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Eatate of Michael Quigley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of 'Washtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Court for tht ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, nthe cityof Ann Arbor. on Saturday the fiftb ay of June, in the year one thouwand eight red and seventy-nve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of "he estáte Michael Quigley, deceased ün reading and flling tbe peulion duly verified, of Mnry Wall, by Patrick Wull. her aeeiH ftnd jittornty, prayiDfC that nu Administrador (dr boni 's non)t with the will annexed, in a y be appoioted on ttie e-ttite of said deceased. Thereupon it ia ordered that Tuesinr, tht sixth day of July next, at ten . ck in the forenoon, be RMUd for the heariutf of unid petition, tind that the deTieees. ïepratees and ii-i b at law of sHid deceased, and all othei peraon nlerestt-d in said estáte, are required to )ïpear at a sesion of aid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ot Aun Arbor, and ahow cause, íf any there be, why the prayer of the petitiuner shotild not begranted: And it ie further ordered that said petitiouer gfive notice to the persons interest d in said estáte, of the pendency ol said petitiun an? th heutinff thereof, by causiiiK a copy of this ordei to be published in the Michigan Argus, k imwspaper printed und circulated in aaid county, three successive weeku previous to said day o hearing. (Atruepopy.) NÜiH W. CHKKVhR, I5,ï4w3 Judee of Probate Estáte of John Geo. Paul, Incompetent RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, : O as. At a session of the Prooate Court f or the ounty of Wawhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the seventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Clieever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Üeorge Pltul, lii:orup:Lnt. J. J;icob Jedele, Guardian of saM estáte, comee tito cHii : nul ii'proMt'rtsthHt he is now prepared to rend; f hia flDal account aa mich (iuardian. 'rhetvujxTi it is ordered that Wednesday, the seventn day oí July uext, at ten oVlock in the :riiioon, be iiswifiiied for exdinining and aliovMim sucii Aooonnt. and that the next of kiD of siud inwunpctunt, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ure rcqiiircd to appenr at 96MÍOQ ol s'iid oonrt, then to be holr'en at the Pro bate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couiitj, and show cause, if nny therebe. why the said account hould not be allo wed : And it ie furtherordured tliat H8id Guardian, Kie notice to the persom intormlfld in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid account, and the heariiiff tberenf, by cauninti u copy of thia order to be publishod In the Michigan Argtu, newspapei pritited and circulating in aaicl county, three succesrive weeki previeos to taid day of hearing. (A true eopy.) NOAH W. CHKKVBB, tö:J4w3 JiidKe of Probate. Estato of Prttrick Donnelly. ÜÏATE OF MICHIGAN, Oouuty of Washtennw, L7 ás. At 11 Btission of the Probate Court tbr the eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probite oltiee in the city of Ann Artor, du Mondav, the iomtfjenth day of June, iu the year one thousand uiht hundred uiii seve ty Hve. Present, Nonh W. Cheever. Judgeot Probate Iu the matter of the estáte of Patrick l'onnelly, dOQOMffl (Ui readlng and ftllng feha xtition, duly verified, of Josepli Donnelly, pruying hat r eertnin instrument now on Üle in this Court, purportiusr to be the lan wili and testument of said deceased, muy be idraitteJ to probate, and that Kdwaid Duify muy be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twelfLh day of July next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, lor the hearing 01 s;iid peririon, and trint the devisees, legatees and heirs at lnw of said deeeased and all other persons iuterested in said estáte. fare required to arpear tt a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arhor, and ahow cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grantert: And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in suid estáte, oí the pdndency of fuid petition, and the hearing thereof, by a copy of this order to be pobliijlmd in tlia Michüjan Argus, n newapaper printed and eirctilating1 in naid -ounty, three anccessive weeks previoua to aid day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, I.r)35 Judge of l'robate Estáte ot' Fredrick Muller. TATE OF MICUIÜAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. At a seayion of the Probate Court Í01 the county of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate office, ín the city