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Estáte of Michael Qnigley. TATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of "Washtenaw, as. At a sessíon of the Probate Court for tht oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offioe. a in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the fiftb O day of June, in the year one thousana eight hun dred and aeventy-ttvtj. o Present, Notb W. Cheever, Judge of Probate, e Iu the matter of fhe estáte Michael Quigley, deI ceased. I ? On readin# and flling the petition duly verified. 1 of Mary Wal), by Patrïck Wall, her airenl and ■ attorney, piayiug that au Administratnr ('ie boni s nonj, with the will annexed, inay be appointed on the e-aate of aaid dec Hsed. Thereupon it ia ordered that Tue Irv, tht i 9ixth day of July next, at ten . ck in the ' forenoon, he asaigred for the hearing ot said 1 petition, and that the (levisees. lefratees and ' ii.'iiB at law of said deceased. and all othei Í pers!i nteieatcd in said estáte, are required ' to upptar at u stadion of said court, then to bc holden at the Probate Oifiee, in the city ot A mi Arbor, anl show chus;, if any there ' be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould f not begranted : And it ifi further ordcred thut ' said petitioner give notieeto the ;rtnis intcn-stt-d in ' saïd estáte, of the pendency ol Haid petition and ' the liearing tliereof, by cau.sintr a copy of this ordei to be published in tlie Michigan Aryus, a ncws' paper printed and circiilated in said eounty, three '■ suc.reMiive weeks previouB to aaid day of hearing. '■ (A trueoopy.) NOiH VV. CHKEVKH, 15lï4w3 Judge of Probate Eatate of John Geo. Paul, Incompetent STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaMitenaw, sa. At a session of the Prooate Court for the oounty of Wanhteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the seventh day of June, in the year one thouaaud eiht hundred and seventy-fh e. Present, Noah W. Oheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the state of John Oeorge Paul, Incompetent. J. Jacob jedele. Guardian of said estáte, comee into cour! ind represunts that he is now prepared to ren: r hia tinal iiecount ha uch Guardian. Thoreupon it is ordered that Wednesday, the sevcnth day of July uoxt, at ten oclock in the forenoon, bc (iHMnt.'d for rx un inin y and al towrng bucIi nccouDt. and tliat tlie uext. of kin of said incotnpi'tcnt, and all other perrons j estod in nuk] eatnte, ure required to apjiear at a session o{ s.iid court, tben to be holden at the Pro bate Otttce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said oount), íiikí luw cause, if any there be why the süid account should not be allowed : And it ip t'ui'ther ordered that said Guardian, Live notice to tlie pernon intiiresled in naid estáte, of the pendency of aid account, and the hearing thereof, by causiní a copy of this order to be publibhed in the Michigan Araus, a newspapei printed and circulatinfr in said county, three successive wceka previous to naicl day of hearing. (A tmecopy.) NOAH V. CHEEVEÏÏ, Ifr84w8 Judjie of Piebftta. Estáte oí Patríele Donnelly. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, lO as. At ti session of the Probate Court tbr the county oí' Washteuaw, holden a t the Prob.ite office in the city oí Ann Arbor, m Monda v, the íonrteeuth day oí' June, in the yeur one thousand eight hundred and seve ty uve. I'resent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge ot Probate lu the matter of the estáte of Patrick i'onnelly, deceaoed. On readiog and filing the petition, duly verified, of Joseph Donnelly, praying hat a certaiu instrument iioiv on tile in this Court, purporting to be the laa will and testament oí said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that Kdwaid Duif y may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Mondiiy, the twelfth day of July next, at ten o'clock in tht fojünoon, be aasigned for the hearing oí s;iic piition, and that the deviaees, legatees and heirs at law oí aid deceased and all other pernonw interest ed in said oHtate.fare required to ar-pear ai a session oí said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor and ehuw cause, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitioner should not be granted And it is further onWred that ?aid petitioner give notice to the persons interented in said estáte, o the pendency of aid petttíon, and the hennnt, thereof, hy cuusing a oopy of thia order to be pub litthed in tha Michijnn Argu, a newspaper printe and" circulating in said eounty, three successive weeks to taid dy of hearing. (Atruecopy.) KOAH W CHEEVER, 1535 Judge of Probate g Estáte of Fredrick Muller. . TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the six teenth day of June, in theyear one thouaand eigh hundred anrl neventy-rlve. Present, Xoali VV. