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Kti:nsivi: foront urea liave been raging during the week in Dolaware and Sullivan couuties, N. J.. and doing mi inmenso unouut of damngo. Near Mauayuiik Yalloy a lumber mili and 300,0Ü0 feet of lamber wei'C dostroyed. Ouo or two Uren have boen lont, and, overal men bftdly bunied in (ighting Ihe flamen Under tlic inntnictionu of tlio Judge, tUo jury in the snit of Kr. Herhor, on trial in New York, to recover $10,000 from Gen. Butler, beduefor Icgiil services, gave a verdict, for the General. Tiii-.jraKonio frateruity had a grand day in Now York on the innuguration of tho Maaonic Tem])le recently eoinpleled in that city. Thousaiidn of Kiiiglits ïem])lar 'and otber Ma.sonic bodie moved through t!io principal streets in imiiofling mvmbers and appearance The ueccuer trial iias paBsecl lts one huudredth day. Pembebton, who murdered Mrs. Bipgham at Boston recently luw beeu couvictcd of the crimo, and will probably suffer dcntli, as tho morder was a moat atrocious oue. Wm. II. TALcorr, buyer of the silk (leparte mcut of II. B. Claflin & Co., New York, lias been arrested and held in buil of .f10,000 on the charge of purchasing .f400, 000 worth of : silks f rom alleged bnuigglera W. F. Losüe, Eeoeiving Teller in the banking-houso of ; Duncan, Sherïnan & Co,, has absconded, takiug with him .12,000. James 51. Swkknky, n brother of Petor B. Swcenoy. aceording to a cable diapatoh, died in Taris recently. The deceaaed was receuily in dicted joiutly with his brother in suits growing out of the aiHdavit made by lugeraoll, the par! doned Tammauy ring convict Tho Atlantic Cotton Mills of Lawrence, Mass., employing l,2")0 operativos, will Blmt down on account of j the dull market ou the lOth of July, and re! main closed till Sept. 1. THE WEST. A Kankan special aays thnt Dnrkee and Cout, extensivo farmers, near North Scótt, Kan., havo reccntly exiiiuined by diseection a large number of grasahoppere, and foundtliat three-fourths of them contninod wcll-dovclopcd live maggots, whieh, tkey are contident, will soon extenninato the pests in this coimtrv. In fnrthcr proof of the existonce of thia maggot, they say a largo pile of graashoppers which they havo killed were almost immcdiiitcly alivo with maggota. A DEKTKucTrvic wind nnd rain storai patsed over portions of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, last week, doing great damage. Many buüiliugs wero hlown down, and railroad bridgeS aml culverts washed' away. The roof of a school hoii8O at Lafayette, Ind., was torn off, and sevcral school childrcn wcro feriouslylmrt. At Fortville, Ind., a railroad bridge was waslied away and a train ditched, killing tho engiucer and fireman, and fatally inj uring a brakeman. The investitnre of Bishop Henni with the full dignitios of a Roman Catholic Arehbishop, and theconferring of the pallium by the Eope'e sjjecial envoy, was celohrated with imptOBHive ceremoniea aud polernnitiea at Milwaukeo on Thurslnv laat, and was an event of uncommon interest to the Cathohcs of the Northwest The grasshoppera have invaded the Blac-k Hills country in great immbera. . . . P. II. Shoridan wan married last week in Chicago to Mías Irene liucker, daughter of Bvt. Maj.-Oen. L. II. Kucker, of Slieridan's staff. DuiiiNi; the night of May 15 a burglary was committed at Dudshoorn, Holland, and among the jiroperty stolen wure 10 honda of $1,000 each, of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway uuuiiuii; ; iz oí me ame denominación of the Winoáa and St. Teter liailroad Ciempany conpjns of tlie Winona and St. Peter liailroad Coinpnny, aud 20 of the Chicago and Bouüv western Raüroad Company - all reprep.enting about t50,000 Gordon's party, who were ! taken to Fort Ilandall by the military, have been unconditionally roleased, aud allowed to return to Gordon City. öigantio frauda have been die.covorod in eonnection with tlie Missouri State Treasury. Over