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ETË'W ADVËBTISËMENTS Estáte of Fredrick Muller. .TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, sa. At a aeasion of the Probate Court for the unty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office,, n the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, the aixeentli day of June, in the year one thouaaod eight ïundred and seventy-tive. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Fredrick Muller, leceaaed. On rettdinpand the petition, duly verified, yf David Rinsey, prayintf that a eertain instrument aow on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of aaid deceaaed, may be admitted to Probate and that George Muller may bO uppoiuted sole executor thereof. 'l'hereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the twelf ih day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heira at law of said deceaaed, and all other persona intersted in said estáte, are required to appear at a aesaion of aaid court, then te be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause , if any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, oi the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by CftOning a cupy of thit? order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three succeasive weeks previoue to said day of hearing, (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1635 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Donnelly. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, 3 ss. At 11 aession of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the fourteenth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and aeveaty-tlve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Patrick üonnelly, deceawd. ♦ On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Joseph Donnelly, praying thatacertain inatrument now on flle in this Court, purportiut to be the last will and testament of said deceaaed, may be admitted to probate, and that Edward Duffy may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twelfth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said peiition, and tliiit the de visees, legatees and hein at law of said deeeased and all other persons iuterested in said estáte Jare required to appear at a sesaiou of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if any there be , why the pr;tyer of the petitioner shoulcl not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in Buid eatate, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by ciiusing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and" circulating in said oounty, three successive weeks previous to Baid day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1535 Judge of l'robate. G-eo. T. Clark, CIVEL ENCIIMEER AND SiRVËYOK. Residence No. 8 North State Street, Ann Arbor. liitnds Surved, llevéis Given for Water Power uud Drainage. Plans for Iron and Wooden Bridges furuished, and any business pertaining to the proi'ession solicited. Having had raany years experience in Civil Ënfflaeer, will guarantee all work done by hiin to be correct. Persons wishingto make applïcation for Patents furnishcd with the necessary Information. Draw Inga, such as are required by the JJepartment, furnlshed. 16S4. NËW ARRIVALT OF SPRINa AND StJMMER GLOTHING. WM. WAGNEK lias Just Heceired A FfiñlE STOCK, Which must and will be sold at PKICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Alrto a full stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and "Work warranted to suit. Also a Eull Line of Furnisliing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNEK, 21 South Maii t. Ann Arbor. 1496 FÜLL LINE - OF- Sewing Machine Reedlti WINES & WORBEN'S. l501tf i: MlllAl, I.A V AND BUSINESS BOOT & GEANGER, having secured the exclusive use of ROOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD IJOOKS for the county oí WaBhteuaw, which they have carefully revised, posted and periected, and havÍDK, with au extensive anu relüible correspondence, opeued a General Business Agency at No. 5 WeBt Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will atteud promptly to the sale, purchabe and leasing of real estáte, the loüninp of moncy, collections,nefotÍHtione, contracting and conveytnciiiLi, Lii'e uud Fire InHurances, and to the practico of Law in the various Courtü of this State. Anu Arbor, May 1, 1475. TRACY W. ROOT, B. P. GRANGKR. i ■ ■■ w tí! ■ H w 4 i H j K. 3 H gg ic __ . rij ? m H r o a _r MANHOOD : ïïow Lost, How Restored ! Just publishefl, a new edition of Mr, "i""""ii'i - '"--""'"-' Celebruted EsWJÈSSIisiiy OD tíie radical cure, (without medí■fcine) of SPEBMAiORUHtEA or Seminal "VVeakness, Involuntary Seminal Losees, Impotencï, Mental and Phyaioal Incapacity, Ilnpediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fitb, indulned by aelf-indulgence or aexual extravagunce, &c. Price, in a sealed envclope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Esnny. oloarly demonstrates, from a thirty years' succesntul practice, that the alarming consequencee oí' self -abuse maj be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effpctual, by mean of which every aufTerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radiicnlly. B3T This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any nddresa, pmi-paid, on receipt of six cents or two poatage st.'imps. Addrea the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLTNE & !0., 127 Bowery, New York; Post Office Box 4586. 