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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ■'-r-:i J - ! Mil i hi r.i - ii i 'ii CGEORG, M. I).. Puysiciau and Surgoon. . Office and residence No. 7 ff MWBgtoa Btreet, four dc.ors rast ol Mata, Aim Arbor, Micb. TTUJOIíNH K. VIÍVKAUIT, Attorney at Jjavr, Jjj Notry Public, and Coroniipsioner oí Dmla íor rennylvania. Coiu-ultations iu tue Germán or Enílish languago. Office, Ilill's Open-Boa, Ann Arbor, Syh. Tir, IJEWITT, M. D., Physician :mú SnrW I6on. Offloc OTer VTtts' Jewelcy Store, Main Btreet, Aun Arhor. i w ABBOI! MINURAL SPBINOS, Morrle __ Hale, M. D., Buperintenamt. Office ia buüdiug"corner Tmi and We&í Tlnr-'n frets. -tïrlNKS .V WORDEN, 30 South JfiiMi strc.l, YV Ann Ajbn-, Mioh., wholraale and retal dealcrsinlr(. Carpetea d Grooeriee. M( K 'v SCHMID, !. a,, -s in Dry Goode, Groceiies, Crockery, í ■., Nft, 54 Soutb Main Btreet ] -TTT H. J.VÍKSO'., D ■■: ti.t, BUCCOPBOr to C. 15. Y'Y , Porter. Office c-imfii' Main aud lluron-st.1., over tbe of Ha e Ti ' i iu, Ann Arbor, Mica, Aaesthetios adailu stm-il ií lequired. t THi:iíl, AM) & WH15DON, Lifo and l'ire Insnrancs Agen ?, nd dealers in Real Estáte. Office 011 Humii 6.1 B II .V ABEL, r]aler8 ín DryGoods, Groceries, &c, &c., No. 20 South Main Btreet, Ann Arbor. Tl-rH. WA;M:I. a ■ il.-r ni Iliady-Marto Olothyy i i j (_' , Clolh, OísairLe es, Vestingí, Trunks, Oarpet }ían, &c, '1 Sonth M iu sfreet. JFREIEK1CK SC" r:i:i.i;i.i.. b achet of . tb TIANÍ). VIOI,I.' AND OUITAlt. Reeidenoe eouhwest curuer Main and Liberty ftrf'ty. Ann Ar'ior. ÑOAH W. 13HËËVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. "mËs! H. J. H1LTON, M. DT PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office and Retridenoe No. 88 .1ki Nivrí, córner of Ingatts, Aun Arbor, Micli. S"Oílice honr8 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to i p. m. Iteferences- Prof. Sager, Vrot. Talmer. GET YOUB JOB PRINTING Done at the ■A.HGrTTiS O3B3F"I03B. JOHN G. QÁJUL, Dealer iu FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. Orders solicited and promptly filled with the best meats in the market. Cor. Hurón and JFourthsts. Ann Arbor. J, FBED. BKOSS, Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCC1ES, Lumtaer Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All vrork wurrauted of ibe best material. Eepfttriug dono promptly and reaomibly. All work warrnted to Rive perfect satisfactiou. 08 Soulli Main Btreet. CliOCKERY, GLASSWARE AND GROCE1ÍIES. J. & P. DONNELLY TTave in store a large Block of Croekery, GlasBware, í'hk-d Ware, Cutlery, Gtrotieridfl. &c, &c, all to Le BOld at uuufmitlly low prices. JVd. 11 JSast llnron-st , Ann Arhor. HENKY MATTHEWö, Dealer iu RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Huren Street, nexl to Leonard House. Orders left by ouAtonoeu proniptly iilled. HENltY MUBPHl', Dealer in CROCERIES, HOS1ERY, CLOVES, And Notions, No. 9 Nortli Main Street, Ann Arhor. Prodqce tjii-ien in cxf-hauffe. EVEBXBODï 8ATS THAT REVENAUCH IS TUE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 JCast lluron Street, up slavs. W. A, L0TEJ0Y, :' Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FIÏiE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNTTFF, PIPES, feo., At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Express Office, ANN ARP.OÜ, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING Woiild !i,form his mnnwoifs friemls and. the public general I) Umi be luis ñiioá ap Ihc stote lateiy ocenpied bj -f. 0. Waisou k c'„ 28 J--at llurou-&t., as a Batey ai Confectionery Store, Aml In po by a sf riet attentidn to bufsim ■-.■- tb umtü and roei ivo i 6b are f patroDage. Particular attentioo will bopaid - Ice Cream Department. Weédiug Ciike . Pyraurtáp, al' Wtb of ïrlt Cakee and loc Cretrai furitipfeed fannlirK 6i pfcrtièa o Bhort ïiottce. Bi-pb]i Prulta anti (ïonfïctiontr3 aïwy ou hand. Oocda drllveied li of charge ti míj pari ei the, EE84ÍEMBEB THE PliAÖÉ, No. 28 East Huron St.. AWa AliUOlU


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