General Intelligence: Industry And Economy

Tlie Indiana Farmer and Gardcner tells the following simple and no doubt truthful lalc, which adm'irably illustrates the certainty of competence and independencc, if the humblest individual will but practice rigid economy in keeping down his expenditures while he s diligent in the creation of property by honest industry. About cight years ago a ruw Dutchman whose only English was a good natured yes, to every po6iiible question, got employment as a 6tableman. His wages was $6 and board ; that was $36 in six months, for one cent he did not spend. He washed his own shirt and stockings, mended and patched his own breeches, paid for his tobáceo by some odd jobs, and laid by his wages. The next six months being now able to talk good English, he obtained $8 per month. and at the end of six months more, had $48, making in all ior the year, $84. The second ycar, by varying his employment - sawing wood in winter ; working for corporation in summer, making garden in the spring, he laid by $100, and the third year $126, making in three years, $309. TFith this he bought 80 acres of land. It was as wild as when the deerfled over it, and the Indian pursued him. Howshould he get a living while clearing it 1 Thus he did it. He himself remains in town toearn the money to pay for the clearing. Behold him, already risen a degree, he is an employer ! In two years time he has 20 acres well cleared, a log house and stable, and money enough to buy stock and tools. He now rises another step in the world, for he gets married, and with his ampfy built, broad faced, good natured wife, he gives up the town, and is a recular farmer.In Germany he owned nolhing, and never :ould ; his wages nominal, his diet chiefly vegcable, and his prospect was, that he would be ojligcd to labor as a inenial for life, barely earnng a subsistence and nol leaving enough to bury üin. In five ycars he has become the owncr in fee simple of a good farm with comfortable lixtures, a prospect of rural wealth, an independent life, and, by the blesa'yngof heaven and his wife, of an endless posterity. Two words teil the whole story - Industry and Economy. These two words will niake any man rich at the west. The Old Lady.- My boy, cease laughing at that old lady. It is age thaf mukes her bend over. Sixty years ago, when she was as young as you, she was as straight and as spry ; now shc is infirm and ripe for the grave. Your mother, my lad, na few years, may be asdecripid as this old lady, and will you laugh at her 'appearance 1 - This woman hos sons who love her as you lovc your mother. What would be your feelings to see your parent ridiculed as she passed through the streets. Think, and cease your laughter. - You too may live to beold and infirm. You may totter and bend as you pass the streets. Remember this and nevcr again make sport of the appearance of age and infirmity. lf there are persons we should respect more than others, it is thosc whose days are nearly ended - whose shadows are lengthened for the toinb. Progress of the Magnctic Telegrajih.Amos Kendall, Superintendent of Morse's Telegraph, has published a card in the Washington Union, in which he admits the failure of the efibrts thus far to conduct the cleclric fluid across the Hudson. Such is its affinity to earth and water, that it is diflïcult to make t pass any distance through either. "Keep it in the air, and t will follow your wire around the globe." Mr. Kendall also alludes to the frequent breaking of the wires between this city and Philadelphia, in consequence of the late storms and ico. He does not expect these disasters wil! entirely cease, until a more substantial wire is introduced, after, which, he says, "the messenger we control, shall lly through the driving snow, the pouring rain, and the rattling hail with the swiftness and serenity, of a winged spirt. This is the end at which we aim; the means are within our reach; il shall be accomplishcd. By the returns of the censup reccnily made. we tind ihm ihe populaliun of Michigan has increased U0,0C0since 1840. The whole