1WEIV BOOT AND snor; VKIUi:, Opened April 1, 1875. I have opened a Boot ana Shoe Store in thft Pantle Ulock, No. 43 South mam Street. I have one of THE MOST ATTHACT1VB STOCK of Boots and Hhoea ever sliown m Ann Arbor. They are se'ected with great care, and offered at very low prices. lu Ladies' Fine Shoes I have a full line, oomprUin BÜ the Novelties of the aeatíon. I ara now receiving NEW GOODS DAILY. Hy Btock ís entii-ely New, thorouglily assorted, and luaiked at prict-a that will suit thu most econoinicul buyers. Ilense g-lve me a cali beffore purrluisiiii; clMewliere. ld'2mS JOHN BTJRtf. ÜAEM POB SALE. One of the beat farms on LikH Platas, containing 13ü aerea ; ffl acre tlmber the balaoce under ■ high state of culMvation, and well watered. Buildings in kihhI enmiitiini. Auy person wlfthing to jmrcliase a firsi-class i';inn Bhonld make au examtaatton of this property. l-'ur particularsenquire, upon the premises, of MRS. H. H. HOWE. Lodi, May 12, 18T4. ROOFIfyC. THTS ROOFING IR DUKABLK AND WATERPROOF VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTEK THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKH AH'JUND CHIMNBY8 ANT CONNEOTIONS BKTWEEN WOOD und BK1CK, This Rooflng has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indefl nite period, and is equiilly adapted to tin or iron roofs It is flre and water proof ! This paint will be put on by the Company or sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the same. B3 No Coal Tar Is nwil in either. We aolicit the public patronage. All woik will be wananted. All communications ahould be addreased to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO. F. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA . Kesidenoe 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf ACHIEVEMENT! $175,000 Worth oí CHAMPION Mowing & Reaping Machines AT ONE SHIPMENT. Makino Two Immense Tkains op TwentyTwo Caes Kach, Loaded Entirely with Champion Machines fbom onk concebn. l',- Hing: In liiiriiiliuli', Valiii', and in lisilu, in ■ siiipiiiciit of tfriculturnl Impleuicnti ever made on tlie u ll'M. ROGERS, Agent. iN'WËUL.INti HOtSDS FOR SAJLE. Alarge.ind very well built briek house, with two ur inore Iota. Two large framed housen. AIbo a good siL'd briek house and frame ; and a small frame house on a good lot. intended for adding a front. For sale on fairterms and a reasonable credit. Alaoother buildings, lots, and property. I?ION 13 Y W AIVXJEO- So many wibhing to borrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor lenders good satisfaetory investmenta at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aüril 23, 1873. 1423tf For Sale Gheap. The subsoriber offers for sale hia HOUSE AND LOTS on Wt Hurnn street, next west of S. P. Jewott'a resldeace. The house is one of the best, and pleasantest, for the size, in the city. Will be sold for tSOO leu than cost. Foi liarticulars apply to John K. Gott, or U5ÍQ A. V. BialMER. TO I IIOSi: BIJIL,DII(.- Three artioles I agree to furnih at Lowest Bottom Pnce : French and American Glass, all aizes, doublé and single thick for stoie fronts, dwellingB. pictures, &c, all kinds of Stained and Fiuured (rlaaa. I 1bo guarantee the best mude Sash in the State. [Jlass ready aet - French or American - and warrant safe home at my risk, and 11 kindt of Show Cases, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your jrders. 8end for prioes. 1.. I. UAKIi, 44 Jefferson Ave., 1534w4 Detroit, Mioh. mlTFilTO Have you an invention for DA I tN I l which you desire a Patent, JT either in the U. 8. or i.ny foreign country J Then send to the Meohanics and Inventora' Vssoraution, the only reiiahle Patent Agency in dichiean. 37 W. Congress 8t., Detroit. i534w4 THOS. S. SPRAGUE, President. ÍADIES canmakeSö a day in their own city J or town. Address, ELLIS M'F'Q CO., Walham,Mas. 1534 w4 LYNCH & KIMUCAN, I MKRGHAMT TAILORS. 181 Jefferson Avenue, MERRILL BLOCK, Detroit, - Mich. OUR STOCK OF FílME WOOLENS Is the lnrgesj and moM cora pi ;te to be fottnd in the city of Detroit Gentlemen Yisiting the City Should examine these goodfl purchaslDg Our Styles are Imported erpressly for us and are confioed t our House. Samples Rent t auy urt of' ( lic State. LYNCH & KINNÜCAN. 