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Ann Akhoii Mak en 13, 1846. Tho wcather l.nn bccomc modcnitc. The mow has cntircly disappearcd. The mud is Irying up, and the air once morcícels ilclightfui ind reviving. Prcparations are making Tor a vigorous spring 3USÍI1CSS. The Wlicat market continúes stationary ni bout 75 cents. There ïe no altcration in the rices at the Euat. Butter is falling. A good ortiele enn bo had at about 12J cents. The supply during the:r was grcatcr üinn was anticipa ted ni the lalt. lome was sold as high as lf-'jj cents: but the rico has heen most of tho linie at 15 to ]( ents. By an order of the BritUh Council, Pot and ■ ?earl Ashes, of foreign manufacture, are to be ïdmiltcd into the United Kingdom, duty freo on ind after June Ist. The Cincinnati Herald eays of tho newly dovelopcd English poücy on American produc■ions : " Notwithstanding all the tenchings of certain political doctors, the ngriculturalists of the West will sec much to inure to thcir benefit in the new poücy annotinccd by Sir Robert Peel. - Beef, Pork and Mca: which have borne a duty of 88. per cwt., Bucon, tho duty on which is 148., Hny londed down with a duty of ICs. per lond, and i lides which have been taxed 2s. per 1b. are all to be admittcd frec. The duty on Chee8e nnd Hams is to bo lowered one-half ; and Buckwheat and Indian Corn to be admitted at Is. per quarter. The tax on Flour is to be repealcd in 164!); menntiine, a liding scale more favorable to trade is to bc subsuiuicd for the present one. Even the enemies of low dtiiies concede that these changca will vastly benefit the West in relation to every product named, except Flour : this ariicle, they insist. our wheat growerscannot export to the British market, in the fnce of the competition of Northern Etirope. To this notion thcy cling with desperation."New York papera of Fcb. 28 represent thnt the business scason in that city has opened wilh unusual nctivity. Ahhough the river is yet last. merchants from the South nnd Southwest are coming inlarge numbers, nnd the greattst business ever hnowii, so early in the seaeon, is nuw being transacted.