Wall. his ilr, Ut John Kii , iiintli day of February, A. D. 1807, and rtSijj , the ottice of UcgiMcr .11 !,,!■ Washtenaw umi State of Michigan, . uiortgages, du page ..-v.. by whlcll dl fa of sale contained in ni.i mortgage lia -.r.X j erative, on which mortgage there is ulaimed tal r due at the ilatu of this notice for princijmi '[■',.'■ and ai 11. rii ry fee as piovuted tor in -.; . the siini of six buuared and thiriy-.,!,, ■ Ewenty-three ithi., anS'iie Buit 01 law or in equily liaviiiK been in-U, l the amoniit due un said mortgage 1 . tlwreof; Now theretore, notice is litrek' l that by virtue ol the p.. wit ut' sal. r said mortgage 1 nIkiII sell al pu 3 siiuth front duur ui ihe mu-l Hou-,., ; f Am Arbor, (that being the building iiuryV , CircuitCourt l'ur said couiity uf Waslit on the twelfth day of June, A. L). a'clocï 11 the forenooli of that day, 1 premises described in said niorl tract or parcel of land situated in cityofj Arbor, in the couuty uf Washttnaw, Michigan, kuown and dt-seribod as lul bluek f.nir !4j nurtb rane luui iliu Lavery place, according lo rti-ordedpoti ' the village 1 now city; of Aun Arbor, in saMemtT 3 of Washtenaw, and so oiuch or sueli ) thereof as shall be necessary to satisfj the auout due n ].iii; said m... 1 ' Dated Vlih day of March, A, l. I87Ï JOHN KICHAPJ A. J.Sawykr, Jlortn Atfy for Mortgagee. 1521 t Mortgagt; öale. '. 1AEFAULT liaving been m;ide in the conditioq ; J of a mortgage executed by UeorgeW.Bnn l and .Mary Uavenu, tu.i wit'e, tu Charles T. Wüm f all ot thé city of Ann Arbor, Micliigan, d&ted i;4 s thirteenth duj ol April, A. B. 1S70, and tetonm j 011 tlie iitth luy ot May, A. 1 1. 1870, at two o'eki . in the afternoou of that day, in hber 41 of mur.L gages, on page 616, pon which mortg l claimed to be due at 1 ho date oi tliis noiice ■:.-. surn of one thousaiid fiVe feundred and roitf U l lars. aud no suit or proci-edings at law havingbeti { instituteü to recover the mortüaged debt, or aïï j part thereof: Kotioe is iherefore htrt-by giTtn, t that on Batarday the twenty-fiirat day oí Augiis: t 1875, at ten o'clock in 1he i'orenoon 01 önid day, Í shall heil at public auction, lothehig] f at the soutn dooi1 ol the Court House in thecity: Ann Arbor, the mui tftnged pri mises, ur sí unid j f will satisfy the aniouut due on sucli mortgage flri t legal costs aud charges of sueh sale, together ni 1 anattorney fee of nventy-h'vc dollars, to ml: L: . number üve, bl-n'k nnmlier eleven iu Hiscwk'st j dition to the ei y of Anu Arbor, county of WaA tenaw and Btatu uf Michigan, exeept íburrüdiá ? width olí' trom the norlh of Baid lot. Dati.d A1111 Arbor, Miuvli 19, lSi. . 1S22-32 C'HAhLKST. "VVJLMCT, Mortsraeff. l Mortgage Sale. 1 rvefault lmvijii been made in the couditionofl L'ui.rtain mortgage exeeuted by Wiiümnliyanm the eleventh day of April A. il. 1374, tu Marti Hyau, executor of the last will und testament rf Edward liyan, ileceased, which ' given to secute the purchase inoney ol the prëmM therein describid, and recorded iu the uüictullid Begisterof Deeds in the county ut MashtcDii, 1 Michigan, iu LiberöO of Mortguges, on page ÍS, j and wliieh said mortgage was on the secoud dayti . November A. 1) 1874, uasigned by said Martin Hl í to Leouhard Ciiuut'i, and un the same tiay recoritil [■ in the ottice oí' the register of Deeds in ti couniy of Washtenaw, iu liber 4 ot assigniKtti ] of mortgaiuB, ou page 427, and on theü4tti dayui . December A. D. 1874, Leonhard (iriim 1. aforesaid, asigned the same to William F. u;i:, j which assigumeut wan recorded ou the saniediju [ the oüice of Register of Deed.s in tin Waahtenuw, in uber 4, of aasigomente of moet . gages, ou page 4üS, by which delault the poft! . oi salö coutained in sitid niortgage lias le . couie operutive, ou which mortgage tlii . ed to be due at the time of tliis nutice, tor intern', ( sixty dollars and sixty-eix ceuts, aud also tknu[ ther sum Of thirty dollart for an attoiuej'efet ü . provided in said mortgage, :iud uu suit pi , at law or m equity haviug been instituUd u 1 recover the amount due ou said mortgage or 11? part thereof: Notice is, therefore, hen that by virtue of the power of sale . said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, i' the South front