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I p Jniutii- Anodyne lAniment is :. ;il:;li!o as people muy ít in, BO li tu U ybould Ík: vil!ion(, il. ( i-i t:iinlv no peraou l "■ lio l;i;i i', doctor, itiiniíitoi', GX of uiy Other pX'ofeflSi ii, ulióúíd ítáxt on a Journey nthoul jt. No Boilor, ñgliérman, ör wopdamw ehoúld be ffithouí !'■. )i fact. ít La ueeded wberevcr tbero i-i an ttcUö, spraD out, brttii! eougfa or coWi I "Wïlhoft's Tonto ír not a panacea - i not a curo for cverything, Imt ia a catbolico for mal&nooa cUeoaees, and day by day adc frcoh lunmlH to ís crown of glorióos huocohb Engorged Liveiv and Bpleens, along the Blíad bimkri of our laken nntl rivera, aro restored to tlieit healtliy and norma] searetioOB. Jlcalt and vigor folíOW Itfl use, and Chilla have takc the ir departmc from every hotiHcbold whei Wilhoft'tí Aoti-Poriodic la kept ttüd takei Don't fail fco ti-y it Wbeelocx, Finiay & Co Proprietora, New Orleas. FOB SAI.i; HY AIX DltUlKlISTS. Facts WobTh Rnov1xí. The Wilao filuittle Hcwing machine íh to-ttay tlio Himplen most perfect, moet caey operated, heat made most durable, and, in eyery way, moat valuab sewiiig machine in exintcnce," and it in hó. fifteen dollar Ighh tban all otlier firöt-clan machines. Mticliiiin: will bc delivcred at an; ruilroad station in tliis county, free of trant portation charges, if ordered through thé con panyV brancb house at 197 State street., Chicago Tliey eend an elegant catalogue and clirom circular free on application. This company wan a few more good ageiitn. How to Okt a IÏome. Ree ad veiti soment. WIT AT WE JCJSTOW ABOUT IT. St. Mary'b Chtjkch, Alleohf.ny City, Pa.,) November 10, 1874. í MKMBB. ClïADDOCK & CO. : ThfijBaflt India llemp has beon taken by Rov. Ma thiits Binder, O. 3. B,, aud Rev. Sebastian Arnold, O. S 1!., bnth ftitsistAnt pastors of tbis Churcta, and so far ha given reliof to both. They suffered frora affections o the LüNQ AND BiïOnchiaL Orüans. We havo recom nïended, through cli;irity to Bufforers, the Cannal) Indica to different pcraons, and continue the sanio i good ennscience, knowing the cflects experienc Pleon find inclosed chock for twelvo bottles of syru lil! nnd ointment. We shnll inform you in duo tin what further succoas the medicine aball meet with. Yours truly, Rev. Ferdinand Wolf, O. S. B. N. B.- This Remedy epeaks for itself. A single bott will satisfy the most skeptical. Tbere is notasing symptom of Í "on s ti in pi ion that it does not dissipate- Night Kwcvils, Irritiition of the Nervee, Difficult Kxpe tfr!ilii'ns, Sharp pains in the Lunjis.RoreTbrOHt, Nause at tho Ktomach, Inaction of the Bowels, and Wasting o th'! Muscles. ta. (kt bottlns.orthreO bottlof for $6.50. Pilla an Ointment, $1.25 each. Addrees CRADDOOK A 00., ln;u Race Street, Philadelphia. Sond for circular. ponziKgsaaBExaHM nid yon pvpr rpo a child th 9 w ■ 3? ft3 (lil' notl have liilc Ihrouli tl fcriWltortiaabMBfaM t.u's of lts ehocs ? If yon did tlit M tB B Lj a0_LJi woi-f protected tiy trSt f #! TLy'a siLvkit tips. frj ■ LJ T Thoy ntivcr wear through at th nHÜMUHneM Try them. If yon wiint (o liiiuw what ï3fW7S3Bï"K" ( Alïf.K SC1ÏKW AVIItK fíKC? 3 W 3 meana, nsk yanr Sho Dn.iW, nnd iaPüarLy"i!l if he'i toll you mako up your Rapj'jLSg n 8 P% i niirul lm luis öunif; poffged work on -yf'Yjl J!