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1'oss' WR8 releascd from Blackwell's Isiand Prison a few nights ago. His libcrty, liowover, waa of short dnration, as lie was rcirrested on the followiag mommg and tódged in Ludlow Slrnct Jail in dcfault of $3,000,000 lrail Chicf Waxhlmrn a; il liis Beoret-serrice detective) made a large of eouutorfeitera at rittuburgli, tho other dav. A new atyle of oounterfflüng was doveloped in the coarto of tlioucaivh imiong the effect of Ihe oriminals. It appeared that thoy luid turned thoir attontion to railroad pames, and lmd 011 hand a beautlful collection, embracing the counterfeited signatures of oflicers of the leading roads in tho countrj'. The complaint n tho snit brought in tho name of tho people against Peter B. Sweeney, to recover 'over $7,000,000, whicb, it i alleged, was fradnlentlv abstraeted from the treastury of the oortnty of New York, liaa been üled in the County Clerk's oflicc. Tuk, double-senll raco for tho amateur ohampionship of the Uuited Staten, between Frank E. Yates, of Grand laven. Mich., and W. ]!. Curtís, of Ghieage, against J!. j. Balnbridge and Ed. Smith, of New York, waa rowed on the T f arlem rivor last week, and resul tod in a victory for the Wenteniers. Tho distance was throo miles, and the time of the winners was 19 minntes 52% seconds. Tuuee executions took place on Friday of last. woek. At Dedham, Mass., James H. Costlcy was hung for tho murder of Julia llawkes, whose killing was traccd to him upou ovidenee purely eircumstautial, but of tho strongest and most conclusive character. At Thomaston, Me., two murderers swung together - Louis Wagnèrj tho bloody actor in the Islo of Shoals tragedy, wherein the vietims were two Norwcgian women who were so nufortuuate as to have L20 in silvcr in their possession ; and John Truo Gordou, who murdered in their beds his brothcr and the latter's wife andinfant child, and then set firc to tho house to conceal the crimo. Oordon was hung whilo In a stato of insensibility, resulting from an attcrupt at suicido by atabbing himself in tle breast on the morning of his cxeeution. A TEKKiüi.K disaster occurred laat week in a shaft of the Susquehanua Coal C'ompany, near Wilkesbarro, Pa. A party of six carpentors were engagcd in lining up the shaft, and while' working near the top of tho opening the scaffoldüig gavo way, precipitating the iinfortunate mon to the bottom of tho shaft, a distance of 500 feot. They feil into some thirty feet of water, and were killed either outright by tho fall or drowuod Fivo persons wero killed last week at Fall Iiiver, Maas., while attempting to drive across a railroad track in front of a train. The New York (rand Jury has found six new indiotment against William 51. Tweed, for obtaining monoy from the City Trcasury by false pretenso. THE WEST. Adviciïs from the Black Hills expedition under the lead of Trof. Jenny are of an exeiting nature. Col. Dodge, tho ollicer in command of the escort, writes that gold in paying quantitics bas been foirnd, and Uiat Custer's report is fnlly confinned. One huudred men were found in the hills, busily at work, and taking out gold at the rate of rrom $5 to Í25 per pan. They report quartz mines as abundaut and Indiaus scarce. A new and dangerous counterfeit of $5 notes of the First National Bank of Cantón, 111., is in circulation An Omaha dispatch says : "Prominent ironticnanen and anny oiticers oxpress the opinión that tuere will be great trouble with the Sioux, Cheyennes and Arrapahoes this summer and fall. At least iive large war partios have left tho reHervations in the last two weeks. The cavalry in this department are unablc to lceep them on the reservación through limitod numbers. It will be impossible for the soldiere to guard the Black Hills and attend to the Indiana." The Commissiou áppointed to examine the walls and foundations of the new Chicago Cnstom-House have made their report. They find that the soil under-ing the foundations in many places is eoft and treacheroue, and that the layer of concrete was not of sutücient width to équálize the preseure of the weight above; that tho stone used in the walls was of all abades and qualities, and lacking in tl; e essential rsqnisiie of unifoi-mity of color and texturo; that a most outrageous syetem of patching has been rosorted to in order te conceal defects, and thit even tho mortar waa