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Gossip Of The Day

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A Frbnohmañ sent to NerwCa'edonia murdering his wife want. d to marre a wnman theve whose crime wus the mtmler ol' her husband ; bnt the aulhortiiaa peínsed to lot tliem marry antil ; tilicatos of tlio doath of thei respective Mpouses had been duly obtainod from ■ BVance. The present Miuistry of Great Britain are urging a plan for the gradual ;,'itÍHlmi-ut of thu uiitional tlebt of tliat ((inntiy. ít is proposed to reduce the dchí ívt tho rato of 10,000,000 animally, i un.l, as the ontiro deTt is now about $:!,- 700,000,000 it would roqnire somc ;i70 yeard ÍÓI Dio complete cavryiugoiit of the Bcheme. Adyici-.s fvom Spain indícate that tho ' governBieiït of Efag Alfonso is weakenÍHg tliát tKere is a movement on foot in failridfor the rostoration of tho ropnblio; nnd that thoro is a possibility thiit tho partiste mn.y yet be succossful. Spair, is tluí kíoIc member of the Eiu-opi'iin i amily of oátions, attd ftppeftt? to 'be gotting no better very fast." On Bird's Tslaud, in Scott county, Mo., about two and a half milos from the Cape oounty lino, thero is a hill thrco miles iii ! cirenmforence which is a weÜ-known landmark to all who ever visitcd tho ■ "swrnnps. " ])uring a hoavy raintstorm ■wliich oeoorred in that section on Katurday night, about threo-fourths of an I acre of this hill slid into the swamp, of couvsc can-yingwiththe earth trees of the largest sizo, shrubbery, etc. San Francisco is proud of ita Pahwe Hotel, and itms like thi.s orop out in each issue of t.lie cily nowspapors : "A Salt Lake man visitijig this city wns amazcd at the Palace Hotel. Whon he went home, he coníldentiiiUy remarked to tv party of his friendn : ' Why, yon conld harig the tabernacle out of the sevetítíi story of this groat house, and it wonlda't ippear logger than a bfrd c;igo, and BrighaiB would look likc a ílyNJMVk. ' " A nousE -ow'neií took a policy in tlie Agricultura! Insurance Company, of Watertcwn, N. Y., stating to tho agent that tho size of bis liouse was unknown, and not suro about thifl, the agent verbal ly promised that he should not be held striotly to the statement. The polioy, however, stipulated that all the statements wj warranties, and the house being in fact 24x29 whea it was buroed down, tho company refused to pay, and the Supremo Oonrt lield them not bound. The International Typógráphícal Convention iu Be.ssion at Boston namedPhilidejphia, and July 1, 1870, as the place and date for holding the next animal eonvenfion. The Greeley Monument Committee repovtod that a íuiid $",- 052 was suflieient to gnarantee the erection of a suitable memorial within a year. A resolution was adopted requiring subordínate Unions to refuse full membership to youug men undor 20 years of age, and instructing Unions to admit nono who have not served four years at the business. Ix South Caroliua the financia! and industrial situation is better than at any time since the war, and the same is also truc of Mississippi. In the lattor State there is more land under cnltivation, and better worked at tl;at, than ever before. An iiicrease of from four to six and even ten per cent. in cotton over the average of the past several years is anticipated in the cotton pi-odnol, while thcre will be much larger corn crops also. General thííft is looked, for whea tlie crops are ready for the market. Tj[.t! Shah of rereia made a bargain with Jicutoi-, iJioiKiws Piincc of Eurojic, by wliich his country was to have railroade and telegraphé in abundance ; but his Europeari tiip dissatisfled him with the arrangement, and the trade was "off. " Ile tiwi] made a railroad coucession to onc Felkenkagen, and now the cable roports that it has lapscd, beoause the contract was not fulfilled. The times are hard on that side of the Atlantic as well as lliis, and wild-cat railrond H])oculatioi)t4 n-o at a uiscount. Thkeb great railway magnates- Jewett, of Uu' Kr.', Vaüderlnlt, of the New York Central, and Scott, of the Pemisylvania Central-are trying to get ahe:id of Garrett, of tli( lïaltirnoro and Ohio. The latter in the great bear of transportation rutes, v.hile they would " buil" the charges to extortionate rafes. Mueh the same contest was waged several years ago, Dean Eich mond was lliè hoadcontóï of the anti-GarreU ring. The combintition faifed ih-n, and we believe it will fail now. i ni-Au-, nm Binguiar pertormande m a Boston coiu-t 1,-ist vvk. Duriug the trial oí' a case, ajniymán bégan questkming i witüoás in such i mMiiicr that the District Atteney. ealled him (the jurynian) as a Tvitaes?. TIüs vas objected to by the Óflíer sido as an uuheard-of prooeeaíágj l)ut th eourtrul(l that the evidenco was adraissiblo, aud it Tras reooivod, Uiough it isprobably the lirrittime in (],■ liiíilory oí IVkiMSHchuwttH Conrts tlitit u i"1'"1 íflpd in a ciise upon which he is to give a verdict. Tiik Soheneotady Union relates an interestíng story connectod with the last daya of the fatal illuosu of a youug líidy namcid Agnes wood, in the town of Putnacj, Washi)iK,,,n county. She had expressed a desire íor a boiled partfidge, but ben frïèiiclS de( ming it irapossible tp graoure ojic, endeavored to persuade her out of die notien l)y ofToring to obtaiii a sipürrcl. 'j;iii.-; ,b-,i did not to soit Itór, and her appetitecraved IhepaiMdge alone; aañ strange to say, dunng (lie same day i pm-tri.lge flew against the house, and becoming disabfed, Wtis rca.lijy cangSt and cooked for the dying giri. It iróè about the lat of earthly gmlilieations slie was permitted to enjoy, as Bh koou aftcr expired. An EiiKiiiu paper recently contained a letter írom a passenger on board a Bteamer running between iw Voi-k and Aspinwiill, in whieh the Captain was chorg. J wiHi iimiilily beoiuwe he slowed his engiue rather thaa ran the risk of atei UMoí ni a fog, and the eompauy was callee! upo a to remove bim or clso to give hitn orders to make quioker passagts. It is just tliis sort of idiocyon the part of the travelüig ptíblie whieh leads to 811 ch disaetors a,s (lic wreok of the Schiller. Passengers who kiunv nothing whntever of tho meaus proper to b(! takeu to insure the snfety of a Bteamer, hut who are nnxiou.s to niake a fast passage at aiiy risk, are always ready to acense a Captain of timidity who psefers sufety to speed. There is litüe doubt tliat had the Captain of tho Schiller stoppod his vessel to soumi, his passengers would have resented the delay. No Captain Jikes to ]' oalied a coward, or to havo. passengers writing letters to the newspapers calling on his owners to remove liim. The resolt is that Captains rmi risksin otéet to mako qnick passages and jilease the public, and when by so doing they oooaeionally lose their vcssels they are denounced almost as violently as they would havo been had they brought their ships into port Siifely, but also a few hours late.


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Michigan Argus