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The Mayor of Graud llapius has negotiated the salo of 930,000 addiöbnal wntur lioixls, uiithonzod t.o be in;u'id two weeks ago. On the 28th of July bids wil! bc dpened al Lansing for doiijg the Stie printing and binding for tli' coming two yeara ; also, fur furníshíug paper, Rtationery and fnel for HS.! of tho State govirmniüit. A constrüction ciigiiK1, wliilc bncliing up alter water, near Hastings, Friclay aftcrnuoii, rau off the, track, cfiíching the engine, und killing Frank Lynch and Horbcrt Wooten, laborors on thf titán. The prolongéd conteêt in tho Ludington Common (Jouncil, over the, question whethor ( coi-t;o AVoimer or Luvi I!. Wiglitmau should le City Marshal and Street Commissioner, resulted in tlie cloction of Wightinan by two majority. Miöhioah patenté: Sawniill Üead blook, W. GHö, Muskpgon ; btttfeepots, B. L. Bato, Adrián ; shaft-couplings, P. B Weeku, Huttle Oreek ; coffee-pots, H. T. Webber, Charlotte ; shajing Mocks ft gM-monts, S. 1'. Webber, ( Charlotte. J'iik Oomptrollor of Bay City has completed the assessmeiit of lèqmcwielteia in Unit plací". Tlio roll includcx 2 wliolcsale and 00 retail dealers in distilled li([UOL-H, 27 dealers in malt liquors, and ÍS manufacturera - making a total of 98. Th'è total tax to bo paid amotints to $ll,77:3.:tt. Tin; Párwell Ilnliyr saya: "A geimine brook (rout, about 13 inches in length, was eaught by Ed. Hinkle, luat Snturday, id Tobáceo river, ab'out two miles l)elow this placo. Tliat is undoubtcdly the ñrst brook trout e rer eaught in any of the streruns that empty into the Saginaw rivev, but this is at not all strange, .when it isknown that brook trout wcre i'ormerly deposited in I líese waters. " A junéis namod Abraham Pooley was instantly killed at the Michigammo mine lutely. It seems that Pooley, with sevoral otoers wíio were in the shaft, had ovcrloailed the bucket to such an extenthat one of the derrick guys gave way, precipitating the load upbri the head of tho deceased, who was standing dirootly beneath. Ho leaves a family m Cornt wall, England, from whence he carne. The Minong Copper MiniDg Company ia abbut to inaugúrate operations on an extensivo scale at Isle lioyale. There aro some sixty ancient pits on the company's property, and it is pstimated thafc with the tools tllen in uso it must have taken 100,000 men 100 years to perform the work dono by that ancient and unknown race. Certain it is that copper üxists thero in almost inexhaustible qnantities, and no mine has yet been developed on one of these ancient sites which lias not proved profltable. At the Jackson prison, one niglit last wenk, a colored convict trom Detroit, named Ben Thomas, was louncl missing when uré men were loekcd in. TIn; cells were searched all niglit and the day followiüg without suocess. Next aftornoon the Warden notiood fresh limo scattered on the walk uiider the eaves of the cigar shop. A search showed a cavity in the wall and Thomas concealed there with a bird-housc in front of him. Thomas lias made a great deal of troublo by his attempts to escape, and trU-d to kill a foreman last February. Contracts for carryiiig mails in this State havo reeently been' made wfdh the following parties. The contraets tnk'i the places of others revoked ad resigned : D. Cole- I)ay Cily to Al pona $1,008 Stephen W. Hamlin- l'ulauki to Ooncoril 1S0 James Duwhaue - MeniphiK to Lenox. 80 liunl) linas- Waldcnl)urKr ti Mnunt OlemenB. . 60 Goorgo Hornscher-wCorintli to lloss 115 Calvin Scrijtture- cmcó to Lenoi ii Josepk I'iin.Ji -V:iic 9Ü0 Btovel J. Hmith- to Fórestvüle 1R7 Stovel J. Suiith- f rankculuet to VTnona 187 Oalvin Scriptnre - Blqomer Centre to Carson caty 9o J. L. Crippin- Siilncy to Stanton 104 J. h. (Iripjiiii- Stanton to Elmhall 595 ■T. L. Crippin- Stanton to Slmint rieaxant 360 3. L. Crippin- Stantori to Milliviok 296 Calvin Kcrii'ture - rrt-iuont Centre to Forest dit} m Pan I!. Wuaver- Allen Oreek toPentwater 2-r ,i..1hi EUiott- Hojtan to Bri.igowator 164 I'. 3. Smith- Wooilville to Sherman Wï C. C. Morse- Morel y to M ilbrook Sti'J ITorris Knapp - All Sable to Stamlish 18. Tbotnas S. 'I ilhuan - Alpena to Au Sable 245 F. J. Smitli - Little Trave :He to Charleverox. . . 950 ( 'han. 1'. Ilowlcy- SlK'ncer Creek to OtaCR" 10 Manly Ñewbury - 'l'raverse City to Mazóle City 245 li. B. Glcason - Sprintí livool; to liriflííev.-atfT. . 74 F. I. Smit h- J.yrc to Cass City 19:i Win. (. Ilak.-r- 1' rry In W ilb.rville 181 Calvin Scripture- Howartl City to I,ak.'i'w. . . 343 John Thorntlnvaito- Allures to Staniliüh ;4 Miiirr Spahtiii;,' - (raml liapitlB to Cascatte .... 260 Abraham Brown - Moatgonwry to l'ionoc r 208 ï. J. Smith- Byron Center to Holland 263


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