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The financial situation is without particular obangèi Tho offerings of loanablo fnndti wero lMge, ftnd the market was dull. Govormneiil bonds flitn. I'.H.O' of '81 fS V:, U. s. S-M'a of '(12 (ex. Int.) utjí U85 i;. 8. is-ao'B nt '64 ie, lat.) hsS nsv TI. H. 5-20's of 'ii.1 (rx. int.) . . . 1'J2'" 1'" ü. S. 5-20'fl of '65 January and Julj 123ÍÍ Ti. S. 5-20'a of v,7 ïanuary and .Iuly.124 rr U. S. 5-30ff of 'Í5H Jainiarv and Julv 124 ' , 124 U.S.W.40'8 ..Uñ4 JV.t ' TI. H. nciv Ba of 'Hl (px. int.) 111K 117 ■„ ü. 8. cumnejr cv i--ji " 122W Opld (f uil woight) ïiev ] n ;■ c 'ld coupon nc,ia 11GX Gold exchaugo Hí ■,. i](% BBEAD8TDTFS. Tlio inorp.mout In tlio grain markct ha been moderately active during the past week, ; lators takiiig hold freely, and liberal sale were made. for July delivi.'ry. The provailing feeliug was gcnenilly a trille flrnier than dnring the l)reoe(li]]g week, and the closing quotiitiona show a. HÜglit imirovement 011 wheat, corn and barley, while oats werc woak and eaHier, The forwanl inovomcnt Man fair of wheat, but light 011 the c.tlior griiin. and the stock in store is Stilt coiwideralily largor than usual at this cason of tho year. Wheat wan hoavicr almost aJl week. OOrú wan irregular, rulkig higher and lower alternately. The warm weather on Friday cauHed a pressure to sell and values were le j lower. Saturday the cold weather caused au advance. Oati weroweak and lower, the favorable weather increasing tho pressure to sell. Kyo WBfl iuiet and Hteatly. Barley wns firm and in demaud. The folloing tablo shows tlie prioes eurront at the opening and close of the past week: Opening, Ctonng. No. 2 Rji'g Mbfat, cash f .95 @ .9f $ .98 VO .98 No. 2, wrllcr Juue (3 .iir, („ ,98 Ne. -J wllrrJulv .97 @ .9 C41-U0X No. 2 scller August. .. .99 w -W,'í 1.00Jí@1.00 No. 2 coni, cawli C7 @ .08 .(;7',4 .68 No. 2 corn,sellcr June @ .67 (i .cl', No. 2 coru, BdllcrJuly. .09;.{( .70 (5 M No.2com, a. Auust. .12(0, .73 .71'4.71V No. 2oate, cash 6QJ@ .63 M@ .69 No. 2 oats, Beller Juni .62@ .83 My.u, .:.s', No. 2 oals, scücr -T 1 1 1 .r.7 rf .57 , .66JÍ .67 No. 2 oats, 8. Augimt. ,42 (a .1:; ' 'i„ .il1, N'o. 2 rye, cash , (rf. ,98 u .l'H v No. 2 ryo, 8. A ugust . . .78 w T8 No. 2 rj-e, h. Sept @ .75 @ .75 No. 2 barley, cash. . . . @1.18 @1.2S No. ïlurlcy, a..S(])t. .. .98 (3)1.90 @I.05 COOl'EllA'tE. LÜMBEÈ ISDWWl), Thore was but littlc done in coopcrugo dnying the week. and priees were a hade easior for lard tiereen, but the othor descriptions rnnuiin ttnehanged. QuotaftfóiM range at Í1.1O@1.15 for pork barrel. $ 1:85 for lard ticrais, tLOiiik 2.00 for whisky barrels, and 50@53e cach for Uuur barrels. 