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Subscbise foh the Aegus- il. 50 per yenr - Commencement at the University iiext Wednesriay. - Recepüon of the Senior Cliemistry Class (t Dr. Douglas's, last evening. - Dr. AngeU'sbaccalaurcute addrem, at t'niversity Hall, Sunday afternoon. - Faseei'gers will be taken to Detroit at reduceu rafes, to see Baruum. Seo bis adv. - William Sherman was sentenced to fifteeu days in jail, on Monday, for assaulting an emp'oye of Hangsterfer. - H. C. Wa'dron and A. W. Hamilton were ■dmitted to prnctice in the U. S. Circuit Court, at Detroit, Wedneíday. - The old woman arrested as a vagrant on Wednesday paid costs aniounting to 10, aud Wjs discharged yesterday morning. - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore, of the Fifth yard, celebrated the fiith anniversary of their niarriage, Monday eveiüng, with a woodeu (redding. - A valuable horae belonging to Dr. A. B. Palmer was killed last Friday, in attempting tojunip over a fence of the pasture in which it w;ls conlined. - Tuesday evenir.g a horse and buggy collided with a little son ot A. Bucnoz, uear the corner of Fiftb and Pontiac streets. The boy ffas considerably injured. - Gov. Felch and Win. McCreory are to leave for England in a few days. McCreery cxjt ets to be absent about four nionths, and -i!l extend bis trip to Rome. - Libbie Schlack, a disreputab'e character vrho has been trampmg about the city for several days, was brought bef ore Justice Boa ban last Monday, aud let off on suspended seatence. - A ten per cent. dividend has been made in favor of the creditors of the Aun Arbor Trading Association, which is uow being paid by (i. Sutton, Assignee. " Small favors thankfully received." - A couple of "tnuffers" wore practicing throwing and catchmg a bali, Saturday afternoon, on Huron street. Consequences : a hole through one of the largo panes of glass in Lovejoy's store front. - The drug store of W. W. Granger, Ypsilauti, adjoining the old postofMce building, was crematad" yesterday moining. It is said that the " elephant " done splendid service in conflniug the flre to the one building. - Wednesday eveiiing officer Stiling ert a young man from the country tor brutaily beating his horse on Main strcet. He wab biought before a Justice, and pieading guilty was let off on paying costs, ït bemg his first offence. - The Tecumseb. Zouaves will spend the Sabbath, July -Itli, at Ypsilanti, as guests of the Li;ht Guarda, and arnve here Houday morning in companj' with the Ypsilanti Light Guarda, and the companies from Detroi t and Bay City. - Anu Arbor Enoanipment Xo. 7, I. ü. 0. F., at lts meeting Friday eveuing, olected thefollowiugofficers: Dr P. U. Rose, C. P. Dr. C. Georg, H. P. ; Geo. W. Heartley, S. W. j H. T. Morton, J. W. ; Geo. Halier, Acribe ; D. Almaiidinger. ïreas. - Aaron Dean was driving a team down street, Monday eveniiig, when near High street tho horsea became somewhat frightened and started to run, throwing the driver out. On beiug picked up he was found to be severely iiijureti about the back. - Compauy D, of Adrián, arrive in tovvn Saturday evening, Juiy .'id, will be the guests of Coiupany B over th-e Sabbatïi, to tuke part iu the celebration Monday. The two companies will attend services at the Presbyterian Church Sunday. morning, in uuiform. - Eldridge Gee, one of th oidest pioneers of Washtenaw county, of whom we gave a brief sketch two weeks sniee, diud at his home in Duudee, last week. His funeral took place on Sundoy from the Methodist Church, of which denomination he has iong been a worthy member. - Lansing makes those persons who are sentto the lockup in default of paying their fines, work upon tho streets the uumber of döys for which they are senienced. Is this not an exanij)le worth our city Council imitating, and would it not be a benefit to both city and msoiier 'r - The Coldwater Repvblicnn says : The Ughi üuiird have reo.evect invitations to celébrate the coming Fourth of July in Ann Arbor, ïpsilauti, Hillsdale and Quincy. As they are wt ubiiiuitous they will have to decline at east three oí these invitations, and will proba)ly go to Quincy or Hillsdale. - The receutly appointed Commissioners of be Cemetery in the Firth wa.rd have entered in duty, caused the tlie gróunds to be regulary laid oat in lots, the removal of the old fences rouud iamily lots, and the work of ornamentng and improving tlie grounds cummenced. Several lots have already been sold. The pro;eeds of all sales are to be devoted to improvelents. - The wool market in this city opens rather dowly. Messrs. Bach & Abel have purchased bout 3,000 Ibs. during the past week, at prices ■auging trom 35 to 38 cents per pound. The nn of Mack & Schmid have purchased about lie same amount and puid similar prices lugust Herz of the Fifth ward has also purl hased quite an