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The breadstuffs market is fine, with indicalions favorable to continued good prioes. It is believed to be a {act that there is a shurtage of wheat in Continental Europe, caused by a liberal feeding to cattle last fall and winter. A New York circular says it now seems probable that the countries of Eastern Europa will reqaire all the surplus to oarry them through the preseut cereal year, while should there be a partial failure of crops, it will créate a lively demand trom this side. These iacts have had grent influence in eausing the late advance . A Washington dispatch saya that reporta rereceived- at the Bureau of Agricultura, from different sections of the United Sttites indicate that winter and spring wheat wil! yield four-tifths of a full erop. These genera 1 facts will enable farmers to lonn better estimjites of probabihties than mere qnotations of prices. Detroit Markets. In view of the general stagnation of business during the hot weeks, little interest attaches' to anything beyond the leading Staples Wheat at Board advanced quite sharply the Jatter part ol last week, and this week has remaiued steady at the advance, extra white at 11 27, No. f at $1 26, and amber at $1 23. Corn at 70 and oats 68 for mixed. These prices are a little less than last report. Butter is weaker at 18al9 for choice, and l'3alG for mixed or streaked lots. Cheese at 10 l-2all. Eggs rule higher than usual at this season, at 16al7. The live stock market has declined perceptibly since grass feeding, and prices are fully 7&C per cwt. less than those of some weeks ago. This was especially apparent at Monday's market, buyers being rehictant to take hold, the best sold being a 5 1-2 for beef cattle, with one or two as low as 2 1-2. Sheep at Ï4 Gtatfi 75. The Wonl Market. This is a hackneyed subject, but vet is one of perhaps more interest to farmers than auy other at the preseut time. The Detroit papers publish au extract from a New York paper which has persistently sought'to deprecíate the market, to the effect, that prices are 10 to 15 per cent. higher than at the opening last year. This certaiuly is not true of Michigan, but on the contrary they are a little less than last year in this State. The market is how active throughout the State, with prices at 3öa40 for clothing wools, and 38a42 for combing. It is believed that farmers will tind no difficulty in realizing these pnces for the entire clip, while they eau not expect much more at present. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ( KO. H CLARK M. I).t Homeopathie PhyT tsieiaii,. Office and renidence over 0. Bliss & Sons Jewelry store, Ana Arber, Mich. ÏTSË LFÍTSOÑLY PARALLËU P. T. Barnum's GREAT ROMAN HIPPODROSVBE. The IJiirniini Universal Exp. Co. Prop's. F. '1'. UAIOI tl, - . I'resident. Will Exhibit at DETROIT, TW0 DAYS ONLY ! Monday & Tuesday, June 28 & 29, Tito (Jrand Performances Daily. Acres of Wide-Spread Canvass, and the LARGEST A.MPHITHEATRE IN THE WORLD. An Army of Men, Women and Children ; hundredf of ïhoroughbred and Imported Horses ; Gilt and Gold betsprinkled Chariots and Tableau Cars; Solid Silverand Jeweled Armor ; Glittering Parnphernalia, and the most Elabórate, Brilliani and Expensive Wardrobe everbeheïd. Historical Pageant of the Coniress of Nations, Produciug a grand succession of Xntellectual Surprises, embraeing thefoüowingchanges, equivalent to sitting in full view of the Koyal Courts ot the whole world. Magniflcent Revival ot the SPORTS oí ANCIEííT GBEECE & ROME With all the exeiting Race and many Realistic Pictures of the oldeu tiniea. gum FETE AT PEKÍN, OR CELESTIAL HOLIDAY ! Indian Life, or Chase for a "VVife ! Presenting Leonchi's Tribe of Wild Indiana and Mexican Hangers in scènes incident to savage lite, M'lle D'Atalie, Satsuma and Little All Right, and Lazelle, Millson and Master Lazelle, In a trio of Acts. VISION OFTHE HOURIS.