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The International Typograpbical Union closed its session at Boston by elêoting tho following ofticcrs: President, Wal ter H. Bell, Philadelpliia ; First Vice-President, James Harper, Montreal; Seconcl Viee-President, C. F. SlicMon. Kansas Oity; Kecretary and Treasurer, William A. Hutchinaon, Chicago; Corregponding Seoretary, W.-S. Pride, Wilmington, Dol OharleH 0. Fnller, President, and J. T. Mftary, Trcasurcr, oí the Chaplin Paper Ccimpaiiy, of Nofwioh) Conn., have abneonded. Jcaving ontHtanrling obligationB estimatcd to unount to ?70,000, the greatcr part of which is believcd to be in forged notes. Tuk steam yaclit Octavia, bnilt at Cleveland in 1864, for T. W. Kennard, engineer of the Atlantic and (Jreat. Western railroad, is under survcillanco at New York, suspected of being fitted ant to aid the Cuban insurgente The Boston sxpress train for New York ran off the tra'.k iieartho lattcr city, laat week, narrowly cscapDg dcHlruction. Two parlor coaches were Dverturned and a nuniber of paasengors (juito severely bruiBod. Vice-rresident Wilsou was n tho roar coach and eycaped iujury. Liss innie Louise Cary, the -ocalifit, was slightly ïurt. Ex-fcipeaker Blaino ocoupied a weat in tho coacli, and received Hlight injuries. THE WKST. The cliampion baso ball club of Boston sustaiued a cruhing defeat iu tlieir gamo at Chicago last week, the Bcore standing 2 to 0 iu favor of Chicago. The -Bostons had been previously dcfeated by the .St. Louis club. In their games iu the East the lied Slockings liad tcored twenty-seven victories, aud it seeined as thougli they would win evcry game the playod tliis seation : hut base ball is very uncertaiu, aud it is not safe at any time to bet odds of 2 and 3 to 1 The Quahada band of Comanclies surrenderod last week to the commandant at Fort Sill. The band compriued 180 wurriors and 300 vomen and children, with 1,400 ponies....A desperate oncounter recontly occurred in the vicinity of Stockton, ltoohs ranty, Kansas, between Mr. Alexander, SheriiT of Ellis county, and a horse thief, rcsnlting in the death of both. The plan of paying a bonnty per bushel for dead grasshoppera in Le Sueur county, Minn., has been a success. So far the greater portion of tbat body of the pests has Been destroyed. Two hundred and twenty-seven bushels were captured in two towns in Le Sueur county,... A disease known as the "Black Dcatli," is making great havoc among the swine on the Upper Ottawa river, Canada. The National Sportsmen's Association held their second annual convention at Cleveland, Ohio, laat week, witli a largo attendance of delegates. Ilon. J. V. Lo Moyne, of Chicago; was elected President of the association for the ensuing year Gen. Slioridan has forbidden j a lot of gold-lnmtors froru entering the Big Ilorn country. He says that territory is includod in the Sioux reservation under the treaty of 18G9, and white men will be prevented by the military from entering it for any parpóse whatever until the treaty is abrogated. Kev. Dr. Jacob 8. Shipman, of Lexington, Ky., has heen elected Episcopal Bfehop of the diocese of Fond du Lac, Wis. PitoF. Janney, of the government exploriug cxpeditian in tho Black Hills región, officially ; reporto that there is do gold there. Bill Euro has given bail to appoar for trial ! at Washington on the charge of perjury. Heavy frosts visited some portions of Central and Western Michigan on the night oí June 13, doing considerable damagc to growing crops. It has beeu decided that the now Custom! House ut Chicago ia iimecure, and that no safe foundation can be had without commenciug on piling. All the work of Mullett, therefore, will have to como down, and" Architect Potter will eonstruct au entircly new building. TUIS SOUTH. In the caso of the editor of tho Galvcston News, arraigned for conterapt of court iji Charging the Judge with partiality in a pending case, Judgo Morrell decided that it was wilhin the province of the presa to criticise freely the acts of tbe judioiary, and concluded with the dedaration that "the publishers havo unrestrictcd liherty to apply an epithet to the Judge of tho court without being in contempt for so doing." #y The Maryland Democratie State C'ouvention, to nominate candidatos for Governor, ComptrolI Ier