amount. - Twelvo foot avenue throu#h the Court ïouse Square may not be wide enough for our itizens to walk upon ; the County Clerk iiuks that they are sufficiently wide, and has ■aused to be eiected several scctions or fence lirongh the grounds, that pedestrians may taow that the avenues are the placea wliere Ihey are expected to walk. - The ladies of the Congregationtd Glmrch kave secured the room on Main street occupied ty the late Farmer's Store, for July óth, and ül furnifeh lunches, ice cream, &C, to the nultitude of people that are expected to visit fte city ou that day. They sbould receive a liberal patronage. The proceeds are to be Eumishing the new church. - The picnic at Wilsey's Grove, in Fittffield SaturQay afteruoou, at the close of Miss Twitvhell's cliool was a success. Mr. Wilsey and te son (ieorge having supplied swing?, tables, dishes, etc., croquet, swinging and talking was the onler of the day, and everything went off psaeantly. About 150 persons were present ■nany coming f rom Lodi. Nearly the entire fetrict tuiucd out, and all enjoyed the occaauu. - Wm. Donovan, late chief engineer of the "ïckson, Lausing and Saginaw Railroad, and soa of P. Donovan, of thia city, has been apNnted resident engineer of the Great WestWu Eailvoad of Canada, at Hamilton, Out., with a salary of f3,000 a year m gold. He ia a most competent young man in his profession, Mid we ure lad to note hiK advancement. He tó'& gradúate of the Michigan Uuiversity, class of '65. - W. W. .Tilz, of St. Lonis, Mo., a former resident of this city, the man whose brains, it I, have earned him half a mülion, was in towii last Saturday, giving his old friends " '(iok up." He is small in size out has a woric wïde reputation as the original inventor ant Banufaoturer of the Jilz Patent Well Augu Prominent men all over the country unite i praising the mertta of his invention. It aid that wells of any depth are now mad with his machine for one-fourth whiit it fo eiiy cost with llie old-fashioned machine He has met with mented success, and we hop 't may continue. A cut repreaentiug his m: 'mue will bo fouud in our udvertising column The Uxiveksity Wateb Wobks.- On Friday afternoon last a partial trial was made of the yet incomplete Uuiversity Water Works. The new uumber 6 Knowles pump, located m the engine room of the Laborator}-, had been attached to the four-inch iron pipe leading to the oistern at or near the foot of the hill on State street, -4,000 feet distant, and to the same pump was also attaohed a long line of larsesized hose. As soon as the-pump was itarted a stream was discharged through a 3-4 inch tire nozzel to a distance of 126 teet. A perpendicular solid stream wis alao throwu upon the high coruice of the medical building, and a brokeu stream upon or over the dome of the building, full ouö huudred feet high. When tLe reservoir or tank, benig erected at the east end of the laboratory, to he elevated 45 feet and held 40,000 gallons, ia completed, water will 4ow into the tliird tory of any of the colleffe buUdings, and the pumps will beaided by piessure in doinje ftfi scr'ice. The experiment was conduoted uuder the direction of the Cliief-Engiueer Sauford, of the Fire Department, who prououuceá it a complete success. Siuce Frïday thin pump has been run tor several hours at a time, at the rate of 40 gallons a minute, without materially diminishing the storage in the pumping cisteru, which ie eupplied by a 6-íuch pipe trom a spriug on the lands of, Emanuel Mann, 4.000 feet distant. These tests show that the supply of water will be much greater than the needs of the Univorsity. ___ A Family Feud.- Jiinmy and Mary Coleman, who live on Fourth street, are uot, according to all acoounts, the happiest pair in this world. Both are tond of their drop, and on Sunday last inibibe j so treely that during the afternoon their otherwise good natures became so disturbed that they rot into a quarrel, which aooii came to blows. Mary selected the potato masher for hár weapon, and Jimmy caught up whatever came within his reachAfter a few blows had pasaed between them, Jimmy went into the garden and bfigan pulling up the vegetables upou which Mary had expended so miich hard labor, and slie to retalíate went to the pantry aud commenced demolishing the dishes. The noise of breaking crockery attracted Jiinmy's atteution, and he hastened iuto the house and gave Mary a severe tshastizement for her unruly condnct. In this engagement Mary came off with a black eye, a bloody nose, a broken scalp, and a terribly disfigured countenance. To heal the wouuds thus inflicted, Jiuimy called in a physician, who, after carefully dressing them, entered complaint to Marshal Stihng, and he m company with policeman Johnson haateued to the scène of the conflict and arrested them both. Mary, with an oiHcer on each side to support her weakened limbs, and Jiunny following in the raar, marched off to jail, where they remained until Mouday morniiig, when they were brought befare Justice McMahon, wlien it took just seventeeu dollars- which he probably had saved up to have a good time on the Fourth- to pay the bilí for a few hours lome amusement. The Hoese Found.