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State Land Commissionbk CïjAFP sold 58,000 acres of swamp and 2,000 acres of asset and priniary-soliool lund al auctinii it Lansing, onTuesday of last week, Hiram Bünck, of Barry county, bas been arrested u complaint of E. ]". Rtissell, of Kalamazoo, villi speariog in GcmXiakednriiig ühè töi bidden season. The Postoffleo at Marshuli bas been dosignatod as ono of the additional paon i-v order offipea ut whioh Úie Germán interaatioiial moncy-oi'dí'T system i fco be put in operation. The BatÜo Crock Jówpial gpi tluit the deposit .f sülmoii ïpftwn in Cinfiuac Lakc lias yielded well, mul tint sayriads of youiig Piiluioji, from two tefourincbes loug, aro now spörtüüfe iti olear waters. Eixwabd Waud, preman, 'ajurod in a colliskmoiitlioMicbigaii Gei tral.railroad noarly four years ago, died al bis resi1 diiuce in Marshall from the effects of iuioriee suateiaed iu tlio abovo mentioned collision. The Stnte Trea.sury balance foi the month of June, 1875, is as follows : Knhmcr May tlt, 18T5 Jl,107,%UM Ecccipts for June 192,1(3.94 Total LL,390,07.97 Payments Tur jnïé 102, 5:i'.i..v; Balanoe June 30,1875 51,287.. Antoinette Shavehy, a doaf aml diimb womuu, wliile crossiug üio track j of tlie Lako Shoro and Michigan Southern raüroad a ïew days since, was kuocked down by a car attached t a switch enginc, and both hor legs ent off. At Lansing, on ilonday last, a scaffold broke in the third story oL the now Capítol, lettiiig four vasa fall to the Beoand iloor below. Thomas Leilweski, a Polunder, was fatally inju?cd, his back beiag brokon. The other tlncu were not seriously hart. The anuual meeting of tho Michigan State Pomologioal Society was held at Monroe last week. A largí number of delcgates and straugers were present, and the gathering was of unnsual interest. The display of Mits, flowers and wines wáa very fino. TnE Attorney-General 1 af givrn an opinión to the Board of Stal.: Auditor thiit the claims of tho 5th, ütb, and 7th regiments of Michigan infantry for sorvices whnn mustered iuto the State service cannot be paid nnder the law passed by the Legislatm-e of last winter. Fob some time the tclrgrapli south froin Lansing has only worl;ol " by fits and starts." A careful BDtatífaaÉB of tlio isé showed tliat it v.'.i; ;.,wayi:d by the wind against a bffldffe Diumondalc, where it would tovj h m.L cling to the hcad of a apike nail liich aervod as a gronnd wire, breaking tilt circuit. Charles Duffie, night telegi-aph operator at Kalamazoo, went to get a drink one evening last weck, and by mistako dipped into a pail containing a solution ui sulphate of sino and coppor uscd in making the battery. He had taken two or threo swallows beioro he tasted it. Ho went home in great agony, but by the prompt use of remedies was soon out of danger. A íew days ago, whilo snrüe labmvrn wero at woik ou somc exeavations aoat Big Prairie, in Monroo comity, they carne npou a quantity of boues, forming the skeleton of a mastodon, whioh ere exhumed. Onö of tlio immense tusks wafl eleven fect iu lenftth, and seveu indufl in diameter at the smalleat cxtreinity, where a portion Hucinod to havo n- n broken off. Several toefc wre found iu a greater or leBS degree of prewivation, whiclx measured six ijuiiss in diauiter, the largesfc wcighing five pomid.s. Ono of thii ribs was neariy eight feet long, andtlie entire akéleto must bave been twenty or thirty fee! in length. The men were oVliged to . .bandon tke excavation ou account of tlio water, but pumps have been procured and au ffittéinpt will be mado to recover moro of the romains of a iast age. A TEMi'OBAitY injunction, saya tho Lansing Rcpublivnn, has becn i:;sued in tho Superior Court at Dssbrott to reatraiu the Comity Treasurer and Sheriíl" froni colecting tho taxes umler thü new Uftuoi law. The bilí ñlcd praying for tnis iuunction was in behalf of 400 wholesalo tod retail deulers, who claira that tho law is unconstitutional. They declaro that tho law vas passed iu ovasion and yiolatiou of the 47th eection of tho 4th article of tho Constitutiou, whioh declares that the Legislatnve shall not pa8S auy act authorizing the grautiiig of liceuse for tho sale of ardent, spirituous, or other intoxicating liquors. Tin y claim that tho paynaent of tLis tax operates as a licenso. Sevoral other reasons are given for its miconstitutiouality, bnt this is the principal one. Theodoro Bomeyn aud F. A. Bikcr aro the counsel for tho liquor dealers, and a test case will be taken to tho Supremo Court for de cisión.


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