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scbibe fob the Arcors - Y1 .50 per year _- Main Street with ita decoratüms wu pho(ographed Tuesday. Rev. Wyllys Hall, from Piqua, O., the 0(,w rector of St. Andrew'a Church, has aryed. and eutered upou duty Sunday. _ (iov. Felch and ffm. Mcdeery left for yew York Wednesday afternoon, irom whicb place they will sail to-morrow for Europe. - A seven year oíd son of Eobt. Buohanan, „f Lima, fel! from a swing Tuesday afternoon, ,triking on lus left arm, badly fracturmg his frist. _ At the meeting of the Scientinc Society, jiturday evenmg, Miss Cyntha Sager was (lectod to fill the vaoancy on the board of cen5013, caused by the deatli of Miss Mary H. -■ A brother of Oeorge Kellet, of the Fifth wald, was drowned ut Clarkston, Out., Sunjav, while batlnng. His remoins were brought city Tuesday and intorred iu tlie Fifth ,rardcemetery. _ The wheel of a carriage, containing a gentleman, lady and cliild, gaye way, near the corner of Main and Huron streets, Moiiday afteruoon, depositing the occupants of the caribe iu a soft bed of mud. - Company B and the Adrián Light Guards attended services at the Presbyterian Church Smiday morning, and at the M. E. Church in t,he evening. Duriug the alternoou they visited tbe Uuivci-sity, the buildings being open for tbat purpose. - The patriotic citizeirs of the Fifth ward ceiebrated the national auniversary with a p-and "blow out," Tuesday evening. Speeches, flreworks, bonBre, singing, &c, more of the ie. tluin anythiug else, were the order of the eveuing. - Yestcrday morniug " Jako Schuh's woniaii," standing upou the platform suspended to the evergreen cables across Main street, m Iront of the Armory, was seeu holding a banier contamiiig the following inscription : Great excitement in Freedom ! Married - 'Coioiiel,' better known as 'Spooney.' Ah, pull." - The. Snyder thought to have a little pyrotechnic display of his own Mouday evening, after the general display was over, procured a supply of rockets, etc, and set them otï uear tlie Leonard House. Gonsequences: he was. aruund the next day with a light haud enclosetl iu a bundie of cloth, the flesh of the iure-flnger bemg nearly all burned off. - Uur ola friend L. K. Slawson is spending aiew days here visiciug his many friends and oíd associates. He has recently recovered Itcini a sevure sickuess. He ttnnks Bay Uity considerable ot a place, but canuot uiake it seeui üke home. Says Ihat he reads the Aeous weekly with more pieasure than ever, tivery article thereiu being of special interest. - Itspuakes volumes iu praise ot Chief-ofïolice Stiimg lor lus Eurr&ngemeuts at the ceiebratiou iu tins city on the -nii, and of he fúthful ruaiiner iu which his subordinates performed their duty, that there was but one pólice case. The oidmance iorbidding the firing squibs, crackers, and pistois was so well euiorced that the speakers on the stand Were uüt aunoyed in the leaat by them. Tuis was as gratiiymg as it was auu&ual. - The celebration at Ypsiianti, Saturday, was brought to a suddeu ciose by the rain aonn. lc comineucud rauiiug heuvily soou liter the procession reacbed the fair grotinds, where the exercists were to be held, t-nd contiuuedduring the' gveatei pa t 01 the aiteriioou, preventing the c:n ry mg ou t of the prograuniiü. Compuny B, accompamed by the Adrián Light Quarüe, returned to thLs city ou tlie ñi"st aiternuou train. - Xumerous persons thought the opportunity favorable for makiug euouyh mouey to keep tliem throuyli the dull seasou and uu til the "good times " ahall come agaiu, mvested in a stock ot gouds and " kept store " on street corners and othei available piaces, for the purpose ot ieediug the huugry multitude that weie ia tovvn Aionday. Alter the show was Oïer the " merchauls " had ou Iheir hands arge tucks oí guuds, ana their habilities in exectis of usbcU. year, at least tuteen liundred períiúiis went iruin Lins city Lu celébrate the l'ouith of Ouly at Ypsilauti. Indeed, there wtie so uuuiy that, aftel' ali that could, took pui&aye on regular train, the agent had to telegr&ub for t train to be sent up to take tinne who were lett. It was expected, of couwe, that Ypsijanti would remember Ann irbor this year. liut alas: except their military, there was noC to exteed twenty persous iioiü our yistei1 city. Why r It caunot be jealousy ! - Amoboí "Corktown lads" from Detroit endeavored to work one oí their gamee ot deaübcatmg Monday by going urouud to the vari" iras slüoous, calling lor the drinks, alter which oueoi their number would slide out aud the ethers refuse to pay tbe bill, claimiug that they were invited by the perron that had departed. ïlie game did not work Well, our dealers benig prepaied for them. In several places the " bies" were taken by the throat, with a club iwuiging over their heads, and compelled to disgorge. The game may work in a smali lince hke Betioit, but it wout in Ann Arbor- Au Iugham county Deputy Sheriff ramo to tlns city Monday morning in search of a iorger from Masju, named Dexter Fi itz, ha ving struck the youug rnan's trail at Chelsea. A search of the town was made without succcss; &ud the ofdcer repaired to the depot in the latter part of the aiternoon, whera he discovered the young man, having just arrived from the west afoot. He made the arrest, and the two started for home on the Jackson express. The prisoner is about 22 years of age, and is charged with several cases of forgery arouud Mason, aud bas served one term in the House of Correction tor the saine kind ot business - The N. Y. Evening Post has the follow"ig : The Ilev. Clias. H. ürigham writes frbm Aun Albor, Mich., tliat most of the Jupanese students have goue frotn the University there -scme tn Japan, ome to Europe, and only . two are left. The first comer, Toyama, stül reroaius and attends Mr. Brighum'a services " irilh closeil eyes but very wakeful braiu." Mr. Brigham snys that this youug man " is a rationalist, and wilt accept nothing in religión r in science which does not seem to him reasonable. AU the Japanese turn naturally to scientiüo studies, and read the book of Nature as more interesting thau abstract ai'gumeuts." " Metaphysics they care for as little they care ior rites and prayers." Shuep shearing by horse power scoms funny hut it is au ac?omplished iact. The machine sets precisely on the same principie as a mowog machine. A horse or hand power works 1 üiaphram air-pump, by which motion is given to the cuttiug bladee through flexible rubber tubea. The operator holds the cutter in In, hands liko a pair oi slieurs, and inoving it over the suriace 01 the Bheep, cuts a smooth swarth of wool with great rapidity. When a horst power is used Beveral pairs of tubes can lie attuehed to the pump and a nuüiber of shears worked at tuo samo tune. ïhis is the Snit sesaon the machine has been introduced úithe West, but it will probably be used exteusively another year. We wituessod its operation last Tueaday on the farm ot M Jacob Emerick. There is less danger of ii Jimng the skin of the Bheep with this machine than au ordinary pair ol shears. - Tptilanti Sentinel.


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