State Legislature

Marcho, 1846. House. - Mr. Ransom moved a reconñderation of the vote by which the . nent made in committee for allowingthe yoters at tho township meeting to vote Por raising a tax not excecding one dollar for ev'ry scholar in townships between the ages of 5 and 18, to be applied for the purposes of education in the same manner as the public school money, which was carried. Mr. R. moved to amend the amendment by inserting fifty cents instead of one dollar. He hoped this amfendment would be allowed to prevail. He could assure gentlemen it was loudly called for in tho more sparsely settled parts of the state and in the larger villages. Where there are not more than one hundred children in a township this could not be a great hardship. Where there were forty or fifty scholars in a district it would not be needed, and it would not be imposed unless needed. But in populous villages and sparsely populated districts it was needed, and he trusted the House would allow them the privilege. It had been found to operate well in Detroit, nnd there could be no solid objection to its application in other places whero the people desired it. Mr. Cole hoped the amendment would be adopted. There is no power to raise the tax unless the people chose. If they are unable to pay the tax they will not vote to raise it. Mr. Barbour hoped it would prevail. It was required by many towns as well as villages. Mr. Scott said : I go to raise a tax to pay our debts. Taxation is orer us. - Let this tax alone for the present. It will be unjust to the new counties. They are taxed for state pur poses, township and county purposes, highway and school purposes. To put on this additional tax would be oppressive. Let us be honest before we are generous. After we have paid our debts he would go for such a provisión. The amendment as amended prevailed. Yeas- 29- Nays 15. The bill was ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Noble rose and said : Mr. Speaker, with permission of the House I will read a protest which I propose to have entered on the journals of the House. The Speaker said if no objection, the
Michigan State Legislature
Central Railroad - Sale
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Fletcher Ransom
Ezra Cole
John Barbour
Samuel M. Scott
David Addison Noble
Thomas Lewis
J. Andrews
J. P. Cook
J. B. Graham
P. Ord
E. Hawley Jr
Michael A. Patterson
George E. Hand
Hiram Barrett
John Davis
Orrin Parsons
Washington Wing
James Webster
A. C. Baldwin
C. Baldwin
Austin Blair
Harvey Chubb
Nelson Dunham
James M. Edmunds
Orrin N. Giddings
James L. Glenn
John Groves
Elijah Hawley
George H. Hazelton
Hannibal Hollister
Whitney Jones
Frederick A. Kennedy
Joshua G. Leland
Payne Kenyon Leach
W. Lewis
George Moran
John L. Morse
Charles M. Palmer
Darius Pierce
John A. Rice
James H. Sweeny
Marcus Wakeman