öffi hantitli.-il ho wants U) solí bpfor HB 'ilftJB. .Tg. j AnillM ÏÏABTT Oured OhoÁp. No Pub vlr IUiYlii:ty. Dr. Armstrong, BefrfbA, Mich íftl O f45 PFR n.Y-Send for "Chromo CJPXI catalogue. J. II. BUFORD'S SONS, Busto OOAA n month to apmts everrwheTe. Addre %PJl Excelsior MVaCo.Bachanan, Mich. EVERY FAMILY AVAXTS IT. Monej In I SoW byAscents. ArtH,,, M. N. LOVELL, Kiie.P EjCcQOfi Pr day at home. Torms free. Addre V V H V U Gnu. STIN6ON & Co., Portland, Maino. rffk#% SAMPIjE Frec and Big Pay to Male an 5fe„"C Female everywhere. Addresa. W THE lNION PUB. CO.Nowark, N. J. t "iw-ft.. B-J&.K2 5th ?(. Locis, Mo. ÖUJlTv L nilllü AgentB ci.hi monsy. We hm wmk nnd jnoiipy for ill, inen or wonien. boys or girl wlmle er BpaTeiffne. Band Btnfnp fur (!.'t('iloirue At diess FRANK ÜLUUK.Kew BssdtavL Mas. Address Johnson, Clark & Co., Boston, Mass.; J?ew Yor City; Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Chicago, 111. or St. Louis, Mo. j GepTp. "röwëu & CoT AGENTSWMÏÏD3Ü Senri for circiilitrs noi onr extru tfrms to Agents. N T1ONAL PUB. CO.. Chiciigo, 111., or St. Louis, Mo TO AGESTS. THE BROOICl.YiV SOA DATi, ita rise, proeress and teaninatipn, with -i mpartial .epítome 61 tBe 'IVstimony on ttin Trial. 1 D'Oonnor, of New York, and Jodxa Neilson's ebarge t tlie Jury, and thcir Verdiot, lllnstrated. For terui npplytoPARK rüBLISHlNfO CO., Hartford, Conn. Ö1 A 4- (hrAA Invested in Will Streo ÖJlUi 10 KPOUUi oftcn leads to fortun... 1 ■ m i ■ 1 1 ■! ■■ inii.iii ■■ i !■■ ïii-paae book explafnin evecyibtng, and copjr oí thu "IViill Strttt Revlévi CCUT CDCC Johs Hicklini: A Co., Ranker rllL'.. hd Broker, 7Ü Bruadwy, U. Y WHJW TIME T1RLB. A TON OF HAYdepoiitod in ,1to. minutes tonnr par A of Mow or Staok with Nellis' O. II. Horae Hay Por and Patent Honveyer. No extra expenso to Farmers fo Conveyer. Des;riptivp ( 'it;i! ,.,-u.. free. Rellable Apont wanted. Address A. J. NELLIS ,1 QoM Pittsburgh, Pa FT TVT CTT 7SI Broadwa Y.New York f? m Xl xVkjXl manufacturerof SolidGold J KWKLRY of every de:c:ipfiun. The stock is large, ver cboice, and ís otïered at retail at trade piices to keep on workmon KOinj;. Bills undnr $15, P. O. order in advance Over $15, U. O. D. privilege to üjamme. Catalogues free E? f D CAI ET Chicafio Snbnrbon I)t a iPUf 9AL&. $IMoach-$15downand$ nionthly for balance- wiíltin a short, distance of city llm it?, witli bourly trains and cheap faro. Send for circular UIA UliOWN, UI LaSallo Street, Olücaao, 111. H 'Tb T ïj J? H ff IKST and hardest wor ■Am ■flL.JL. 8- mJL In the house made com parativoly c:ip.y :ind plfusunt. Everyone inlerosted Ín re iiirity rrwnrrnVt shouid send íi'iirastamp forour cir colar. GRAY.DLXON & CO., 51 Clybourn Are., Chicago ÍÍSFMT ÉY1kJTFÍÍl f-r the bost Kellfns -3ÜCm I r W Av% I LU book out Vo mnii i i Wifr :hïI Moll-r," by Pye Henr 'h :■,"- -f, JM. 1). Otst 75,000 tcdd ; liberal terms. Appl iit once ïor terrüöry ;:nd outfit to S.' T. SOI OTCR Si CO., 719 SitBKJm-Bt., PMladolphi;!. JPtft%fs Doiible Entry.