1532wi:i C. BLISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consistiug of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SilYBr & Plated Ware anda erinjj thera at prices never before offered io the market. tíoraething new m TEA SETS and at a great reduction frora former priceB. Bf7Remember we liave the l.iiru'N Stock in the city. Culi and see for yournelvc. REFAIRING NEATL7 AND PROMPTU DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1922 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beeu made in the eondition ut' a mortgage executed by íieorge W. limen and Mary Havens, hia wite, to (Jharlea T. Wilmot, uil oí the city oí Ann Aruor, Michigan, attteu me tliirteenth day ol April, A. D. 1870, and recorded on the tif th day of May, A. D. 1870, at two ofclock in the afternoon of that day, in hher 41 of mortgages, on page 61íi, upon wliich mortgage tliere ib claimedtobe due at the date of tlua notice the sum of one thouaaud ñve hundred and fort y dollars, and no auit or proccedinfis at law been instituted to recover the niortfraged debt, or any part thereof: Notice is Iherefore hereby given, that on Saturday the twenty-fiirst day of August 1875, at ten o'clock in the foreaoon of said day, J shall sell at public auction, lo the highest bidder, at the Bouth door of the Court House in the city oí Ann Arbor, the mortgaged preniine, or so mucli at will satisfy the amount due on sucb mortgage and legal costa and charges of such sale, together witL an attorney fee of twenty-Üve dollars, to wil : Lot number íive, block nuinber eleven iu Hiscock'saddition to the ei J of Ann Arbor, county of WaHhtenaw and State of Michigan, except four roda ir width off from the north side of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522-32 CHARLES T. W1LMCT, Mortgagee. Mortgago Sale. WHEREAS William O'Haraand Hanora O'Hara, hiá wiie,did execute and deliver to Frederick Huson, an indenture of mortage, bearing date the mnth day oí April, A. D. 187o, on premisos therein deacribed as all that cerlain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being ia the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and State oí Michigan, described as folio wa, to wit : Being the eust threefourthb of lot nuinber three (Sj, in block number one, south of Huron street, and range number two eaat, according to a recorded plat of the village (now cityi of Ann Arbor, which said mortgage was recorded iu the Register' office for the county of Washtenaw, aforeaaid, in líber 49 of mortgagea, on page 382, on the ninth day of April, A. D. 1873, at 2:40 o'clock p. m., and whereas default has been made in the condition of aaid mortgage, by nonpayment of moneys thereby aecuied to be paid, whereby the power of sale therein contuined has become operativo, and theie is now, at the date of thU notice, claimcd to be due on said mortgage the aum of eleven hundred and twenty dollars and eighty four centa,besides an attorney fee of thirty dullai'8, in aaid mortgage expressly agreed to be paid aa often aa any proceediug should be taken to foreclose the same ; and whereas an adjudicution of bankruptcy haa been passed in the District Court of the United 8tates for the Eaatern District of Michigan, in bankrup cy, against the aaid William O'Hara, since which adjudicution the said William O'hara haa deceaaed. Now, therefore, no suit or prooeeding having been instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and leave having been granted by au order of the aforesaid court, on the seventh day of June, A. D. i87á, to foreclose said raortgage by advertisement, in pursuance of the statute of the State of Michigan, in such case made and provided. Notice is hereby given that to satisfy the aforesaid aum due on said mortgage at the date thereof, with interest, and aaid sum of thirty dollars, attorney fee, and all other costa and expenses Allowed by luw, after deducting the amount of all rents that shali have been received by the mortgagee, above uumed, on account of the mortgaged pfemised under authority of the aforesaid order, the said mortgage wili be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises above described, to the higheat bid der, at the outer aouth door of the Court House for the county ot Washtenaw, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county (aaid Court House beiug the place of holding the Circuit Court within the county in which the above described premises are situatedj, on Saturday the lourth day of September, A. D. 1875, at one o'clock in the afternoon. Dated, Ann Arbor, June lOth, A. D. 175. FREDERICK HUSON, Root & Granger, Mortgagee. Attorueys for Mortagee. Iö34tf Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havicg been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by Alvin J. Cole, of the city of Ann rbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to James Treadwell, of Dixboro, county of Washtenaw, and State aforesaid, on the eighth day of January, A. D. one thouand eight hundred and seventy-two, and recorded iu the office of the Register of Peeds of said county the ninth day of January, A. D. 1872, in liber 48 of mortgages, on page eight, and there is nowclaimed tobe due on said mortgnge and the boud accompanying the same, the aum of tevtu hundred and flfty dollars, aleo an attorney's fee of thirty-flve dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose aaid mortgnge, and no proceedings in law or in equity having been had to recover said sum of monpy or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, un the