-GRAND MARCHOF THE AMAZONB- BALLET DIVERTISEMENT-UKAND OPERATIC CHOKÜS, &c. Prof. W.H. DON ALBSON, the distinguished Aeronaut, will niaktí gratuitous Aseen: iona in the Air-ship P. T. BARNUM. Free admission to all who purchase THE LIFE OF P. T. BARNU1I, written by himself down to the present portion of 1875, withnearlf l,''00 pages and 50 full-page illuatrationi, reduced in priee from $3.S0 to J1.Í0. For sule within the (ireat Hippodrome. Uniformed Ushera in attendance. Admission 50 cents ; Children under 9 years 25 cents. Reserved Seata extra. Doors Open at 1 and 7 -P. M. Every facility will be afforded the public for procuring Tickets at the wagons on the lot, but to aecommodate such as prefer to avoid possible delay by obtaining them at the customary small advance, a few tickets will be left for sale at Roe Stephen ITIuaic Store, 113 Wooduiird Ave., Detroit. Regular l)curslon traina will run at reduced f are. Tes, $25 OO daT ls guaTanteccJ uslng onr Well Auger and DrlllS ingood terrftory. Highest testimoniáis from the Governors of Towa, Arkansa8 and Dakota. AH tools warTanted. Two wells 50 foot deep can be boretl in one day, and one well will furnish water sufficient for 100 head of cattle. Splendid work for winter aa well as rammer.'" Descriptiva cataloirue free. County rights for sale. Addreu: J1LZ WKLLi AUGEIl CO.Tbt. Louis, AIu. Creo. T. Clark, CIVEL ENCINEER AND MUi:i(llt. Residence No. 8 North State Street, Ann Arbor. I muís Survod, Ievela Civen for Water Power and Drainage. Plans for Iron and Wooden Bridges furnished, and any business pertaining to the prolession solicited. Having had many years experience in Civil Engineer, will guarantee all work done by hini to be correct. Persons wishing to make appKcation for Patenta furnished with tbc neeessary information. Drawings, such as are required by the Department, furnished. 1584. rtlVLLINO HOIJSÜS FOR SAI, E. A large and very woll built brick house, with two or niore lot. Two large framed house. Also a good sized brick house and frume house ; and a smtiU frame house on a good lot, intended for adding a front. For sale on fairterms and a reasouable credit. AIho other buildings, Iota, and property MONEÏ WAIVTED-Rü many wibhing to borrow money applj to me that I can readily obtninfor lendrrs good satisfactory investmeius at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORÖAN. Ann Arbor, Aorll 23, 1871. MSatf TDTJT YOUR MONBT W II E R E I ï WÍLL ü O T II E MO3T GOOD A. A. TERRY . HAS A KULL STOOK OF HATS AND CAPS IN TUE LATEST STYLES. QÜALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y CüMPE T1T1OH AXSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. [ Cali befare purchañug. 1 8 South Main Street. 8FJ PULL LINE - OF - Sewiitg: Machine i'eedles WINES & WORDEN'S. ISOltf ARE YOU GOING XO PAINT ? If so, íí to L. 0. RISOON'S HARDWARE STORE! and gct THE AYERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, The BEST paint forany use thatis made. Hardware ai Stoves CHEAPEB than any plaoe IN THE STATE. 31 South Main Stkeet. RAILROADS. M'CHltíAH CENTRAL KAILKOAD. 8UMMER TIME TABLE. QOING WXBT. p-p. w h STATIONS. _' w 'Pi M ü a AAlAíAl A. M. A. M. P.M. JP. M. P. M.IP. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 60 [ 3 30 4 00 5 40 9 60 Wuyne, 7 56 4 11 1 4 50 6 42 ïpaüanti, 8 32 11 00! 4 28 S L5 7 10111 Üfl AnnArbor, 8 6: 11 15 4 M, 6 4üj 7 45 11 1" F.M. AU. Dexter, 9 20 6 03' S 10 Cholèea, 9 40j 6 20' 8 30! ttrass Lake, 10 o; e 49 9 00 Jackson, 10 42 12 3S 5 50 7 15! 9 25 12 45 .M. A.H. Kaluiunzoo, 1 56 2 65 12 261 2 64 Ohicago arrive, 7 35 8 00 ! 6 30! 8 00 OOlNCi 1UT. HiiUÜJ1 A. Mi. H.l P. K. P. M. A.M. Ühioago, leave, 6 00; 9i0 ' S 16 9 00 lp. H. A. M. Kalamazoo. 10 501 140 ! 10 30 2 S5 P. M.l lp M. A. M. Jackson, 2 12 4 05 7 UO 12 47 4 56 S f.6 OrassLake, 2 45 T 3Í 6 23-- Chelsea, , 3 10 8 00Í 6 5o! Dexter, 1 J 25 8 18' 6 08 AnnArbor, 3 52 5 14 8 37 2 22 6 28 10 47 Ypailanti, I 4 20 5 25 8 65 2 42 6 48 11 "0 Wayne, ' 4 45j 5 IS 9 55 3 031 7 1011 18 Detroit, arrive, 5 45 0 3010 15 3 50, 8 00 12 00 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA BAILBOAD. QOINO WKST. - 1875 - GOINO KART. stations. Mail. Exp. I stations. Kip. Mali. A. K. P. H. Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:30 A. K. P. M. Vptiilunti.... 8:35 6:45 Banken 3:15 2:15 Suline 11:30 6:21 HiUsdale ... 3:30 S:25 Bridgewater.. 10:00 6:42 Manchester.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 7:05 Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 P.M. ' Saline 7:25 4:46 Hillsdale 1.28 9:04 ! Ypailanti.... 9:15 5:26 Bankers 1:45 9:15 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect March 28, 1875. W. F. PARKEE, Bup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NOBTHWE8TEBN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connectiona made At Wayn Junction with trains of the Michigan Central U. K. Four trains North and iour South daily except Bunday. In Effect Mat 24th, 1875. OOINO NOBTH. STATIONS. ""J? 8 tí S M S .- W &W S cÉ5 á Z M. P. M. V. M. P. M. Wayne, lea ve 8 57 12 67 6 03 11 00 Holly, 10 45 3 S4 7 45 4 15 Flmt, 11 25 3 10 8 24 4 58 East Saginaw, 12 45 4 15 9 40 6 25 Bay City, arrive 1 20 4 44 10 15 7 25 r. ii. Reed City, 8 25 1! 10 Ludmgtun, 1U 45) 4 30 (iiISi; SOOTH. I i. M. A. II. P. M. Wayne, leave j 2 65 " 8 20 8 JO Monroearrrive I 4 05 T 35 9 15 Toledo, arr. 5 08 10 00 10 20 The steamer " John Sherman." leaves Ludington on arrival of Day Express at 10 45 malting close connections with the Sheboygan & Fon du Lac K . R. at Sheboygan for all points in Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Upper Península of Michigan. Eeturning leares öheboygan at 12 30 noon, connecting with the Night Express leaving Ludington at 0 p. M. ; connectiona at Ludington also with steamers for Pentwüter, Manistee, Franklin, etc. 8ANFORD KEELER, Aía't Supt. J. P. Noubse, Gen'i Ticket Agent. EDWARD DÜFFY HA8 JU8T RECEIYED AN Entire Ncvu Stock Of gooda consisting of Teas, Goffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW Y0EK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VERY SLIGBT ADVANCE over New York Cost Also a full Une of LADIE8 and GENTLEMEN '8 WEAR in BOOTS & SHOES, A 11 of wbicli he ís offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paye everybody to buy their goodi for Cash. Cali and examine gooda and pricea, and I WILL INSUEE SATISPACTION Goods delivered to any part of the City fie of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block," cor. Main and Ann streets 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. "DINSEYlfc SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ÁNDALO ÜR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS,. CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE "WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BÜCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, 4o., &ü. At wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS conatantly on hand, which will be sold on as reftsonuble terms as at any other house in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. B3 Ooods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. K1SSKY A SKABO1.T. Ann Arbhr. Jan. 1, 1876. 1514tf The Quality of our Flour 1IADE A SPECIAITY j. i&. svrrrT & co., of th late flrm of Deubel, Swift & Co., offer to the public a flmtlclass brand of Flour. Orden lor FLOUR AND FEED! may be left at the Pot Office, In our Box. markeil J. M. 8wift & Co., or at ths mili, whioh will be made a specialy. DELIVERT FREE- TERMS CASH. 1525m6 r. IH. SWIFT A CO. Yü8T BEJpDÜPT SIXCE MAKING A CHANGE IN MY BUSINE8S I hare allowed oyer flve months For the settleraent of ray oíd hooka. A very large nuiuber of accounts still reinain unpaid, and Must be paid within 60 Days OR WILL BE SUBJECT TO COSTS. J. T. SWATHEL. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1875. Sml524


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