a million dollars have been abstracted fro:n the treaaury by means of forged war olaunsL In tbo carso of the twenty-two conteniptuouH Chicago Aldermeu, who, at tho advice of eix lawyern. oftnyassed the votea of the city incorporación elección in defiance of llio judicial injunction, Judge Williams, of the Circuit Court, i senteuced eaoh of tho Aldermen to paya fine of .f 100 and costs, and each of tho advising lawyera !300 and coots. THE SOUTH. Lahki.n-s Ski.koi!, a govemment detective, waa rccciitly killed in West Virginia, it ia euppoaed by counterfeiters, in order to dinpose of lus tostimony, which waa vciy damaging to some crimináis now in custody at Washington. James Coloncl and Jesso Johnson, members of the Creek Indian pólice, wcro attacked and dangerouly wonnded a few days ogo by tlie denperadoc-rt w!io sholtered McCartney, the noted oounterfeiter lieports of .great deatitution come frem the mountain counlies in Kentuaky. A letter from tho Master of the Orango in Britt county hay tlie people are suffering for the very necessarias of lifo, and that if aidis notgiven mmiy will die of ntarvution. ■ The erop have failed for three Beasona in succession. Cattlo are dying, and thore íh no food to give tlieni. DePUTY C'OI.I.F.CTOR Hol.JIAK Lf.ATHEKWi .(11) was shot and instajiUy killed last weck by aii illicit cÜBtiller, at Huntjville, Ala Hiltön & Fouter's lumber mili, and two Bctíbohere, ivere burned at Savannali, Ga., laat week, witU a losa of A: aged spinster of Ssvaxmah, Ga., Miss Mar; 'J'cü'air. a Sanghter oí cx-Gov. Telfair, and wlio diod last weck, in lier will devised to yarions religiou, eduoationol and eharitf.ble institutiouB in (eorgia, Icgacies amounting to a tola! oí over íl,000,000. ('iiosi)Y. the Vicksburg (Míhk.) negro Sheriff, who creatcd ho nmcU troublo ]Ht winter, was last week shot aml cUugeronaly woundcil in a Haloon in thut city, by a -vhito man named Gilmer, with wlum lic was diinkinf,'. WASHINGTON Thb followtng 5-20 coupon bomlti, luionn aa "the, fourth series," undor tlie act Bf Peb. , 1862, datad Hay, ]. ix% have boon rall.-.l fbr by ihe Secretary of the Treaeury, and made payable on ttad after Sept; 1. the. interest on which wül oeitsc alter that dato: Fifty dollars Nos. 20,801 -to 'il.niüi. bofh ifaoftÈiVo ; 100 Nbe. 50,001 to .V.i. lm), both ímcIuhívl'; Nos. 27,501 to 31,800, boljb iiu-ln ÜOeONo. 80,651 to ' i,.,th taclasiVe. Total, .-rlinii)n.iin(l....Mr. l'ierrejiünt lias lul upon au eipedient, whjoh, lie tliinUrt. will increafie tho efficiency of the Öepartiiielit of Jntítico. lie ha divkled it up inin a dozeo bureaus, .-ind intonda to liold tlic beafl "r eaoh r8pcllio for tlio faithful exccation of the datien intnwted to liim 'i'itc ïiilernal ïcvenuo recëipls for Êliëourront fiscal yer promu t scaed thaeemftei ly fcbout nine millar aídoJlarí. It is cst.iinati..l that thera is ■ defloianoyin tüe ftpprppriation for paylng thé nnny. ;u,.l tha botli oiiicers and men wU] roceivo only one-bali or. ttfO-Ourág of tlieir pay for the montli of June, and may even havu to wait for trtst nnlil ;i defloienoy bül ia paneel by Oonsieas. Tiie misnion of tcg ux chiefö tó Washington lyis practioalliy failcd. Not ouly dnün.v refusc I-i rnlr üicir right to tbc ISlark llill, but t'ioy have refused to Hurrender tlnir ïiht to hunt on the ISopuhlican rivor. The ucgotiatiems of. tlio Interior DcpartBiont wilh tlib Sioi'iN Cliicfn, tor tho ccssioii of tbc lilack Hilla tarritorvj have como ta naugbt. Spottod Tail said to tho ludían Oommissioners tliat tlio Indiana own tne country wliloh the Great Spirit gare thotn, nud they nerer trj to stoal the country of .