poor with which the stoi e were laid. Fraud and incompeteucy are shown to have flourished uuchecked in the construction of the building. A feabful tornado swept over a portion of tho city of Dotroü last Knuday, cutting a swath varymg in width from 100 to500 feet in anortheasterly direetion as far as the corner of Grand River avenue and Twelfth street. a distance of more than a milo. Tho whirlwind assnnieil the shape of a water-spout, and was seon for miloe away, while the crash of its destruetion wan lieard distinctly in distant parts of tlje city. The damago to property is miously eutimated from 20,000 to .50,000. Eightccu houses wore demolished, and twenty others more or loss injurod, beeides out-houses, barns, etc. Charles Peiko was fatally injured, and hia cbild, an infant i years old, was killed. Mrs. Fred Iiadomacker is fatally injured. Bichará Bates, a boy lOyearu old, was blown a furlong througli the air and iuto au elm tree Hixly fcet bigli, whencohe dropprd to tito gromul. and was picked np dcad. Mrn. IjÍzzío Pedduriwill prohably die, and many others are very scriously injureá. Ncarly 100 persona wero moro or lees bruised, and were attonded by the doctors The Hioux Indiaiif lmvc limilly ngreed to relinquish their Uuuting privileges on the ltejMibiican river, in Nebnaska, receiving tliereTor llio í-2ü,fi00 appropriated by Congreso for that parpóse A t tlie lutorior Department will not trusttUo sayales with tho cash, t'icy will reoi ive their cornpeusaüpn ui thcform of uoraes, cowh. harnees kndVagons. THE SOUTH. Ui pon-j.?! from ArkansiiH re to the effect that the orppa ase louking ipJenfW. More wheat has been raÍKcd. and the prospect for a large ■om erop and cutton prop ure beti titan over known heftia in t]; i.i-tory of tho Stato Work on Capt. Eads' jetty syutem it tho moutli of tho ]i;r;rtÍH.sippi lias coi'.in-.encfd. and piledriving and wharf-bnjldijag have been pushed forward jvith great rapidity. Tlie prospecte aro conaidéred vory enooiüagiñg, as tlie piledrivers can be worked m all kinds of weatber. Six prraintB, oocsisting of one man and flve women, aH colortd, wliilè rówing in a altiff in Hill'g Lak.-, near Littlo TföaE, Ark,, a few days a3o, wciv i.nuw;..l bj the èarJaiilng of tho bont. ....Aspaoial diapatch to the Chicago InferOcean froin Urownsvillc. Texas, staies Huit the United Sta'.cs troops havo rccently been reinforced, and that i!eta.ohmenU of eavaby are consfcantly sconring the country in nearcli of Mexíoán ráiaera, majvj: of nhom are .iül' on this Hide of the Kio G oommitting dcprcdatioiiH and oulraging deffiidelesa womeu. Tho (act that oor troops are taking the offensive Justinos the belief that conflicto with Cortina's bandite will oecur, when it woulfl not bo surprising if tho Jatter were followed acrosH lbo river, and hoHtilition between Mexico and the Uuitcd States commonced in earnest. Washington The Postmaster-fieneral bus just established 29!) additional postal monoy-order otliccs. The Sooretary of tho Trcamvry gives' notíee that the f olïowing 5-20 bonds of 18G2 will be paid at ihc Troamiry Sept. 24, 1875, and that interest on theiu will ceasoon that day : Coupon bonds, known as the fourth series, act of i;b. 25, 1862, datod May 1, 18G2, as follows: Coupon bonds of #50; from No. 11,001 to 12,700, both íihIukívi-: .100, from No. 50,101 to No. G4,500, both üiclusive ; 500, from31,901 toNo. 34,000, both inclusive ; $1,000, from No. M.501 to 9(1,900, botii ineliiBive; total, $600,000. Jodoe BrxstjK, AsBlstant Attorney-General for tiju Poetoffiee l partment, hée deoMed that PostaweterS'iré'liáWe on tboirbon.l torlosaea of ;;ov,. iiiin, ut prwpi i tv papsing tlimugli their l'ostt 1 1 Seciietaiiy Bjustow saya that the decieiou is final to stop all work on tho Chicago OustomBooee Tho rato on registered lettors haa boon incwad by Postmaster-General JeweU from 8 to ]0 cents, beoaiwe the former rato dkl not pay exponeos. . . .The Assistant Tre&suret al New York ha been direotod by Seoretary tíristow to sell (1,000,000 in gold coin on oach Thursday n July, oí $5,000,000 n alL GKIVICKAL. Retoutb reocivcd by the Agricultura] Bureau st Washington trom different Bections oí tho country indicato that the winter and spring wheat will yield four-fifths of a full orop. Rye promises better tlmn wheat, bat will f all below tho asnal average. Oate are in good condition, and will rciK'h nrarly a