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The nioncy marUet remanís quiet, tho principal demand for favors being from grain and provisión operators. The supply íh ampie, and ratos eaHy at 7(2)10 por cent., according to poouj rity offered. Government boride lirm. ;nnnL Seïlinn, TT. B. fi' of 'Rl 12fi' lili', U. S. 5-20's of '62 (ex. hit.) 117 ■■, 1ÍH ü. B. 5-20's of 'fi4 (,-x. int.) 118', ll'.i', U. S. S-20'n of H (v. int.) 132i 122 ■'„ ü. H. .ï-'JO'n of '65 Jauiiary anl .Tuly.lIW'i l'J4 '1: ü. S. 5-20'sof '117 Jnnuary and July.lM i'J.. ■ , U.S. 5-20' of '8 January and J uly . 124 'Í 125 ! ,, U. S. 10-4ü'b 119 11'.)'-, U. 8. new 6' of '81 (ex. int.) 117JÍ 117JÍ U. 8. curroncy 6's 122'..; 12'2'„ Ook! (full weight) 110% 117JÍ Gold oxcbangc 116,'ó 117 '., BUEADSTUFF8. Tlio grain markets attracted considerable attention from Hpcculators, and quite an activo apeculative business was transacted. ( oncialh speating the market wan tirmcr, and ths Current rango of piioea was liiglior, althou;;hat the oxtromo closo the markets weakcnod and the advanoe gained oarly was almost entircly lost. TI ie movoment h'as been mainly speculative, seiler Jtily bcing the favorito option. Tlie June shorts liad genarally made provisión for their contract, and they were therefore indifferent about buying. The liberal shipping movement in wheat and corn, and the reduction in thn stock in store, togothcr with couflicting crop'roports, wore tlie principal causes of tho advancc estalilished eariy in the week, while the reaction toward the close was due to inore&sed oferinga consequent upon tlie desire to realize at the advancc, and the more favorable weathor. Wüeat cJosert lowcr. Corn l@2e higher. Oats }4c botter, and barley i. trillo hlgb.ertb.aii at the opening. Tho following table shows tho prices curreut t the opcnÍDg and close of the paft week: Opcniii'j. Clomng. No. 2,sp'g whcat. casi] %l.Wy1%M $ .08r@ .99 No. 2, Bellor ,Iuuo crl.uey. g ;.i' No. 2, KPllcr July 1.01 ($1.02 (rf.'.i'.i1 No. 2 geiler Augnet.. i.ol (l.oijj @1.00}i No. 2 corn, cawh 67 .-,'& .(18 f .0! .," No. 2 coro, eeller June .67% .68 .69X@ .'0 No. 2corn, BCllnr.Tuly. .69;@ .69JÍ .70 iiirl No. 2corn, s. Augunl. .72;„$ .72)4 .72'„biil No. 2oats, canh .57.V' .68 ffl .'■ , No. 2 oals, aellor .1 uur .'-'(if .68 .rK li rl No. 2 oatn, seller July. .Sfifc .57 ."5,fnl .5C, No. 2oats,s. AugUBt.. .41.(.41', .ui', . .-m-,, No. 2 rye, cash M ( ,'J7 i .93 No. 2barliy. cash.... @1.30 1.86 (rtl.40 No. 2 barley, b. Sopt. 1.06 @1.05 il.U7 No.gbaïley. ah.... @1.1B 1.W ,tl.:r, rEoviaioNS. Tbe rnovement was fair in Ibis raarket during the week jnat past. but ratlicran mmettled feeliiig prevailed and a l'urthcr declino was huhtaincil in values, The principal causo for tho wealmoHS ibat prevailed was the light demand on nUipping account and tbe uufavorablo advices reoeived from Eautern marlictt. At the extreme close, howevcr, a cliange carne over the market, and a fair portion of tbe early iccline was recovered. Cash mess pork closed Btrong nnder a good demand at wl9@19.10; Heller Juno closed at $18.