Classified Ad

'blüECHEK Sc AHBIIT, DRT GOODS noliniouiitniii '" 5,000,000 Dollars fl(jte_but Mure ilieir olti cuewwsra. ;""1 lll";( 2,'eLing to buy, that ihoy havo u wdl selocied â Bortmout for ilio 1 WHOLESALE& RETAïL'i KADK, rover their Kctail Siora nnd BÃBometó. ] rhirtl I ,hey will scll on ns ïavornl.lo leun M ai.y estab liilimciit WMiofNcw Vork. WANTKD-Pot ...1 PearJ A !ââ , fr w.ud. , th highi c-.3li advnncea will Q }i4Ã9' â eirmtsnnd oihcr will pienso .drop ui. jan. J84G. -H -:'-,â "lllcdical io(ice. THE undnigaed, in rffJrhï$ hia iervjpest!o Waaluonnw and ilio adjoiuing Cj-UJUj , Homceopaihic phyaieivn, wbüld -wy, Chn nlfw haviog praciicud medicine on the torini laueht in the old echoot, nd trteiod. dbénfee foi tho last iwo yonrt nccording lq tha la -t ItftS aSopaihy,- rBWW si% r.uonnnj tnuulit in tl.o new chool pj ; nnd hay incompared theiuccèssof iho iwp svsicms, ie unbesitatingly belicves Ilomocppallij ju l.c ihc most safe, ccrt.-iin and succijsiut HtClhod oJ cure. Diseasos, nithèrtó incurnbid, irre nöw in mósi cjhc, perinaiiently erêclieated by Huniceopauiyw Artccitoua of tliospine, lie:nl. uu rus. etomncli, te C havo no.v ilnir cortiiin icmcili.'s. Epilop'sy. niatii:i, pnralpsi, nlouralgÃa, bronchitis, livor and tung diseaacs; Bcailci levor, chlcia. black rneaslc-8, mallgnnnt sore oryaipclns or black longue, croup, inllannuations ol the brain, omacb, bowolc &c. &C, nrc only a few of tho inany ills, tliat liave been atnpt of tlicir terror by tho timuly applicatidn of homceopathie medicamonts. . Withont furthcr cssny, tlio undcrsigncd woulil loavcit to thft nlllicicdlo say, on trinl of the rcniodies, whether Honuuopatliy is whalit claims to bc or 110 1. , . , Ho Wüuld nlso state 'lint he has juet rciurneil (rom New York and Philodolphia, witb a coinptete BHpruncntof.MÃpiCAMENTS, jnal m ported from tópic, lo thik place, whert he will oiiend to all calb, and furnisli medic.nn.j.iH. books, &c ut the lotfèat priecs. From (bc close nnd exclusive attentipn h is givipg w the study nnd praciice of Iloma:opathy to bü oble to give eatisfaction to thosc who niay favor him witli thcir patronage. Coinmunications, poet pjid, from patienta at a diatanco, will reccivo prompt nttention. , , , Tliose who may wibH to place thcmclvcs untlcr hia tre.umcnt for any cbronic diacnae, can obtnin lbdgingaeUtieratbiB house, or m othcr placea, ÃTACKW0O0, M. D. Homoeopnibist. Ynflilanti. 20ib 1845 2VJ-1yWardwcll & Dixoaa, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALIH11DWARE An'd CÃTLERY. O-No 4, Codar strcct. '2 door abovo Peail st. New York. J. M. WaUDWKLI. COÃBTLAHD P. DlXO. W & D nro reeeïving n full and general nsrorimcnt of Eaglreb nnd American HaYdWörtï, ons smg in pari of Tablc nnd Pocket Cu.lery, . Butchors' Rn.ors, Files, Ch.seU, Plañe Irons nnd Saws, American Buui and Scrcws, Ames Shovels and Spades. Wm. Rowland s M.ll â CutSaws, Harria', Bloods1 . Donnis and Tavlor'e Scythes- wliich are oflTcred on the most i favorable lormB for cash or táx montli wedt New York. Ecb. 1846. 2;?-6m J WOOLEN MACtlINERY, j H&R.PAIlTllIDGEhaye on hanJ at iheir . shop, a largc amoum q( Woplen cry, which is now ready for sale, cotisisting ol j Doublé Cnrding Mnchines, Picking Machines, , Brond and Narrow Power Looms, Napping nnd Teazling Machines: all of which will bc eold at urice and on terms tocorresiond with the times. Thcy are also preparcd to make to contract Condensors and Jack, or any othcr Mnchinory that may be wantod for manufacturing or cuatoin work; and all Machines mnde by them will be warrniHcd ood, and for durability and deapatch of business arenot cxcelled, it eiuallcd. by nny of the Eastern or Ohio Machines. And as much has been and is said by Machine mak era in ncighboring States, of the suporiority of ihoir Machinery over nll others, we now o fier M K HUNDREü DOLLARS il they will produce a Machinr of their ojck make. that wi:h '.he same, amount of power, vill do more and better work, in a given time, than Machines made by them. Tliuse wislung to purchnscareinviledlo cali and examino thelr Mnchinea, nnd Jearn their prices and torma belorc purchasing eleewhcio. Ann Arb..r, Jnnuary 12, 1816. 247 -3mFARM FOR SALE, Oïl EXCHANGE fok otiif.k PROPERTY THE aubscribor offers liis form of GO Acres with 12 Acres improved, and a frame house sixteon by uvon'y-six, with an addition of eigh feot on onc side. önid farm ia 6itup.ied in th town of Concord, Juckson Co., thrce miles nón of Concord villngo, five cast of Albion, twelv west of Jackson. Therc ia a iievcr-iailmstreai of water running ncross it, nnd about 15 Acroso firat quality of naturnl mendow. For futim particulars e nq ui re of Bcnj. Haviland. or J. N Swnin of Concord. or the subscribcr at th Thrashlng Machine Shop, Lowcr Town, Ann Arbor. Tcrms tosuil the purchascr. Anr.ArI.or. T. A. IJAVILAND. JanuorylO, 184C. 247- tf "Stcjuii Fouiulry" TME undorsi;nel hqvirig bought the cntiri interest of II. fc R. Partridgc and Gco. f. Kent in the "Stcnm Fonndry," Ann -Arbor, will manufacture all kinds of Cn8tinfe to order, nnd willbe happy to furnish any kind qfCQtings to the old customera ol Harris, Pnrtridi.'e Ai Co.. H. & R. Partridfio, iVr. Co., and Partridge. Kcn & Co., and to all others who niay favor theni WlhaCalL H.R.IIARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 20, 1846. COVÃVT1T ORDERS. THE higlvestpriccpaid in cashby (r. F. Lew is, Exchangc Broker, opposite the Insiirnnce, Detroit, for orders on any of the counti8 in the State of Michigan; also for Stntc focuritics of all kiudsand uncurrentiunds Cdk Dec 1. 1S45. 241-tf. CLOVER MACHINES. TEIRASHING MACHINES and Scperatore made and sold by lljoir Ma chine Shop, nuar th Paper Mili. Lowcr Toxyn, Ann Arbor, KNAl'P & IIAVILAND, Jan. 19, 1346. 247 tf To Sportsmcn. A GENERA Lassortment of Cnstecl andlron Barrel Rifles, doublé and single barrel Shot Gun, Pistóle, Gun Locks. Game Bags, Shot Poliches. ?Wáy$$'gT$yfE8 2-18-ly 7C, Woodward Avenue, Detroit.ANNUALS. - A large and voluable nssortment of Annunls for 184G. togcther with inany splendidly bound books, suiiable for pre.ents,,orsa!eiaiiRïsBooKsTOiiF Dec. 23. 241-if Flax Sceil ! THE subscribcr wishes to buv a qunntity of Flax Sled, forwliich he wil! pay thr. f 1 1 u h est market pricc, n Gooks or Cash, dclivcrccl at his Mili nt Mount Plcnsant, Gcncs?ce Coiiniy. Michi&an. five miles north ol Frntonvillr. fc D. L. La TOURETTE. Dec 15. ÃS45. 2-13- rm jLivëOeese Feathcrs. 2f(() LBR. puro Live Gecsc Fonthers lor Jy gnle by (lio balear singla fioum!. ni LI à Jeiïerwn Avenue. I(roit. by BZECffER ABROT. i 3à J846. 24-S-nEATHER! LEATI1ER! LJEATHER! TLDRFD & CO Nu. 123. Jcilerson Avenue, Eklred's Block," Detroit, takc _lli o"ppurtuity' lo inlorm'ihoir cuslumcrs, nnd the pubüc gonerally, tliat they still continua to keep on hand a f uil assorlmcnt of - o i iâ i r.,ilw.r Aleö', i,nn!s nnd f'ecs. Curriers' Tuül?, Ac. pnf-ri b.-lo LcJ(lcr, j flïïock uu.ncd Uppor Lenthcr, Ofen il)S FküicIi inimcd Culf Skins, Seal du Oak Hcmloek t.u.ncd do . Gout Binding, Menlek nnned Harness and Bndlc Lea,her. Ufn;:tnS;,Kl0.lio:SllooTnII, Kg S 'ÃVShwSst now manuracluring their own LeaTher, they are preparcd frt olà (, Inw asean be purclmscd in this rnarket. Mercnnms and nutnuLturers will flnd it to their advantagc to cdl and our stock befare purcliasmg elsewhere. QjCash and Lcather exchangcd for Ilidcs and bkins. FjLDRED & Co. 248-1 y Detroit. Jan. 181G. --Thirty Thousand Persons ANNUALLY rali victims to ConsumpiUn in ( the United States. Tho cause oi hft.wj , s generally overlookcd. A short dry cough, or ( ieilected cold, is the precursor. IW úw ( loemed unimportnnt. Pain IhiillO . &,1 icclic