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Fredrick Muller deceased. On readingand filiug the petition. duly veriiied of David Kiíiaey, prttyiug that a certain instrumen now on file in thia Court, pui-port ing to be the las will and testament of said deceased. may be ad mitted to Probate and that U-eorge Muiier may b appointed aole executor thereof. Thereupon it ia ordeved, tliat Monday, the nine teenth day of -u'y next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assignud for the hearing of said peti tion, and that the devisees, legateeB and heirs a law ot said deceased, and all other persons inter eBted in aaid estáte, are required to appear a ;i sesión of unid court, then te be holden at th Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, anc show cause, if any there be, why the praye of the petitioner should not be granted: Aut it is further ordered, that aaid petitioner giv uotice to the persons intereeted in said estáte, o the pendency of said petition, and the hearin thereof, by ciusini? a copy of thin order to be pub lished in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printe and cireulating in said county, three auccessiv weeks previous to said day of hearing, (A true copy.J NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1536 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw bs. In the matter of the estáte of John J Kienzle, Catharine C. Kien z e and FiederickW Kienzle, minors. Notice íb hereby given, thttl in purauance of tui order granted to the undersignei lílias Haire, guardián oí' the estáte ot said minors by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county o Washtenaw, on the twenty-flfth day of May A. D 1875, there will be sold at public vendue to th highest bidder, at the dweiling house on the prem ïsea hereiuafter described in the Township ot Free dom, in thecoumy of Washtenaw, in daid State, on Thursday the üteenth day of July, A. D. 18T5, a one oclock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbranoes by mortjage or other vise exist ing at the time of the sale and also subject to the right of dower of the widow of suid deeeasec therein) the following deseribebed real estutej to wit : Situated in the township ot Fieedom, ciunty of Washtenaw and Ktate of Michigan, beteinniu, at the sonthwest corner of the aoutheast quartero the northwebt quttrttr of section number twenty two, in t w three south nf range tour eajt: run iiiug thence nortn along the line of said southeast qurOr of the northweft quarter of said section aeventy and one-half roda to the center of the highway on said lot; thence easterïy along the the center of said highway fort y roda ; thf nee Bouth to the south line ot said lot ; thence wes along the south line of said lot to the plaee of bezinning, reserving on the west side of said tract of land one and a halt rodn in width, commencuig in the ceiv ter of the highway, west, running soath to Lake Pleasant. DiitedMay 25th, 1875. ELIAS HAIRE Guardian. Mortgage baïe. DEFAULT having been made in thecondition of a certain mortgage, executed by Al vin J Cole, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to James Treadwell of Dixboro, county of Washtenaw. and Stute afore said, on the eighth day oí' January, A. D. one thou-and eight hundred and aeventy-two, and recorded in the office of the Register of Peeds of said county the ninth day of January, A. D. 1872, in liber 48 of mortgages, on pai;e eight, and there is now claimed to be due on said mortgace and the bond nccompanying the same, the sum of teven hundred and fifty dollars, alao an attorneys fee oi thirty-live dolíais, should any prooeedings bt taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no proceed inga in law or in equity having been had to recover said sum of monpy or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtuooi the power oí sale in said mortgape contaiued, 1 shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder on the thirty-first day of July ntxt, at two o'oloei p. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county eforesaid, (that being the place o t holding the Circuit Court lor said county) all that certain piece or p:trcel ol land situated in the city of Ann Arbor aibnaud, eommencing at a point Ín the seetion line between sections twenty and twenty-nine, at the northwest corner of land lately owned by William O'Hara, thence northcrly along the line ol" ö. Ward's mili race (so called) to the south-wet corner of said Ward's mili pond. thence easterïy nlong the south line of said Ward's mili pond to the south-east corner thereof ; thence nor herly along the eaat line of said mili pond six rods, to a point pnrallel with the north wall of the county jail; thence easterly on a direct line to the jail fence ; thence southerly along the jail fence to the aouth-west co ner of the said j;iil lot; thenae eaaterly alnng the south fence of the said jail lot to the west line of ïandfi of Mrs. McCourt: thence southerly along ihe west side of said land to the north line of Felch ptreet ; thence westerly on the norih line of Felch street to the line of the mili race ; thence to the place of beginning ; resei ving the right of the .said Ward's gran tees to repair the race and pond üinbaakiiient, without any marnier ol' trespassing on thelind hereby conveyed ; the land deucribed being the t-ame land (except the streeft deeded by David Page and wifo to Beniard Hurkina, February 1,1857. DatedMay 1,1876. JAMES TREAnn-ELL, John N. Gott, MortKgf. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1529 iïxorrgage Sale. DEFAULT hiiving been made in the condition oí a certain mortgage execuled by William O'Hara and Hannora Ó'ltarii, his wiíe, oí Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridget Eagan, ot the sttme place, on the ninth duy oí July, A. D. one thouaaud eight and seventy-three, and recorded in the office of the Register of Ueeds for the couuty of Washteuaw, aioresaid, on the eleventh day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'clock p. m., in Liber 48 of moitgages. page Ö6i, and there is now claimed to be due the sum oí' tí ve hundred and sixty-flve dollars and seventy-four cents, also an attorney'e fee of thirty dollarB, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and no proceedings in law or equity huviug been had to recover the same, orany part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall seil at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the seventeenth day of July next, at 'J o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the iront door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforeeaid. (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county; , all that certain piece or parcel of land, known, and dpscribed as t'ollows, towit: Lotsix [(}), block two Cï), south ranie twelve east. in the city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereot. Dated April 22, 1876 BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Mortga-ees. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1627 FIRST GaXT-AXjIXTT Oonetntlyonhand and for saleby BACHfr ABEL. Mortgage Sale. [EFAULT having been made iD the . j „i,tt Kí"inm!)'V ted b ' Job?& nd Mary Harns, ol the city of Ann Arl ,ï arri' fWashieiiaw and State of Michinn ,' J 'olland, of the same place, ou the ,Jm'A f June, in the year of oúr Lord. orí ,íth dï ight huudral and aixty-four, and record ï0!18'"' tegistei 's office in the county of Wal,, 'n "itate of Michigan. on the 24th day „f aw i 804, in Líber 83 of mortgage, on pa Ü?e' i. Bid mortgage u duly uaigiied 6y JacobVS? " AndrewJ.8hhrely, of the city and Sta ,1 ff i'ork, OU the Dlnth day of August, Ai, laid assigniueut was recorded on the tiimv ' ?'lili ugust, A. D. 1864. in liber 32 of mortea Í.I day 2. That there is uow claimt-d to be 3ue ,,' n ? uortgagi-, and note aucoinpanyinir tlie . '"'" saW ■n of eleven hundred 'and' fortv.f„u % 'he lollars; also thirty dollar as a reasoúal, e atí OOth :ee, shonld any proceedlnga be taken L f "ej"! he same, and no proceeditiKs liaviue hmn ■ IJ d, oither in law or equity, to recoverthStltu,r any part thereof. Notice is thereforei h!5e' rlYen.thatonihellth day of September isT"? Zoclock in the afternoun of said dav at tl! .' at ioor of the Court House, in the city o'f' amÍ, V1" ;that being the place of holding the Circuit r "' lor mM county), and by.virtue of the po,,}011 n eontained In aaid mortgage, I shall sel] at , u metion to the bigheet Bidder, the pri-m 2 lc icribed n said mortgage, to natlsfy the amou t principal and interest above elainted to be dn ■ the charges of sale and attorney 's fee iifthirtvtlnJ1"1 All thoH eertain oieces or parcela of lanil it„. ïnthe city of Ann Arbor coonty of WashStTVL' State aforeaid, known bounded and descrfhwi # low, to wit : Being Iota numbered nine iuJ?r ■in,, in bloek number one (li, north of nJLte and range twelve (12) east, accordiug toanwü-Tj plat of Am. Arbor. reconlei Iated June lltli, 1875. ANDREW .1. sijivkly John N. (,ott, Assignee of Mortal. Attoruey for Assignee of Mortgagee. Tin Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT having been made in the coniiii, of a mortgage, executed by i'atnck Ken? and Nancy Kennedy to Elljuh W. Morgan i ,. 