- ByOlark'a method E9UWH f Bimpïlfioil that any one may mast.-r the science without a teacher. Bmint ! rj, iti cloth. Sent poet-paid on receipt o i v noiunrr Bi Agenta wantod. W. S. Clark A Go. tlUUJlll. Building), Üincinnati, O. ATTETIOIV, OWNKUS OF HORSES jh. Aek your Ilarness Makor fo fV fOSbí lh" Zinc ('ollar Pad mm xÊBSte , JjBPHL 'ï'lii'.y are warrantod to cure M 'JCabl rí SÉ PÚ ■' n j' sore neck nu norse o ÉT ' V"'"Sf mul", or monpy rofundcd.i 'Jw r ; : M printed dircctions are iol W '" "j, _V -jr lowed. Send 75c. for s;imple ..sS-e!? Zinc Collar Pad Co. Sole -_5 Manurt'rs, Buolianan.Mich AGEÑTS I LIVINGSTÓÑFS WANTED. HEW BOOKI! His own story of the last se ven yenrs of his lilfe, h!s Death, etc. Splamlid work, just out. Send fnr rirculara mul full infonnation to A51KIÍKJAN PUÜLlSIllNCi CO., Chicago, III. HÖWTOGETAHOME. JOW I.V1ÏDS, SOU.OOU ACRKS. liiirli Si pil. ;r. od (Jliioata, èxcollunt Water, growjng .s.'ttlemetits. Bood Schools, wc offor tto Lands af the Sioiu OttI und s; Pao! 1!, 1!. nul the McOregor nnd Missouri Hiïnr II. lï, at SI to SS ptsr acre, on p;iyimmts. 'I'wo years r;it vv i 1 1 lm v a farro. Apiily to l).VII)fi( ,t CAI.KIiVS, K. R. Lnnil Office. Siblny, Osoet.l Oo.. iöw. èN. F. BURNHANI'S TURKIN E WATER WHEEL Wal sclrctiMÏ, 4 yenrs ajro, abdpal Ni ivorfcintha Patcni (Mlii-r, w.nliiiiirtoii, D. O.j&nd luis f(v:-(l tu be the ïcst. 13 m.idn. Piícís Eowim nny othor Hmfr-olaBl -"Wie!. PamVület free. N. F. BUBN1IAM. York, Pa. D O YO U R OW N PRINT IN C ! AP, PEINTING PRESS. Prfntcv,sï-tói, súV'i'-íiV ","'"- iiñiotiirovM, MerehtantA, mul tniien iti Ibc DUST cvor Inventad. 1:S.OO in n.-. Ton stylcs, Pricra from $5.00 to $150.00 5ENJ. O. WOODSACO. Jlamifr umi ..niiisin all kimis of Printing: Material, öcnd timiii fr Catalusu$.) 40 Federal St. BostonAGtFXTtS AVANTED FOR. PATHWAYS OF THE HOLY LAND. Beluga Foll Descriptton ol Palesthie, Üm History, AntiQuitlei, tnhabitants and frwtoinp, a&cordioff tl( ""■ ( rreal LN8coTpriB reoentlf raadfl '■. the Palestinie KxplorinK ; Ion, It aeüa ;tt uiht. Bend fnr our axtn term toAgeiits. und se whv il ■ dlefasior im.v o(lur book. NATIOX . PUBHSHING CO . Obfoao, Ill.orSt. roiiis, Ho. Ml ■ ■ gte C.W.Rèed, Grocer, Xnr Banen. jffSqgS&Jk "''- "'■■'■ --"Yonr Sen Fn;tm onnnot SwLimSafc PStt 1 (''i-f!!f(l n tI li nf I he quíiíor : for W--i G od Brend and Fine BUcnit il i b i lííli-r, I'iiutmr iVj. Co, lMfi J y "Wo take pJftnauna i'i MenmraendK syy A ngyourSeii FoamasThe Beet Bakr in-TTit Eartieeonoe uÈbtg ir