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The Michigan Argus

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PU3LISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORTHNG. ju the tbird kI.h y of tbe brici blook oerner of Bitln nstd Harón streeta, AXN ARBOB, - - KICHrGAS. gtitraoo on Hurón Btreet, oppostte the Gregorj House. OARB & & O TT Ui K T EDITORS AXD PUBLISIIERS. Tcrms, 3 1 .5O a Year in Advance. KATES OF DVEJIlTTSINGi-. [Twclve lines or I68B eousidered a square.] gFACB. 1 w. 2w. 3ff, 6 W. 3 m. Gm. 1 year rÜumre.. $ 75 $1 25 $1 50 $2 75 $4 00 $fi 00 0 00 SrinaareB.. 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 50 6 00 8 00 12 00 aSmareB.. 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 00 i 5 col U nj l Ü 50 4 00 4 50 G 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 i columi) 1 00 5 00 ( 00 8 00 12 00 '20 00 80 00 x column 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 ÍK) 16 0(1 24 00 88 00 ' colnmn 7 06 lo ihi 12 DO LS 00 20 0030 00 55 00 .;,„]„,., 00 18 ui' 23 00 I ' 100 00 Qardfl iu Directory, not to exceed four liuep, $4.00 a year. Locnl editorial notiocs 20 oente a íínf. QaatecAn 12 cents ii line for the firafe insertion, and ( li BTibsequent iiiporrion. M.irriapn and dtüitli uotices f ree; obitnary noticee : line. ïearly advertlsera have tbo pHvilege of chauginpr p)r ad verti8emen s tnrw times. Additioiialcliang:i be cliarged for. idvertiBementfl auacoompuded by writtcn or nrb&I dlreclions wiü be pubUjahed three months, j3ll charged accordinoiy. Lfgal nlvritiscniriii.'--, lirpj iuprrtion, 70 ccute per folio; 36 cents per folio for eacU fiöbwquent iiiser(ton. Wlu'u t poatpOBeroeoi is added toa MverilêJueut, tbc wbole will be cbared the ■amsaa Uae fint on. To bc puid for wlicu Hllidavit is made. JOB PRINTING. punpblets, I'oftrrs. HaodbiUö, Cirrularp, CartlP, liill Tickets, Labels, Blanke, Bill-Heada oad othei s of Plaln aud Fancy Job Printing exccnted with promptnes?! and in the best posible slylc.


Old News
Michigan Argus