'Lumber was fairly active, but an easier fceling was devcloped and priceH wero a trille wrak. At the clone óf tto week but few cargóos remained unsold. Quotable at $10.00@ 11.50 for commou boards, Íl0.00gl2.00 for joiat and scantlmg, ill.00@15.00 foT'Bqaare (o round pickets, and èl.25@8.00 for No. 1 to A nawed Hliinglea. In wood there wat no chance of importance uotieeable. I'riees romain steady tt 7.50 per oord for liickory aud mple, $6.6Ï for bcecli. ind r(i for ulaba at the yarcfe. anaM nn ukjuwinkh. There was a fair demaná for Htmgarian and millet Hoed, and piice were very firm, but for the otlier dcaeriptionn the Inmiiry continué hght, and, altliough bnt a limitediiumber of Hidcs wero made, prices remain steady and flrm. Salen of timothy ranycd at íj2.30Ci2.40 for fair to good, and .f2.i:Vi2.55 lor prime. ('lover wan iiiacüvc and nouiiiiiil at about f6.40@0.B0 for prime medium ; ilax quotable at él.6O(a 1 .65 for good crawhing ; Huugariau sold at $l.i0@ 1.50 fcr prime, and L2 was paid for prime millet. l'liere was quite a p;ood demand for buekwheat and a fair businead wan reportad at (1.86 @1.10 for prime. PBÓVlSIONS. The movement in tlii market shows a slight increiw-e over the amount of business traiiHurted duiing the previous week. The feelmg was somewhat unsettlcd, and pricce were rather irregular, althougli tlie fluctuation were Bot severe. Tlio advices from liasteni market were somewhat varied in tenor, whilo foreign were firmer for lard, but iiuoted an easier feeling in meats. '.ish men pork closod steady at lD.37i ((19.40; seller August was in fair'request at Ylü.6ü(Vtil!).C7K, and closed atíl!).G2 (1!).C5. Cash lard qmet but firm at $13.30: seller Jnly closed st 13.35(o Vi.'iiy,, and August at Ï3.60(il3.(;5. LIVE STOCK. The cnttle market was active and higber all the week, bnt closed easier on Satnrday. Native steeru $5. 00(rt, 7.00; bulk of salc, 4J.6.00(! 6.50 ; Texans, $2.50@4.50 ; stockera, 2.50(g 4.50. llosjs were alo higher, but closod easy. Yorkers, 6.90@7. 40; heavy, if0.U07.50. Slieêp uull at .-f2.5ü(g4.50. l'KODUCE. There was no particular chauge uoticeable in the condition of the butter market dnring the past week. The recelpts were liberal and there was quite an accnmulation in the sunply. The inqniry ;yaa cliic-ily on local account, thongh occasionally ahippera bought a few Iota, but the lattcr c'aaa of buyérs, aa a rulo, wore not willüig to pay tho prices asked by holders, and the movement from this source ivaa light. The feoling throuliout vaH onc oí' weákqess, and prièès wifi'erod a alight denreciation. Quotations ranged at 2S(a'4c tot extras 18@22o for fiiiits, 14(18c for eeconds, 123-i@14c for thirdn, and 9@12o for grease and coinmon old stock. Therewas ag-od demand for E;wtern beans, and a fair bpshiesa wan reported at $1,90 for prime, bnt for Western the sales continuo slot? and pricea were irregular ; quotab!e at ].00@ l.HD, accoi'ding to quality. Brojm c 'rn was inoderately active and 'iirmer pricos wnre maintaincd; (uotable at 113@14c for No. 1 to extra liurl. and W}4jrl}Sc fov good to choice Htalk braid. Beeswax quiët at 26('í28c for good to prime yellow. ( yidcr wan dull and cahier; qnotable at -f 4.00('M.5O i'erbrl for choico Rwctt. and about 3.00 in kegs. Cranberries were alsi) dull at $8.000' Í0.50 pel brl for good to choice cultivated. and about Í3.5O@8.78 in onebuHliel boxct'. Tliere was a fair movement in -]iccho, but pricea wero a Khade easier. The principal aled of new were made at B@10o for prime; conimou old hoM at 3(;Cc. IJried fruit under more liberal oílorings were a shade easier; quotable at ' ,(8 :'-i; for Michigan and Nr Vork aj)[ilert, U(" '-'.'