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Murder And Suicide

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A dispatch from Marinette, Wis., to tho Milwaukee Evening Wiíconsin saytf: Last night, while John Hagard, daughter and son were retnrning homo from the lisheries, they were stopped by one Nelson Buir, a Swode, who nsked líerrnission to ride. Burr being heavy under the influence of liquor the father and son were obliged to assist him into the wagon. Burr has for some time past been paying attcntions to Miss Hagard, and haa been soveral times refused, on which occasions lie niade diré thrcats igainst Miss II. and against himself. On tlie present occasion, after becoming seated, he drew a revolver, cocked it, and pointed it at tho girl, who pushed the pistol to one side, whereupon it was discharged, the ball takicg effect in Mr. Hagard's left side, near the armpit, and ranging upward. Bnrr immediately cocked the pistol a second time, but, before it could be used, the oíd man, wounded as he was, took the revolver from iiim, and dealt him a blow which knockei him from the wagon. Burr now askcd : "Aro you shot, Mr. Hagard?" Qtt beiflg answercid, "Yes," he asked Hagard to shoot him. We are iuformed that tho son wished to perform the act, but Wii8 restrained by tho oíd gentleman. Burr was left standing in the road, and tho wagon drove off as rapidly as possible to the residenoe of Mr. Hagard, whore he was mude as comfortabíe as possible. Tbo wagon was iminedifltely dispatched f ir some absent members oí Hagard's family, but tho horses gave out near the house of a farmer named Oavauaugb, who olïered to go with his teana the balance of the distance, which offer wa accepted. While passing the pile driver now at work at Peshtigo harbor Mr. Cavanaugh saw a man up among : the riggmg and tliought it queer. He reportcd the fsot ns soon as jtossible to J)i-k. Phillips and Lang, who wero then ])robing for the bnllet in Hagard's body. Those gentlemenepajreá as quickly as ]iis,si.l)le to the pifa driver, and found Bun hanring I y the neck, dead. We are iniormed by 1 )r.Lang,although tho wonnd is very serieus, Hagard will probably recover.


Old News
Michigan Argus