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The first exercise of coinniencement week was the baccalaureate sermón of President Angelí, delivered in University Hall on Sunday, June 27 th. After BÍnging by the college choir and prayer by Kev. Dr. Cocker, Dr. Angelí cominenced his address, which continuad for about an hour, and was delivered in his usual happy marnier. He took as his subject : How, on Christian principies, rnay one fix upon his calling in life ?" He said that the question, " What pursuit in life shall I follow r" is the first that presenta itself to the college gradúate, and it should be answered only after the most careful deliberation. The lives of men are great powers tor good or evil, and uiuch depends upon the spirit in which a course in life is adopted and pursued. That spirit should be one whioh is in harmony with the Divine will and pleasure. Only meager and base resulta can be gained otherwise than in this way. He who works against God, wastes inuch energy. A man devoted exclusively to wealth or to political or literary distinction, is defeating the proper ends of his life. When Christ bade the young man to forsake all and follow him, he taught a lesson for all yonng men. Great minds too ofter have this infirmity. The Doctor then took up the question of special talent, and said that no man should tura aside íroin a pursuit or business for which he seems to have a special aptitude. It is a uiistake to suppose that men can do all things or several things equally well. When we refer to Heltuboltz, Leibnitz, and others, we could almost believe that this is not true. We may be often dazzled by deeds that are not really successful, especially so in the case of our own. What we often cali success may be really far from it. We imagine that some particular work upon which we have expended much labor is very good, while really it may be quite couiinon place. We prize it because it has cost us something. To determine these questions we ought to have recourse to frieuds whose judgment will be impartial ; so with our pursuits. It is best to seek the guidance of friends, aud especially of the spirit of God. This beautiful illustration of the condition of the heart for tho reception of this guidance was given by Dr. Angelí : " Let the heart be like the land-locked lake, so shut in by the rocks and trees that the etorin8 and winds may cause no ripple upon its surface, looking only toward the clear sky overhead." Another suggestion that he would make is, always be ready ! The battles of to-day always win the imaginary battles of the future. It will not do to sit down and pine oer what may happen ; presumption is always against the idler. The road that is most unpleasant and promises least is often most necessary and best. Determine what duty is and stick to it. Earnest, faithful prayer is needed here. The Doctor said that patience, perseverance and pluck are important, even necessary qualities, but without work they can do nothing. Edueated young men are needed in the clerical profesison. He said that in one branch of the church, but 127 had entered the ministry during the past year. This is to be deplored, for he said that he considered this the queen of professions. But, for all that, a young man ought not enter it without a special calling for it. Many make a great mistake in ohanging their pursuit when trouble comes upon thein. "How much better I might do in some other field," is a common expressiou ; but it should be remembered that the law of compensation is pretty well established every where. Happine8s and unhappiness are quite eveuly distributed. All professions have their drudgery, and this drudgery must be performed. Brilliancy will not save a man. It he have not persislence, singleness of aim, and concentration, he will soon be outstripped. When these dark days come we ought to remember that God helps those who ough to be helped. Dr. Angelí closed his address, which was listened to with close attention, by hoping for the Senior class, lives of prosperity and success. He also paid a feeling tribute to the memories of those who had died during the four years the class had been together. Miss Fleming had died in