-v'o for halve.H jreaches, and 'J%("VrJ'c ir blackbenicH. Uried ])ea Hold flowly at $2.00(02.10 for choiec green, and about fl.65@1.75 for marrowfat. Egga were in fair requoHt, and the market during the week ruled quito steady ; closed at llj-.ic, FcatlieiK rotnaln dull at ÏS(52 for prime ]fve geese, and 20((ï35c per lb for primo turkey tail featherfi. Oreen traite were vory dull, and tbe apiñes offered on the inarkct were ncarly all in bad order. Kalcs were made in lot t &1( 1.50 )er brl for good, and in ai ivay at SH@2.50, according to qnality. Hides weré iirm, Imt quict. Green salted qnotod at 8c all round: rali, 12.i.j(M:te, and dry palf, IS (i l'Jo. Honey was almost imsalablo, and priMS wovo weak at 18@28e per lb for comb, and 10( 1 1 o for trained. The HCaiion for brewing is about ovor, and tho deuiand for hops was very ligbt. l'ricos w, re a shade lower. Quotable at 20@3()c per lb for cominon to clioiee f rooi tirnt hand. Maple sugar dnll. with speculators nbout the onJy bnyery. (,}uotable at 8(8 12,'ic per lb for pure nciv. There was a f lir demand for ehoice fresh roccipta of nrw Iolatoes at í4iOÜ@dj75 per brl, but cominon lots were veiy dtiü and nale ranged at $9.50 8.00. Totatoes remaiu rather (iniet. Ji.isteru peichbloivé sold at 7O@7f iuoarloteiuadWasteni doit COC'iG.x'. Toultry was rather quiet. TmUeys Kold at ll(i12c per lb. old cliickeim ut $3.50(g4.25 per doz, and spring at 2.0O(8,fl0 jier doz, aceording tosjze imdqualilv. Vegetables remain dull at %3.(JÖ@8,00 per brl for bnions, and $1.25@1.50 per barrel for pafBnips. There v h a fair demand fox chwice careawses of veal, bui r"iimio!i luid Blowly. hiales ranged at .'!(" 71 for pt'or lo choioe. TclcsiapliU MaVkët Report. XKW YÜKK. i.ihi 11 (S 12 Hoos- Dreseed 9 p?, m Ootton VS)i WA l'Lovu- SuporiliK.' Wettcrn i 50 @ i 73 WHKAT No.2CWegO 1 11 ($ 1 ]2 No. 1 Sliring 1 is (, 1 21 COBN 7'.) (4 81 Oats 71 @ 73 Ryk 1 @ 1 04 rom, SewMess lü 25 @l IS Lart - Ktialn ! n (A yj KT. J.IH'IS. Wiiejt -No. 2Red 134 (X, 1 :m COSN- NO. 'i aew 1,5 3 f,7 OATS - NO.2 58 (. 00 RYÜ NO. '2 t 10 ( 1 H Pbk- Mese 1!) en (111 7" Lililí II (,, 13 Koe 0 25 í 7 80 ('ai'ti.k ■ i 75 (rf, 0 50 Mll.W.UíKEE. Viikat-Xo. 1 I 08 (, 1 05 tío. 2 M @ 1 00 Ooiin- No. 2 01 (g 0)1 OÍT8- No. 2 @ (0 Bts 95 S 98 v N. 'J i i;t (a 1 15 C1NCINNAT1. UlHM FC -. t 118 („; 1 22 ('ORN - New 7'J @ 74 DAT 07 In O'.l Hvi: 1 05 @ 1 OS Mikk ao 00 (20 29 l.Alii) 13 (a U TOLEDO. V. i ; i ■ v i Extra 1 22 (4 1 24 Amber 1 21 ij 1 23 I o New 71 @ 78 OATS f, -1 @ 6() DKTEOIT. - ETxfra (ni l: A inb r í, 1 20 COB 0!) @ 73 OAT8 00 02 ('l.F.VKIAND. No, 1 Red 1 22 @ 1 21 N". 2 Eed 1 17 ,., 1 19 Coas 73 @ 75 O.M-s fí'i @ 07


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