The Bible In China

The tcsiiinony now lying beforc tis is from ihe ( jundon Missionary Register, to tkis effect : - 11 On the 7ih of last June Sir Hcnry jcr statcd, 'that ho had perused a Inte edict by ;he Emperor of China, vvherein the Emperor nfonns hissubjecis that liu had lieard read to hini j.xtraots from a book entiilod the Holy Scriplurcs, the purport of which oppeared to hini to be replete with virtuous precepts, and. as such. likely to do good : ihat it was a book of virtue, and, with this conviction, he recommended il to the perusal of his people, and gave them permiaron to rcad it, and act agrecably to their own desires.' TheBombay Times nnnounces a similar fact in the followir.g terms, May 12, 1Ã45 : - " It is said that tho Emperor of China has at length consented to tolérate ihe Christian religión. - From a statement translated from 'hc Pckin Ga zette, it would seem thnt Keying hoving memorialized the Emperor in favor of the Christian religión, that worthy sovereign, after a carelul exaniinaiion of its tenets, has declared that it was not only a harmless bat a commendable faith, and forthwith ordered the interdict laid on it to be removed."