ever. and niaht sweats lollow, and dcal.i ends ihc scène. Would you finda i KIMKÃà lOlt THE -Vlt. ! I lere it is. The experionce of more ihan 20 ycars , sincc lts iiuroduction to public notice, alihougli it hia now been oflered bul a few monitó, ifè , e has beca unpreccdentcd, and il success bcoud question, great- so much so, that u is Uelared to bc the greutcst remedy in üio worlü. AST1LMA, oo, ihat fearful and disVressing malady, wliich enders life burthensomc during its conununncc, Bsudducd without ditriculty by this great renicdy and the aufferer is cnal.led by ha use ta oBtoin nuiot repose-, the shortness of brcaih -is overcome, tho couh is allayed, and hcalth and viór take the place of despondency and Buffenpg: Uv. FülKCr'8 OLOSAONIAN, or, Ar.r. .g Bat.sam, 'is the remcdy which has been so emineiuly successful in allcviatmg and curiiiÃà the above coniplnintP ; nnd u bas boon used bv the iirst physicians in ihe city, wlio üp. clare ii to bc unrivallcd, innsmueh as u does not distuib the bowels in the least by -.ïroducing costiveuess, while nll olhcr remedies iccon.m-iulcd for the abovc discases invariably shut up the bowels, thus rendering il neecssary to resort to puraativc medicine.llead the followina casee. wiucn unvcuuuii ilievcrl and cuicd wilhin H tuw weeks : DAVID HKNDERSON, Cl) Laight Btrect .ook n sevteB culd on the 4ih duy ol July, and was broughl very low by a duuomng cough, which resultcd in frequent aÃtacka of Bloeding froiii the lungs. Altliough her iried ovcry thii il tlic shnpe of remedies whici eould be fonnd. vet he 4 nat Benefiitéa, nd by the nionm ot Ãciobar was so .nuch reducea ty nlgW welli ihnt hc despaired of lilb. One bottlc of ïolgcr s Olosaonittñ Vestored htmtohcalUu GEOJIGKW. BüRNKTT.oà Ncwnrk, N. J . has sullered undor.tfie cffeoté qà a eevc-re cold lor iiLre ibaavenr. He was redneed to t hc brii.l; of tlo grave almost, by hiscouch and nigbt swciita. He cnnmencod roisihg Ulooa in the mon.h of Octobelr Inèt. He raiiiiiifertfed usmg the Olosaoninn, and by il e muidle ot ISov, mber ho was so (ar reilored thai he efl foï Pittóburgh wiih every proápcci ol recover.nfr ,,8 healthi Mis BELL, the wife ol Robert P. Heil, oi MbrrÃsiown, N. J,, was dreadlully allhcied wu!. Aèthma fot mony ycarti Her physiciaiis hml lespaired or relieving her. One bótitó ( hc ülosaoninn so fnr resiored hor that she was ablc to gei out of her bed and drusa hereelt, which she had not dono beforo in monihs, and she s now in a lair wny 10 bc reheved. Mr F LABAX. 52 fikc strect, was so bud with aathma that he liad not elep in bis Led lor ter. weeks, when he comnunccd the uso pfjhll great reniedy. One bottle curcd him, and he has not had á return oà hts COiplpUVt "ow more [han live m.inths. , Mrs McGANN, 20 Walker sTcct. was olso curcd of severo nsilnna by the ülosaonian, and stares that she knew medicine givo sucli niinediiitc and permanent relief. GÃORG'E W, IIAYS, of thts uity, wasgiven tip by hi uhysiciah as incurabtc; IIis diéenso was consuMiuon and when he cóifnncnced uéin the Olo3bonlan: was s wenk ihat hc could not walk without being assistcd by a fnpnd. liy strict alleniion hc was so far restoren '" a few wceka a.s to bc al.le to pursuc m business. JAMfcS A. Cltn.MUIE, VZO Nassau streel ;J. J. Piirsclls. II Jent!) strem ; V,. â Ãh-iiwjh, 'l Ã) Blccoker streel ; James Dnvis, 58 (reene SIrcot: nnd Mrs. Mallen, '.) Morton sirect ; have all cxpcrientvrl the good effect? ofilie Otosdonian in coughfvóC long siiindinji nul nffjciions of t ie iúósfs, and prono unco it, wuh onc accord. to bc the rentest rtnir-dy. nnd the most speedy and cfll-cuinl, tlmt they hiiVe ever.knpwn. Ronder, nro ynu puffering from tlie nbove disenso ! Try tliis remeriy. Yóu will not, perhnps, regrei it. It nrny nrrrst nll those.disagrceübloM'mptoins whieli strike such terror to the ii)nil,"aml prnloiiL' yotir days. Forsnloai 100 Nnsson si. one door nbovo Ann, nnd at Mrs IJivs. 