will ture nn ? í Bk gTJ(J .ii her. lis fc.iVs aii immonio. Sencl ' il IJjYÖÜ WILL NEYER hayc FRUIT RUlFYOU DONT SET IT OUT. Yon cnn Imy Jronr fuift pluilR vory cbeftp bv contrnctinKwithnw for Ihoin nnw. To bo shiined in Ittefnll and 110 inoncy reijuiird unlil t!io phmts flriivo, I wlll furnisti c.ind referénco s to my reJiabUity Scnd for Pl1o-LfBt. BtrqftMrries, RjtspDerrleé, Ulackberrlo, Currants, Gooseberrios, (iiapes. THOÍUAS I.r.SLlü, Ipava, III. -TDi, IIFIIHnKUKMIKÜfl ISF.I.ESS! i;l '"O Volta's Electro Br.i.TSaiicI V V I1 .' f ltnwU tire Iníoríwl by lbo V x k r A most eminent pbjreiciana in Af7y .. the worU for the cure ufrUeu?lif x1" iiiatiBfn. neuralgia, uvercom. f f 'L!& - oriler,IHii,'t'niftlo rumplailxtB llW ln, ,,( ,rr , 1. 1..11 ! ■ 'Ir ■ '■ '■ - "i 1 - ; !.Iim ■■ i'"l blöQU, DOOB whl! IC IFT ruil rartlcltlllrêfl KVmii Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. 8old tUroughout the United States on the INSTALLMENT PLAN: Tbat U, on a 8jtem of Monthly Paymcnta. Purcbasors should aak for the Smith A MEïtrCAN Obqan. Catalogues aud iuü paittculars on applicatlon. FáfSÍANDS The C, R. I. & P. R. R. Corapany 11 ofltring gw mie at I.ow Frice mid Mot HeiuonaMe Temí, TO ACTUAL. HETTLERH, Sonic of (ie HXdst nul Fcrtile X nlmproved t-and in Tli-p I i. ftu kU'j.'.W on or i.rar Dis line of lU rnilronl, lb GREAT CENTRA!, ROUTM frmn the KWirn StttM U. tbe Paciflc Coiut, anr] rc míntlj Iw-tiri-rn :l.r itajxirlant oifieu of If a Moinfi umi Couiwll Blufffl, in tbe h8t jid'1 moit rnpl(tlj-pf(!cpni; portion nf low. Ranging from S5 to $ (O per acre, The ave race prlce belng comewliiit less than S" Ticket, t,j purchmtng wlilch rnüroad Tare can be bjtIiH oo MfmeitU for taöd, re for eslo t tbe prlndpal tirket ofücfs of the Campan] m Iw aad Illiooia. For Mps, trmi of wie nd direclions to 'Vf it-l {lUrcburrg, R4drrig J. Ij. DREW, Land CoinmtsKioncr, C, 1Í. I. & P. R. K. CO.. DAVKNrOET, lOWA. ï2"P fV. ff Cm o C g -a 3 S %% Btf 4 nH„s-o-3'O.3 2V! ' tr ?ror'3'1_ö2.o,"1? =3 ' r""f'1 f-- ,' - =i. Every Man His Own Palnter. ANY SHADE from PÜRSWHÏTS to JET SLACS Onr RTTBBEI! PAINT haê been nsed on many thoudnnd building muí has alwayB nrovcd cntirelyaatl?factory. Wc have niuncrooa testimoniáis like the follnwlliR, vlz.: M. F. BmEPPARD & CO., Pcnn Yan, N, V.: " We believe lt tobe the BEST r AINT ïiuiimftictiired." "W'. "W. LTvLAND, "Eutaw House," lialtimore: " Havlnt' cd your Palnt on the Grand Hotel, SarfttoRa, and thln Kntaw }Iouse. I recommendlts ue to all.M Br sur Ihal our TRADE-MAUK (u fac-BimIleof wliich isglvenabove) itf on every puckttfje. Prej'iired rejidy for nse and solfl by the gallon only. Send for Sample Cardand Prk-e LUt. Branch Oftlcea and Factorles. 5% Westt.,N BW YORK. 310 South Srd St., ST. LOUIS, MO. 8S West Van Buren etreet, UII1CAUO. ILL. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO.'S "YIBRATOR" THRESHER. The BRTIiliIANT StTCCESS of this GralnSiivliii?, Tlinc-Savlng THRESHER, is tin preceden tcd in theannalsof Farm Machinery. In a brief period it has become widely known and FÜUY ESTABLISHED, as the "IKA IM.; TSItlMII(. MACHINE. GRÁNRAISiaiS REFÜS) tosubrait to the wastcinl and imperfect vork of other Threshcrs, when posted on the vast superiorüy of this one, for saing grain, eaving time, and loiag faat, tliorough and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT lufïhïy adrantijreonB to run a machine thathasno "Beatera," "Pickers," or "Anron," that hand les Damp Grain, Long Straw, ííeadings, Flax, Timothy, Millett and all fiuch dillicuJt rrain and seedp, Vnth ENTIRE EASE AND EFFBCTIVENESS. Cleane ,o peri'cction ; saves the farmer lus tliresh bil! iy extra eavinir of prain; makes no "Látterngs;" reqnires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the uual Lielts, Tïoxcs, Journals, and Gears; easier manïged ; less repairs ; one that graïn ralsers prefcr to employ and alt for, even at ndvaneed rice, while other machines :ir& "owtof joba." Four Hizesmade witli ï, 8, 10 and 12 iiorse ITIoiinted" Powcvn, ulso a peclalty ofSeiinrators "alone," ex prest! y Cor STEAITI POVVKR, aud to match otlier Horse Poiver. If intcrestcd in grain raising, or threshing, write for Illu-itr.ited Circulara {sent ree) with fuil ïarticulars of sizes, styles, prices, tcrms,etc. NI IIOLN, SHEPAK1) 4c CO., BattU Crctk, Michigan. .ML-'ia THE KTíASTIC TR0SS jfF Pihk ANI' MJII'OKTR-R is now t A e t t nasuporsi'dink' all others.bepjjl rr j tt o e ÍKtlialeaííiiiírphysicíans.sarL7VfcJUXB_í__-JLslSF geons, druKírists, arroy and Wffsi :.v_ -M Hiivy, hospitals, gyinna %Lí'iL3&í m ThesuccessaiMinnlversal L y w J satisfaction they have givta r en, as woll as the great nmberof radical mèr they biive effected, hu drmon. 'rntcd the fa et that rvpture can be surelu cured without ufforine or annoyance, nd without the. danger f ncuring Spnt IHt-eat or Varalynis, often causad by the Reere presBure of Metol TrusseB and Supp.Tterft. It is th nlyeure cure for Hernia, s it ia the only Traas in use hat wUl hold the rupture securely tn all posïtions in which the body can be placed. It will perform radical uree when all otliers fail. It can be worn with ease and ornfort wben no spring truss can be used. When once djustetl, no motion of the body or accident can displace .. These instrumenta have the vnquahjied appruval of he most eminent practitionors in the orofeasion. From the ninnerous testimoniáis Ín our poesesslon we ppend tbe followlng: "After thoexperience of months, patients testify Btrongyto it ejjicaey, as woll as to the eaue and freedom from lnconvoniwnce with which thO instrument is worn. With uperior advantafies, the Elantic '1Yvs.i possesses in a hijea er inventions. I have no hesitation in regarding it as an important means for the relief and euro of Hernia. " J. M. CARNOCHA.N, M. D., " Ex-Hoalth Officer of the Port of New York, Surgwon-inCbief of New York