door ot the Court liuuse, in 4 city of Ann Arbor, (that being thu tiriliIÍDg which the the Circuit Court for sai.l Wushtenaw ia held; on the fint day of Septena' A. D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofto day, the lollowiug premises det-eribed in said morgage.viz: All 01 villatre Iota nuuiber üve andïii in block number fuity-ñvri in the vili;: chester, county of Washtenaw and Stal gan, according to the recorded plat thereol, 01 much or auch part or parts thereof ae shall w necessary to salisfy the anujuut due upon 1 mor-tgage. Bated June lst, 1S75. WILLIAM P. ÜSH'S, FltEDERICK PlSTORIUS, AiSll 1 Att'y for Assignee. U8. Eeal Estáte for Salo. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtem'i ss. In the matter of the estáte of Jota ' Kienzle, Catharine C. Kienzle and Fiederici"Kienzle, minors. Notiee is hereby givtn, that ui pursuance of an order granted to the lindera?111 Elias Huiré, guardián of the estáte 01 aaid vú& by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the countj Washtenaw, on the twenty-llf th day of May i 1S75, there will be sold at public veudoe tó I highest bidder, at the dweiling houae ontbepl ïseB hereinafter deseribed in the TownsMpotW'' dom, in the county of Washteuaw, in daid btót. Thursday the üteenth day of Jnly, A. D. 1i' one o'cloek in the afternoon of that day all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwiseÉB5' iug at the time of the sale, and also sul'jeet tot" right of dower 01 the widow of said dtceaértherein) the following describebed real estáte," wit: Sittiated in the township of Fieed. of Washtenuw and State of Michigan, at the sonthwest corner of the southeasl the nortliwest quarter of section number t'wo, iu t wn three south of range four eSll,r nintï theace nortn alpngthe linq of saiqurter ot the northweet quarter uf 8J i.v.iity und one-half rods to the center ol " bighway 011 said lot; thence easterly al0IS the center of said bighway forty rods ; thencaso" iu the south line of said lot ; theuce wea' aloogt" suuth line of snid lot to the plaee of bejnuWji", eerving on the west side of said traetot' land" and a half rods in width, colmuencin)} in tw ter of the highway, west, running suuth ww Pleasaut. Dated May 25th, 1875. ,, „ ELIAS II All! V, OuariW. Estato of Paschal Mason. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of O ss. At a session of the Probate Court tor ■' connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate""1 in the city of Ann Arbor, 011 Monday, "ie"-j ty-fortli day of May in the year 011. eight huudred and fieventy-li e. ( Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgo of Pi ■In the matter of the estáte of Paá deceased. ,. ■■ On reading and nling the petition, dul) of Krast üs p. Mason, praylng that a certaio ■" ment now on üle in this C'ourt purporting to - last will and testament of said deceostil, ■ J admitted to Probate, and that ie and Masón muy bu appointed therej Thereupon it ia ordered, Ulat Mom-O' , 3 Iwcnty-iiist diiy of Jnne next, al ten 'dï ,'( the iorenoon, be assigned for tla' '""rZMt said petition, and that the de and heiis at law of suid deceased, and al ' j persons iuterested iu said estáte. alT rt tü be toapp&ar at a session of sa d Cour1, t.ien (1 holden at the probate orhee, in Üi" Wi Arbor, and show c.uise, if any there t, )( the prayer of the petitioner shuulJ granted; And it is further ordered, tlwt -(r. petitioner give notice tu (he períOM sUj estei in snid estáte, of the penüency 01 , petition and the hearing thereof, by oopy of this order to be pubUshed ín the "„1 Aitlitx, u'er tu inlt-il an.l ciiviiii'1" j',;,iy Rounty three sucóeasive weeks previoustos of hearing. ,.r[, (A true copy) N0A1I W. CHEKVE& 1532 JudgeofPi Assigcee Kotice. rfC_ All persons havind claims against tbe '"'"(" „ro . Leiter&Co-, und against Trocy ■ ! .tuiih vqm-ste.i to present them to me, "', , .,,11 at' iwingthe saulparties i re requesteo to ,,f lettle, I orfer tur t-alt . . acres of and ! ibservatory; Also oi.t i.nlivided J11', Voonarf letweeu Besliuer'ii Uu; "innt nnd uk ti,tr louse, and other landsii. t he State. l"r lurticulars cali ou me. MITS, Dated May e, 1S75 lIMtf Aas'


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Michigan Argus