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Gossip Of The Day

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A. S. Abht,t,, of tho Baltimore Sun, is probably tho wealtkiesí journalist in tho Vnitoil State) hifl fortune being estimated at íroin sevon to ton mülionB of iollars, Jonathan Cwi'i''ORU,aVt-rmont vetaran of tha of 181'2, coutributcd to tho Centennial ouriositics in Boston a powiler-horn of antiiuo pattern, whioh has smellod tho smoko of throo American wars - tho French and Indian, tho lícvolntion, and tho war of 1812. Mr. John T. Uiílaxi-., editor of tho Loudou 7'inics, ñrst beoame oonnected with the great jounial asassistant editor in 18391, and npon Une doath of fMr. T. Barnes assumed the chief editorship, in 1811. Now, after a service of thiríy-six years, it is announced thathe will shortly rotiro. It is rumoree! that an allianee, offannivo mil defensivo, has boon formeel between Kuwúa and Great Britain, and that the tripartito allianee between Ruasiii, Germany and Austria has bren brukoii owing to tho Swapeotéd warlike ik'sig-ns of ono of the parties to it- Germany. Next fall will bo a hard time for returning European tourists, Secretary Bristow liaving determined that this bringing home a cfozfen more tmnks Ihiin areneeded for a txaveler'a wardrobe, arnl pinning togctlier costly fabrioe, jnst to. "pass through" tho Citstom House, must bc stopped. It is evident that the effects of the "hard times" in various parts of the world are but just being feit in England. Failures of iron and mereantile iuterests are of almost daily oceurrence of late in that country, and, as an effect, Canada is also experiencing a severo stringeney and lias an ocoasional business failuro. Pakson BrownijOw, having been challenged to fight a duel, claims the right to select the weapons, and names the isoterma: The piirties aie tomeet inan ( open-topped hg-pen, after a hard mini, mer rain, arnvd with dungforks; and i whocver shall toss the otller out shall be 1 regarded as having killed him in mortal ' combat. ' Tiiky shoot birds with base bal] iu the i East. While some schoolboys in , ton, N. II., vnere playing ball recently, a ball batíed by one of them struck a swallow in the air and bronght him down as siuldenly as if he was hit with a bullet. This incident raisets the hope that the great Amerioan game may yet be put to some practical use. In Dallas, Tex., a few nights sinoe, ,lamps T. Obeneliain was shot and seriously wonnded by John Stonc. Stone remarked, "I feel as if I am going to I kill somebody to-night." Young Obenchain replied, jestingly, " A gnat or mosquito, perhaps," when Btone eaid something about being insulted, and, walking up to him, drew a plstol and (ired. An exehiuige thus relieves itsclf : "T 0 tt-g D e pella 'tongue,' and the man wlio firgt spelled it so should have hfetí hongue. a.-c-ïi-e spells 'a-che,' and that's all yon can mache out of it. i E-i-g-h -t spellu 'eight," no matter how you depnvieight the idea; and that a i 3-l-e should poll 'aisle,' and f-e-i-g -n 'ieign," is enough to make anybody ïraaiste if the effort were not too peigpf ul. " The Mennonites own about 150,000 acres of land along the line of the ! son, Topeka, and Santa Fï railroad and have brought somo $2,000,000 in gold iuto the country. Their attention is chiafly directed to cultivating the soil and to stock raising, though aftel a while it is expected that various j kinds of manufacturing will be iutroduced. They dross in an exeeodingly plain manner. They cat flve times a day, and sleep ten hours, and are healthy and wealthy. The Fish Commissioners of tho State of Michigan have deposited 2,000,000 young whitcfish in the various streams of the State. Sevcnteen of tho States of I the Union now have Fish Commissioners, and it is likely that Illinois will soon make the eighteenth. In the New England States the Commissioners have j joincd together in their work of restoclting the streams. They last year hatched out 41,000,000 shad; 40,000,000 of these, together with 1,000,000 .salmón, have been depoisited iu the Oonnecticut river. The ex-Empress Oarlotta continúes hoiH'lefjsly insiuie at Hmssels, but her physioal condition in improving. She lives in constant coinmuiiieution with imnginffry beiugs, and dislikes the presence of any living persons. She spcaks only when obliged to do so, and gives orders to her attendauta in writing. She dresses herself without permitting 08BÏBtance, takes a flxed walk in the park every morning when iine, frequently playa on thé pïmroCftAte, and sometimos draws and paints with decided tate. She recognizea no visitón;, not even her brother, Kmg Leopold, or the (neen. The "honest burglar" has been interviewed in New York - he was on the witnesR stand - and he sáys: " What with the burglar alanns in housea and stores, and the clistiict téfegraphs, aml peoplc gi'owiug econoniieal and careful,aud the newspapërs houtiding us, burglary, gar roting and higliway robberies and such things ie actually hazardous and aint so easy to be dia.' Snob, at least, is the account which the New York papers give of the interview; and spite of the allowance necessary to bc made for the natural deaire to give their city as good a character as possible, it is possiMe their report ie an accurate one. The Sioux Indians were made a good deal of in New York. Beforo leaving that city rach member of the, party was presented by E. Bemington & Sons with one of their celebrated rifle, greatly to the delight of the Indians. JJull Eagle was also given a silver tankard with his name engraved thereon, and which he declared he would never disgraoe by drinking fire-water out of it. Sitting Ball veeeiveéi, a henvy silrer stetuetta of i raging buil ohained to a post, which pleaseil him greatly. Bcforo leaving tlioy Bung a eharacteristic peaoo smig, and depaited in tlio best posfsible humor. Tuk remackable disturbanoe of tho j f oroes of nature that has eharaetorized Üxè lasl three montbs, and Belf in storms and heavy rainfalls ia thi oountary, has boon attended by BÖ11 more violen! pbenomenain othcr parts of tho globo, suggestiug a oosiuic causo for tho perturbations. We hear of dreadful earthquakes in three widely soparato rogions - in Asia Minor on tho 3d, 4th and ötli of May, attomlod by the loss of severa! bundred livcsj in New Grenada on the 18th of tho saine month, Bttended by the loss of sixtoen thousand lives and ! tho dostruction of many villages ; and in Mexicoj Avhore tho shocks were loss violent and disastrous.


Old News
Michigan Argus