139 Fliltön st.. Ikooldyn. Agent fof Am. Arhnr. W. S. & .. W. Moynord; E. Pnn.r-enn, Y.silnnti: D. C. VVhitwood. Dextor; Pickford iSi ('nxr'. Snline: Smiih & Ryrol. Clinton; H. Ãowcr VTnnchester; P. Fnrlck &Co., l'lyinoniii: D. Gregory and A. Grnnr, Vorthville. 2.14-Gmo_ ESTRAY. C?.TI-: into the enduaure of the snbscriber on or .-.I-om ihe 2Ãth of jXovrmher lat, n large BRFN'DLk COW, with wliiic bnok nnd belly, su'ppceefl to !o mrite or ten yenrs old. Snid cow hall on i Inree belt. The owner is rrqnested to pfoVe propchy. ny rrinÃgennd tttkñ her nway or pfie will b o'l nc,coT(n M liiw. Webster, Mich. G. B. SEYMOUR. r 23 _ 250- 8wPersian Pilis. 'Put nol Ihc Light xtndera Bushcl," but rcad and jimider. T: ! K TIME IS COME, trid now is, thnt thé grcnt masa bf th peorlo o' Ãút and the jld world, hnvc decided thal ihe PER8IAN AND IND14N EXTRACTS. are the must eflkciual combination of medicinal mgredicnts that ever hos, or ever can compost: a '"The UESURRECTION or PERSIAN P1I.-LS', beihg niacJo ol vegetable extraets, are easily digestivo, beconnng a juico in ihc human stomnch. Tliis liquid a easily itikcn up by Uie iiliÃotliont vessels, and conveyed througliout all parta oà the syaterr, dÃepansiog lite and animntiou in all the organs. Jiy being assimilnled yi;h ihe blood. it enters hito m conibinmion, purilyng the streams of Ufe. Yon seo it vvould naiurolly and rendily combine vvith the blood and all tho 8ccrelioii8, (luis adupiiiiÃà itselÃ'to ihc rcnioval of all diseases of impuro blood. which clog_.tqe organs, Ãauslng pain, distrese, and dcath. Ià the rroparitieBeUle upon the organ of the btomadi. it causea bad tasto in the moulh. a furred touguo, badbrcatb. indigestión, dyspcpBÃn, pain. a sen of fullncss or goneness, &c. If upon thc lungs or Ihroat, théy will cause a cough, tightncss. weakness. andan uneasy sensation m ihe '"r01; irriiation,' bronchitis, úiid consumption. If they sottle upon thc liveÃ, they will canse liver complaint. jaundice, or saltow skin. (ever and ngue. jiliouá diseases of nll kinds, and irreularity ol the bowels.diarraha'a, &c. It upon ihe nerves, they will cause nervous weakness. pnin Ãn ihe he.ul. sick hemlache, general debility, low spirits, heat 'in the back, side, or hcad. If in the systcm gcnerally, it cause general emaclation. scrofula. tumors, li'lu hard skin, pimples, blotchcs, irritalioir, &cj &c. â You know if any tliing clogs'the engine, all thc machinory beeomes reiarded in as inotion, and as t 'decrénsfiá in sfréñjetfi', the moHona hccome paralyzed more and more, uniil finally it ceases to niove. So with thc human systoni, as the blood becomca itnpme with humor, the organs suller crealing, pain, misery, and if not removed, death. A constnnt use of these Pilis Ãn n fanuly. will ndd yenrs lo eacli individual lile. Kor being mado of vegetable extraéis, thoj may lc laken (rom youth to oÃd a;e without ijnry, bul with decided benefit; Wc.-ikty. piiny childrcn. will become hcalihy and strong witli n slow uso.of Ãh6i o i'ills. 'Ã'hey suotlic wc:iU nci ves. strentien ihc wenk, ond clean olà ihoorgansin a man aboye described Being coropound oà juicos. thcy p'riss Ãhroüun ilio smnllest vcssels. temo teaching disc-isc whercover pent up in tho system. even in tlie eyes and biuin. We know ibat they aro tlie best I Ml in tbc wotld. for of iliousQnds ihat h'avó takon cvcry ot'her n, liñve dciilcd so, and notWtig conhl liin.lur thcm Irom kcepinii thein on hand.