of Ann Arbur, on Wednes-Jay, the sixteenth day of June, in the yenr one thouaand eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Xoah W. Cheever, Jude of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Fredriek Mulltr, deceafied. On reading and filin the petition, duly verifled, of David fiiiisey, praying that 4 certaiu instrument now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deeeaned, may be admitted to Probate and that George Muller may be appointed sole executor thereof. Thereupoit it ia ordered, that Monday, the nineteenth day of July ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aid petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deeeased, and all other persons interusted in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessior. of aaid court, then te be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer nf the petitinner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of said petition, íbd the hearing thereof, by ciusint a cupy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three auccessivc weeks previous to eaid day of hearing, (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHKEVER, 1636 .Jude of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, sa. In the matter of the estáte of John J. Kienzle, Catharine C. Kienz e and FiederickW. Kienzle, minors. Notice is hereby given, that in puruance of an order granted to the undersigned Elias Haire, guardián of the estáte oí said minora, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-Üfth day of May A. D. 1875, there will be sold at public yendue to the highest bidder, at the dwellmg house ou the premïsee hereinafter (ïescribcd in the Townohip of Freedom,in the county of Waahtenaw. iu daid ötate, on Thursday the Üteeuth day of Jnly, A. D. 1875, at one o'clock iu the af ternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortage or otlierwise existing at the time of the sale and also subject to the right of dower 01 the widow of said deeeased therein} the following dep-cribebed real estatej to wit : Situated iu the townsüip of Fieedom, euunty of Washtenaw and Htate of Miciiigim, bezinning at the sonthwest corner of the southeast quarter of the iiorthwent Quarttr of section number twentytwo, in t iwu three south of range lour eujt: running thence nortü aloiig the line of said southeast qurter of the northweöt quarter of said section seventy and one-half rods to the center of the highway on said lot; thence easteiiy aloog the the center of said highway foriy rods ; thence aouth to the óouth line ot said lot ; thence wes alnng the south line of aid lot to the plaee of bezinning, reserving on the west side ot said tract of land one and a half rods in width, commencing in the center of the highway, west, running south to Luke Pleasant. Datid May 25th, 1875. ELIAS HAIRE Guardian. Mortgage bal?. DEFAULT haviug been made in thecondition oï a certain niortgage, exeeuted by Alvin J. Uole, of tiie oity of Aun -rbor, county of Wasbtenuw, and State of Michigan, to Jamea Treadwell, of Dixboro, county oí VVashtenaw, and State aforesaid, on the eighth day of January, A. 1. one thounand eight hundred and aeventy-two, and recorded in the office of the Register of Meeds of said county the ninth day of January, A. I). 1872, in liber 48 of mortgages, on pageeipht, and there is now claimed to be due on said mortgfttre and the bond accompanying the same, the gum of tevMi hundred and Hit y dollftrs, alao an attorney's fee of thirty-flve dollars, should tiny proceedinjrs be taken to foreclose said mortgage, und no pxeoeed ings in law or in equity having leen had to recover Said sum of money or any part thereof : Now, theretöre, notice ia hereby given that by virtue of the power oí sale iu aaid mortgapre contuined, I shall sell at public uuction, to the higheat bidder, un the thirty-iirst day of July ntxt, :it two o'tïtock p.m. of aaid day, at the tront door of the Court Houae, in the city of Ann Arbor, connty yfoiesiiid, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court lor Raid county) all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor aforeaatd, commenciug at a point in the section line bet ween Hection twenty and twenty-nine. at the northweat corner of land lately owned by Williani O'Harn, thence northerly alonj; the line of G. Ward's mili race (so called) to the south-west corner ol' snid Ward's mili pond . thence easterly along the south line of said Warda mili pond to the 8outh-eaat corner thereof; thence nor;herly alonp the east line of said mili pond six rods, to a point purallel witli the north wall of the county jail; thence easterly on a direct