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When the 'ISpaakeif!' vera in the Crimea - fchey were, light dragoons in those ilüjs, nul Dot hufcsars, as at present - a largo dog, I don 't exact ly luiow of what bïeed, bat uaiversaüy admired tot beauty and intelligeuoe, ttached hiinself to tliat ])iirtioular corps. Wherever the regiment marched, he invnrüibly accompamed the fcroópers. Sovoral times ho ! went into aotion, and was OMOp neriously wouuded witli tho point of a lance. It would have bepn universally regretted had póör Luffin'H wonnd provcd fatal.. One of the furriera undertookto dresfl it, so ihat, with a littlo care, he loon got j vr]l ngain. Wliere the dog came from, or wlio was i his original ównèr, nobody knew. Ho j Wduld liever foilow ui individual soldier beyond tho barrack gatcs, howeret kindly he ïuight be invited ; but when tho men were in full dress, whethpr monuted or on foot, provïdéd they went out in n body, Lnffiu insiSteti on taking up ifñ proper position. Ono tliing was vcry remarkalile - he had suflicient discermnent to enable him to distinguish a "chnrcli parade " f rom my other. Ho ncver sliowed nny desiro to attend public worship. At tho beginning of his military oaroer he had to piek up his living as best he could. Ho was aöcnstomed at mealtimes to go from hut to hut, or among tlie tent.s when the men were Onder canvas. In sotno of habitations lm met with good treatment and a supply of food, but from others he was not unfrequently summarily and ignominiensly ejected. However, Lnflin, in courao of i time, was allowíd regular rations at tho regiinoiital expense, towards whicli all j the mejubers of the corps contributed a share, from the Colonel to the drummer, ïhe noble animal must have beon aware of his promotion, for it was observed thatho never wout "a-bogging" aftcr. One of Luflin's marks of high intelli genoe I cannot persoually vouch for, but 1 have been assured of its truth. It was said, and generally believed, that he was in the constant habit of visiting the sentries during the night, especially in the Crimea, to see if the men were at their posts and on the alert. ïhe reader must be told that, during a campaign, the j troops are often so much harassed and fatigued that sontrios will occasionally fall asleep as tlioy stand - au act, however, whicli is looked upon as 011e of the gravest of military oftenses. If Luflin fouud a man asleep, he sat before him in silence; but tlie slightest soud of approaching footsteps was suffleient to make him apprise the sleeper of the danger to which ho was exposed. He would then trot off to the next post, whcre he soarcely halted if convinced that all was weïï. I am glad to be able to record the f act that his faithful services, in due time, obtained for liutlin the respect of every member of the corps. It would have been a high misdemeanor to offer him indignity. Much that I havo said in praise of Lufiin may be properly applied to another Crimfan hero called Jerry, belocgiug to the King's lloyal Irish Hussars, whose M-rvii es were ostiwated ho highly that a medal was bestowed upon him as a jtist reward, and invested with which he afterwards ordinarily ap}eared in front (f the regiment. When that gallant corps, on its return to Ireland, was publicly entertained by the citizcus of Dublin, some doubt was expressed as to whether Jerry j was eligible to beoome a guest; upoa which the men deolared that uuless their canine comrade mado ono of the party they thomselves would not put in au appearance. So, in the end, hc shared the honor of a public banquot. Subsequently this faitlü'ul animal went out to India, and aecottrpanied the regiment through all the düngers of the great mutiny; but during one of their marches the poor fellow Btrayed into a jungle, :md was nuver licard of afterwurds. rrincess Charlotte of Wales' regiment had once a poodle wh'osè hind-quaxters were shaved once a week, and its wholo body submitted to tho procesa of boing pipe-clayod, which gave the animal a clean and smart uppearaucc. It seenis, howover, that the dog's particular attathmojit was to the band, with which it always marolu-d, anl was at all times on terms of aniity with the wliite-coats, especwÜy the drummers, who were privilüged to take i!l èortS of iiberty in their treatment of him; at the Hamo timo he would countciutnce no Iiberty whatever on the piu-t of the red-jaekots, whethor officers or men. Many years sinóe, tho Prinoess of Wales' (Yorkshire) Hussars possessod a regiiiK-.ntal dog, which joined them at' itipon, and rcguliirly tnüoobed to York for eight days' training, during which time Efe aftendéd evory driil and went daily to the flold, where he chatrged in front of tht' scuadron;i wit!) as inui-li smartness as could be exhibited on the part of the best yeoman in that fanious cor)S. The gallant Welsh Fusileers are uoted for a white goat which accompanies the regiment. Tho gottt that was with tlie corps iit Ashantee having there died, her Majegty made a present of auother animal of the .same description. We may besnre tho gift will be lüglily prized and uroperly appreciated in its military capacity. Tl ie QneepjS Own Hussars havo a goat - br at Luist they had very recently - which curiously enough soemed to prefet the vicijiity oi' tin; hospital to the barrack-yiud. JSüly, though a general favorite, was occosionaUy troublesojne. For instance, ini hot wcathir it is necessary that tho doorsof tho barraok chürch should bc left open foi tho benefit of ventilation. At such times he had a clccided opinión that he should be allówëd i-i j oiu the cougregatioji. Nw, had he boeu quiet, theie Avoiüd have been mi stiioog .objection to liis being indulged so tor; iüsicaO, kowever, of beharing with decorum suited to tho occasion, ho woiild walk alxmt Pb thé woodea üuor, which causcd a eoötócléóiable ehrtter. If liv riiancc lic cainc in tho way OÍ a trooper against whom he might have had a tíricYance, ho would butt at liini, causing tlici'cby Buch diöttirbnnoó ::;■■ made it, neceswuy for liiin to be fortábly oj(ot(ld. Instead of takiiig sucli a rebuko - which :r: usuallv HCcoL'ipanied with smidry culis and 'blows - in a proper spirit, he would dclibcrntcly walk rcrand to the offleers' entrauee, aid go into the ohuroh agáin as coolly as if liis prervious mannera had been most ])riiscw(ii tliy. " Ordcrly, " aid tho Adjutant, it the close of the servioo, "see that tlio goat is shu!. u]i on i Hiiuday moniing for the future." "Ycs, sk," Was the reply. "It's my opinión," süílI oue of the men, when Lhe"parade was dismisaed, ■ ' that lüll.v attraoted more atteation than chaplain." ■■i coak] liardlv kjsep ui oountenance," observed anolhcr. On one oi-i-nsion üilly attended the I funeral of a soldier bclongitig to the regiment, with the band, who pl&yed the Dead March, and a flring party, to dis charge three Vo.leys over ölé grave of the deceased it tho close of the burial service. Therc, in strong mntriLst with Iiík liclmvior at ohuxch, jf, wafl iJUfitB ;iffecting to observo Jiow serious ho wee in iminncr uiid deportment. Ho socmedto take an intense interest in the wliole ptooeedklg, and wulked to tlui (■(!};■ of the grave, into which he pdBnd fat some time, as if pondering on tho commoo end of inoitiility. Billy was a geimino volunteer. He followed the regiment of Iris crwB aooord vhile on the march throngh an Indiiin village, and coutiimed on tlie route for Rome lmudreds of miles. Embarking witli the troops when tbey left for home, he has never deserted the regimejit from tliat hour to this. -


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