- In our issue of April 2d, meution was made of the sudden disappearance ou the mght of March 20th of a horse from the stable of Fred. Chapiu iu this citv Chupín purcnased the horse in question Croxn F. L. Axtell, a former livery-stable keeper in lis city, forillO, and gave a check on the Savugs Bank tor that sutn. Soon after cometing the bargain, Chapia was garnisheed by ohn McLean for the amount to secure a debt ue him from Axtell. Last Tuesday Chapín ccidentally eutered a barn in Tecumaeh and t once recognized his horse amoug several thora. On inquiring a little he ascertained lat about a nionth after the horse was stolen n this city, it was disposed of by Axtell in liwsñeld, and from thence taken to Tecumseh. hapio retnrncd to this city, made complaiut, ld Axtell was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Mcntyre at Deerfield on Friday last. His examiition will take place before Justice McMihon uly 2Oth. Meantime Axtell is under Ï-WO onds to appear on that day. COMMENCEMENT WEEK AT THE NOEMAL OHOOL. - The iollowing is the order of exerses for commenceruent week at Ypsilanti : 6UNDAY, JUNE 27. 8 P. M. - Baccalaureate sermón at the Pres)yiorian Cliurch. MONDAT, JUNE 28. 9 A. M. - Public examinations. 8 i. M. - Public literary exercises of the ealots' Society. TUESDAY, JUNE 29. 9 A. M. Public examinations. 8 p. M. - Lecture before the literary societies y Piof. Ransom Dunn, of Hillsdale College, on the " Discipline of the Sensibihties." THUB9DAY, JULY 1. 9 A. M. - Commencemeut at Union School Hall. 1 p. M. - Alumni dinner. 2 P. M. - Poem by Miss Lizzie E. Gardner, ass of '68. 3 P. M.- Business meeting of the Alumni .ssociation. 7:30 p. M. - Oration before the Alumni Asociatiou at the M. E Church, by the Hon. G. '. Sanford, of Lansing, class of '56. 8:.J0 P. 31. - The Principal's reception. A Teiai. of Plows.- Gents. : You may say to your farmer readers that once more in a general trial of piows, under the auspices ot the Farmer's Club at Mason, Ingham county ast week, the Hickendorn plow, manufactured y the Aun Albor Agricultura! Company, wins 11 the glory in competition with all the leadïg plows sold in the State. This makes over fty trials this season, in every one of which ie " Heckendorn" has come out ahead and ;aken all the prizes. A. A. Ao. Co. Ixvitatiojí Accepted.- Fiíty members of ie military coinpany híiving agreed to go to Aun Arbor on July óth, the clerk of the Pennsulars to-day forwarded to Osear Tucken eoretary of the Ann Arbor coinpany, a letter cceptmg the mvitation of that company to articipate witli theni in the holiday festivities. The l'enineulara will leave here very early tlouday morniug, proceediug to Wayne, where ley breakfast, and go thence to Ann Arbor. 'hey will, of course, weartheir handsome new uiforms.- Bay City Tribune. Two Fouethb OF July. - The Tecuinseh nd Adrián (Jruards have, as we have before noticed, accepted invititious to attend the elebration of the Fourth of July in Ypsilanti. The celebration there oecurs on the 3d, and now Companv B, of Aun Arbor, comes to the ront with an invitatiou to both companies to je tlieir guests in Ann Arbor over the Sabbath, and particípate in the celebration in the atter city on Monday, the óth. The comanies have accepted the invitation, and thus will have two Fourths of July tliis year. - Adrián Journal. M. C. It. R.- Half Faee.- The followiug .etter has been received in this city : OrFiCE of Ass't Bupt., M. C. R. R. ) Deteoit, June 21, 1876. S I have yours of the 17th inst. Arraugements have been made to reduce fare over the eutire line on the 3d, 4th and öth days of July to otie-half our regular rates. I hope this will give the people satisfaction, and allow them to attend suchcelebrations as they may choose. Yours truly, H. B. LEDYAfiD. At a meeting held by the Fire Department Monday eveuing. June '21st, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That a committee be appointed to circuíate a petition among the üremen, to ge the Common Council to Bupply the necessary apparatus tor the uae of the Fire Department and present the same to the Council at th next regular meeting, with notice that if no attended to forthwith the Department wil send in their resignation at the next regula meeting, held in July. Rev. C. O. Howlaud, of Kalamazoo, wi preach iu the Uuitarian Church next Sunday Subject of evening discourse, "Sowing aiu Reaping." The church will be closed durm July and August.


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