populalion now oxcoeils thrce luindred thouaand. The entire populntion of Arkansas, a slavc eiaie :ulmittcd into the Union nt the same time with Michigan, is but a trifle largcr thnn the inI crease oà live years in the lat ter. - Patnot.The Grand Lodge of Free and 1 1 ted Masons, which recently assembled in thsicity, made choice of the following officers for the ensuing year: M. W. EbenezerHalljofMtClemens, Grand Mast er. R. W. Jacob Beeson, of Niles Deputy Grand M aster. R. W. Calvin Hotchkins, of Pontiac, Gr. Sr. Warden. R. W. Joshua B. Taylor, of Stoney Creek, Gr. Jr. Warden. R. W. A. C. Smith, of Mt. Clemens, Gr. Sec. R. W. Levi Cook of Detroit Gr. Treasurer. R. W. and Rcv. Daniel Micheal of Detroit, Gr. Chaplain. R. W. John E. Schwarz, of Springwells, Gr. Marshall. R. W. Peleg Ewell, of Stoney Creek, Gr. S. B. W. John Farrar, of Detroit, Sr. Gr. Deacon. W. Paul B. Ring of Jackson, Jr. Gr. Deacon. W. Jeremiah Moors, of Detroit, Gr. P. VV. E. Smith Lee, of Detroit, Gr. Vis. and Lee. W. Senaca Caswell, of Detroit, Gr. S. and Tiler. - Frce Press. There has been recently in New Orleans, a marriage of a white man named Buddington, a Teller in the Canal Bank, to the negro doughter of one of the wealthiest merchants. Budddington,before he could be married, was obliged to swear that he had negro blood in his veins, and to do this he made an incisión in his arm and put some of her blood in the cut. - The ceremony was performed by a Catholic Clergyman, and the bridegroom has received with his wife a fortune oà fifty or sixty thousand dollars.Odd Felloxos College.- The Inde pen dentOider of Odd Fellows aro adopting i measures to establish a Universily in the , District of Columbia, founded upon the principie of that benevolent association. Caste. - In Hindostán, the supreme authority, during the past year, has repealed the old Hindoo law, which made the renunciation of caste in favor of Christianity a forfeiture of all property and other privileges, and had made all educated persons (Christians as well as others) eligible to the mosi important offices. - Recorder. In America 'the supreme authority,' the past year' has extended the protection of its power over a foreign State, expressly for the perpetuation of caste. Tezas. - Gen. Henderson 9 chosen Governor. The Houston party have entire control of the Leg8lature. It is snid thnt Houston, and the late President Jones, will bc sent to the U. S. Senate.Great Pcdcstrianfeat. - On Saturday last Wm. Jackson, belter known by the sobriquet of the American Deer, atlemptcd on the Eclipse courecjthe feat of running eleven miles inanhcur. Jle fuiled by ten seconds; alItjough hc performcd one of the most remarkable feals upon record. He was not in competent training, not having run over two miles in ten daye previous to the match. He was likewisesufiering from a severo cold. He run in ehoes with spikes, and towards the end of the hour, one of them peretrated the leather, and vvounded his foot. - A O. Picayune. A Western Man. - In conversaron with a member of Congress the other day, lie told me he vas literally bom in a hallóte tree - not of it - but witlun ita circurnference and shelter. Uis father migrated from Georgia to the Miami Valley, Ohio, and set his family doun in the green woods. Under the circumstance of the case, his mother availed herself of the shelter and protection aftbrded her by the open trunk of a giant of the forest. Thus, our Congressman is a genuine son of an ancient monarch of the forest. He is, too, one úf a family of tiocnly five children - seventeen now living, the youngest some dozen yeara old - aud is the gradúate of a blacksmith's shop out Went. He hammered out his diploma upon the anvil. Who can show a better title to manhood, and a seat in Congress to boot? Andrew Kennedy, a represeiuative from Indiana, in his own person unites uil these claims, to sny nothmg of a great deel of sense and humtnity, with an incxhui6table fund of stump rhetoric peculiar to the üterature of the West .