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Finance And Trade

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Tho money market was more active lut there was no change worthy of note, tho supply of loauablo f and being ampio. Iluto 7 (10 pe cent. Bomls ürm aud tsteady. fíiiiiim. y, l'irn. ü. S. 6'b of '81 '. ... .128 1 M , n. 8. 5-20' of '6a (ex. int.) 111 V lia ü. X. 5-M'i of '64 (ex. Int.) ...ns 11K', U. K. 5-21IV of '65 ex. Int.) 132 122' ( U. S. 5-20's uf 'f.:. Jantiary and .lnly.123 ■ . 12:!% U. 8. 5-20'h of V7 .lainiary and Jnly.l2Bí 128 ! . U. S. 5-20' of '68 January auil July.l24 125 U. 8. 10.40's ..119 ir.", ü. S. ncw ;Vs of '81 (ex. int.) W'í 1 1 X O. 8. ourrenoj 0' 122 ',' 1223í Ciol.l (full wi'iKht) llfX . 1% Gold exchango 116, 11 7 V ISBEADSTUll'H. The grain markets attracted considerable attention from speculators aud operators generally, and quite an extensive businexs was transaoted. Tbe movement ha boen mainly on local Hjicculative aecoiiui, and the goyenung iníluences were therefore mainly of a local spcenlative etiaracter. Tho sbort interest generally looked for i deeline in valúes, and were therefore indifferent about buying, while liwldciH were generally anxious to rculizo, nn1 tliere was a pressure to selL Wheat closed liigher for oftSh and Jnne. undeT tho infliienee of somo demand for uhipment, hut the July option closed lower. Corn declined fuUy 4c per bu. with fineweathcr for Uie grdwiog erop, and a rapid increaHO i?i tho stock insluit. The market however closed a shado liriner. Oats were decidedly weak and easy, declining abont G( 7c for June and July delivevy ; roccijitM increaaing and erop reporta favorable. Iíyo waa 3c lower aud barley 15(W)20c per bu olT. Tlio following tablo shows tlio prices curren at the opening and oloso of tlio past week: Opening. Ototing. Nb.2 p'gKüoaí;oásh í ;iT '.,'■..- @$ .09 No. 2, Holler Juno Ü7!,M.1H .) No. 2, scllor July 8!) (■■ I.OU .ÍK) ! No. 2, nellcr Anguat... .'M '...(. l.lll 1.(10' No. 2 corn, oann B'.i ' , m, .iüi , .07 c .07y No. 2 oorn,BCller Jnnc . ■; , i.rï . .w4 .c:7 (5 .67; No.2oorn, anllorJnly. .70 :.;(ol .711'.. .I'.TM.' .C7 No. 2ooru, b. Augifcl. .7! V' -72'i. .c:i' So. 2 oats, casli.. 17 @. .63 ..r.1 ' , i.e . ..".I No. 2 oats, sellor .r7 (4 .58 .61)i@ .51; No. 2 oaU, scllcr July M .95 AOy No. 2 oats, s. Augusl. .40 1. .e. .41 ,89 No. 2 rye, caüh ,93 .90 No. 2 barley, cash.... 1:85 W1.40 1.30 No._2_barlfy,8..Kc])t.. l.u.", . - !.(.'.' M I'itnvisioNs. Tlioro was a moilerate Bj)cculativo deinaud i this market during the patit week. and this coupled with more encouraging advices from Easteni and Kuropean inaikcts. eauKed steadier feeling to prevaü and although n particular advancó (vas cHtabli.shed. pricearulcc very firm. The alüpping lnquiry was also fair and tho inoviinent for the week elio- a fai diiitribution of tlio various articlcs - a good por tiou of which was wiuter product. Cash men pork closed qniet but tirm at (19.36, Beller Jul clorted lirm at 10 10(Vi)l'.K25, anrl Beller Augua at Cash lard quiet but firm a $13. 'i5 ; soller July in moderate rebuest, ani closed at 413.20 ; Heller August cloaed ateady a 13.42K@13.45. PRODUCE. Tliere was no particular chauge exliibitod ii the price of butter, but a leas active movemen was uoticeablo and rather an imsetllcd feelinö prcvailed. The receipts were only fair and th quality of butter received was quito good (Juotable at 20@22c for extra, 17@20cfor firsta 14@17c for Heconds, 13@15c for thirds, and 1 @12c for inferior stoctó. Beans werc (juiet but former prices were maintaiued aud th market rul cd quite quiet. Eastern medium sold at 61.ÍI0 for prime, and Western were quotable at tl.00@l.á5 aecording to quality. T.her was more doing in broom corn aud prices rul et lirm. Quotable at 113(o)14c for No. 1 to extr hurl, lic 13c for good to cuoice etalk braid Uecswax dull at 28@30c per lb for good to prime ycllow. Clieese was active and iirmer Hold at 'j(iilüc for prime new in lots, and 10(' lic in a rctail way. There was nothing of ooi) sequence doue in eider, and prices wer nominal at -;4.75(a)5.00 per brl. Ulied fruit were dull. and pricea for apples were easier while tbo otlier kinds remain unchanged. Quot able at 7@8c for Michigan and New York ap pies ; 8}4(}S-; ,'c for halvee peaches, and 9J for blackberries. Dried peas nominal at $2@ 2.15 for clioico green, l'eathers were slow a 48(í652o for prime live geese. and 