and Treasurer, is called to meet in Baltimore, on Wednesday, July 21. An atrocious mulder was commiUed at Salem, Butherford county, Tcnn., last week. Wm. Jerrott rotnrned home from a visit and foiïnd liis wife lying dead on tbe Hoor wïth a coird drawn tiglitly around her throat. It is thought money v;ih t,lio object of the murder, as nome was found missing. _ L. - r i WASHINGTON A imv iluys since a clerk iu the Sixth Auditor's otlice was removed, for the rcanon that ) lic had made use of m oiticial circular of the Eostoflico Department, in an endeavor to secure a pass from the Cunard Sïcamship Company. Aix the members of the commission to treat yith the Sioux for tho relinquishment of tho lïluck llill have beeu appomted. Thecommission as constituted is as follows: Senators ' Bon and Morrill, Mr. Comingo, member oí' j gres from Missouri, Bishop Haven, the Rev. Mr. Uinnuui, aud the Hou. F. W. Palraer.pditor of the Chicago Ocian. All tho niembers ' havo signilied their acoeptanoe except Senator Morrill and Bishop Haven. T!i! commission will rcudezvous at Yankton about the middlo of July. and will proceed tUfuce to the varii us Sioux agencies. j The 'rioasurv Department hm issued tlie new regulations relativo to the cxaniination of baggege of passen-i-rs from abroad. Evtry j passenger will bc compelled to rnake a sworn . statement of tbc nuinUer of packages contained in eaenpackage, and to speciflcally state whether there are any articies hiteuded for use of j odier pereons. Any misreprosentation of facie will subject the baggage to f.i -feit ure. ÜKNKKAI.. Ji'inii'. Kn.!,i:v, oí PenisylVania, is reportcd as Inving cxpiossed anopiuioii tbat the governi ment i upon the verge of banTirufjtcy, md that ' i tbe only way out of the present trouble is the calliiig of a fpeciál hifi. ion of ÖoSgreBg'f.?! Judge Nelson, of the United States Supreme ' Court, sittiög as Judge of the UniWB State! District Court at Winona, Minn., bas rendered i a decisión affirming the conetitutionajity of the C5vÖ Righie bill. Tin: Wupicnic, Conrt of Ohio lias (lcirl.l the propertyof beuAnliteitiet, itohAig tlie Masonic and simpar organizationa uereto fore exempt, ii BttbJeoJ t,, Ukütimi A '-'i tlikteen jears and repeated fniitlpss i i ; ■ . i uit.ed Raten I of-war Cumberlaml, which wi i lamp-' 'fii Rou.l-1' tlie lifl'c! liini ir-ii i : ■; uaa been recovored by a party oí divers. Tlie anfe íh nnpposod to oontain abont 10Q,000 iu gold, whicli wil] go to tho finders. An American liahing-boat han uickftd np and bronght into 8t. Jolina, N. B.. niño of the crew and three of the paHaengera of the lost HteamBhip Vteksbuxg. . . . Scveral oil tnnks and two or three warehouaeH belonging to Lockhftrt V PtOtt and fïraff, ]íonnett A Co., juat out-side of the city of Pittuburgh, were destroyed by fire last weel;. About 150,000 barrel of oil were eonsnmed. Total lona, Í400, 000. The grasahoppors liave forsaken Western Miasouri, and are taking their flight noithwaril. Tox McGr.iiAN, a notorious desperado, made famous by the. bragio end of hi connael, Hou. C. L., "ho loHtlpa life inexplaining Home points in the trialof BfoQéhan for the murder of amau nained Myera, was aHsasHinated in hin saloon, at llaniilton, Ohio, at 12 o'elock last Monday night. . Tue lnmber operatives ot Chicago reeently threatened a striko iu ooii8equence of a rednetion in their pay, but better eouuseja prerailod, and tliey vcry scimilily concluded tuey would be outting tlioir ovn tliroata by Biioh a course, as a immber of unomployed were ready to tako their place. They therefore continued to work as UBiial at reduced rfttes. POI.ITICAI,. Thk Justices of tho New Hampriiire Superior Court roudered a long opinión to the Honate, recognizing tho Democratie Sonatorn aa the dnly-elected membors froni tho conteisted diatricts, and declining to go back of the action of the (overnorand Oouuoi] in deelaring theni entitled to their seatB, on tho ground that the judiciary haa Jio right to interfere with tho action of a co-ordmatc branch of tho goverumeut. . . .The executive committeo of tho "Independent Reform" party of Illinoia, iu sessTon at Bloomiugtou, last weck, decided to cali no State conveution UiiH year, but the membera of the inuly throughout the State were advised to wake noniiDatiou for local ónices in