(i5'; Heller July at li), and Heller August at $l!).2O. Cash lard quiet at $13.20; Heller July in moderate rcuest at ; sellcr AugUBt closcd at $13.85 (gVAAQ. PRODUCE. ïhere was an inercased inquiry for butter dnring the week aud tbe busmess traiiHactcd was eomewhat larger, and quite a number of round Iota veré dwpOHed of. Tho shipiing (Iemand Iuih been niainly for iirntn, and seconds dragged slowly. The recoipts continue fair, but the Hhipping movement had the effect of keepiug tho stock reduced, though with some dealei's certaín grades have accumulated. Quotations ranged at 20@24c for extras ; 17( Mo for firstB ; 14@17e for eeconds ; HX@lic for thirds, andi)((;llc for grease and common old stock. Beaus were in fair requost and steady ; offerings light; quotable at tl.85@1.90 for prime Kastern niodiuma, and fl.00@1.80 I for poor to good WeBtern. The demand continúes good for broom corn, and priecs ruled firm at ll@14c for good to choice hurí, ll(ñ;13c for good to dioico stalk braid, and 6@ N! ,jc for crookod. Beesvax quiet at 86@80e for good to ]rime yellow. Oheeae sold quite rcadily, and former pricea were nmintained; quotable at !)(ilOc for good to prime uew, and 8@9c for fair; Borne conmon oíd sold at 6('i8c. Cidcr ruled dull at $4.75(5)5.00 per brl for cboice; common and sour dull at $3.00@o.ü0 per brl. Cranberries Hold Blowly at $5.00(5 7.00 per brl for poor and Boft cultivated, and .f8.0ü(í!).00 for clioiee to extra. Eggs were moderately active and stoady; closed at V4& 16c for fresh in carries. Feathera were dull at 48(o52c per íor prime livo geese, aud 3@5c for ebicken. Oreen finita were without esscntinl chango. AppleB were dull, with but few good on the market. Quotations rauge at $1.25(m1.50 per baiTel for good ruBsets in lots, and íl.00( 2.50 in a rctail way. according to quality. There were Borne new apples on tho market, which eold at 75c@ + 1.00 for one-third bu boxea. Pluma were in large supply, and aales ranged at 75c(ai!1.0ü for choice. New peaches sold at $2.50, and pcara at íl.75((2.00 for one-third bu boxea. Hopa were quiet at 20@30c per Ib for fair to choice. Houey ruled dull and weak at 18@29o for good to choice in comba. Tbere waa very little change from Ia4t week in liidea; Balea were made at 8c nll round for selected green salted, nnd 12(fíl2Xc for calf. The demand for bj wa rather light and prices were weak. Timothy (juotable at 1G.OO(V1U.OO per ton for good to prime; mixed about $15.00@16.60, and Irairie 15.00(n17.00. Maple Bugar was dull at 73@8c per Ib. Thore wiia a fair demand for oíd potatooa, at 86@85o for peachblowa in car lots, and 75@80c for Western do. Ksw potatoes were acaree and iirm at $6.50@6.60 in barrels. Pop oorn 2()3c per 11. Halt was easy and 10(rf20c lower ; quotable at 1.50 for Onondaga aud Saginaw fino, aivl $1,70 for ordinarv Oíd vegetables were but littlo called for and the market ruled dull ; new wero quite active and salea were made at $1.75@2.00 for cabbage in crates of two doz each, 1.75@2.00 for one buahel boxes of green peaH and atttog beana, 