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Ann Abboe, Thubhday, July 9, 1875. Appleb- 75i$8Uc. Beans- $1.40. per. bu. Raspberbies- 13c. BUTTEB- 16c. Beef - $67 DerhuDdred. Cobn - 60(a)60c. per bu. Chickknb- Dressed 13c. Eggb- Command 13c. Haï - $10(g16per ton.accordinp to quality. Labd- The market stands at ltic. Oats- 45@48c. Pobk - $7 .O(Kéö7.6O per hundred. PoTATOEe- öOfgïöic. Tubnips- 25(gt35c. Wheat- White, $1.141.18. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW. Foreiffn Markets. In Great Britain. a falling offin the local supply of wheat lias eaused an advance of 1 a 2s. per qu., aud stocks of home produce have become reduced. The maturing erop promlsea well. In F ranee, the market bas been weaker under improved erop prospecto. Gernaany, though with fair prospecta, has maintained a steady market. The Mark Lane Express is reported by cable of July 6, a later date than the foregoing, to the eifect that the weather is calculatcd to greatly hinder baying and harvesting, eonsequently the prospecta are rattier tbreatening for the future. The price of wheat is a shilling higherand in some markets two shllUngs. Eststern Markets. Fourth of July week always makesa dull markw, and especially so this season, when the anniversary occurred on Sunday, throwing the celebration on both sides of that day. During last week the grain market in New York was quite auimated, though somewhat irregular, with a little advance all around. The part of the present week, however, showed ■ luide reactiim, DUt prices are Ia3c better on wheat and corn, and 4 a 5c better on oats thau at the time of inaking last report. The live stock markets are flrm tnder limited receipts. Native cattlesold in New York at 89 M a 18 50. Detroit Markets. The late raius have given a plentiful supply of moisttire for crops, and the clearing up weather since Monda y Sa just what il wanted for maturing the wheat erop. The market last week was steady and rather strong, but isa shade weaker this week at about $1.27 for extra White, $1.26L for No. lt and $1.2: for amber, Corn has remained nominal at 67. Oats have fared better, advancing steadily from 53 for No. 1 mixed the middle of last week, to 60, middle of present week. Rye at $1.05al.l0. Beans somewhat in demand at 5fi.65al.7.r for handpicked mediums, and $1.30al.Ö0 for unpicked, in round lots - smaller lots from store about 10c more. Butter steady at 18al9c, with few sales at 20. Eggs a shade stronger at 17aI8c. Hops quiet at 40a.:ï0 for '74s. Potatoes firm at 70a75for peaehblows, and :i8a 45 for Early Rose. Som e new potatoes of southern growth are in market at high rates, but the lateness of the season here will make good oíd potatoes in demand for two or thrce weeks to come. There is nothing new in wool. The market has maintaiued a niarked evenness throughout, and at some points in the State the erop is reported nearly all taken up. The live stock market -wasso demoralized by the Fourth that we have no report. Values remain about the same.


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