thirty-flrst day of July next, at two oclock p. m. of said day, at the íront door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county ttforesaid, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for aaid county) all that certain piece or parcel of land aituated in the city of Ann Arbor aforesaid, coiumeneiug at a point in the section line botweeu aoctions twenty and twenty-nine, at the northweat corner of land lately owned by William O'Hara, thence northerly aloug the line of O. Ward's mili race (so calledj to the aouth-weat corner of sai d Ward's mili pond . theuce easteily nlonfi the south line of aaid Ward's mili pond to the south-easl corner thereof ; thence nor herly along the enst line of said mili pond six rods, to a poiut parallel with the north wall of the eounty jail ; thenoe easterlv on a direct line to the jail fence; thence southerly along the jail fence to the poiith-west co ner of the said jail lot; thenoe easterly alnng: the south fence of the aaid jail lot to the west line of landsof Mrs. McCourt; theuce southerly along the went side of Baid land to the north line of Felch wtreet ; thence westerly on the north line of Feich street to the line ot the mili race ; thenee to the place of beginningr ; reserving the right of the said Ward's grantees to repair the M68 and pond embankment, without any manner of treHpfissinRon thel'ind hereby couveyed ; the land described bemgthe tamelttnd (except the street) deeded by David Page and wiie to Bernard Harkins, February 1,1857. Dated Myl, .875. jame8tbeadwfiu John N. Gott, Mortgagee. Atfy for Mortgagee 1529 I. J. MECHEM, M. D. Homeopatbist and Electrician. OSiceüDd reBidenco corner of Muynard and Willium atreeta. lS24m3 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions 1 of a certain moitgage whereby the power r1 therein contained to sell has beeoiue operative, ■ eeuted by Charle E. Treadwell, oí the towo of Ann Arbor, Waatitenaw County, Michigan, and Lucinda A. Treadwell. his wif , of the same place, 8 to the unriersigued Ludeina K. F ulier, of the city ] of Ann Arbor in said couuty and Btate, ae gngee, dated tfie eightli duy of Maich, A. 1). oue t thoumind eight hundred and seventy. and recortUd :i on the eleventh day of Maroh A. D. 1870, at thiee 'J o'clock v. m., in the oflioe of the Keginter ot Deeds for the Uounty of Wanhteuaw, in the State ot l Mi higan, inliber 42 of mortgageH, on page 35 1, ö upon which said morterage there is claimed to be due at the date of ttiis notice the ram of two : ntind and eighty-four dollar and liftten cents, and no suit or proceedingu aL lnw or in chancery having ' been institutt-d to recover any part thereoi : Kotioe is therefore hexeby given, tliat by viitue of the pewtroi ale conlíiinedin said mortgage, I Bhall. ' on Baturday, the tweuty-nixth day of June, A D. r ; 875, nt ten o'olock in the forenoon, si'li at public iiuction, to tlie highesteBt bidder, (the nale to take ' place at the south door of the Court House, in the ' city of Ann Arbor, in said county, stud Court ■ House beiug the place of lioldiug the (yireuit (ouit lor said county of Washtenuwj the pipmisee deacribed in such mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be neceaaary to satisfy the amount due on such mortgage, and legal eosts and charges of such sale, together with an ittorney fee of thirty tlol lara coveuanted for therein, that is to any the following piece oi parcel of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw eounty, Michigan, knowii. bounded and described iu follow, to wit: Oommencing at an iion stake in the center of the road, running in a northerly direction tbrough the east half of the northeast quarter ol section number twenty-one, town two south, range hix east, from which in tht dnvetion üorth -8í degrees west is an oak gate poat, dint:ince e links, alsp aouth V6% degrtea west is a red oak, diaincicr 15 inchea, ditnnce 74l links; run ning thence south on the line meridian ten chains iiKl 8ix linkw to thf quurter necfion line; thence soutfa vt :4 degree west on the quartw section line live chniiis and thirty-sevfu links to E. West' line; 1 henee north 2+ '.,' decreet. wet seven clwinB and thirty links to t eenterof the road on the half quavter line; thencf north 63 degrees enst up the 0ent8T of the road Hvc rluuns ind ten link ; thenod nortli ft8J deareea east in the center ot the rond Cour ehiiins and nine link to the place of beginning, containing six and twelve hundredths acre more or les. Iuted this Lliiity-ñrst day ol llarch, A. D. 187.1). LDDKMA E PtJLLER, Z. P. Kino, Morigiiffee. Att'y i'r MortfagM. Ift24 Mortgnge Sale. DEPAULT havtog been made inthecondilionsof a ctrtain murtgnge mude and executed by Her man Teats and Hannuh Teats, of thf city of Ann Arbor, V aautenaw county, and State of Michigan, to Alonzo Alien, oí' Clayvilie, Üneida eounty, New York, on the tiíteenth day of November, Á. D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Kegmter of Ueeds íor the eounty of Washtenaw aforesaid, the tliirrl diiy oí December, A. D. at two o'clock and forty-ftve minute in the attemoon