State Hospital," etc., etc. Oeo.V. Hoüsï.M.D., Superintendent KlastícTruaaOo.: PêorSir: AfW safferfng for tnirtj years, in my own person, from the use of every form of Metallic Truss procurable in thia country and ín Europe, I, two years o, ■pplled your EJaftic 7YH.,and since that time 1 have exponeneed comfort and Mtiaíaction, and been taught the ruth, that the Klaetic Truss is the only instrument that shuuld be used for the relief ïind oure of Hernia; and now, after more tban thirty years' continuous practico, and hnving adjustod many hundreis vt Trusses (and for ilio laat twontymonths yours eiclusively), I gratotully doolare i t to bo my delibérate opinión that your ElanUc Tru. ís the only one entitled to the confidence of the public ; that elnsticity ís the only power at all adapted to he requirementa of a Tniss or Supporter, and am convinced that your Elastic Truss actually cures a large pro portion of all cases to which it ís appliod, not only amone children, but in numerous cases within my own knowt 6dge of panen. from 60 to5 Tg M „ Prof. of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. K. Medical Collega. Beware of chenp and worthless lmitation Elastio Truases, which eome parties advertise and bbII, iraudu. lently representing that they are mauufacturea by the KlusticTruss Co. These Trusses are sent by mail to all parta of tho country. Sfttisfactlon guaranted in all cases. Before pur. chasing any otber, write for DewrtptíTe Circular (rw) ELASTIC TRUSS CO. 683 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Dr. J. WalRor's California Vin. nrar Bitters aro a purcly Vi picparation, made chiefly froni tho nï. liso herbs found on tho lower ranges oj thii Sierra Nevada niountainsofCaiiiV ttfa, the medicinal proporties oi aro extractod therelïümi Mthout the Bij of Alcohol, Tho question te dftily askcd "fWhat is tho daaró u'ijMnillclcd suoccas of VnrBGAit liuvers?" Out answeris, that tbej ;he caase f-aieeaa, andtiio pal covers his boaltb.. Thcy are 1 1 ■''')' puriiiei aad a üfergivin pi a perfect Renovatoj and Ini ■i' Nover ■■!., idstory m the rorW hw a modic oönvponniöd possessing '■,-' renisrkabïj cjualities ofYïiffltfAfi Bïttrrh in bealinej ;wk of evory (Mseöse nrstfis hir t Ïhe7 are a gentle I'urjrativc as weii as a Tomo. relicying Congestión oí [nflammatioa o( tho Ljyet inp V"i seral Organs, je Bffiont "■ "sos. Tho proporiics ■.!' Dr Wa.ker'í 'Akiío.mí BíttkrS ahí tporicnt, Kaphoreüo, liariiiiiiativo, ÈfnWtiong, baxative, Didrefic Sedativa, Cvantet [rritant, SudorifU All tj i , ;uul Anti ISilioua R. II ' (r.IXiVAÏ.n & CO., Drnp{ri''ts mdOm. Aere.. Snn Francfeco, CftlifiTndi, and cor. of Washington tfnd Cliitrltun Sts.. W. Y. SSld by all IJruggístá :md Dealers. PBOTECT YOÜR SBILOtm, liansïli'yN Paicnt Slatc Paint- ForShintílc. Tin, Iron aiitl Gravel Kimf s, 7A?fl is a Pire and wftíet'-proo' Paint, sper ially designed forshingle Roofs. Anrld roof SlatePainted willontlMi