- Tiikü these i-üU fic:lv, and yon will stldoru w;mt a phyeician. VVlio over hcard of much eicknesa in a family wlinrc these Pilis wcre taken froely? Then a-;nin they cause no pain of wonk nessin their operntiou; they eoolhe tlie bowels, luid aro a suie cuie lor Dl'ARRHCEA 011 SÃMMElt COMPLALXT, .idigestion. costiveness. nnd olà diseases nrisin jroni ;m imputa stomach or blood. Therc is noiliiiiLïetier lor fever and agüe, or bilious dis e,ib"s. ond all others menüoned above. N. J5. Price rcduccfl to 2s per box for 31 Pilla. Reniember enih box contains 'M Pilis- theiefoie, they are the cheapest as well as the lu-st. Rcwareof Pilis made of guins, calomcl iiid coaise powders, for they will dcstroy the c)Qis of the stomach in time, and cause death. - Beware, for the niostof them contain calomel or something asdestruclive to human existence. Roniember the Reauricction or Persian Pilis, nre inade oà Vegetable exiracts. For sale in all the principal placrs in the Unio'n- Wholesale arÃd retail by P. Owcn & Co.. Detroit; Ã. F.hor!)nrh, S. P. Jcwett, Lund A: M'CollunÃ, Ann Arbor. 237-fim WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATION SMARTS 13L0CK, 1S7 JRFFKUSON AVENUE, DBTHOIT. KKKI'S constnntly for salen complete nssortinent oà Miscellaneous, Schooi Ãind Classical Jiooks, Lctier nnd Cap Paper, plain nnd rul eij, QiiÃils, Ink, SeaTiiig Wax, Cutlery, Wraiping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; nnd Book, News nnd Cann6ter InU. of vorions kinds. BLANK 15OOKS, full and hall bound, of every vaiiety of Ruling, Mcinornndum Books, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and oihers, buying in (j'inntitiep. álamo discount made. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Donositor. 247-tfW HOEVER wishes to buy their goods to goud iidvaptogé. nuiat nol think of mnking ihcir purchnses till ihcy have lookcd over the coods nnd prices at the Mamihtax Stokh, Detroit. W.A. IIVYMOXD. Dec. 25, 1845. 244- 6m WILMAN. U. WOYES7 JRj DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlcry, Naits. Glasa, Carpcntcrs, Coopcr's nnd Hlacksmith's Tools. Also. IVlanufnctiircr of Coppcr. Tin Ware. No. 7(5, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. 2lL Blaiiii lieerts and I?Iorlsaf?cs. W BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. I Maich20, J8Ã5.'y _t ?..":..'i:X OÃl roi;;il.s, CO.LDS, ONSUMTTIÃN &C. Ml'OltTAM' TO ALL TBO.SB AÃKÃ.ICTRU WlTH lÃSKASKS UK THE LUNGS AM) BRBAST. U'i,'. MinuUi ucrcaisr? More mii me nj ' it. auTpassñiá licalth u atara tee virlvcsllji $ ?" ? ? 3 "Froui Dr. Baker, Sjiringficld, Wus-h: Co. Ky.] SÃ'kim.. in.D Ky.? M.-.y II, l.-.-lö. Messrs. Sailfon! & l'aik: - CÃk.nts - i takt) ihis oioiiuiihy of iiiforniiiiu yon ut' a most roinarkul), CHje m;iIu:hh -il 11,11 11. f by llic liso oà '-V. II '.-.;; Ã'.v Ãulsain 'dj WILCIurnj." Jn ih. vimV IÃ40 I VWW tnhfii wuli a:i Ii flimitiori oà ihc Bowels whicji I li.lioitfi uudcr lor six wlicn I grarlually rocovèrcu; Fn tne fill .t I.-4I I vvüs ;i!ta;ki(l with :i â â - (.oh!, w'nicli . itaell upoii niy lid Ãor thc space of lirée ycn'rs 1 ivas contiried lo my bb'U. I ttiécl áÃl norte O? inedicinca nÃfd ovory varicty ot' niodical lid nnd wiilibui berttfft; nnd ilms 1 wenrieÃl Ãiloii uniil ihc winter of 1841, whcn I licard of '-Wii,tar's Bülsriin of Wild Chciry." My fiicnds pereuaded ruó 10 givu it n tiii.l. itÃpÃtgb 1 lin.l (;ivcn tip all hopes of n recover y, nml had iiicparfil iiiyself for thc oliantÃo oà anotfier wotld. Tluougli iheir eolicitujiprj I wns indiipéd to make use of the "Genuine WisVar'a HiilsniÃiof Wilil Clieny." Tlie efféél ras tnilv astonishini,'. After fivo ycarB of nlllictioii. payi tricl Hulliiring: and aftor boving 8pon J'onr or five dollars to no purposc. nnd thc bes! and most rospeetnhlepliVi-icinriu liad prnved nnayftilÃng; 1 iras sorn nstncl lo cutiré htnlh hÃj t'ic blcs.sng 11 Cml and.tke vsc.of Dr. Wistur'.i Balsam vf Wild Cherry. 1 oni now cr.joying good lieahh. and such ie my altored appcarnnce (lint I am no ionger know wiion I niect my fornicr acquaintances. I havo ÃÃuiin-d rupidly in woight, and my flesh is flrm and salid. 