oi Huid day, in libT 45 of inortgages. on puge 236, on which mortgage and note acoompanying ÜK saine there is now due, April tifteenth, L87ottbe sum ol one thousand nine hundí uú" and eighty-two dollars, and no snit or proceedings at law lia ving been instituí ed lo recovar ndd sura of laoney or any part thereof: Now, theref re, notice ia hereby giveu, that by virtue of the power of sale eOBtaiñftd iu sid moriürage, I ahall sel! at public auction to tfaehighaat bidder, on Saturday, the se ven teen th riav oí' J uly , líiTó, at two o'clock in the afternoon of thut day, at the south. door of the Court House in the city of Ann Aibor, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw}. the piemises deseribed in a-.iid morlgiige, ov ao much thereof at will satisfy suid mortgaged debt, together with interest and eosts allowed by law, and itn attorney fee of twenty-five dollars provided f' r therein : That tract or parcel of land described as lot nuraber one in blook number two south of Hurón street, raiifíe eleven tast, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and 8tate of Miohigan. Dated April U, 187Ö. ALONZO ALLEN, By Attovney. l&Üfi Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DflFAULÏ having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by John Zee and Kathrine Zeeb, hia wife, both of the town&hi of Anu Arbor, county of Washtenaw and ötat of Michigan, to Williain April, Admiuistrator o the eatate of Veet Zeeb late of t-aid county, de ceaaed, hearing date the twenty-niuth day of Ie i-ember, A.,I). 17H, and remorded in the ofiice of th Register of Deeds of Washtenaw county, on th second dny cf January, A. D. 1874 in liber 47 o morlgages on page 443, at ten and onc-halt a. h of said duy, ou wHch mortguge and the note ac companying the same, there ia claimed to be du at ttie date hereof the sum of nine hundred am Üve dollars and eighty-five cents, ahso the sum o seven hundred and iorty-one dollars and sixty-on cents to become due, alao an ut torney's fee oi flit dollars provided tor by the terms of said mor gage, and uo auit or proeeedinga at law or i chancery having been instituted to recover aai umount or any part thereof: Notiee H therefor hereby given that by virtue of the power of sa in flaid mortgage ctutain.d, on the Heventeent day of July, A. IX 1875, at the hour of eleve o'clock in th forenoono. said day, tahalí aell a public vendue to the highest bidder, at the Bout door ol the Court House, iu the city of Aun Arbo (that being the building where the Circuit Court fo: the county of Washtenaw is held) the prem ses deseribed in said mortgage, or so much tbereo: as hall be ecesaary to satisfy said amount, wil interest, costs and expenses alloweri by law, aa: premisos being descri bed in said mortgage aa io lows : AL that tract or parcel of land aituated i the county of Wushtenaw and State of Michigan bounded and described as follows viz : The wes half of the northeust quarter of section numbe ten, in township number two south, in range num ber six, in tJie county oi Washtensw. mu land the sume trttet or parcel of land -ieedet to Daniel C. Haas by David Camp and wife, o the nineteenth of October, 1858, and recorded i liber 44 of deeds, page 186. Ann Aibor, April 20, 1K75. WILL1AM APHTL, D. Ceamek, Adm'r, etu., Mortgage Att'y for Mortgagee. lf27td Mortgage Sale. DEFAUrr having been made in the conditio oí a certain mortgage executed by William O'Hara and Hannora O'Hara. liis wife, ot Ann A bor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridge Eagan, ot the same place, on the ninth day o July, A. D. one thousand eight and seventy-thre and recoided in the office ot the Register of Dee for the county of Washtenaw, aloreaaid, on tl ele ven th day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'clock m., in Liber 48 of moitgages, page (iöö, and there now claimed to be due the sum of üve hundred an sixty-five dollars and seventy-four cents, also an a torney's fee of thirty dollars, shoiild any proceet inga be taken to foreclose the same, and no pro ceedings in hiw or equity lmving been had to r cover the same, or any part thereof : Now, tiier fore, notice ia hereby gi ven, that by virtue of th power of aale in said mortgage contained, 1 slial sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on th seveuteenth day of July next, ut 1 o'clock in th afternoon of said day, at the front door of th Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, count aforesaid, fthat being the place of holding the Cir ooit Court for said conntyj, all that certain piece o parcel of land, kno wn , and d escri hed a follows, towit: Lot six (6}, block two (2), sout range twelve east, in the city of Aun Arbor, ac cordmg to the recorded plat thereof. Dated April 22, 1S75. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Öott, Mortgayees. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1527 Mortgage Sale. DEF AULT having been made in the conditions o a certain mortgage, whereby the power to se therein contained, has become operative, executed by Charlea Holmes, Jr., and Francés A. Holmes, hia wife, of the city of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Ellen J, Whitman, of the same place, dated the fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1867, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county ot Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber thirty-seven of mortgagea, page 742, whieh mortgage was afterwarda iissigned by the Haid Kllen J. Whitman to Anne Meriiott, of Pittsfleld, Washtenaw county, Michigan, which asaignmeut bears datn the tenth day of Slarch, A. D. 18T1, and is recorded in said liegister's oitice, in liber 3, assignment of mnrtHges, page 52, upi n wliich mortgage there is cluimed to be due ai the date of thia notice the sum f one thousand fnur hundred and sixty-nine dollars and sixty-one cents, principal and interest, and also the further sum of twenty-five dollars for :m attorney's fee as provided in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been inftituted to recover auy part thereof : Notice ia theref ore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in suid morlgüge, I shall sell at public auction, to the hiifhe&t bidder, on Saturday, the fourteenthdny of August, A. D. 1875, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court Houpo, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that beiog the place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw) the premises described in aaid mortgage, or so much thereot aa shall be necessary to satisfy the umount due on such mortgage, together with interest and legal costa and charges of such sale, together with an atiorniy'g fee of twenty-flve dollars, provided for in uch mortgage ; that ís to aay, that tract or parcel of !and described as follows: All of lot number twenty-flve, in Normal addition to the village (now city) ot Ypsilanti. Michiirmi, according to the recorded pint of sail addition. Dated thia 14th day of May, A. D. 1875. ANNE MKUR1OTT, Frazek & Hamilton, Aasinee. Attorueya for Assignee. 629 Mortgage Sale. DEF AULT having been made in the eonditloD of a certaiu mortgage, executed by John Harria and Mary Harris, of the city of Ann Arbor, CouDty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, (o Jacoo Volland, of the same place, on the iwentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thouSMa eighthundrod and sixty-four, and reourded iu the Begiatei 's office Iu the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 24tb day oí' June, A. ]). 18G4, iu liber 32 of mortgages, on page 44. whleb .said mortgage wasduly assigned by Jacob Volland to Audrew ,T. Shivcly, óf the city and State of New York, on the ninth day of August, A. 1). ïsfi-i, which said aasignment was recorded on the ointb dy of August, A. I. 1864, in liber 82 of mortgagea, on page 562. That there is now claimed to be aue upoa said mortgage, and note acoompanylDg the same, the gum of eleven hundred and forty-fbur 73-100th aouars; aiso tmrty dallara i a reasonaDie attorney'a fee, should auy proceedlnga be taken t Coreclose the same, and no proceedings havlng been insiituted, either in law or eoulty, to recover the same, or any part thereof. Notlce i. therefore hereby given, liatón the lltta day of September, 1875, a't 2 oelock i ii the aíternooii of said duy, at the front door of the Court House. In the city oí" Ann Arbor, uliai being the place f holding the Circuit Court lor s;liI county), and bytvirtiu' of the power of sale contained in aid inortgage. I shall sel] at public auction to the hfgbest bidder, the premisei ii) said oiortgage, to satlsfy the amoual of principal and interest ubove clainied to be dae with the charges of sale andattorney s feeofthirtï dolían. All those certajn piecea or parcela aflaad situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waahienaw and State aforesaid, Icnows boundêd and deacrlbed as follows, to wit : Being Iota numbered nine (9J and ten (10), in block Qumber one (1), oorth of Huron street, and range twelve (13) east, aceordlng toa recorded plat of Ann Arbor. Dated June llth, 1875. ANDREW J. SUTVELY, John N. Gott, Aaaignee of Mortgagee. At torn ey for Assignee of Mortgagee, 1534 $K fn fcAP" tiay at home. Terms free. Ad O10 fvdrewG.STiNSONACo., Portland, M Mortgage Sale. DEPAfl.T huving bttn mude In the , A. of a eertnin mortgapt, made 1 ""'"'u _,aery and Catharioe Lafiiry, nis wit ritll(1! f Ann Arl.oi. m oountj ül JJ.', th(1 tl ;tate ol Michigan, to Emamiel Man? 4 lame place, dated Ootober tmentv nïi? f lh .808, Kiid recorded in the offiof ,f '. I) Deed for Wasbtenaw Count, MicW 818te' f :wenty Hri dy ol Oetober' A h V on e 1:80 o'olook, p m., m libet 8b of DwatgiLï' al 42, apon whton taid murtcauc n„,t Lt.,'0I1Pii( i-emainniK unpiiid at tlje date oí tilia ÍZ ' "i lum or sixleen hundred and mie dolli r. ]' th live cent 1(1.001.16), and au altornev fï" .'rt!dolliirs providi'd tol in said iuoittuc i 'nï or proce.dingB having been mütute'a .??" recover the mm now remaimuK du.. .. f ' l.y soid mortgage or any pan tl,freof 'v"1 therffore, by irtue ot the power of aie V ow. in said mortgage, nnd by virtue of thu i t