1 JanuHry first, A. IJ 1873, and recorded Marchi same year, in the W(,ahtenaw County BwL! Office, in liber 4ti oí inortgngeH, pnge 435 ,L '' igntd to (. in istiuu Helber, aasigunient dated ecorded t'ebruary twentieth, same veiir uil 48 of mortgagea, page 505, by whicn de'lam ík' power 01 sale theiein contuined beeame oven and the sum of tour hundred aud Unrtèen S rs is claimcd as now due thereon (incHidiiioZ nium (raid forinsurance and a reasonaUe ,,, ney'sfee,] aud there ure flve (urther installm'iZ' with interi'.-t lu become due, and no suitotm, ceeuiu';s having betu instituded to rtcoverT mortgage debt or any pnrt thereof: NotWi .herefore liexeby given, that said mortgage tsl torecloaed iy h sale ot the mottfftified premie sume part theieof, to wit: Lot number ttamlí íourteen, in bloek nrnnber three north, m two eut, in the city of Anti Arbor, atthecJ! House in said city, uil ihe i'ourth dny of (epitE uext, at noon, said moitgitge was i:iven to secure tk paymeut ol the purchae luoney ioi the tnortesh,! pnimlm Ann Arbor, June 1, 1875. CHKISTIAN HEI.BFï K. VV. Mokoah, ÍS, Attorney 1534 Mortgage Sale. Default haviuK bten mttde in condittuanf i certiiin mortgage executed by Wiilinmtoi.. I the elevemh uny ot April A. D. 1874, to BaJ I Kyan, extcutor oí ttie last will and teetdmeut u Edward Uyan, deceaseti, Dihich aití morton m I given to secuie the purcliuse money oí thernni theiein dtfccnbed jtnd recorui d m the lleistei ot Deedü in the county ot Waehta Michigan, in Liber 51' of Mortgagea, on page y and wliich said mortgage wtm un the eecond krt i November A. D 874, assiriied by said 1 to Leouhard Uruner, and on the same day recoito in the oínce oí the register oí lJeedB in tht couuiy of W'ashteuaw, in liber 4 of assignmaa of mortgages, on page 4-J7. and on the24th diyi December A i. 1874, Leonhard Uruner, aêagm aloresaitl, assigned the sume to V illiam F.Oíá wliich assignment wae recorded on the aamedija the office of liejrister of Deeds in the county i YVaahtenaw, in iiber 4, of iBSigiinifcnU oí menfíales, on pae 4tJ3, by which dülault thepois oí sale coutained in suii! mtjrtage has I. come operative, on wbich mortgnge tnereiBcUia. ed to be due at the tune of this notice, tor intetat, sixty dollars and sixty-six cents, and al$o thtfir. ther um of thirty doliars for an attomey'afttn providedin Baïd mortgtiíe, and no suitorproceeduj at law or in equity haviug been insütuttd recover the amount due on aaid mortgage or uf part thereof : Novice ia, therefore, hereby pía, that by vutue ot the power oí sale conuim.j i stiid mortgage, 1 shall aell at public auction, i; the South front door ol the Court House, in & city ot Ann Albur, (that being the buiidiugu whieh the the Circuit Court for said Coumy ! Washtenaw is )eldj on the first day of Septeafei A. D 175, at ten o'clock in the lorenüon oftk day, the following premises detcribed in said mr'jage viz : Allo rillage Iota numberñve andu in bloek number forty-rive in the villaye of Mucheater, county of "Waehtenaw and Stiüi gan, according to the lecorded plat thereoi, or i much or euch part or paus thercof as shall ïe necessary to aatisfy the amount due upon uk mortgage. Dated June lst, 1875. WILLIAM F. ÜSIÜS, J'bkdeuick Pistoéiuh, AssigD. Att'y for Assignee. lüü Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditku of a certain tuortgatíe, executed by JohnZeeb and Kathrine Zeeb. bis wil e, both oí the townslü; of Anu Arbor, counly ol Washtenaw and Stati of Michigan, to Williiiin April, Adnlinistrator i the estáte of Veet Zeeb late of L&id eounty, dt ceased, beuring date the twenry-ninth d;iy of Dfr cember, A.A). 173, aud recorded in tlieotüceoitii Register of Deeds of Washtenaw county, on Uw second day cf January, A. 1). 1874. in liber 4;j mortgages on page 443, at ten and ont-halt a.x of said day, on wbieh mortgage and the note companying the same, fhere is claimed to be da: at the date heieoi the sum of jiine hundred ud tive dollars and eighty-flve cents, also the sum i Beven hundred aud toity-one dollars andeixtyat cents to become due, also an attorney's fee ol fint dollars provided for by the terms of suid mtngage, and no suiL or proceedings at law on chancery having been instituted to recover HÏ imount or any part thereof: Notice is therefaï. hereby given that by virtue of the power of uk in said mortgage eontain d, on the Seventeesti daï OF JüLY, A. D. 1875, at the hour of elew o'clock in the forenoonof said day, I shall sel! U public vendue to the highest bidder, at the soutl door ot the Court House, in the city oí Aun Arte, (that being the building where the Circuit Courtte the county of Washtenaw is held) the pienses described in stiid mortgage, or so much thencf as shall be necessary to sa tisf y said amount, fiÉ interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, ui premiees being described in said mortgage Milt1 lowa : Ah that tract or parcel of land situatedii the couniy of Washtenaw and State of Michigtt f bounded and deseribed as follows viz : The f V half of the northeast quarter of section numw ten, in township number two south, in range nni; ber six eist, in the county oí Washt land being the same tract or paveel of land J& to Daniel C. Haas by David Camp and wife, the nineteenth of October, 1858, and recoriedi liber 44 of deeds, page 186. Ann Arbor, April 20, 1875. WILLIAM APBIL, D. Cbamer, Adm'r, etc, Mortgll. Att'y lor Moftgagee. 