Classified Ad

Ma ii !i a i (a ii Store. Corner of Jvfjcr son Atnine and Bales streel, Delioil. BE surc and vioit the Manhation Store when are ninking purchases. The goods which you will find ihere are excellent in qualiiy and reasonable in price. We have Good Heavy heetings, Alopacas, ülings, Merinos, Ticking8, Mus! in DclaineB, Linseye, Cashmeres, Red and wlitic Flonnels, Calicos, SaiineitB, Lncc Veile, Full Cloths, Green Burrege, Ca8simercs, Gloves, Vcstin,'8, Hosicry, oadcloih?, G:nghams, ShawlB, Ribbons, Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Laces, Ac. Slc. &c.Batiing, Coiton Yanr. Wicking, White Corpet Warp. Colorei! do. do.. Straw Ticking, Bleachcd Coiiorsof I qualiuVs, Fine unbleached Cottons. Barred Muslins. fcc. &c. Alo, FEATHERS and PAPER HANGINGS, Bordcring. Window papr r, Firc board papers, Travcling Baskcl?. First rare TEA and COFFEE, ftc &C And oilicr anieles too ñurr!xbn8 to jnention. Farmers ennnot fnil of finding tho Manliottan Stiro adcsirablc plnce to do tlit'ir trading, fÃo pnins will be spared in wniiingon custonicrs and all are iuvited to rail and examine our poods beIbre mak'ng thcir purchases. While we are confident tliat all who examine our Btock will buy, yct we will takc no ottencc, if nltcr showinü our coods. people choose to trade elpcwhcre. VV. A. lt A Y MOND. Detroit, Dec. 2Ã, 1845. 244- GmNEW COOKINCJ STOVE, And Stoves of all kinds. Tlie subscriber wuuld cali ihe aitcntion of the public to Woolson-s Hot Air Cooking STOVEWliich lic eau coniiclcnily rccoimnrnd ns bcing dccidedly superior to any Cooking St-vc in use Fot fimplicÃty '" operntion - cronornv la hiel. and ':r uatrquaÃled and Roasting ualiity. i( is imrivnllcilt Tho ncw nnd imporinnt improvcnicn) ntrodiircd in iis construciion bolhg sucli ns to insuro advnnuigcs over uil otlier kinds oà Cookifig Stuvcs. WIU.IAM II. NOYKS. Jr. 7i Woodward Avcnuu, üe'roit. Dcc. 12. 1815. 2ii".. watkins v Risscll, i?46F0RWARD1NG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DETROIT. Agentsfor the Troy and Eric Line. For Freight and Passage, apply f o Asa C. Tekkt, ? A {s N. CllA.MBKKl.lN, ) 29CoorUieü Slij, N. Y. InK, Corr & Co., Troy. KiAinKinA, I'kasb & Co., }ufl-aio S. DurLL.Ar.i), Mnrk Pachanes "Troy and Erié Liiic." Sliip Dai'y, (undays t-xccpinl,) from Coeniics' Shp, N. Y., by Troy onil Eñe Iron Tow Boat Line. S46 6m FEATHKRS and PAPER HANGINGS niay lo lound at all ú m thc ÃMaxhattan Storf., Deirjit. V. A. RAYMOND. Dcc. Ãió, 1Ã44. 241- C:nDry Goods at Wholesale. 1EECHKR & ABBUT OFFKK. iori.'o X3 for cash tho folio winp goode at N cuYork wholesnles priee, transportaron only atided; 40 Bales Brown Sheelings and Shirtingp, 10 Casen Bleaehed In do 10 Boks Brown Iririinjsr 3 Cases Bkached do 2000 lbs Battinj, 1000 " Cotlon VVnrp, Nos. 5 tn '20 500 ' Caml Wicking, 700 Carpet Wnrp, IOü picces Shorps Groy Cloth, 100 ⦠Saltmclttf, 60 " Cassimprc, Oü " Blue, Black, Brown, fïrren, Siccl Mixed, nml ("ndci Mixed Bro:ul Cloths, I5à f Black, Colorcd, Figoreé and IM-in Aljaccas, 50 ' White, Red, Grccit and Ycllow FiannfllPr 30 m Super Mcal Bftgffing, r0 " Plaiaanci Figuroil Kmturliy Jcnns, , 00 " ' Linsryp, ' 50 Cantón Flnnnolp, 50 