-Cor. Alh. Patriot.Femalt Teto tal Lectvrer. - A Mrs. Carlisle, of Dublin, Ireland, an independent lady, 71 years oÃd, has recently commenced public lccturcs in England on temperance. In the course of an address in Liverpool, the agcd Iaiiy stated, that ehe had been eightcen years a visitor with the late celebrated ftÃrs. Fry, and related circumstanccs of the most heart rending eliaracter ttiat liad originated in the use of intoxico ting liqnors. She hod traveled tlirough Irelond, Scotland, and a great part of England, disseminating the principies of ubstinence nmong the religious public, and her labors had been abundantly blcssed, hundrcds having signcd the pledge through her instrumentaliiy. A Coop Tiioucht. - Alwnys plncc it on pnper. wlicn you havc one. That iliouglit likc ihc scattercil sced, will nol be loet. Gocd may rcpcat it. years nftcr you are in hcavcn. It muy strengthcn the rcsolution of thousnnfÃs - tliousands of minda it mny influcnce. Truih is never lost. Good tlioughts are as indeeiructiblo as our eiernal hills. Husband them with care - write ihern out - print them - and they wiü nevcr dÃe.O" The lonns and circulation of the bnnka of the UnitcJ States, frotn 1836 to 1840 inclusive, os compilcd from the reporta of tho Secretory of the Trtasury, oro os foilows :In twenty-fivc ycars tlio Colonizauon Society )oni 4031 cniigrantg to Liberia nt an cxcnso of 73840,29, This makes ihe expense of each â Mnigrant $181, üG. Tlie Society, itappenrs, has removed 160 colored persons per annutn to Liberia, on an average, sincc it8 orgnnization, while the incrense of the colorcd populatioii is not lesa tlian 80,000 per nnnum. Coinmenta on such a 8p!cniliJ opetation aie unnecesary. More ;ire colonizcd overy year in Canada under the guidancc of the North star. G'jld Dollk. - Judgc Dougla9 has made n movement in Congrcss to mingle the gold dollar into our currency. The Washington Union 6ays : - 11 This coin has heen long known in the hard money countries of tho world. We have scen it in Turkey about the sizc of a dime, yet mnch ihinner : and havo considered it the very beet reprc8entation of valie in existence. it is there put into roleaux of filiy p'eces, occupying the space of asmall cigar, and packcd in little perfumed pur8ce for the ladiea and the higher orders of society. Such acoincouldbo remittcd under a seal from one end of the country to the other, and would bo a vast fmprovement upon ihc present currency. When a vast amount of these valuable eoina shall be thrown into circulation, they will drive out the Bmall bilis that serve to banish specie from the every day currency of tie country. Such a dollar would not bo hoardd up in banks or private depositories ; but would 'or ages circuÃate without loss by abrasión, a coin or the pcople."New Modf. or - A Frcnch g mgincor. JV1. Leonard, now in London, hns disovered an cxcccdingly simple means of P ng the quantity of coal hitiierto required in the c ïeneration of Steam. Hie principie, for which ie has taken out a patent, is that oi' putting whale j iil or other fish oil into the boiler, unmixed, or with more or less water. When the oil is at a ' tempcrature producing steam, water ie thrown in, i nnd steam is produccd as fast as required ly the machine, without the oil passing off in vapor or decompo8ng. Various experimenta have been made, aml the savmg in fuel is stated at from forty to fifiy per cenu Frrsh Pond Ice. - The harvest is ripc ana n full erop will, from present nppcarnnces, be gathered in before another thaw comes to spoil its present beauty and diniinish its thickness, which is now full twelvc inches. Our friends on the Schuylkill riverconnot do better ihan send on n delegation to witness Mr. Wyeth's latcst invention and rapid manner of cu'ting and storing ice. At the preeent time Mr. W. is so well equipped that he can put, i( required, into his brick house, four thousand ton3 per day. - Pltil. Paper. WORRIKG OF TUK NKVV POSTAOF. LW. The Washington Union gves returns from 50 of the largest Post OlHccs in the United States showing an aggregate decreasc in the 4th quarter of 1845, compared with the 6ame quarter of 1844 of $53,484. Thus :Dr about two-hfth9, which