the Sophmore year, and Messrs. Bullock and Campbell just as they were about to enter upon the final year of' the course. AU these lives were characterized by purity and integrity and were worthy of imitation. COMMENCEMENT CONCERT. Monday evening the annual commencement concert was held at University Hall. About 1,500 hundred people were in attendance and they expressed their approbation of the exercises by hearty applause and frequent encoréis. The music was furnished by the Glee Club and Sodality, being both vocal and instrumental. The best things were the "Trio from Attila" and the üute solo by Geo. G. Baker. CLASS DAY. On Tuesday the Class Day exerciseR were held. At ten o'clock, headed by Bishop's Orchestra of Detroit, the Senior class entered University Hall, and after music by the band and a college song by the olass, an oration was delivered by B. C. Burt .pf Ann Arboi, on " Art in America." To this succeeded the poem on ' The Hermit Prince," by J. 15. McMahon of Manchester. In the ternoon the exercises of the class were ÖOTitinued, but now upon the campus. A temporary platform had been erected at the eastern side of University Hall, and trom this L. Davis, Jr., of Ann Arbor, read the Class History to a very large audience that had assembled about hiui. The history contained a f uil record of all the "scrapes" the class had bin engaged in since coming to Ann Arbor. To this part succeedet statistics of the class, giving all sorts o information concerning them. Then folio wed the Prcphesy, which of course laid bare the decrees of fate for the merubers of '75. This was given b; Geo. Hosmer of Detroir, and was writ ten in a pleasing, rhymed verse. Afte an address by the President and th class song, the members of the class ad journed to another part of the campu and regaled themselves with lemonade cigars, etc, not forgetting to üll the ai with their old college songs. ALUMNI MEETINO. Tuesday the alumni meeting was held at which an oration was delivered b' Levi T. Griffin, Esq., of Detroit. Uren Byron M. Cutcheon was exptcted to read a poem, but for some reason wa not present. The Williams fnnd, for establishing a professorship, the benefit of which is to go to Prof. Williams as long as he lives was considered by the alumni, and be fore they parted $25,000 had been se cured. It is hoped that $30,000 uiay be raised. SENIOR RECEPTION. Tuesday evening the Senior class reception was held at the University, and was a very brilliant affair. Fully 800 'people were in attendance, and the time was spent in dancing, promenading, etc. The grounds in front of the University were illuminated by Chinese lanterns, and Bishop's band furnished tha charnia of musio to the occasion. THE C0M2ÍENCEMEICT. Wednesday the exercises of the graduatine olass were held at 10 A. M. The ollowing was the programme : MÜSIC. PEAYER. MU9I0. . The Educating Inlluence of Law, Jouathau Willis Parker, Grand Blanc. . Alexander and Aristotle, Jerome Cyril Knowlton, Aun Arbor . Poein- The Fairy of the Glen, James Benom McMahon, Manchester. MUSIC. . The Evils of American Journalism, Andrew Josiah McGowan, Hamilton. . The Pohtical services of Thomas Paine, Bronson C. Keeler, Chicago, 111. . A Natioii's Language Records a Natiou's Thought, Leslie Combs McPherson, Circleville, Ohio. music. 7. The Neit Century, San Louie Anderson, Mansfield, Ohio. 8. Governmeut by Discuasion, James Madison Barret, Arliugtou 111. uusic. The orations were brief, f uil of interest and very well delivered. Miss Anderson, the only lady on the programma won repeated applause and was the recpient of beautiful bouquets iitiT appearance upon the stage and delivery were natural and highly praiseworthy. CONFERRING 01' DEOREES. The degrees were then conferred by ;ho President upon the following : Pharmaceutical Chemist - Charles Baum, John Clarence Burt, Nicholas G. O. Coad, OÜ8 Bowman Dickiuson, Oakley Griggs, Charles Btenry Hopper, Calvin Starbuck Johnson, Jacob Lawrenc Leist, Joseph Clark Moss, James Howard Salls, William Christian 5taehle, Alviso Burdett Stevens, Henry Abner Tremaine, William Heury Welli, B. A. Alva, j. Whitman, George Elliott Wilmarth, Charles Wood, Abram Van Epps Young. Civil Enffineer.