full yield in the States of tho largest produotion. The barley nop promises -noli. dover hIioivs 1 fair average coudition. Fruit prospecta fair to good in the East, and below tho average in tho West. St. John's Day was vi tv generally eelebrated throughout the country by tho Mosauic fratcrnity. I-O1.IT I CAL. Tuk Pemoerats of Maino havo notninated Gen. Charles W. Roberts for Governor. Tuk California Independent State ( Jonventioa met in Sacramento last wook, and nominated tho following ticket : Govemor, Gen. Bidwéll ; Lieutonant-Govcrnor, Romullo Pacheco : Secretai-y of State, W. Koush ; Comptrollor, Laureu E. Crane ; Treasurer,. I'. Baohr; Attorney-General, P. Vanelif ; 8urveyor- eneral, E. Twichell : Clerk of Supremo Court, l';ml Murrill ; Superintendent of Publio Insfcruotion, J. W. (uinn. Thk Democrat of Iovra met in State Conven ion at De Moines on the 24th of Juno and nominaled tho following tickot : For Governor, Bhephard Lci'ller; Lieutenant-Ciovernor, E. 1!. Woodwud ; Judgo of the Bupreme Court, W. J. Knight ; Superintendent of Public Iustruction, A. B Wright. Viob-Pbehident Wilsok ha pnblished a long letter in reply to the recent advcrue eritieipnitj upon hún which havo appeared in the Iïepublican press in reference to bis doings and uttcranceB on kin recent tour. . . .The New York ProhibitionistB met in convention at Syracuse, laai week, and adopted a series of ttrong ]rohibition resolutioiiB. Tho following ticket wan put in the field: Beoretaryof State, G. D. Duzenbory,; Coniptroller, AnsonA. llopkins; Treaaurer, Stophen I?. Ayers ; Stato Engineer and Surveyor, Geo. A. Dudley ; Canal ConimiHHioner. Ira 1). Bell ; State Prifion Inspector, Jolm ]3. Gibb ; Attornoy-Gcnera), Eli T. Marah. FOKBIGN. Guhat Beitain has declarcd war against Burmuh....A London diapatch Ktates that Moody and Sankey wero not permitted to hold services at Eton College. Tue Germán goverument h prepaiiug a Tarlianientary measure prohibitmg public religioue processions. Thi8 is another blow at tho Catliolics A London dispatch states that ex-Premier Gladstone haa reconeidered hiadetermination to retire permanently from active participation in politics, and, after much coaxing and persuation, has consented to resumo his oJd ]ioyition as leader of the Liberáis .... Wilnon Armstrong, of London, liave failed, with liabilitiea at 1,000,000 Tho Aiiglo-Bm'meso war stsry provea to be a canard. Heavy iloods have recently occurred in the Garonno and other rivera iu France, causing immense damage to property and oecasioniug large loas of life It is reported that the Marqnifl of Lome and tho Princesa Louise intend makiug a tour of the United States Count Von Arnim has been found guilty, at Beiiin, of abstracting State papers, and seutenced to nine months' imprisonment. ■ A SEKioüs revolution has broken out in the State of Sonora, Mexico Garcia, the H;uilard who etole a portion of MuriUo's famoua picture from the Cathedral of Seville, and who was kidnapped to Cuba and aubsequently sent to Spain, was shot a few weeks after his arrival at Madrid, without trial by even a drum-b ead court-martial. At Valparaíso, South America, recently, a terrible gale oecurred, doing au immense damage to the shipping, and occasioning the loss of fifty Iives. . . .Fearful immdations have receutly occurred in Bohemia, Moracia, Corintliia and Tyrol, .and Beriat, with some loas of lifo and great deBtruction of property. Manv bridges have been carried away, thoueands of cattle drownod, and the crops in several dietricts totally ruined A special dúpatch from San Francisco announces that the revolution againf-t the Mexican authorities at La Paz is in the full tide of success, and that Mexican troopa had been sent from Mav.atlan to quell the movement. A fükioüs rain and thuuder storm pasaed over the city of Buda, Hungary, a few days ago, deatroying many houses before their inhabitant eould escape. At least 100 were drowned. and 500 are reported missing .... The bill providing for a national debt sinking fund has passed a third reading in the Britisk Parliament A recent liro at Palacios, in the Province of SevUle, Spain, destroyed 140 houses Edmund f ones & Co., London, in the East India trade, have failed, with liabilities at L750,000 The French Assembly ka votcd f398,000 for tho relief of the suffercra by inuudations.


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