pairs Mnckinaw Blonkctp, 50 preces M. DcLainc and Cashmercs, 100 Rlanket Shawl, 50 pircos 7 3 and G-4 BedTicking, 50 ' Slripr Shirting, 50 Btuo Drills, 100 " Prtis?ian Diffper, 1000 M Rirglish and Auioiicnn Print?, togetlier wiih a ifcncml assortmciil o( 'Threnrfp, Pin?, Button?, Combs,(llovoi, Ribbons, TÃÃiccp. Iltlkfs, fee. ïic., matvinsr the Inrnrst and best assortment of goods to bo fonnd Ãn tliis Ptaie. IS2 Jefftrson nvemie, ono door below the St. Clair Bank Building. Detroit, Oct. 7, IC Ij, eSS-6mf,1846. J. HOLMÃSITCO, WMOLE8ALE AND 11ETAIL DEALERS IK STATLR AND FANf.Y DRY GOODS, Dry Gröceries Carpciingy and paper llangiuss, Vo. 03 Woodward Arênuc, Larned's Bock, Dciroit. j. ÃtotMSS, Nnn York, s M. UOJJUUi Detroit. 5 WE tnïcc thisractliod of infbrmtng onr frh-nd.3 and customers tliroughott the State, iln.i ive are still pursuing the even tenor ofnur, endenvoring to do our business npon l.vr ind honorable principies. Wc would nleo trnJer onr ncknowledgmentB for the pnironngc extended to lis by onr cueiomers, ond wonld haj, leavc to cali ilie ntTcniion of tbc public (o n vciy wcll belrctcd oisortment of stosonnldc Goods, whicb nre oficrod at wliolreale or remil at very lov priecs. Our factlitirs or purchusing Guoris nre unturpassod bv nny ooncrin in hr Süiie One oTthebrm, Mr. J. IJolmrs resides in the D)y of New YorU,nnil fiont liis lonj; experienco in .ie Jobb'ng trade in tlint ciy. nnd irom liia ihorotigh knnwlcdpe o)' tbo ninrkot. hoisenablfd to nvail liiinsclf of t lic nuciions nni any decline in prices. We nlso purcliaec from iho Iniporicrs. Mnnufnciuicr's Ascnts, nntl floro !io nuctions, by tlio paciiage, lÃio same ns N. Y. Jobbers purclinsc. ihns savin? tficir profits. - With ihcsc fnciiilics we can eolcly say t!nt wr Gond8 nic soid CHEAP ('or the evidenre of wbiöh c nviie the nticniion of thcpufilic tooll Bloqk. Wc l'old to ihc g'oat cnidinot principie o! '!. gond to Ibe. nholi Wvvhe.,', ' o if you wnntto bny Goods clietip. nnd buy n ; qtinntliy lor o l'iUlc vioneij givc 9 a trial. Our Btoclc ia as ciitneive as nny in tlio ciiy. nnd we ureconstnntly iccciving ncw nnd l'rcsh Gooda Irom. New York.10,000 11s. Wool. Wanled, ilieabovo funmity ol'good uicrcliantable Wool for which tlic highcai niorket piico wil] be pa'ii. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1843. 211-if BOOKS! BOOKSÃr At Ferry's Rook Store. AVxt door Easl of the JV. York Chcay Store, THE Bubscriber has jusl opencd nud is now rcady to scll tbc mosl extensive niaorlmont of BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS and STATIONL'ÃV. everofiered in Ann Arbor. Ilissiouk consisto of SCHOOL IJOOKS of ncnrly every vnricty in n,e in Oïï - Historrrs. Dioiirnphics, Trnve's, Mcitkj' s. JVlisccllancous, Reiigfous and CIojÃÃcoI Pook?. BJBLES nnd TETAMENTS. ovary vnriely of sizc, stylc nnd bindincf, Soipd splcndidly finisliccl. PRAYER BOOKS, PÃEMS t AN.MALS bcaiitilully bound for Jlolydny gif Parent nnd otbers wisliing to rnnko tpfondid helyday presenis at small cost, will do welf to â ' Pcrry'8 nnd niüko thcir selcctÃong frjiu o tull sicek. Don't dfilnv.Also, on hand the largest asportnient of PAPER over ofFcred west of Deiroit; s'.ich