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g 4 H i DíS gis H Pí B 2 H r 0 g MANHOOO : Eow Lost, How Eestored ! , Just publiahed, a new edition of JDr. alOJOl'ulvcrwiHH Celebrnted Es9jVw8ny on the' radical cure (without medí- cine) of Spermaiorhhoka or rieiuinul Weaknesa. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten cy, Men taï and Physical Incapacity, Impedí ment to Mnrriage, etc; also, Conbdmption, Epilefsy and Fits, indultred by self-indulgence or aexun extravagance, &c. Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in thiB admirable Essay clearly demonstrates, froia a thirty years' succesw tul practice, that the alarming coosequenctB o aelf -abuse ma be radically cured without tlie dangerous use of internal medicine or the appHcation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and elf actual, by mean of which evcry sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radiicHlly. B3T This lecture ehould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, toanyaddrees, past-paidt od receipt of six cents or two postage rttiunpfl. Addresa the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post Office Box 4586. IV KW BOOT AND MIK 10 sumí:, Opened April 1, 1S75. I have opened n Boot and Shoe Store in the Fnntle lilock, No. 48 South main Street. I huve one of THE HOST ATTBAimVE STOCK of Boots and öhoes ever shown in Ann Aiber. ïhey are ee)ected with great care, and Offeired at very low prices. In Ladies' Fine Shoes I have a full line, comprising all the Novelties of the aeaton. I am now receiving NEW GOODS DAILY. My stock Is entirely New, thorouglily aasorted, and marked at prices thut will uit the 'most ecouomical buyers. Pleatte irire me a cali before purchainK elsewUere. 15Mm3 JOHN BURG. Fop Sale Glieap. The subscriber offers for sale bis HOUSE __2TD ZiOTS on West Huron street, next west of S. P. Jewett's residence. The house ia one of the best, and pleasantest, for the siie, In the city. Will be üoki for S5OC lesstlian cost. For particular! apjily to John N. Gott, or l0 A. D. BESIMEK. ROOFIPJC. THIS ROOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATERPROOF; VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAK8 AEOUND CHIMNEY8 ANI) CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOOD and BRICK. This Rooflng has been in use flve years an is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! Thie paint will preserve shingled roofa fln indefi nite peiiud, and is equally adapted to tiu or iron roofs It is flre and water proof ! This paint will bë put on by the Company 01 sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the sume. &- No Coal Tar is used in eitber. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be wannnted. All communications should be addreased to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO. P. O. Box 222, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGA . . Residence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 t "ÑEVlTÁRRIVAL OF SPRING AND StJMMER GLOTHING. WE WAGNE2 Hai Just Received A FBIME STOCK, "Wbieh must Rnd wili be sold at PKICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a í all stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to auit. Also a Pull Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Maiis 3t. Ann Ardor. 1496 Gl;i:ilVI, I.A AND BUSINESS ■ ROOT & GRANGER, haviug secured the excluKOOT'S AI?STUAET RECORD BOOKS for the countr of Wnshtenaw, which they have carefully revised, posted and periectcd, aiid havinR, with an eiteneive ann reliadle coriespondence, upened a Geüsteral Business Agency at No. 5 West Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchabe and leasing of real estáte, the luaning of money, collections.negotiationB, contracting and conveyHiicin, Life and Fire inauraDce, and to the praoUcti of Luv in the various Courts of this fcitatw. Ann Arbor, May 1, 147.1. TRACY W. ROOT, h B. Jf. 0R4NGER.


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