1 can now cat ns miich a6 any pcrson,'and tny fond seeinsto ogreó vyÃül n:c.-1 ha ve calen more durin}! the lasisix nionths ihan I hnd caten for iive years bofore. Considering my case alniost a niirncle. I decm it Ãacu'ssary for thc good oà the afflicled and n duty I owc to thc proprictors and my fellow mcn. (who should know where relief may be liad) to mako ihis statement public. May ihc blcssing of God rest úpon the proprietors f so valuuble a medicino as Wistnr's alsam of Wild Cherry.Yours rcspectfnlly, WILLfAM H. BAKER. Thcjollmbing' has'juSt lirr.n rcceivcd from ñlr. Eihrurd Sirattan, of Lenngton, Mol, xrliich s'iowÃ; Unit Consuwvtion in i's icorsi farm can bc cured bj "Wistafs Bulsam of W.ll Cfiemj. Lkxington, Mo., Jan. 21, 1645. Brnjamin Phelps - Denr Sir: I tnke grnat pleasurc in communica'tmg to you wliBt 1 consider an extraordinary cure, eilected on my dnugliter, about 14 ycars of a ge, by Wis tnr's Bal8am of Wild Choriy. Aliout the lsi of September last. my daughtor was tiikensick. and was attondcd ly scveraï physicians, whose prescriptions proved inellbciual. or sce.ned to do no goud. Slie wasattended with aconstain cpügb, and pain in the breast. Her physicians and all who 93v lier. came to the couclusion tliat shc wns in a confinned stage of Cotipumpiion. I mude no other calculation than for her to die. - But as soon asühe cojunuMiceil taking the Balsom shc bcgan to iinprovc, and continucd bo to do until her health was restorcd, and is hOw ontircly wcll. With a view of benefitting those who may besimtlarly afilicied, I tako plcnsuro in reconuuemhng this rcinutly to the confiicnco.of the public. Yonrs, wïtri roppert. KDWARà STRATTON. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILDCHERRY t!at not only relieves but cures! UTrice 1 per bottle, or six boules for $5. For sale in Cincinnati only by SANFORD & PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards, soie Agents for ihisCounty. 238CAN'T BE BEAT ! THHE 6ubscribers wouldinibrni the Public, that _L tliey continue to tsupply ihe State oà Michiati with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJflUT TM JÃC MI IJ JES. ri:o Inrgc nuinnors ol thcso Machines iliat hnvc jeen Bpldj nnd ihc stcadily incrensingdemand for ihtin, is the best evidente of thcir reu) vnluc. ind of thcir estimalion with thoac who hnve become fninilirr with their nierits. W.w.tiEii's Sinut Machine is superior to oihers in the following particulars: 1. Aa it combines ihe Ileating. Srouring, aiul Bloicing Principies, it cleans the emnttiest f grain in the best manncr, rctaining all the t'iie tiun oà ihc wlicat, and dischaigmy the smul and dust as fnst as sennrated from tlie wheat. '. It is y'unjili in önsiructioü] and is l'.ierefore leas liable to bccomc deranged,anii costs les-s tor repairs. 3. It runs very Ught, and is peifcctly secure lïom firc. . 4. It is as durable as any other Machine in u se. 5. It costs considernbiy than other kinds. QMifbc important points odillercncc hive fi v' en iliis Machine the prcferchcc witli tliose svho liave fairly tned it. Amoiifr n large numberuf Gentlemen in the Milling Büné88 who niiln be iKiincd, die Tollowing have nsed the Machines, aud curiiiied to thcir excellence and superioiity : 11. N. Hovvaiu), Pontiac, Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochcstcr, tó E. B. Dankoktii. Mason, do M. K. Imu.nk, Branch, do H. II. Comstock. Comsiock, do Rcferences mny also bc li.ul to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. llvo.v, do do ]). C. Vkklami, Rock, do John Phips, Monroe, do II. Doü8mVn, do do A. Beacii. Watcrloo. do Gr.o. Kktchu.m, Mnrshall, do N. IIemk.nvvay, Oakland, do All orders for .Machines wil! bc proinptly attended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON, Ann Arbor, (Lowcr Town) Wash. Co. Mich. Au e. 24, 