line to the jttil fence; thence southerly along the jail fence to the eouth-west co ner of the said jnil lot; thenoe easterly along the south fence of the said jail lot to the west line oflandsof Mrs. MoCourt ; thonce southerly along the west aide of said land to the north line of Felch atreet ; thenee wettterly on the north line ot' Feich atreet to the line of the raill race ; thence to the place of beginning ; resei the nght of the said waard! gran tees to repair the race and pond embankment, without nny manner of treapaseing du the 1 .nd hereby couveyed ; the land describid being the Mime lttnd (except the streef) derded by David Page and wiie to Bernard Harkins, February 1,1857. DatedMay 1, 1875. JAMES TREADMTKLL, John N. Gott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1529 iiaortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mude ia tbe coudition ot a certuin mortage executed by Williara O'Hara and Haunora O'Hara, bis wife, of Ann atbor, Wiiahtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridget Hagan, ut the same place, on the muth day of July, A. D. one thousaud eighl and seventy-three, and recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deede for the county of Washtenaw, aloresaid, on the eleven th day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'clock p. m., in Li Ut 48 of raoitgages. page 663, and there ia now claimed to be due the sum of Üve hundred and aixty-flve dollars and seventy-four cents, alao au attorney's fee of thirty dollars, should any proceedings be taken to foreeloae the same, and no proceedinga in law or equity hnving been had to recover tlie same, orauy partthereof: Now, therefore, notice ie hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage cout-aiued, I shall sell at public auction, to the hihest bidder, on the seventeenth day f July next, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon of suid day, at the front door of the Cuurt House in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid. fthat bein the place of holdinpthe Circuit Court fursaid counly;, all that cei-tain piece or parcel of land, known, and descriled as followa, towit: Lot six [$). bloek two f2), south ratitfe twelveeast. in the city of Ann Arbor, accordinff to the record t-d plat thereof. D:ited April 22, 1875. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Mortgnttees. Attorney for Mortpagee. 1527 I IVE ÖEE8E FEATHJÏK6 PIBSTQUALIT-y Conatmitlyonhaiicl and for salebjBACHfr ABEL. Mortgage Sale. BlEFAULT híiving been in B. 'of acertain morfgage, exeeuU by J„h?Ö and Mary Uarria, ot the city ofAnn rl , arri ofWashtenaw and State of Mi, hiA„ . "nt! Volland, of the same place, on the twn'm .1 "'b of .Tune. In the year of our Lord on, ,, h dav eighthundrcd and ixtjr-four, and r. Í „,, ,"Jusai"l Begiitei's office ir, the county of vLi?, '" tI State of Michigan, on the 24th day of Tuñi "" 1S64, in Uber 82 of mortgages. on LK S ' I)aíd mortgage vu dulv awigned By Jacoh vïi ' to Andreu J.Shively. of the city and s,,,, ?"nd York, ...i the ni.iih duy of August, dÍisL 1l said assignmenl was recordad on the iiiik' Ï1"1 Augait, A. D. 1804, In Uber 22 of ruwtVi a!iri1 562. Thni tbere íi nov claimed tobe 3 mortgage, and note aci.'oinpaiiying the mm suin of alaren huudred and" forty-four ffinï' dollars; atoo thirty dollars as 'a reasonahl . ' lfJOth fee, should any proceedlng. be tak,",, tbe aTi( and in, proceediugs havinj, ted, either in law or equity to recocer tl. Ht or any part then-of. NoMoe is therefoi given, thntfiu thellth day ot Septembeï i' 2oclock in the altcrnoon of said ,lay uní a' door of tbe Court Hoos,., in the ,-itv of' , " , '?"x fthat b,-ing the place oí holding thé i 'r(, , ,r "■ tor said county), and byvlrtoe of the do, , m contalned taaald mortgage I hall Ju at '.' auctlon to the highest bidder, the ,„■,,; ! Bcrlbed in said mortgage, to satisfy the ■,] ' principal and Interest above claimed to be ,", ■''' th charge of sale ai, dattorm-y Mi Illiirtv l i1"1 All those certain pieces ,jr pareéis of land .i,,,', , tbecltyofAnnA.bor,co„„,).ofwïï State alur:Mtil, knoivn bound' d and di-sr ril,7j ,' " low,towit: BeJnglots numbered ■l)„ in blocknumb. r one l), -tl, ,,ii,,r,'' 1' Un and range twelve (12) east, aceording t„ , plat of Aun Arbor. B Datcd June llth, 1K75. ANDREW .I.SHr Juiix N. derr, Assigneeol b„L', Attorney tor Assignee of Mortjfagee k Mortgage Foreoiosure. DEFAL'LT having been made in the antfH of a morteage, executed by i'atrick Kp and Nancy Kennedy to Ehjah W. Morían ■ January tlrst, A. U [373, and recordtd Mirik r w same year, in the WnBlitenaw County He Office, iuliber4ü oi moitgiine, pnge 49 