is botter thnn we anticipated. If the present ratee are continued, Uie Journal of Comnierce supposes that in two or tliree years the aniount of revenuo will be great ur than under the former Iaw. A Copper Hnrbor correspondent furnishrs n long and interesting letter to the Buffjlo Com. Adveriiser of the 22d uit., in relation to the rich mineral resources of that región, &c. in which. uniong a varicty of other vuluuble informationr lie says : " The cümaie throughout the whole country is mild and uniform. The thermometer scldom gets below zero, and the winters are far less cold than in the latitude of Búllalo and Detroit. - Last winter, the thermometer at this place was not once below zero. The air is at all times pure and invigorating, and the water of the lake. cold at all seasons, is pure as water can be. We have no sickness here. and took forward to the time when a trip to Lake Superior shall befcqme as fasliionable as a trip to Rockaway or Ncwport. The snow usually laya on the ground from No ve.nber to April, and is on an average four feet deep. The ground ncver f reezes. Potatoes can be sufely left in the ground until spring, without danger of freezing." A Papal Gift.- Tho following is an extract of a letter from Rome : - " The Emperor of Russia has tc6tified his gratitude lo the Pope for his hospitable reception, by presenting him with a supcrb and costly crucifix, of beauüful workmansliip, and richly studded with jo wels, and his holiness, not to be bchind hand in generosity wjth his mighiy ally, has intimated his ntention of presenting to his imperial majesty, in return, the relies of the greai St. Nicholas, the Emperor's patrón raint. They are lo bo carried into Russia, and to be inaugerated at St. Potersburgli with great cercniony. A 8hip of war is to be sent to Italy to carry the precious remains to thcir new destination, and thanksgiving8 nrc to bc ofl'ered up i:i all the churches in the empire on the occasion."SLAVERY AS IT IS." MitK UUKTSP BY DoS ! A lato nuinbcr of llic Sumter Co. Wliig, publishod at Livingston, Alabama, contains the following atrocious advertiscmcnt - proving, wbat is notoriously truc, that it is a regular business a iheSoutlito train dogstocatch ncgrocs, and to Iet (hem out by the day or job, to hunt ihe puor runaways in the swamps and foreste ! The advertiscnienl it copied precisoly as it appear in tho Wlng. Itead t, men and women of the North l Negro DogsTHE undcisigned having bought the entirr pack of NEGRO DOGS, (of tho Hny'a &Cü. ,)he now pr.poc8 to catcli runaway PïcgroeB. His charge will bo Tlirec Dollars per day forhunting, and Filtccn Dollars lorcatcliinga runaway. He repidos 3 1-2 tnilts Nonh of Livingston, ncar the lowcr Jones' HluÃFroad. WILLIAM GAMBUEL. Nov. C. 1815.- 6111. Marrikd- On theöth the Rev. Dr. Potts, Mr. Ezekiel Black to Miss Susannah Kettle. Here is an illustration of the old saying, "Pot told the kettle t was Hack.- N. Y. Mercnry. 'Mr. Alcxander Loods, Midi. of St. Josuph, ayo:- " I can givc your correspondent, G. E. J., one emedy for killing rats, thni I know from e.xpeicnce to be erTective. Mix somc unslacked linie viili corn-meal, anti plnco whcre the rata may ccidentally find i f. Thoy will noon becomr try thirsty and upon drinking the water the me slacksand swclls the rat, likc "nll natur." n the Bnhama bics, sponge ia fried and placed n tlicir wny ; thcy eat, drink, swell, burst and !ic. Lime and shnuld bc, of the fust, ouc art. nnd nieal two paris wcll mixed tögeiher. - Ub. Cult. J.iinca Gordon Bcnncti lina sued Mejor Nonli bt a libel, very modeaily lnying his damages ao ording t ihe Truc Sun, at $I0,000,W)0. Maor Noah lina heen held to bail in 1,000. Modern Wttchcrafl.-Tho. Rev. Dr. WilKnf of the First Prcsbytcrian Chnrch in Ctn:innnti, has Intely prcached a tcunon nfjninsi he sin of witchernft, n which ho not only Icclnrcs his belief in the rcaüly of the sin, jut hc holds thnt it is novv praeticnl to nn ilntming extent. Under the head of witch:raft he classes the recent pretended miracles n tho Cnthoüc church, unimal magnctism,
Signal of Liberty
Old News