50(rí!75c per do, for cucumbers and 50(ir)0c per doz for kohlrabi. Htrawberrios wero in larger Bupply and lower. The market closed at $sl.75@2.00 per caso for Michigan, and 10c per quart for Southern Illinois. Veal waa in fair requeat at 5@8Wo for common to choice. Tho recoipts of wool were fair. but piicea ruled ateady at 38(42; for coaree to fine washed ; 25@32c for coarse heavy to fine light unwasbed. SEED8 ASU HIOHWIMES. Theso markets wero both dull aud the amount of busiuess transaetod was excoedingly light. For Heeds there waa no demand exeepting a few orders for buckwheat, and bolden boing gcnerally anxkiUB to close out their consignnentH, a woak fceling prevailed and the market closod a shado eaaier. Timothy quotable at $2.35@2.45 for fair to good and Í2.50 for prime, ('lovcr wnH nominal kt about $6.40(V()6.50 for prime medimn. SaloB o( hiwigarian ranged at $1.25(íl.4O for prime : closed at tho inside. Millet quotable at .1.75@l.'J0; and buckwheat sold quite readily al (1.36@ 1.10 for prime. HighwinoB were Uaattre with buyers and sellera apart. At the clone there were nellen) on tho market at #1.10, and $1.15 waa bid. OOOPERAOE, LÜMBEB AND WOOD. Trade in cooperage, aa is usual at tbis timo of tho year, was light, but thero wero only a few Bmail lotw offered ou tlic market and values wero maintained. Quotable at .1.12!' forpork barrels, $1.45 for lard tieroee, $1;90@2.00 for whiaky barrels, and 45( 55c for floui bárrela. There waa but little demand for lamber, and salea draggod Blowly, but values, although rather woak. wene without material change. WtripH tai boards cloaed at 8.5()(11.ÜO, joiat and Bcantling at Í8.00. lath at íl.50, and ahingles at 42.25(5)2.70. Wood waa very ([niet at about former price. Quotable at ft8.00(?8.50 per oord for hickory, ■C.50(7.00 for maple, $5.50@6.00 for beecli, nnd fí.00 for alaba at the yards. Telegraphir Market, Reporta. NEW YOKK. Bkkves lï (Vil 13 Hoos- Dreseed '■ @ w OOTTOH ISlrf. lliJ FtoüH -Snperflns Westers 4 60 ( 1 90 Wnr.-M No. I Chicago 1 13 @ 1 14 No. 1 Spring 120 (rf 122 COBH 82 (rf, 84 Oatk , 68 7" Kvf. 88 (S, 1 00 Pork- New Mes 10 25 (rfW 50 ruil' siiiin I2;.,(í i:i' SI. LOUIS. Whbat- No. 2Bed.; 1 32 @ 1 :il OoKS Ni. 2 New 89 @ 71 Oats- No. '2 6fi @ 58 Bik No. a m @ 1 12 Pork- Mens 1 ii @19 25 l,ni 1' @ 18 Kous 25 (M 7 00 Cath.k 4 75 @flW MTLWAtTKEE. IViinr No. 1 103 W 1 115 No. 2 1 IK) e. 1 0L Cobb fío. 3 67 @ (i9 OTS- No. 2 (rf .7 Hvk 96 (ï 17 Bablkt- No. '2 1 10 1 18 CINCINNATI. Whbat- Bed 140 (rf 128 OOBK- Now 13 @ 73 Oats 64 @ 7 Bye 1 08 IS) 1 10 Pokk- Mes 18 50 @19 00 l.MMi 12 (rf, ia TOI.El'O. Wheat- Extra 1 25 @ 1 27 Amber 1 2 @ 1 45 Cósn- New 74 @ 78 Oats i3 @ 65 DETROIT. Wheat- Extra O128 Amber @ 1 23 Cojín 68 @ 72 Oats 60 @ (il CLEVEI,AM. Wheat- No. 1 Red 1 22 a 1 24 No. 2Red 1 17 (g 1 10 ('OT1N 73 @ 75 OATa 65 @ 67 Tur.iiF. ia nu oltl saying tbat a ohild at two yeai'H oll w half ivh lall M he evek will be, and after a few experiaasots Lc measuring one oan easily believe it, luit not before,


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