as Cap, Flat Cap, Letter, Frcnch Lener. Bunkers Poet, Copying, tissue, Card Back, Envelopc, fiml 10 kinds of note paper, with a full nssorünent of Steul Pens, Quills, Wafers: Black, lime, RetÃ, nntl Copying Ink; Sand, Inkstarids, Kolder. Pen Holden, Stnmps. Motto Scnl?. Guld nnd Silver W'afers, India Rubber, Pcncils and Poinis, Envelopi s. mul nnnv vnrieiics of VisnijigCttrd. Also, GOLD PENS, nn arricie cojnlnnipg cleganco with economy. He has dn hán'd u good eclection of Books suiiable lor Fnmüj , School District and Township LIBRARIÃS. It will not bêpoèsïble to name uil fHo drtjclei in his Ãnc: Suffice it to eny, tluit hls nirini' nt is general and clieoper tlinn wns ever böfore olfcred in tliis village. Ho has made arrangemtnts in New York Wfaich will enable fiini al uil timcfl to obtoifi anything in Iiis line direct froni New York at s-lmrf notice. by Express. It will bc scen tliat his Ãn, cilities for accomodatinf; liis customerfl witli ,irticles not on liand is bcyond preceden tj md he is ready and willing to do every tliing ronsonab! U rnakc his esiaMishinent such nn one np m enlihtened and dit-cerning bommuhity reqbire, and he hopos to merit a etlinrc ofpalronnee. I'crhons ( wishinp nny nriicli' in hie line will di -.veil to cali bclore puichasingclfccwlicrc. ff yo.i f 01 gei the place, enquirc for ]'riri Boalis(ore, Aun Arbor, Upper Village- 2d door Eusi of Main Street, on 1 1 uron strect. VVM. R. PEIUtV. December, 1R45. Important io Farmers. THE subscriber hns now ereeted a Mili for monnfactiÃrÃng Liifascn Ou.. The löcnitoh of the Mili is 5 miles norih of Fcfitotivtlle. Gtnrsce Co., JVlicli. Thi locution will occotiimodiitcihe faniKTHin (cnesee, Liprr, ShlawaMeo .nul n part of Livingston and Oaklund Counticj. The Mdl in cnpablo of grindiog 1 D,üOO liushcla of Sced. And 1 hope to be nble to gei tliat qoanliijf nnother year. The Flax Crop i bclieved to be the hept thai tlie farmer in raise.- In the State of New York. in Bótn BCcUotia which r.rc ncknowledgod to be oqunl to nny oiher for rnitsing whent, thefnrmer hnvo provon by n r.xperiencc of 3 or 4 y-ar8. ilut ihey t;ui mk! inoru money at raising flnx fccI at Ofte dollar ju r bushei than tlicy oajj at roifcing whcSt ut tlx prtecK il od'rn:irily brings. I fhall have aquaniiliiy ol cced ro:tdv .lciincU. lor powing to furnish tliouc who chnnol procUM flucwhrre. l will contract reea fit one tlvl itr pnr h io bo di'livercd nt ihe Milt naxt i.i!l or winlor. A C"od aesortment of Dry Ooods, CJroM Crorkery, and Hin!v;irc. .nnd all the forpffinting kept constarnly on hnnd! Caeh punà ai all times foi l'Iox s. â . D. L. l TÃUnETTE. Long Lako. Der. 2Q. lf4f. '24S- "m DISSECTED JV1APS- An instruetive 9n I amtising nrtic'f; 'or 'hn ynuue. for kiÃp ; t PERPVT BO( ' Dcc 5?.
Woolson's Hot Air Cooking Stove
William R. Noyes
Watkins & Bissell
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
Dry Goods
Beecher & Abbott
J. Holmes & Co
Perry's Bookstore
Old News
Signal of Liberty
W. A. Raymond
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
D. L. La Tourette
William R. Perry
76 Woodward Avenue Detroit
No 132 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan