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S0B9CBIBS FOR the AïiGUS- $1.30 per The Leonard House is beiug improvedde and outside, and pvesents a fine appear""' joim Gootz, of this city, was the first man 0,6 county to puy the liquor tax, which was lelastFriday. Oue day last week Horace Siegol, of íor[, sheared a yearliug merino buck, the e of which weighed 18 lbs. __ gaturday a son of Ueo. Schetterly, who Ljj just west of the city on Miller Avenue, ij] froni a tren and broke an arm. 'president Angelí has aecepted the invitato deliver the oration at the coming (oortfc f Ju'y celebration in our city. A new time-talile went into operation on Central road Sundny, and not having re0fed a OOP? are ual)le t0 Sive the changes. '!.(ieo. H. Rhodes, of the Fifth ward, has . season set out 500 grape vinos on the side'u Oj,pobite the island in the river in Fifth ir:rl. _ Fred Eetticli has refltted in elegant style i,ssjloon on Washington stroet, and the selfring orgau again peáis forth its familiar traína. _The Workingmen's Society, Turn Verein, Uwinner's Band went to Ypsilanti yester. to attend the dedicatiou of the new ArbeiWHU and picata. _- V large audienee of ladies and gentlemen jsembled at the Armory of Company B, Mon eveuiui?. to wituess the exhibition drill jnd mspection of the company. _ il effort is Iwing made to organize an excursión party in tliis city, to go to Denver, Col., to place in July, and return within tv Fre for triP to be 80_ jjishop Gillespie will admiuister confirmation in Trinity Church, Toledo, next Sunday morniiig, and ofliciate at the opening service of Calvary Chapel in the afternoon. -The Ypsilanti Light Guarda liave a military picuic July 3d. Compauy B, of this city, He Adrián Light Guards and the Tecumseh ïouaves have accepted mvitations to be present. -Dvid Clark was taken to the State prisou Monday by Sheriff Fleming, to which place lie was sentenced Friday by Judge Crane, nrseveu years for the recent attempted rape il ïpsilanti. -Jeff Uavis, tho janitor of the court, receiveü a severe chastisement at the hands of Charles Holiday on Monday. Holiday was arpted, and gavu bail for his appcarauce on Siturday for trial. - Our item ot last week giving the loss of E Begole, whose house and and contenta weru destroyedby tire on tha 28th uit., was placed too high. The total loss was about $l,2üü, wond in the Washtenaw Mutual for $'2,Ü00. - Saturday morning the horse of J. F. Sipfley, left stauding in a lañe at the resideuee ou West Kuron street, started on a run and carne dashing up ou Main street, where it wis topped. liesult: a duinuüsh,;l wagon and himiess. - Kev. C. H. Brigbam h;is relnrned fiom his visit to Pennsylvania, aui will preach in his cliurch Sunday morning, and lecture in the eveniug on the "Multitude of Counsellors." Last Sunday he preached in the IJmtiman l'hurch in Toledo. - Haydn's celebrated Oratorio, " The Creation," will be performed at Union School Hall, Tpalaati, next Friday uviüiuif,', under tlie dirntuiu jï Prof, Itiuse. It will be reudered by i iull cliorus of (il) volees, and the Detroit Opera House Band. -We Jearn that Compauy B are meeting witli good succes m establislnug tiieir honorarv ruembership. Aniong the members alrcady obtained are: Col. VV. II. Withington, ol Jackson, Maj. L. S. Trowfcridge and Col. ff, A. Throop, ul Detroit. - James Cuirigan and John Higgins were arrested on Tuesday tor stealing a whip froui i farmer' wagon on Main street. The thieves were lirought befor Justiee Clark, and pleadiug not guilty, a jury was empanneled and a trial had. Tlie prisouers were found guilty and sentenced to '20 days in jail. -Not long siuce some wag sent to the Ypsiiuiii Commercial a connundrum, which thaj paper published, piomisiug to give the answer the nextweek. For some reason the answer kt ucver appearod. It is said the editor uow shsrp look out for that bird of the Mrix that rlies chiefly iu the night. - Ou Wednesday the keeper of the pest kouse ippeared m Court, and took a seat in. side the railiug among the members of the bar and several ladies who were iu attendauce as witnesses. A prominent lawyer iuvited the atteution of his Honor to the intruder, who was ordered to Ieave the room immediately. - Tlie Muyuards agaiu cali attention to the fact that they are now receiviug their second stock of dry goods for the summer trade. MrMayuard, Senior, who has been East for the past teu days, returned yesterday and reports many kinds of goods lowor than has been knoTD lor the past twenty years. Our readers will fiud it for their interest to give theni a cali. - The . Manchester F.nterjnse says that a traudering cow . in that