-Albert Llewellyn Arey Lucius Baker, Charles Cutler Baldwin, Henry David Bates, Ben Birdsall, Charles Luman Buckingham, Charles Alexander Carne ix, Rolla C. Carpenter, B. S., Leman Lee Dickinson, J. Clement Eaton, Emerson Warren Grant, Joseph Warren Hoover, John Eïenry Morrison, Martin Luther Newton ïeorge E. Pantlind, Edward Ira Parsons William Hobirt Potter, Edgar Dean Root, Walter S. Russel. Marcus Jonathan Wells. Bachelor of Science. - William Francia -Oigelow, William Irviug Brotherton, Charles Whitefield Clark, Delos Fall, Haratio Clark Ford, George Ludlow Fox, Adelbert George üumaer, Walter Jacob Heyser, Caroline Irene Hubbaní, Edwin Lockwood Milla, Herman Merton Roys, Alexander Hawks Seelye, John Frauklin Shafroth, James Henry Shepavd Oscar Pliuy Shepardson, William Thomas Harriet L. Winslow, Frauklin Pierce Wood. Bachelor of Philosophy. - George Hazleton Abbott, Emtna Cornelia Andrews, Martha Angle, Frank Webster Ball, James Madison Barrett, George Allen Briggs, Frank H. Oulver, Chales William Uorsett, Frank Ward Fletcher, Thomas Fred. Graber, Fred Walter Harris, Eugene Ralph Hutchins, Audrew Josiah McGowan, James Benom McMahon Irviug Nelsou Mitchell, De Witt J. Oakley Enos David Pierson, John Joseph Stoddart Ella Thomas, Percy Ripley Wilson, Abram Van Epps Young. Bachelor of Arts.- Charles Henry Aldrich San Louie Anderson, Irving Wihs Barnhart David Alonzo Bixby, Charles Sumner Burch John Fletcher Burris, Benjamin Chapmau Burt, Angie Clara Chapiu, William Rice Clark, Emily Persis Cook, Norman Philip Cook, Rolla Tileston Cushing, Lorenzo Davis Jr., William George Doty, Charles Fred Field Lorenzo Varnum Fletcher, Charles Fox, William Fanniug Gelaton, Charles Pierce Gil christ, Heuiy Harrison Hahu, Charles Taylor Harris, Jr., George Stedman Hosmer, Charles Huntiugton Jacobs, Bronson C. Keeler, Jerome Cyril Knowlton, Leslie Combs McPherson Willougby Dayton Miller, Edwin Clarence Oakley, Arthur Gordon Oven, Jonathan Willis Parker, Fred A. Platt, Henry Johu Robesou Stewart Whedon Snuth, Augustus J. C. Steil wagan, John Alexander Stewart, Lelia Alice Taber, Thomas Elwood Taylor, Will C. Turner, Horace A. J. Upham, Willis Lyon Wat kius, James Dwignt Wells, Wellea Whitmore Master of Arts (in course). - Edward Mills Adams, 1871, Arthur Clark Adams, 1870 Frank Davis Andrus, 1872, Charles Tuppe Beatty, 1872, Sidney Brownsberger, 1809 Robert Ëmmet Bunker, 1872, Heury Fairflelc Burton, 1872, George Edward Cochraue, Ib72 John Frederick Dutton, 1872, Edwin Fleming 1870, Frederick Lymau Geddes, 1872, Walter Sutherland Harsha, 1871, William Stone Haskell, 1872, Jerry Hillegass, 1872, Henry Smith Jewett, 1868, Joaeph Comatock Jones, 1872 Charles R Whitman, 1870, Hiram Morse Keeler, 1872, Marmaduke Burnell Kellogg, 1869, Johu Jamesou Mapei, 1872, John Well ington Morton, 1872, Edward Waldo Pendle ton, 1872, Mouroe Beujamin Snyder, 1872 Russell F. Tinkham, 1872, Ernest William Voi Schreeb, 1872 Master of Arts (on examination). - Marcellu Warner Darling, M. A. (Albiou College] Emma Maria Hall, B. A„ 1874. Master of Science (in course). - Horatio Nel son Chute, 1872, Samuel Hayes, 1869, Leste McLean, 1872, Frank Taylor Seeley, 1872. Master of Science (on examinution). - Victo Clareuce V aughan, B. S. Matter of Philosophy (in course). - Elroy McKendree Avery, 1871, Charles Leste Houseinan, 1872. Doctor of Medicine, - George Griswolt Baker, Newton Baldwiu, David French Day ton, Ituíus Alvin Egbert, Frederick D. Jen kins, Henry D. Liviugstone, Henry McCrea Richard Joseph Piper, Marie Joaephine Walker, Charles Virgin Porter, Justin Elli Post, John J. Thomson, Robert Tremper. At 1 30 F. M. the commencement din ner was given in the law lecture rooin to the alumni, graduating class and invited guests. Amoiig the latter were Gov. Bagley, Prof. Winchell, formerly of this city, Hon.Wm. Morgan of R. I. iiev. L. 11. Fiske, and a largo number o others. The usual toasts were given and responded to. Thus ended the exercises of com niencemeut week at the University They were all vory well attended anc are considered by all to be fully equul if uot superior, in point of interest, to those of previo us years.


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