-uiy 0110 etc, wliilo tho white, who havo a big country, Btill want to Hteal what little tho Indiaus havo. IE. LiNDiíiiMAN, Director of tho Mint, i of the opinión that the mibstUntion of silvej Por fntctional currency oan probably begin early nc l'til]. Ho l,aoH 1 um opinión upon the ooncuroni operatiojn of two favorable conditionu : Fii-Ht. thé iöoBae in the vahío of nilver. and scconil. tbc uiiprcciidion in tlic value of legal tender ubteë. Me. Jkwhi.i, lindH n good dea] of diffioult; in prcventiiifj Htraw biddr froni olitaiiiini; nmtráete for carrylng the nuiilM. lip hu Jttst awardad a laife uumlicr of c('iiiaii. Imi, ie satisfied that Homo of tlio uccetiHful bidders ai'e not i esponsible. lic will take activo nioasnres to put a top to tlieir ojk Tatioim as hooii aa he fina them out. POlITJCAI. Tnn Ohio lïepublk'au Stato Conventiou iriet at CohunbUH on the 2d Init., n;l aominated tho following State ticket: Governor, Hutherford li. Hayos, of Handusky ; LieutejianKiovcrnor. Thoma3 L. Young, of Hamüton ; Sujircmo Judge, ("oorgn V. Sfcllwaino ; Auditor, JarueH Williams, of Franklin ; Attorncy-fienoral, John Littlo, of Oreen ; Troasuror, J. Minor Jlilliken. of Butler ; momber 13 aid of Public Workti, l'cter Thatcher, of C!uyahoga. Tho reaolutions adopted .declara againgit w third term; in favor of a revonuo tariff with iucidontal protection ; thnt tbo iiunnco policy ulionld be to ê(Jualü!e thé imrcbaaint,' capacity of the coin and paper dollar ; that the public doniain shall bo resorved for DCCUp&ncy by actual settlers ; freo education, and no división of the school finid. The rëinahider of the platform refera moatly to loca] quostions. The convention Avais unusually liarmonious, and Haven' nomination was made niiaiiimous on motion of Charles P. Taft, sou ol Jndge ïaft, who was the only othcr formidable candidato for Governor. ïiih New llanipshiro Legislatura niet at Coneord on the 2d aniid tlio groatest excitement. In the Sonate twelve Senators qnalified, and a formal protest agaiust the right of Senators i Priost and Proctor to seats waa presentad by Senator Wliihioy and ordered on file. A ballot for President resulted in the election of John W. .:anDorn, of Wakefield, t)ie Eopublicans not vottng. Five ltepubliean Senators withdi-i froni the chaniber, and other ofticers were cliosen. ïleséccdiug Senator mot in auotherroom aud organizad tempararily, by electing O. II. Rtowell. President, and Tyler We&tgïtoi Clcrlc. Charles P. Sanborn (Rep.) was electod Speakoi of the Houso, receiving l!)0 vótc3, against 17! for Albert R. Hatcb, Democrat. A message from the Seuato was recoived, announeing tliat they liad organized. The protest of the five üepübHcan Senators was ivIho reccivod, nialiiii; tJiat tlicy luid taken tlio oath. but, refused to act with the body so long a Messrs. Pric:l find Proetor, of Uintiict,:i Nos. 2 and I, werc allowed seats in the body. The protent iras placed on file. A rcsolution was introduced directing the Speaker to obtain tho opinión of the Supremo Couit ou the consütutioijality of the action of the óovornor and Council in the matter of Senators Priest and Proetor. The New Ilampshire House of Representfttives ha ailc.ptnil resolutions iusfijicting the Speaker to request tlio Snpremè C'ourt (o name as early a day as possible for the hearing of tho, Senatorial qucftion ; also, to allowboth sidos to lio representad by eounsol with briefs and argumente. It has boon decidod by tl e Missouri Constitulijnal Convention that wlien the new Constitution is voted on by the pcoplo of the State a provisión for wornan euffrago sball be submitted as a separate propoeition. GENEKAl, Tui: natioim] debt lias been reducod ■'st]2,0GS,268 during the past eleven montlis. Tho followiug is tho at'atenient for llay: Sis per cent bonda $1,131,516,600 Five per eent bonds 5WT,B32,750 Total coin bonds $1,723 140 25U LawfiU money debt $ 14,678.000 Mltured debt 7,870,150 Legal tendere 877,186,723 Oerttflcatss M' depoait 65,345,1X10 Fractional currency 4;i,fll:),773 Coiu eertificatcs lit.!)iy,600 Total without interest 49(,()0ï,lJ'J5 Total debt $2,(fl,2I0,153 Total interest 83,804,530 Canh iu Treasury : Coin f84,251,002 Currency 4,858,107 tiliecialilcpoBitslield tor rcnioa Of eertil'.cat'H Of deposit . Sg,34g,0e0 Debí tesa cash in ího Treafmry $2.130 119 í)7." Decreasooí debtdnringMíij $ l.isn,4."il', Bcmds insnpd to the Paofflc Kailway ('ompanii m, interest paynble in lawfiil inoney-; Principal oiitstandink' $r),iv:t,r! Interest acornea and not yet paid 1,615,587 Interest paid p.v (he Dnlted Btatea 26,264,102 Interest repald by transportatton of mail, etc 6,116,596 Balance of interest paid by Utlited States 20,147,505 The cighth animal couvention of t)e National Temporáneo AsBociation was held in Chicago last v.-cok, an( was a largoly-attondcd i and intarenting hohsíoii. Yieo l'rewident i on, temporarily stopping in thc city, addressed the couvention on the opening dav. The grand jury at Philadelphia have retumed forty-nine truc bilis of indictmont against the parties arrested laat week for issning fraudulent coupons purporting to be attachcd to the boniiti of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad. Theke is a mystery in the Tveaeivry Department at Washington. A package of $47,600 addrertsod to the Park lianU, fíe Koü, han beon Bj)irited away in the Tieamirer's office, and nobody luioivs what bccanio of it. C'akl Voot, the Belgian valet who murdered hismaster, the Olievalior de liianco, in Drnseels two yeara ago, has been deliveïed up to tlielielgin .intliorities, and sailed for Europe in oustody a few days since. Postmastek-Oeneiïai, Jeweix isabout to unaertako a trip to the Vv'es't for the purpoae of looking into the management of alTairu connected with hia Department. ('itï of Ubemo iidviceH Btato üiftt effortn ure being made to establUh a line of Btamers tween Vera Cruz and Galveston, making tho run Ín eixty honra. An account of a singular duol comes írom Cuba, betweeu Dr. A. S. Curtís, oí New York, and hia friend Salvador Oortreal, a wealthy I tobáceo nicrchant cf Havftua. Cortreal Lad suspicions of criminal relations betweeu his wife and Dr. Curtís, and a ehallaage was the, tho resnlt. In the duel which followod Dr. Curtís fell, wounded in the Inp, and, mvppotiiiig him dcadr his frieud and bont coolly reloadcd liifi pintol, placed it lo liis own temple, lired, and feil dcad. Curtí in in cuHtodv. t'OKKIfis. A DispATCH froni London taten tliat the ■ ii,(i(ji) on board of tho wrecked tcivnu!:ip Schiller romaiim umliscovcred. Mutila'.ed liodkü of the vicliim f i'-,v (M.ittcrcoiitpíue to como aahoro. . . .Tbo condition of affairs Betwecn the Britinh ;covernme;it, ,n 1 liiuiimli in oritical and wotlike sitv persons woro drowned rcceutly by til oipsizkig of u Ughter near Lisbon, rorÉugal.. . . Foïty persbns have been arreated at Brussels, Belgium, for iuterfcriug t!l a roiigious proccraaion. The port of Macao, China, was vieitedbyn terrible liurricane, lasting kovokiI bours, and doiug ookisidorable damage to sliipping in the harbor. A nunibcr ol liaea are report ed lost. - Tlio CarliBf Genen) Saballa, with 2,000 men attackod Blanco, and was repulHcd with a k'HK of híxIv killed. In the great international racing event of tho Europcali coutiueut, tho Vñxo of l'aii, contested lasé weok, a Fronoa horse was victorioiiH. While the Bngjfeb thoroughbredB, tho efeamoí th geera Un-oii-hoiil. ÜXBvkiusdbm, failed to gel a place, being nowhorc near at Ihc finish .... Charles de KcmuaHt, tlip emi i French author and politioiari, w" dcad'.". .'.Tho Corporation of London lia retiolveJ to invite tho Sfaypt of New Vork city to theiotemattonai banqnet soon to be held. Hebbes. Odgeb and Wicks, of London, who were apppintod by the Federal Uuion of Laborera to mako examination of the Mi:.Bspi valle; te tlie purposo of ascertainíiir it.H isuit:iliility for settlemcnt by emigrante. Lave Ifft Englaiid on thcir ndsalon Tlio AtsBombly of the Provinoa of Quebec ha been diSBOlved by proclamfttion from the Lioutouant Governor. New cleotions will bo held on the Sth of July.


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Michigan Argus