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STUDENTS' LECTUKE ASSOCIATÍON. A concert will be given by the BOSTON PHILHARMÜC CLUB - IIV- UNIVERSITY HALL, Monday Evening, June 21st, 1875, The following is a list of the performers : MISS MAY A. BRYANT, Soprano Boloist. BERNHARD LT9TEMANN, (Late of Thomas' Orchestra) , Violin Soloist. KRITZ LISTBMANN, (Late of Thomas' Orchestra), Violin Soloist. EMIL QRAMM, (Formerly of Thomas' Orchestra) Viola and Violin Soloist. AD0LPI1 HAETDEGEN, CLate 'Cello Soloiatot the Emperor of Brazil), Violoncello Soloist, EUGENK WKINEU, (Formerly of Thomas Orchestra), Flute Soloist. ADOLPH BELZ, (Late of the Imperial Kussian Orchestra of 8t. Petersburg), French Hom Soloist. AdmUsion öOCent. Tickets for ale at tlie Hookstore. Doort apen at Seyen o'clock. Performance to begin at 8. Tlease call and get The best Lawn Mowers at Pease'. The most beautiful Plant Stands at Pease's, 2 new Ferneries and Ferns at Pease's. The best Refrigerators io America at Pease's. Call and see the new Lever Clothes Wringer at Fea8e'a. 40 reasons for using Reed's Caipet Sweeper at Pease's. Wire Cloth for Screen, at Pease's. Water Coolers- shop mado, at Pease's. Water Filter's of metal, neat, convenient and durable at Pease's. Toilot Sets of Galvanized- iron everlasting, at Pease's. Wire Arches, for Centerpieces, or walks, made at Pease's. Bath Tuba- Family, Sitï, Fiunge and Child's, at Pease's. Farm Toola at Pease's. Everything resonable at Pease's, . J. PEASE, 46 S. Main st. EDWARD DUFFY HAS JUST RECEIVED AN Cntire New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Ooff ees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOB, CASH, and is offering them at a VERY SIJGHT ABVAME over New York Cost Also a full Une of LADIE8 and GENTLEMEN'S WEAK in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, All oí which he íb oflering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goode for CftBh. Cali and examine goods and priceB, and I WILLINSURE SATISPACTION Gooda delivered to any part oí the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. "Maynard's Block," cor. Main and Ann streets yó-l ' Aqu Albor, Mioh. T)UT YOUE MONEY WIIEKE IT WILLDO THE MOST GOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMFET1T1ON AL8O, A FÜLL LINK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. J Cali hefore purehariug. 15 South Main Street. UTotice ! The notes and accounts of the Ann Arbor Trad ing Association hare been left with me for collec tion, All persons indebted are requested to raak immediate payment, or suit will be oomiaeuced. April 22, 1875. JOHN N. QOTT, Att'y for Assignw ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? If o, g lo L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE! and get THE ATERILL CHEMICAL PAIHT. The BEST paint forany use thatis made. Hardware and Stoves OHEAPER than any place IN THE STATE. 31 South Main Stkeet. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAILEOAD. OPINO WEBT. -1875- OOISO BAST. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. ÍTATHMÍ. ÍXP. KtJL Detroit, aep...7.:0ü' s!ao' Ypsilanti.... 8:36 6:45 Banker S-.15 2:15 Saline 9:30 6:21 Hillodale ... 3:30 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:00 6:42 ! Manchestar.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 7:05 Bridgewater 6:56 4:27 P.M. Saline 7:25 4:46 Hilladale 1:28 9:04 Ypsilanti.... 9:15 5:2f Bunkers 1:45 9:16 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efleet March 28, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquette E. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connectiona made at "Wayne J unction with trains of the Michigan Central K. R. Pour trains North and four Boutk daili except Sunday. In Effect May 2ith, 1875. eomo nobth. 