2(li3öc l'o tnrkey tail feathers. Eay was ]uiet and easy closed at $16@19.00 for Ño. 2 to )rine timothy i12(;lfi.00 for No. 2 to prime prairie. Ilide were dull at 8c for green salted, and about li @15c for calf. There was io sale for honey and prices wore weak at 18Cí23c per lb fo comb, according to quality. Hops were als very quiet ; quotable at 20@30c per lb fron (ïrst hands for fair to clioice. Eggs wer weak and easer ; the market elosed a 14@15c, the outside being for war ranted fresh in carriers. Maplo suga vras Blow sale, and prices were about nomina at 7}4@8c per ft for puro new. There was fair löcal trade in okl potatoes at 90c L1.00 for Eastern peacnblows from Rtore, and abou 85c in lote ; Western nold at 80(ii'J0c, accorditif, to quality. New potatoeH were in larger snpplr and pricen were lower. The market closed a í?4.00((í4:.50 for choice, aud somo common solt at ï3.0()i'3.50. Tomatoea were in fair upply aud prices ruled steady at 1.25 for }.1t n boxea, and -"ÍS.OO for one bu boxes. Vegetable, were in good supply. but nearly all of the Southern arrivals were in popr order, and sales were nlow at irregular prices. Veal waa a trirle firmer. which was due mainly to lighte receipts. The arrivals of strawberrics during the week were the largest of tho Heason, ant prices ruled considerably lower. Tho market idosed at about 90o@$1.25 for fair to clioico Michigan in 1G quart cases, but nomo extra were held abovo these figures. Tuero was a modorate demand for light fleeces of woo!. lm heavy was dull aud slow nalo. Quotable at 38@43c for coarso to fino good conditioned intsbed, 25tó32c for the same uuwashod, and 10( !8c for poor to prime tnb Washad, ski:ph and irumwiNEs. Seeda were negleeted and the business transacted wan exccedingly light. For small Iota o tiruothy there wan 110 demand and prioes, weak wliile for rouud lots fnll fermer prioes were paid. Quotable at L2.3sj2.45 for oommon to good, and (t2.5d@a.-C0 for prime, dover was in deniand, and i'G.50 was bid for prime, bn holders generalij' akod Í6.75, and the market waa inactivo. Flax Rold a il. CO for good ornablng. Heceivera found it very difiicalt to mako ealcs of Hungarian, whüo dealer reported a fair trii'lo ut imchanged priocn. Quotablc at $1.06@1.35 Light Halen of millet were mado at $1.75@3.0l for prime. liuokwheat waa very dull, and by the close of the wee!; holders found it Impossibloto dispose of email lots ; eloscd ntabout Í1.00 for prime. Highwinea, although very 'juiet were steady and tirm, the market cloüiiig a obout ïl.K!. COOI'EItAflK T.TTMIlKlt AND WOOB. There was but little busine.-ia transacted in the coopprage market daring tho week, but as üiere was ouly a moderato auiount offered on sale former pricea were maintained. Quotable at il.l2@í,Í6 for porh barrels, 1.3i@J.45 for lard tierces, $1.90(32.10 for whibky barrels and 45@55e for tlour bárrela. Tu lamber the movement was rntlier light nntil towards the cfCPC of (?.ie week, when nndcr an inrrcused detnaud. trilde waa quite brink and prices ruled steady, iuhI rlrm. Quoteblc at .-,- 7. 75( ;■'.()') U-y joist aiïd Kcanf üni:, 68.25@14.00.fbï Htiijw and botkrás, $2Íi5(a)2.f5 Loi ekingtas anti 8(a!14c for oedar posts. Wood, remains inaetive and nominal nt t.S.Oi) psr cord f Dr hickory, $7.00 for maple ■íü.OO for bcech and iïI.ÜU for sla! s in the yards Xeiegraphlc Murket Kepm-ts. neav yoük. Beeveb 9 9 11 Hoos - DrBBcd 9 (rf, 10 COTTON I.i.i III' JTloub- SujfífiaP Certera i 50 @ 4 8fi Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 13 e; 1 U No. 1 Spring 1 19 @ 121 Coim 78 s 80 ÜATW ()2 (c': (14 ltvi: !)0 (, 94 HtriIM 20 2S ■() 80 Ujd-Wiui 1 3 ' .-. (.i; 13J.' ST. I,()IIIb. Whkat- No. 2 lied 1 30 1 32 Cohn- No. 5 Xi w 68 W Oats- N". "2 52 @ 51 Kye- No. 3 0.) (.í U5 POBK- IICH 200 (,(20 20 i.Aiui il a 12 Uoaa 0 98 i in Cattle 1 25 (rf ft 35 MIIiWAUKBE. fc'KEAT- NO. 1 1 04 (,i 1 06 No.a 1 01 @ 1 o;) ( ,!;■, -No. 2 (55 @ (7 Oat--No. 3 (4 B3 Km 93 @ 98 ÜAKLEÏ- NO. 2 102 @1W 0INOINNA.TI. WHEAT -Kcl 118 (A 1 23 Cobn- New 8fl i-r1 69 Oats 58 (rf, 58 KïE 1 02 i 1 04 l'iucK- MUSB J9 75 („20 00 Lard 13 (é, 14 H'I.KDO. Wheat- Kara 1 '.".) @ 1 31 Amber IK (5 1 27 Oobn- New 72 (rf. 71 Oats 50 a 58 DETROIT. Wheat- Extra (S, 1 27 Amber @ i ■::! COBM ÍM (.', 66 OtTS 51 {(i, ü3 CLEVELAND. Ho. 1 l'.pil 1 D'2 ffl 1 21 No. a Bed 117 M 1 19 Cobs 09 (4 71 O.vre 65 @ 57


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Michigan Argus