tho aeveral couiiticn. Tuk Legislature of New Hampahiro elected P. O. Cheney, lïcpublicau, Ciovcrnor, of the State, vice Weston, Democrat, Gov. Da vis, of Minneaota, declines to be a candidato for rcnominatioii to that oflioe, but iutinïates a willingnesH to go to t'ongreas instcad, aa the auccesaor of lïill King. The California Hepublican Htuto Conventiou met at (Sacramento, on tho lltli, anrl nomiuated the followiug ti'iket : Öoveruor, T. G. Phelpa; Lieutenant-Goveraor, JosephM. Cavia ; Secre; tary of State, O. H. Hallott; ComptroUer, J. J. Green; Snrveyor, IÍ. E. Gardner; Treasorer, ■ William Beekman; Attorney-General, E.D. 8awyer; Olerli of Supremo 'Court, Grant J. Taggart; Superintendent of Public Instructiou,Ezra C. Carr. The platform adopted recognizes the career of President Orant; accopts tlie letter i I 1 the President as a final aettlemeiit of the thirdterm queution; declares that the Thirtecnth, ; Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendmenls to the CoiiKtitution should be maintained; condemns that portion of the Southern people who intimii date the colored votera; demanda economy aiid j I honesty in the admiuistration of State and t county governments; and that the State and ita I I comnion schools be kept free from I ; cal or secular control; adcclaration of war pon i the raöroad companies wbich deny and resiat the rigl tof State rogulatiou and control of faren I and tolla, and a pledge that tho Kcpublican members of the Legislatura wil] vote for a fair ! and reasonable reduction in this direction. FOKEIGN. Weisinckh, who attempted to extort money by implicating peiv;on in tho plot. to asrassinato Bismarck, has been conimittcd for trial at Berlín. From Panama is rcpörted tho loss of tho Engliah ship Prince Alfrcd, with guano, for Londoii. Slie foundered at sea in the vicinity of Coquimbo. The crew wcre saved DisI patches from Spain stats that the Alfonnist governmeut is in a weak and tottering condition, and tliat the Carlint rauine is improving daily and gaiuing muoh Btrength. . . .Fourteen stores, besidesseveral dwellingM, wt-re (Inntroyed hy fire iu Toronto last week, causing a loss of #550,000. a largèpartof which ia ninsnred. A lire at Minatitlan, Mexico, destroyed property to the value of 8400,000. Biixs have been introduced in the British Parliameut for the rcgulation of stnkea. Thcy ! pruvide that breachea of contract calculated to I caue public injury by work people employed in public capacitiea, as in the anpply of gas and i water, shall be dealt with criminally. Am order has been issued from the Imperia] , Chancellor at Berlin proliibiting the circulation ', of the Caholic Gazetk; oí BaJtimore, for two ! years, within the boundariea of the Germán empire The Italian Pariiament is greatly exercised over a bilí for the suppressiou of brigandago in Sicily and clsewherc. Tbe brigands appear to have nearly aa many friends as opponents' in the Chambera News has just been received of a terrible earthquake in New Grenada, South America. The destruc; tiou was grent in the valley of Cucóla, on the Venezuclean frontier. Some 16,000 lives are reported Joj3t by the calamity A crisis is! imminent in (Treèce whicTi may result in tho abdication of tho King. Turkish men-of-ar . havo been ordered to cruise in Greek waters. The Kussian Minister has advised the King not to abdicato without socuring the rights of his lieir to tho throne. Tho intervention of foreign powers is probable. The proposod uew law in Frauee regulating the presH prohiblta newspapers criticiaing the President or tho form of govornment nnder Bevere peualties, and they are not to bo dllowed to publish "fdlae" news or petitious for a chango in the Oonstitntion . . . . The ofticers of the Ujiited States squadron have received a most cordial welcomo iu Berlin from the Prince Imperia! and tho ('hief of tho Germán j miralty. Ar Toronto, recently, Chief Justice Draper gave judgmeut in the Peel elcotion case, &m disqualifying Mr. Cliisholm for offcring two electora sitnations, in the evrnt of their losing omployment tlirough voting for him The upper house of thé Prussian Diet adjourned after Jinally paHsing the bill withdrawing tbc : State grants from the Roman Catholic olergv.


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Michigan Argus