mi such case made and providtd: Notito v e '" given, that on Saturday, the ninctrent!' ïerebï June next, at t wel re o'elock, noou of lh j y "' the front door of tlie Coui-t House inth -'a: Ann Arbor, in üd ronnty ol ffVihtaïL?'"' tateoí MichiL'iin, (said (,'ourt HomsÍÍ T' '" ' ace of ) olding the Circuit C'ourt tor .M 0! tl" here will e sold at puhlic auction o, ilTm' ■e highest bidder, the premiss, iaS " ortgage, to-wit: All of lot miiutaT, Mld wathol's dditlon to the city of Ann aT"' i[ ording to tbc recorded plat of said additim. ' "' Uated March 29, 1875. aitioo. EMANUELMANX iUGKNF. K. rECEACir, Ml rt Att'yfor Mortgaaee. l.Mfitd ""8W. Estáte of John Geo. P.tul, Incompeut UTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wuhb-, k? a. Atasesaionof the Prooate (Jourt Í?!?1 ounty ot Washtenaw, holden at the 1' il n the city of Ann Arbor, on Munday the ay of June, in the year one thousnnd .if?11"1 red and seventyflv e. e'SM Present, Noub W. t'heever, Judfce of Proi,.. In the matter of the estáte of John i 'aul. Incompetent. J. Jttcob Jedele, Oiiardian of saM estáte nto couitand represent that he U now di-T1 to rend.. i his tinal account na stich 'uariiian Thereupon it u or lered that Weiln, eventh day of July uext, at ten oVloeV m ïi orenoon, be msigned for exiiminini; J?j , lowinir jucli account, nnd that the iieit nfv of mm incompetent, and all other pcrmn, ., estcd in aid estáte, irc n-qnired t ameo , lension of 8id court, then to be holden attkf J bate OtHce, in the city of Ann Arte. ", „'", countj , and stiuw caui-, it" uny tllerebe whvT saul account ahould not be allowed: And if further ordered that Baid Guardian, aive notb " the pereons uiterealed in aid esttite, uf thewi dency of said account, and the hearinir ttit i by causinfr a copy of this order to 1 publisWp uie manyan jtrijus, it uewspapei pnnted and ,, culating ín said county, three succ. arevious to naid dtiy of hoarin0. (A truc cony.) NOAH W. CHKEVF _15S4w3 JudgeolPreb Mort gage ïoreciosure. CkEPAULT having betn made in the dit, f al a mortKage, executea by rutnok Kart-i,iud Nancy Kennedy to Elijan W. Motu S January flrat, A. 1) 1873, and recoidtd Marckii same year, in the Washtenaw L'ounty Bejiïta Office, inhberlO ol moitgages. putreMü ,J,, sigued tu Cbiutian Helber, aaslgnmoit dited ud reeorded february tweutieth, samn vear iniit 48 of inortgHL'es, 505, by which detail k, power ot iale thtreiu ouutaiued becime operaré und the sum oí' tour huiidred and thirteen dol lars is claimed aa now rlue thereon iinclndWml EUium pnid fot iiiBurance and a reasouablfe ftup uoy'siee.J aud there are tive fuithei iratallnMi, with interest to becorop due, and no euit or rirn. ceedin'is haviug bem intituded to recoraft. mortgage dibt or any part thereof: therefore hereby friven, tnat s:iid mortgage winti toreclosed by a sale oí the mortgapeö premiiti tl some part thereof. to wit: Lots ntlmber threeaüd fourteen, in blook numbcr three north, in mn two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, t the (Wit Houf-H in said city, on the fourth dy of Septembfi uext, at noon, said mortg;tgewar. iriveutOMcuretht payment of the purehapemoney ior the mortweti premises. Aun Arbor, June 1, 1875, CHRISTIAN HELBEE. E. "W. MOKGAN, AsMPEei Attorney 1534 Estáte of Michael (uigley. TATE OF JIICHIOAN, county of Wmhtam, 0 as At a sension of the Probate Court for lié county of Washienaw, holden at the Probate OSict, in the city of Ann Arbor. on Saturday the btc day of June, in the year oue thousand eight hu dred and seventy-nve. Present, Noali W. Oheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of he entate Michael tiuigley, deceased. ün reading and filing the petition duly veriÜEi of Mary Wall, by l'atrick Wall, her agenl ut attorney, prayinjr thtit an Administratoi dt tmu non), with the will annnxed, may be appointïdm the e-tate of said dee sed. Thereupon it is ordered llmt TumJht, üt sixth day of July next, at te (' ck in tw forenoon, be asáigrid for the hearing of ui petition, and that the derineea, leñatees kc tiei s at law of said decfased, and uil ota nteresttd m said estáte, are require-i to ii vpear at a sedion of said court, then to U holden at the Pitjbatfi Omce, in the city oí Aun Arbor, and show cause, rf any there be, why the prayer uf the petitwner bIiim not be granted : And it is fuither ordered thi; said petitionei give notice to the peraoBsintereiUii said estáte, of the pendency ol suid petitioQ aci the hearing tliei-eof, by causing a copy of this orüït to be published in the Michigan Argut, a nero paper printed und circulated in said county, threa successive weekg previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.i NO.