3á i . fl' 8TATIONB. H Oh A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Wayne, leave 8 57 12 47 6 03 11 00 A. M. Holly, 10 45 2 S4 7 45 4 15 Flint, H 25 8 10 8 24 4 68 East Saginaw, 12 45 4 15 9 40 S 25 Bay City, arrive 1 20 4 65 10 15 7 25 P. MÍ Reed City, 8 25 12 10 Ludiogton, 10 46 4 30 OOINO SODTH. A. M. A. M. P. M. Wayne, leave J 65 6 20 8 20 Monroe.'arrrive 4 05 T 85 15 Toledo, arr. 5 08 10 00 10 20 The steamer " John Sherman " leavea Ludington on arriyal of Day Expresa at 10 45 making close connectionswith the Sheboygan & Pon du Lar. U. R. at Sheboygan for all points in Wiscontrin, Minnesota and the Upper Península or Michigan. Returning leavea ttheboygan at 12 30 noon, connecting with the Night Express leaving Ludington at 5 i' . m. ; connectiona at Ludington also with uteamers for Pentwater, Maniatee, I'ranklln, etc. 8ANFORD KEELER, Asa't Supt. J. P. Noükse, Uen'i Ticket Agent. THE AJïN ARBOR SAVIItf GS BANK Ann Arbor, lliclii"i". Eeceives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and .llows Five percent, interest on all deposita reniainng three months or longer. Interest Compounded S nii-Annually. Also buys and sella U. S. Bonda. Gold, Silver and interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chi:ago Exch&ugc. Also sella Sight Draita on Britais, Ireland, Germany, or any other part of the Euroaean Continent. Thia Bank is oiganized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are Indiridually Hable to the amount of their atock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Banksof issue, the capital is invested forthe security of bill-holdera. Thia fact makes this Institution a very safe depoaitory of monies. Married Woinen can deposit subject to their own drafts only. Jloiiej to Loan on Approved Seturltles. DIRECTOKS: S. Smitii, C. Mack, W. W. Wisks, K. A. Beal, W. D. Harrimax. l. Hiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICERS: R. S. Ssiith, Prea't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller. ORCHESTRAL HALL WASHINGTON STREET, Is again opened under the management of ita former proprietor, F. RETTICH. THE BEST 8ELF-PLAYING ORGAN IN THE STATE. Restaurant, flnest Imported Wines and Liquor, Bottled Ale, Lager Beer, etc. Everybody hungry or dry should not pass by without making a cali. F. RETTICH. TINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDFL.OUR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a upply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &o., &o. At wholesale and retail. A general stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. 93f Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. lll.XSi: V &. SKABOIl'. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. lsutf "flotjr i The Quality of our Flour IHADE A SPECIALTY J. M. S"WIFT A CO., of the late flrcn of Deubel, Swift & Co., offer to the public a ñrstSclass brand of Flour. Orde for FLOUR AND FEED! may be left at the Post Office, in our Box. marked J. M. Swift & Co., or at the mili, whioh will be made a epecialy. DELIVERY FEEB-TERM8 CASH. 1525m6 r. M. SWIFT & CO. llST BEJLOSED UP7 OINCE MAKING A CHANGE IN MY BUSII hare allowed oer flye months For the settlement of my oíd booka. A very laree namberof accouuts still remalu unpaid, and Must be paid within 60 Days OR WILL BE SUBJECT TO COSTS. l. X. SHATHEL. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1875. 3ml524 JPOE SALE. Forty acrei of lana within the city limita, with oomfortable buildings, and young oichard of two year's growth, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to EDWARD DTJFFY. April 29, 1875. 1533. CLARK'S NEW PATENT REFRICERATORS AT PEASE'S. In this Refrigérate the warm air is separated from the cold on STRICTLY SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPIES and is carrled into a condensing chamber, leaving the contenta of the clipboard apartnient PERFECTLY COLD AND DEY. Instead of the bnlky and orlorous parking used in other Refrigerators, the entire exclusión of air and heat is attained by the use of two thicknesses of specially prepared paper, with a dead air vacuüm betweon. By the above improvements A Large Percentage of Ice Is Saved. CALL AND GET ONE AT G. J. PEASE, 46 South Maiit Stbeet. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHjïïkB riHST GiTTA.I.IT-S' Conetantlyonhand andforaaleby B ACH fr ABEL.


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Michigan Argus