a now one unpainted, and a new roof will last three tiraes as long Slat-e Painted. Aa a. matter of economy, a rnof needa paint more than aiy other prt of a building. Price 80 cents per gallon. Send for Phamplet. Aftcms vanted. WILLIS d. JACKSON. General Agent, 169 Washington 8t, Chicago. OPIX %JHabit Cured A ceïiilin and gnre cnre, without lnconvcniencf undathome. An antidoto that e tanda purcly on Iti owa merits. Scnd for my quarterly magazine., (il costs you noihingO containing certlflcatcs ui hundreds tïiat have Ijecn permsncntly curcd. I claim to hará diecovcred and produccd the tiest oeiginal aso ONLY SUKE CrBE FOK OPIL'31 EATIKQ. DR. S. B. COIXINS, La Portfl, Ind. nottlrcl Bllss. It is imposslbie to oonceire of ■ more retresbinfr dnoight than is affrtrdeil by Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Apcriew, which óombinea tlie advantagee of o. luzory witli (hosoot the purest, aaJest and most gttnial alteratlTe and tomo ever administtsred as a cure for dyfpepsla and biliouJ atTections. SOLD BY ALL DEUGG1STS. STOCKS dfiMt n nt the Tf ew Yoik Stock Kxcbango boagbtand sold by us on margvn of iive per cent. P R i VÏL E OES mKoti;ifUt one tot wo percent, frooo marketon raerabertó! the Nw York Exchange or leepooflble P Largo sums h:ivo been realized the past 3tdays. rc.ot cali costa on 100 shares $106.25. Straddies t3H Mofc ; contm] &X) shares of stod fcf ■ days without further risk, while many thousand aouB prorttmay bf-Kniiicd. Adrice and information iurnrae'i. rimihli't containtos valuable Btatistioa] iinomiatioiiMa ebowing fabwWall Sfreötdperations are condaewd" FREE to nny addross. Orders solicitcd by mail or wirfl, WO promptly eïéènféd B us. Addrau TÜMBRIDGE & CO.( Banlcers nnd Brokers, ' . No. 2 Wdl Street, New ToA mm "QSYCHOMA1VCV, or Soul f harlolnK;" BVc f-, Ki.vplian Orarl, IIi.mii,.. IIIiiih .i Iji.n ..!,■. I '■""," L uui! i".]. .i,!,i,vm. t, wn.u.ur-. Jb co.,l'ub'#, BB,. WHITTIEB Ho. 517 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Kftj fnntiniiP3 to lr:at a!l oascfl "f obstados to orrUfi '"' ImpurlUM, cvirj ilmem or silnpfs wtich rsIU " IndUcretfon or fanprudenco, wllh unpr)loleci "' Dr. W.'a OAtAbllstluienl [3 .hrtorcd by the BtoW -1roiirl, iría ioui i.l :■ .1 In i n entabHabed ■ "" 'T ,:,!-, ,-crtiin n,l :■ i-ins Kridot' s.-vcrül medical moliese, and havini: ihe cspcrien ' 1OI.R and uoccjsrul lifo In hls ■peelahh he ha" r'",-..,, miAdlai that are cilrctual m all thMc Mae. Bil r"''" ■ra 1 -inK trenrod ht mail or eprss rr-n ■! ■■"'■' tnííl' r who f.tili-d, cftll or wrlto. Krom cR'3l.D" ' rr of appIleaUona ho ii co,l?d to kfp h ,1,(1 10. 36 page, glvtog, foll tynptomg, for 1 " fyïARRJACE CUíbP, rf can afford todo iriibotii ■; . ■ ■ m ilt1 ïir -i ■ ■ ' ■ ■ "■ rtJ ng experliMf . il m tli o Bmpe '■"- v ■ ■ ' ' ■■■;" ■■; '■ O-' "Ljiirt t V h ■■ 1UTI.VU to a vBnr55S lx U.U .i" ■


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Michigan Argus