1815 226-1 y"Crockery at Wholesale." FRKDERICK WETMORE. has constnntly on hand, the largcsl stock in ihe West of Crockery, China, Glasswarc, Looking- Glasses and Plaies, Britannia Ware Trays, Lamps and Wicking, Plated Ware, China Toys, tyc. fyc. His stock nclmles all the varieties of Crockery and Chino, from the finest China Dinncr and Tea Setts to the most common nnd Iow priccd ware - from the richest cut glasa to the plaincst glnss ware, Rritannia Cnstorsofevory kind. Britannia Tca Setts, Coflee Pots, Ten Pots, Lamps. Cnndlesticks, &c. Lard LAiursof every description from tlio most costly cut Purlor Lamp to the cheapest Store lainp. All the nbovc articlcs are imported Ly himsell dircctly from tho nianufneturers and will le sold at Wholesale, as Iow ns at any Wholesale House, expenses from 6caboard added only. A liberal discount giyen for cash. Merchants and others are invited to cali nnd examine the nbove articks at thfi old stand, No. [25, JcfTerson Avenue (Kldred's Block.) Detroit, 24J-ly TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. R1PLEY would say to his friends and the frienda of Tempcrcncc, that he has laken tlio Temporáneo House, lately kept by Wm. G. Wheatoti. where ho would bo glad to wait upon them. Hay and Oats and Ãtabbling to accommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, JS16. 2!5tf Wood r Wood l ! A FEW Cords of Wood wantod iiïtmcdiaUly in paymeni for the Signal of Liberty.fTlHE prcceding hgura Igon i" rnprcecnt JL iho JnÃpnnibleÃerspiraiion: li ia ihe reiit evacüatiÃóii for ilic hMpttrUicfe 'I fhc body. Invill be noticcd thátuihick cluudy m:M ï.-ucs inin ,,H ,âân,b o[ lbo puÃlC9, wliich indÃcate ma; ihis [icrspÃroti'on ftówi itriinrérruptédiy hèn'e iirc in hcnlth, but ieoséa wheji wo are stok. Li e (Miinoi bc wstained wUljout it. Jt s fhrown pil hom Ihe l'iouil ;in.l ollur jniccs ol tlic liOÃly, and dipuses !y this mcms. of noarly all the iuipuiiiicb wilhin iis. Th'' blood. ly Ãijs mcme onlv. works itscH puiè. Thé hingög of SchpMis, "in the lood is the Life." II i over bBcompa iropure. t '"y l'f; tmeed direcuy i tlio bÃopp&gc W IVrspinuion. li ncVer requires any i titer Dal medicines lo cleimee ir, as it alwiiys [.MiilIiN iifi-lf by ils wn hem nnd actjonjñnd ilirows ofl" a!l the rfflbïjiTng hnmors. ibroügh the Insensible Perspiration. Tlnm we sce ylliliat is necef-i.iuy wlien iho l'lood ig Btftgiiain, or inlectcd. is to open the pörés, and h rolieves iiself from uil impurity insümily. lts own beat and vitalitv are siillicicnt. without olie parcele of medicine,, except to open tlic pore? 'M""1 tliesurfuco. Tlias wc ede tlic (olly of taking so innch internal remedies. All praciitioncrs, hovycver, direct their cfiorts to restore the Insensible perspiration, but h pccrns to be not always the pVopcr one. 'J'ho Thompsoninn, lor instnnce. stcams. the Uydropatliisi sluouds ns in wet blankets; the Homopath st deals out infinitissimal?, tlio AllppaÃKSl bleeds and doses uswith niorcun'.and the blustering Quack gurgus us with piüs, pills: pills. To ive soine idcaof thcomnuiu ol the lnscn siblePerspiration. we wil! state tliat thi? learned Dr. Lcwenhock. and the great Eoerhnave. ascertnineil thai fivc-eighthsof all we reccive into tbc stoinach, passcd off by tliis means. In othcrvör'ds, ii we ent nnii cirinK eigm puuinw pvi "?