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The oelebrated trial of Tiltou vs. Beeoherhas at last come to a conclusión, haviiig resulted, as was generally anticipated, in a dipagreement of the jury. The case was Aubmitted to the jury ou Thnrsday, Juuo '2-i. On tlic t'ollowing Thnrsday they canil! into court aml notifled Judge Ñeilaon that there was 110 probability of au agreement. The Judgej ho wever, sent thcm back to their room, with instruotioHS to disregard the Price nul iiiüilavits, which had been shown to lic false. On the following day, Friday, July '2, they ifjaiii .seut a note to Jadffe Neilsou, sfaiting that it waa impoaaiblo to agvee upona verdict, i whereupon tliey wieie sumnionetl into j conrt. What followed is dsBoribèil by the Aflsooiate3 Press dispatohes : At 11:17 jury ÍSled iutè cdint, look ingas if they had paased a sleepless iright. In rejly to tilo (iicstiiii: "Qentlemen of the jury, have youagreed upon a verdict?" Foremau Oarpenter replied: "We have uot, your Honor. We regret it very mucli tliat we iind it impossible tv agree." .Tudgo Neilson stated that lio had learned by a note from tho jury, oarly tliis morning, tliat in their opinión they should be diseharged, as they could not agreo, and somo of thoir number ware suflering in health. Ho experieneed the forre of that applioation very strongly, and had callod them in now, at tho earliest moment,, giving to counsel and othew an opportunity of beisg pwöenfc As they wvro nbout to 8eptate, h wonld liko them to earry away kindly rteooilectioTiS, and, so far is ttwy oonld, remove wliatcvor chagrin thoy feit at being dotained so long. Ho wishod them to recollect tho fact that not mitil yosterdiiy did thoy mtggest that thoy oonld not agreo, and 'that nggestkra came frora thoir foreman, signod by olcvon, and aooompanied by unother from ono jnror, who thonght an agreoment possible. Whilo ho had perfect regard and ccmfidcnco in the opinión of the elévèu, and tho explanatiou of t!i! foreman, ho thought somethiiiK MM dne to the twlfth juryraMR B ia Honov had twme thin on his mind yostcrday at 4 o'cloek, mui ho allowed Juryman Taylor to devote Iiíh time to bringing about an agreem(nt, SO far a ho eonld. Ho learned from tho noto that they were unablo to agree, and that tho disagrooment was foundod on tlieir inability to de(úde UpOn tho weight of tho tostimony and tho orcdil)ility of tho witnosRos, and it appeared to his Honor and ovory pcr.son convcn-Haut -with tho oase that it was imposaïble for liim to help them by auy Huggestious. Not evou ia his charge oould lie ünd a raciiiis of helping thom on that poiut. Tlie welgm of the tcKtimony rested with the; jury. It was for thom to say wliat witnesses they oould believe and wliat witnessoHtliey oould not. The i court had no right to interiore. He was i triad to be assurod that the disagroerdent did ïiot arise from auy want of attontion on his part, and God know tliero wore some poiuts on whicli ho could 3.0 nothing. The jury was then discharged, and ftled out of court. Mrs. Beeohor wout to the ruling ind ahoofc hfttids with oaoh juryman as he pftsaed, Tlms endod the great Tilton-Beeoaei scandal frnit. Tho jury at one timo wure Beven for conviction and fivo for aoquittal, but at the close stood niue to thron for Beeoher. It is rumored that Tilton wül move for a now trial and a cliangc of vemio. It is alao intimatod that ho will endewvor to procuro the indictmont of ü(;n. Tracy for perjury. Mr. JJeécher regards tho result of tho trial as a perfect vindioiition.


Old News
Michigan Argus