village last week, tossed a little girl .on her horus and would probably have killed her had not assistance come at oiice. She also threatened to charge upon one of the citizens. Ann Arbor ■ tree trom all such dangers - no cows go wan. Jeriug about our streets(jtho receut cow ordinauceput a stop to it. - Company E have extended mvitations to me following military conipauies to visit this % and part in the coming Fourth of íuly celebration : Detroit Light Guard, l)eWt Xutional Guard, Flint Union Blues, Feunisular's of Ba,y City, Jackson Light Guard, Wriau Light (iuard, Coldwater Light (iuard, Tetumseh Zouaves, and Ypsilanti Light iuard, also Col. Withiugton and statf. -Ata meeting of the stockholders of the Savings B;mk held in this city Monday, June ''t, the followiug directoia were elected for B ensuin; y,.ar: Jt. S. Smith, Curistian , W. W. Wines, K, A. Ueal, W. D. Harrimau, W. Deubel, aud Daniel Hiscosk. The P'opositiou for increasiug the capital stock, bmitted to the stockhnlders at the same meeting, was carried by a small majority. - Friday morning W. Thompson, of Salem, was driving down Fuller street in the Fourth wurd ncar Kuott's brewery, wheu the "We comnkaneed kickmg and became uumanaSeaUe, and ran off the bauk, bringiug up aïaiust Ruoff's barn. The horse was --j uiuruu aud the camage eomewhat rokeu. The carriage contained Mr. ThompM and two ladies, none of whom were inNed. liiy a tramp, giving his name as 'lwarü Bailey, while passing through Sylvan Ce"ta-, ilecoyed a little daughter of Mr. Buck". aged about live years, iuto a cemetery at t place, and attempted t.o outrage her per"'"■ Ha was arretitud and bronght to this city, d bufuro Justice Beahan, Wednesday, foond SUilty ai'J sentencud to tho countv iail tor "ty Oayg, -Dr. Kominger, State (ieologist, has at ut spoken in regard to ltifle river coal, and '"ggesto the opinión that the deposit discoved raay be drift. He advises the people to moderato their excitement to a more quiet egree, aud to eucourage further investigations Tliout precipitating themseWes into prema " actious, whioh possibly may be sorely re gfetted betore long, while ou the other hauc ere i5 ll0 harm in delay." A few days ago, while sonie white boys were playing in the street, a little colored lad sime to play with them. One of the white boys told himthat he was black, and ooujd not play with them. The little fellow looked saa fora while, when a thought struck bun, and hesaid: " Well, I'll go home and I'U KMb me and wash me, till I'm jes as clean, then I'll come bach and you'll let me play wid y o, won't you ?" - Saturday ovening Prederick Miller, while passing up Washington street, in company with his son-in-law, Pavirt Rinsey, at whose residence he lived, feil dead upon the sidcwalk near the Methodist parsonage. He has for some time been troubled with heart-disease, but during the last few days of liis life was foeling niuch improved in liealth and spirits, doing a considerable amount of work on Saturday. He was about (il years of age. (jol. Withiugton has issued orders for the companies of his regiment to practice the "setting up" exercises, similar to the gymnastics taught in public schools, in order to give the shoulders proper shape, strengthen the back, and impart elasticity to the body. Some of the boys who beloug to the military compauies now and then practice the " setting up" exercises, but not the kind tliat strengthons the back or gives elasticity to the body. - The public exercises of the Alpha Sigma society will be held in Union School Hall, Friday evening, June ISth. The society will present an entertaiumg programma to the audience, as the following will show. üration, F. B. Gregory ; Kecitation, Aimee Martyn ; Debate, C. M. Spencer, J. D. Callahan, C. S. Glassco, F. E. Meacham ; Essay, Jessie Kennedy; Paper, A. VV. Bennett. Choice music will be furnished by the society. A cordial invitation is extended to all. - The Finance Oominlttee of the Common Council deserve credit for the manner in which they watch the nuances of the city, and scrutinize every bill presented for their consideration. At the meeting of the Council, Monday evening, the claim of an Alderman for services upon a coinmittee was returned disallowed, the committee claiming that no member was entitled to compensatiou for committee work. The allowance of this bill would undoubtedly have opened a way by which large sums of money might have been appropriated to members of the Council tor coinpensation. - Wednesday night the residence of Israel Hall, in the Sixth ward, was broken into from the rear and an entrance efFected by two parties ; the noise made in forciug