16Í7U Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT having been made intheconditioMd a certain mortjjage made and executed byHtf' man Teats and Haunah Teata, -of the city of u Arbor, Washtenaw county, and State of Mio gan, to Alonzo Allen, of Clayville, üneida conBI. New York, on the fifteenth day of November,!D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Eeg of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw afow the third day of December, A. D. 1872 l t" o'clock and forty-flve minutes in the afternooBi aaid day, in liber 45 of mortgagea, on pcfW on which mortgage and note accompftuyiD? 'T same there is now due, April üíteenth, 1'T: sum ot one thousand nine hundieü and eighty-tw dollara, and no auit or proceedings at lüwb been instituted to recover aaid sum of moneï any part thereof : Now, theref re, notice is herW given, that by virtue of the power of saleconMiw in said mortirnge, I shall sell at public auctiot the highest bidder, on rSaturday, the seventeentt of July, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon ot day, at the south door of the Court House in J city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of toWW the Circuit Court for said county of i the pi emisea deecribed in said mortgiige, or eo nw E thereof as will atisfy said mortgaged w' j ' gether with interest and costs allowed by law, f an attorney fee of twenty-nve dollars providel ' ■ t herein : That tract or parcel of land descnw'5 lot number one in bloek number two sout u ' Hurón street, ranee eleven east, in the city V , Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of . S"Duted April 15, 1875. ALONZO ALLEN, By Attorney. 1626 MortgageiMortgage balo. WHEREASWilliamO'HaraandHanoraO'Ba hiswile.didexecute anddeliver to l1" Huson, an indenture of mortgage, bearing daw ■ ninth day ol April, A. D. 187S, on premise ttó' described as all that certain piece or parcel oi ' sitúate and being in the city of Ann Ar&r' the oouuty of Washtenaw and State oi icLl I described as follows, to wit : Being the cast uw fourths of lot number three (3J, in bloek n E ■ me, south ol Huron street, and rauge n"5L, t two east, according to a recorded plat of the vuw l (now cityj oi Ann Arbor, which said mor;!i, was recorded in the Kegister's office for toe TJ t Wiislitenaw.aforesaid, inhber49 ofmortgw, 00 page 382, on the ninth day of April, A. B at 2:4 o'clock p. M., and whereas default o " made in the condition uf said mortgage, oy payment of moneys thereby secuied to .Mhii ï wheieby the power of sale therein contaiD eu become operative, and there is now, at the u e thij uotice, claimed to be due on said n""' ' the sum of eleven hundred and twenty d0""r:1r[; eighty four cents, besides an attorney fee o1 (q j dollars, in said mortgage expressly ag ree o ,, paid as often as any proceeding shoulo ',[ 'oreclose the sume ; and whereas an atljiiqicu urI bankruptcy has been passed in the Distri .ftüf ftlie l'llited rttates for the Kastern .IJu,],i Michigan, in bankrup cy, airainst the saw ".,,,0 ►'Hara, since which adiudication the eaw "JS „, O'hurn has deceaaed. Now. therefoi-e, no ' )roceeding having been instituted at law t ríign, he debt now remaining secured by said rrwi k. ir any jiurt thereof, and leave having oeen e by an order of the aforesaid court, on the se;=" tv ot June, A D. i87a, to foreclose süid mortg . advertisement, in pursuance of the st"',u ,rnvidei State of Michigan, in such case made nn PJ" sa,d Notice is hereby given that to Batiify the " um due on snid mortgage at the date tnuL,orDei nteieat, and said sum of thirty aou"rs1'1;ld W ee, and all other costs and expenses allo ,„t aw. alter deducting the amount ol al' " Mt hall have been received by the „,. named, on account of the mortgaged PreBUAe saiá Ier authority of the alöresaid orde;,, " mortmortgage will" be foreclosed by a suleol " bjd. aged premises abovedeacribe.l, to the hiw (M er, at the outer south door of the Cuiirt " vW. he county ot Washtenaw, in the city ot An ' ce n said county (said Court House beuiE',,. f holding the Circuit Court witnin toe „s n which the above described ,' „f Septe10" Dated, Ann Arbor, l&fcLfM Boot 4 Qbanoeb, jjslti Attornsya for llortago.


Old News
Michigan Argus