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Opening Car Windows

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Yon are sitting in the first stages of a cokl, or your wii'e at your sido luis a little fever, and the car is warm and undeniably close. Suddenly soma person of either sex remarlas audiblyj what everybody peroeivei and deplores, that the air is close. He or she adds that such an atmosphere is unwholesoiae, that it is positively poisonous, that the car is a Black Hole, and that -we are uil suflbcating ; and thereupoii, the train flying at the rato of tliirty miles an hour, on a bitter night or day, up goes the window, and the blust drives full upon you and madama, heated uud ill, and there is 110 oseape lor yon, all the sefttó behlg fnll, bilt lo go loi mo nul stand. The good man or vvoman holds the ground, insiste tl uit the oxygen ík eihausftèd, that ivo aro all breatliing carboüio acid f;a, aml all t!ie booka ngree tha1 apoplexy, pp,ralysis, Bofteniiig óf the brain, with a vast train of occult maladies, begin under just such coüditious. " And so, niiidanic, to aparo yourself tho chauce of Borne remoto diseaae you exposé m,y wifo lo iimncdiate ple'ürisy and pneïimonia." " Sir, yon know nothing of tho hygienic íaws. " " Madame, you know notbing of conimon siíiüíc." It ík true that fr.eah air is desirable hut will not these pcrfpateUc philosopheïs learn that icy bla.sls or Eindden cliills Ii:av be fatal? Wnon niu' o( the apostles of i' air opened a par window under these oiroumstanoes, a pay-beni-d sitting Ix'hind nastautly aDesü ;nul elosed it agaiu cm])!ialjciilly. And wluui the astouiuled lady, looking at liiin se%'orely, said, in a tone of exceeduigwratli, "Sir ! " he aDsweredblandly, " my dear madame, a bird in the hand i;s woilli l.wo in llir liusli." She lookrd scornfnl, but not in the Least as il she understood its mran ing. " 1 mean only," hc Baid, " that the one Qlness which you are sure to give me may be more Eatal tban tlie two and twrnly wlii.'h yon (hink to prevent by opening the window. Madame," he added solemnly, "Ihavebeen there before." lint she turned her back ; and, ai ihe lid iftt, if thero iras lesa fresh air, there were fewcr coMh. - Ilarpir's Ettsy ('liiiir. The scarf wovn by Siun Houstou at Smu Jacinto, and wrapped abouta wound he received in the famous charge in that batüe, ia now on exhibition atadyeing blishment in Alexandria, Va. Qoestioh of tlie lioiir - What's the time.


Old News
Michigan Argus