their way in awakened a student lodging in the house, who at once seized a revolver and made an energetic raid upon the intruders, thus iuterruptmg them before their burglarious proceedings were rewarded by the seizure of any valuables. Finding themsolves discovered the parties fled ; but the student, benig unwillmg that they should depart without any token of reniembrance, opened a vigorous fire, hitting one of them, but unfortuuatoly not succeeding in bringmg him down. - A few days siuce a butcher was driving a steer to his slaughter house in the Fifth ward, the steer having a rope tied to lts foot and horn. On ariiving at the race, by the side of the Agricultural Works, it pluuged in for a drink, and the butcher commeuced usiug his whip to drive it out. The more he whipped it the further into the race it went, with its head drawn under water. Workmen at the Agricultural Works seeing the coudition of things, turued out and compelled the butcher to cease using his whip. The animal drifted against a timber, the rope was cut, and the animal drawn out upon the bank nearly drowned. In about an hour it revived enough to be ablo to be driven to the slaughter house. - A paper written by Eldridge Gee, au old pioneer and fornier resident of Washtenaw couuty, who uow lives in Dundee, Monroe county, was presented and read to the Washtenaw Couuty Pioneers' Society at its meeting in this city ou Monday. It contained many interestiug incidents in his exrly life. He carne to Washtenaw county first in 1822, and took up his resideuce in the township ot Superior in 1823, and claims to have built the tirst house in the county, excepting the Frenen trading house. July 4th, 1324, he atteuded the first celebratiou held in the eounty. The meeting was in Woodrutï's Grove in the towuship of Ypsilanti. Tliere were only about 100 persons living in the county at that time. Mr. Gee is 74 years of age and quite feeble and brokeu down. - The case of Isaac R. Sutton vs. Eliza and William Harrison, which occupied the attention of the Circuit Court for nearly tour days, was dec.ided ou Wednesday last. üreat interest was feit in the event of the suit, uot only by the parties in inteieBt, but by all who are familiar with the history of the case. The action was brought by Mr. Suttou to recover a large sum of money which he lent the Harrisons at different times while living with them, and for whieh he took no security, relying on the verbal promise of the defendants to execute to him a mortgage at a certain time, which they refused to do. The defence was that they had received but a small portion of the amouut claimed by Mr. Sutton, and that what they did receive was in payment for his board. The jury, after a few momeuts deliberation brought in a verdict of $1,705 24 for the plaintiff. - The " economical " administration of the M. C. R. R. recently dispensed with the day watchman at the depot in this city, whose duty it was to guard the street crossings, prevent boys from gathering around the station and catching on trains, fcc: The practice of catchiug on trains has again been resumed, and on the sides of nearly every freight train leaving the station may be seen hanging from one to a dozen boys. Last Saturday a boy caught hold of the door handle on a freight car attached to an eastern bouud train, swinging lus feet up against the timbers uuder the floor so as to have an easy ride, his feet gettmg caught in some mauner and was unable to ricate himself, m which ijositiou he rode till he traiu had nearly reached the lower crosing. In rounding the curve below the depot he boy was fortunately discovered by the eujine men, the train was stopped, and the boy escued. Some means shouLd be devised i'or ceepingboys away f rom the depot. If the Company cannot afford the expeuse the city should take the matter in haud aud place a man thero whose duty it would be to liorsowhip evury boy that appears upon the station grouu'ds. Foubth OF July. - A meeting of citizens was held at the Court House last Friday evening, and it was uuauimously resolved to celebrat the coming Fourth of July in an appropriate manner. Messrs. 10. 1). Kinue, Chas. S. Fall, K. E. Frazer, N. B. Colé, Chas. H. Manly and Bonj. Brown were appointed a general committee of arrangement. The commsttee liave appoiuted a imance committee, cousistiug of Messrs. L. C. líisdou, Martin Ulark, A. D. Besimer, F. Schmid, Moses Seabolt and John "erdun, who have been engagad during the weck in raisiug the necessari funds, meeting witli good success. The programme not havng been completed, we will give it uext week.


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