siBlltdtu C'hiistiau Heibei, issignmtnt d'aU i 5 reeorded February twentieth, ve,ir mu 18 of ïnortguües, page 505, by which de't i ï' power of saletherem oontained becamt and the sum oi lour hundred aud thli lar is claimed as now due tliereon [inclucKÏ mium imid (oltnsurance and reasonablêurt neystee.j aud there are Hve f urther instulim n witli interest to beontne due, and no buíi n, ceedin'ia haviiig bc'cn inatituded to iwow, ,k" morttitge dibt or any patt thereol: Noti therefote hereby given, that s:iid morlea Js,h foreelOBeil by a sale of the mortgaged tooS some part tiareof, to wit : Lots number thr,' fourteen, in block number three nurth, ia raí lwo eust, in the city of Arm Arbor, utthe Orííí House in snid cuy, on the t'ourtb dny ol next, atnoon, biiid mortgnge was giveii ' payment ol the purchwe inoney tor the nicinnnï preroi'Cs. K Ann Arbor, June 1, 1875. 0HKI8TIAN HELDER Attorney 1534 s Mortgage Sale. Default huviu btenmade in the eonditionnf, eertAiD ruortgage executed by WidiumKniJ the elevemii da) ol April A. l. 1,174, to Cï Kyan, xtcutur uf the last wil! and it-btwaentii Kdward Kyan, decea&ed, which aid mot! given to the purchase inoriej ui therawnï! theiein dtfrcribed, and record td m ihe 1 Register orDeedn in the counly oí Wuhioit Michigan, in Liboröl1 oí Mortgaes, on pa h and wnich said mortgage Vím on the a címídúV November A. D 1874, assigned by said ianinin to Leonhard Gruner, and on the siimcdayrecorie in the office oí the register oi De county oí Wabhtenaw, iu Übt:r 4 of u of murtgatifs, on page 427, and on the . December A 1. 1874, í.t'onhurd tfiuner, assigtteé a aforesaid, asöigiied the same to Wiltiug which nBsigninent was reeorded on the samedsjii! the otñce oí Kegister of Deeds iii the county : Waahtenaw, in liber 4, oí assïgu menta of montages, on page 4tW, by which delault the poi ol aalt coutiiined in sid murtgnge haa come operative, on which mortgage t bere is dai. ed to bu duíi at the time of tliis Dutice.foriDtetts;, áixty dollai and bixtj-(?ix cents, ;iLd alsu Üreta. ther Humof thiriy doliarUor an attorney'g iet as provided in Baid mortguge, and no auit orproccediií at law or m equity haviug been inatituted to recover the amount due 011 aaid mortgage or m partthereof: Notice is, therefore, hereby pm, that by virtue ot the power oí sale containts a aaid mortgage, 1 shall teil at public auctiöD, st the South front door ot the Court House, in the city ot Ann Albor, (tliat beiiig the building 11 wlnch Lhe the Circuit Court foi said County oí Wawhtenaw ie l.eldj on the first day of Septembei A. D 1875, ut ten o'clock in the iorenoon oitha; day, the followiu:premiaes deteriled instud morage viz: Allo villaje lotb numberfive nd in block uumber forty-ftve in the village of Mulchester, couniy of WBhtenav aud State of Mi gan, aceordiug to the rocordcd plat ther I, B - mueh or such part or pails thertoi" is shsil bc neeessary to sutisi'y the amount due upoa aA movtgae. Dated June lst, 1875. WILLIAM F. OSIUS, Fbederick Pistobius, Asüinee. Att'y for Assignee. Ijü Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT liavmg been made in the eoDditioni oí a oer'tuin ïuurtgage, executed by JohnZeeb and Kathrine Zecb, big wile, both ui' ifaetüwnnbip of Ann Aibor, county oi Waafatenav nnd state of Michigan, to William April, Administtator oí the estáte oí' Veel Zt;eb late of ;ud cutiDty, de ceased, beariug date the tweuty-ninth day of IV cember, Ïh78, aud reeorded in tJie oflice of tl Register of Deeds of Raahtenuw countyt on ik second day cf January, A. D. 1874 in liber 47 oí mortgages od page 443, at ten axA one-haU a, h. of said day, on wbich mortgage and the note companying the Buine, tnere i claimed to be du at the date tiereof the sum (f nine hundred aiid Üve dollars and eighty-tive cents, also thesuncf aeven hundred and ïoity-one dollars and 8iïiy-0M cents to become due. also an attorney's fee ot tiitr dollars providtd for by the terrns of said mortgage, and no suit or proceediugt at aw or iu chaucery having been instituted to recover aaid amount or aiiy pait ifaereof: Notice is tberefure, hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage coutain d, on the M' day of July, A. O. 187Ó, at the hour of elenii o'clock in the forenoon o; suid day, X shall 11 at public vendue to the higheat bidder, at the soutt door oi the Court House, iu the city of Aon Arbor, (that being the building where the Circuit Court for the county of Waahtenuw is held) the prem:ses described in auid morigage, oreom;. as shall be neceasary to satisfy said amount.ffitli interest, coste and expenses aliowed b.v Uw, tri premises being described in said raortgitge JUiol lows : AL that tract or paroel oí land situatedin the county of Wanhtenaw and State of iMiciiigan, bounded and described as follows. viz: i half of the northeast quarter of sectioo nnmber ten, Ín towUKhip number two south, in ni ber six eust, in the county of Washti; land beiiig the same tract or purcel of land Jded to Daniel C. Haas by David Uamp an; the nineteeuth of October, 1858, and reeorded ia liber 44 of deeds, pa#e I8(J. Ann Albor, April 2U, 1876. WILLIAM APRIL, D. Cbamkb, Adm'r, etc, Mortgayrti Att'y for Mortgagee. Ibtiü Mortgage Sale. DEF AL'LT having been made in tliecomlilimüt a certain murtííij;e m;ide aud executed by flffman Teats and Uaunah Teats, of the dtjéi" Arbor, Washtenuw county, and State of Mieh!sran, to Alunzo Alk-u, of Clayville, üneida con:;, New York, on the flt'teenth day of November, i. D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the ïegisB of Deeds for the county of Washteimw afore, the third day of December, A. D. K7S at m o'clock and forty-flve miimtes in the aften' said day, in liber 45 of mortgages, on pn&e ;- on which mortgage and note accompanyin? w siime there is now due, April öfteanth, sum of one thoueand nine hundieü and e!::htytf3 dollars, and no suit or proceedings ut lawhans? been instituted to recover said sum of mone) w any part thereof : Now, theref re, notice is hOT iriven, that by virtueof the power of sale conten in nid mortpage, I shall sell at public aucl thehighegt bidder, on Saturdny, theseventeentw of July, 1875, at two o'clock in the afteraoonoftM d ay, at the south door of the Court House "■ city of Ann Arbor, (that bemg the place of W"? the Circuit Court for said county of Washtea'1' the premisa deseribed in said mortgage, orsom theieot hs will Ratisfy aaid mortgoged deot, ' gether with interest and costs allowed byl! ": an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars pw, therein : That tract or parcel of land descri' hit numbiT one in block number two w Huron strei-t, range eleven east, in the citj -ol ■ Arbor, county of Waahteuaw aud State of K Dated April 15, 1875. ALONZO AIXL, By Attorney. 1526 liortgag Mortgage halo. WHEREASWilliamO'HaraandHanornO'SMi hiswife, didexecute and deliver to f" ' ilu.son, au indenture of mortgage, bearing o" muth day oí April, A. D. 1873, on premis M" described as all that certain piece or parcelo! ' sitúate and being in the city of Ann Art '■ the oounty of Washtenaw and State ol MicWJJ; described a follows. to wit : Being the east t" fourths of lot number three (3), in block nu"r one, south ui Huron street. and range two eaat, according to a recorded plutoi " .e fnow city} ot Ann Arbor, which said mor'!jr was recorded in the Register's office for tbe cm ■ ui' Washtenaw, aforesaid, iu líber 4Ü ofn)ft..: on page 3S2, ou the ninth day of Aprilt ■ y' at 2:4(1 o'cloek p. M., and whereas defnult n ". made in the condition uf said mortgiige, ") . payment of moneys thereby seeuted to . ƒ u wheieby the power of aale therein containe become operative, and there is now, at tbe d!i ,e thUnotloe, claimed to be doe on said i10"' the sum of eleven hundred nnd twenty do" " eighty tour ceüts, beaides an attorney ee? 0 bt dollars, in said inortgage expressly ?KT LeB n paid as oiten as any procoeding shoula bet! foreclose (he sume ; and wliereas an adjudica r bankruptcy has been passed in the Distric r -c(of ofthe Luited States for the Eastern 1 Michigan, in bankrup ey, aeaipst the siiiu ,y-jjrt]u O'Hura, since which adjudication thew ', u, Ü'hara has deeeased. Now, therefore, Znt prooeeding hsnsg been instituted at '"w 'ortl,fe. the debt now remaining secured by sjna ni " ,j or any jiart thereof, and leave ha ving oen n i ' g by an order of the aforesaid court.ontlieae ot June, A. V. 187.1, to foreclose said me 'J iie advertisement, in pursuauce of the stat ui jed. State of Michigan, in such case m;ide an f;".,,,,!! Notice is hereby given tliat to Mtisfy the f A suin due ou said mortgage at the dale tuei (oroejinterest, and said suin ot thirly '0"'í'%Z,ei bt fee, andallolhercosts and expenses tü " t law. after deductins the amonnt ol Mj ■= 'iKa hall have been received by the '"'''hTLu' ' naroed, on account of the morteaged PreuJt'w 8ai der authority of the atoreaaid 0?! Bottmortgaiït- will be foreclosed by asaleol ui sagedpremiaes abovedescribed, to ihe ""„„efor der, at the outer aouth door of the Court a" Arbor, theconnlyot Washtenaw, in the city ot u „ett in aaid county (said Court House ben e "'„ty of holding the Circuit Court withi J" r in which the above described Pm' teB1. Dated, Ann Arbor, Ij-gjSg. ROOT & GüANnEB, " 15SJIÍ Attorneys for Mortagee.


Old News
Michigan Argus