íH W. CHEEVtlt, 1584w3 Jndge of Probate. Mortgage S&Vb. Default having bten made in the condition oí l certain mortgage executeil by Wiiliamllyanoi the eleventh duy oi April A. D. 18Ï4, to Manii Kyan, ext-cutor of the last will and testameot d Edward Kyan, deceateti, which aid mortgage ïu given to Becuie the puichuHe money ot the premia therein described, and recordtd iu the otiieeol tk Register of Deeds in the county of Waiètaiai, Michigan, iu Liber 5tl of Mortgages, on pnge Z1. and which said mortgtige was on the secood dayof November A. D ib'ti, assigned by said Martin Rytf to Leonhard üruuei, aud on the same day recordti in the omce ot the register of Deeds in the County of Washtenaw, in liber 4 of aaipmen'J of inortgages, on pae 4-'7, and on the 24th dayci December A D. 1874, l.eonhard (iruner, asbigntes aforesaid, asaigned the same to Wülian which aesignment was recorded on the stimedap the office of Begister of Deeds in the county I YVashtenaw, in liber 4, of asBignmenta oi DMgages, ou page 4ó3, by which deiault the ponr 01 sale contained in said mortgage hal bfcome operativo, on which morlgage there Uelauaed to be due at the time of tliis nutice, fbl Btmli sixty dollars and öixty-t-ix cents, and aleo tbetother sumof thirly dolían for n attorney1! fa providedin Baid mortgage, and no suitorprücttc at law or in equity having bwu ustitutw ' recover the amount'due on soid moitt i part thereof: ïiotice is, therefore, hereby p that by virtue of the power oí sale contaiDW 'i said mortgage, I shall sell at public auctioi, n the South front door ot tho Court House, ■ city of Ann Arbor. (that buiig . the builto! which the the Circuit Court for said Count; ' Washtenaw is held} on the tirst day of SeptanK A. D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenooo ƒ day, the following premiseá detcribed iu sftld ram' sage viz: Allo; village lots number üve ania in block number forty-flve in the rillape of ■ chester, county of Washtenaw and SlateofJU gan, aceording to the recorded plat thereut, or much or snch part or parts tbertof as shall necessary to satisfy the amount due upo " mortgage. Dated June lst, 1875. „.. WILLIAM F. OSIIS, yREDEEIOK PlSTOBIDS, AS'S? Att'y for Assignee. mReal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wmb'' ss. In the matter of the entate of JoS ' Kienzle, Catharine C. Kienz:e-and F'1' Kienzle, minors. Notice is hereby grven, u imrsuanoe of an order granted to the nW Elias Haire, guardián of the estáte ot s""11"""; by the Hon. Judge of Probate for tbe couil Washtenaw, on the twenty-tlfth day of ■"; 1875, there will be sold at public vendue to w higheBt bidder, at the dwellmg hocise on tnepj" ises hereinafter descrihed in the TowDeMP1'1 dom, in the county of Washtenaw, in daidb Tlmisrtay the flteenth day of July, A. D. j, one o'clock in the afternoon of that day WV all encumbrances by mortgagn or other; 'ftoti' inf at tlie time of the sale, and also subjei'i . ' ■, nght of dower of the widow of w 0"" ., therein) the following describebed real w wit : Situated in the township of Fi eedomo J of Washteuaw and State of Micliiïan. "!",[ at the sonthwest corner of the southeast qu-' ,(_ the northwo&t quarter of section n"ml)" , „. two, iu t wn three south of range four e ■ niug thence nortü along the line of saiaw qurter of the northwest quarter of 'f , seventy and one-half rods to the center highway ou said lot; thence easterly "" , j the center of said highway forty rods ; the to the south line of said lot ; thence w . '?"; „. south line of said lot to the plaee of beJf,n' d"j, serviusr on the west side of said tract oí w and a half rods in width, commencmg """jj, :er of the highway, west, running sontn "paTedMay 2ith, 187 Estáte of Paschal Mason. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wl0 ? ss. At a session of the Probate Court w county of Washtenaw, holden at the rr0T twu the city of Ann Arbor, on Munday, J ty-forth day of May in the year one ■ eight hundrcd and seventy-five. o hftte, Present, Nonh W. Cheever, Judge of " In the matter of the estáte of Pas"1' deoeased. . MJjUt On reading and flling the petition, ou of Erastus P. Mason, praying that a cerWJ i nent now on file iu tlus Court purporting i te ist will aud testament of said deceaBC "■;.!. I admitted to Probate, and that he na V ' lason may be nppointed Executors tl'", tl 1 Thereupon it ia ordered, tuut Mon""k wenty-flrjt day of June next. at lu „„ i( he forenoon, be assigned for tlie , „tfrt aid petition, and that the devisoetj til, nd heiis at law of said dt'censed, ano w jb4 riauns iuterested in said eBtste. ■ " 0 It o appuar at a aesjion of sa;d Loun, „, oldeu at the probate office, in lbt: C"T be M Arbor, and show cuuae, if any BJ5 „t 1 he prmyer ot the petitioner '""!, hst muted; And it is further ordcrea, v ■ iBier jetitioner give notice to the P1'"' of su stad in snirt estute, of the ponüi'i K' vt( ' etltion and the hearing thenof, DT opy of this ordi-r to be publisbed fí ' oi" ryá, a newermiier printed liiul i'puU'" ,uid f outity three aucceaaive week prevlüUb Assignee Mqtice. f. All person havina claims frninst tlie (i ,rt . Luiter & Co., and aguiust Trncy " ■ jj pelW equestedto present thein tome, aa ut vius! the said piirties i re rcqucsHja u ,i,t ttle. I otter tor alf l " "' ";ot & ', buervatory; Ako or.e i. n üvk11 Ui i" jjarf etween Besimer'H Rek' ■ mnt and " lultlnr oube, and other lande ii. i, e State. articulan cali on me. gMITBi Dated May 6, 1875 132'Jtf '""'


Old News
Michigan Argus