â â ,vc evrcuaie five pounds of t by ilic Insensible J Pcrspiration. . . (, TIiïb is none othcr than the used up pnrticlcs j jf the blood, ;md other juiee giving place to the icw and fresh ones. To check thie, theiclore, s to retain in the syslcm fiv -eighihs of alt tlie viruleiU matter tlint nature demanda -houldleave the body. And even whe.n iliis is the case. the ibod ia of so active a principie; tlmt ft i mines t' ose pnrlieles to tlie skh. where they forni scabs, pimples, Icéis, and other apota. liy a sudden trnnsiiion (rom henl to cold, (nè pores are Btoppcd, the perspirntion censes, and disenso bcgins ut once to devi'loj)C itself. Henee, a stoppnge of this ilow of the juices, originales so many com] is bv stopping the poros, timt ovorwhelms mankind wiih cntiylis, cilds, and oonstiniptions. Nine-tenths of tlie world die from disenses induced by a etoppoge ot the insensible l'crspira. tion. It is cnsily soen, thereforc, liow nccessary is the ilow of this subtle humor to thé-eurface, to jireserve hcnhli. It ennnot bc stoppcd; it ennnot be even checUed, witliout inducingdisease. Let me osfc now, every candid niind. what course secms the most reasonnble to pursne. to unstop the pores, after tlit-y areclosed? Wotil'! you givc phyéic louneto'p the pores! Or vvould yon nppf soniethitiK that would do this upon the surfnco, where ihe elogging iiutuilly ia'i Wouid not ibis be wnimnn sense? And yct I knowof no phywelnh wlio niakes nny extemnl SpplftjafiSfl to effeJI it. The reason I assign is. that no medicine within their knowledge. is capabje of doüig it. Under these ciicumslances, I presmt to pÃiypicians. and to all othors, a preparntion that hns this power in it ful lest extent. It is McALSTLIVS ALL ULAUNLi OINTMILXT, orthe WORLD' S SALVEl It has power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head, a round oÃd sores, upon the chcsl. in short, upon any prt ol the body, whciher diseased sligluly or seveicly. It hns power to cause all fextèrflru FOres, scrofulousluimoiR, skin diseaKes. poisonons wounds, todiachurge their puud matter, and then hcals ilicm. It ia n remedy that sweops olà the whole catalogue of cutiitiéous disorders, and restores the entiie cutido lo iishealihy miciious. It is i remèily ihó'l forbi'ds the noeessily of so innny and deletcrious druga tuken into the stomach. It is a veniedy that neithor sickens, gives ïnconvén'enco'; or s langeroná to the intes:incs. It preserves and rleicilds the surfacc from all iler;.imointiH uf ils luucimiis. wliile it keeps open the eiiannels lor the blood to void all its impurities uinl dispose of all its úseles.-; partióles. The snifacö is the outlet of five-eithths of üv bile and used up matter wilhin. It is rjterced vvi'.h niillions ol opeuings to relieve thelints. Stop úp iIk'Kc ñires, and death knóc'ks at your door. Il is rishtly tormcd All-IIcaling. Ãnr diere a scarccly a tliscasc, cxternal or inicrnal, tliat ià will nol benefit. I liavc hhcJ it for ilic last ÃoinircM yc;ts, for :.)! dise-isos of the chcBt, coiisumptioi). livor, iavplying thc utmost dnpger and rcsnuiisibilUy, aud I declare befare lÃen veri mik! rnrtn, tÃiat riot in onc single case has it l'ailed td benefit, wiicn ilic paüent was within tliu roacli of mortal moans. [ Ikivo liad phj't iciatis. Icnrnod Ãn thc profession; 1 hnve liad ministers oà ilic Gospel. JtiÃlgWOB the Beneh. Aldernion and Lawyers. gen tlomen oi'lhe highesierudiiiuii and multitudes ol tlio poor, uso it inevery varicty of way, and ilion; Ka's been bul onc voice, one nriited, universal voico, saying, "McAlistcr, your Ointmcnt is good!" CONSUMl'TION. Tt enn hnrdly be credited tliat a snlvc can have qny cÃHiCt upon tho )ungf veated as iliey are within irÃe tjysÃoin. Bat wesp y once Cor all, lia i tliis Ointmcnt will rench thc I unge quicker tlian any medicine ihalcan he yiven intcrnally. Thus. it" placed upon the chest, it penetrates dircctly to th'e luns. sepárales tlio poisonous phrticles thnt are consuming thein, and e.pcls thcm f rom the system] neeil not pay tliat it is curingporsonsof Consump'tioñ cbhuÃÃuálfy', aÃlhpugli we nr'e tóTd it is loolishncss. I Ciro not what' is said, so long tiü I can cure sevcral iliousand persons yearly. BKAD ACIIK . This Salve has cured persons of the Ilcad Acho of 12 ycars standing, and who had it rcgularly every weck, so tliat vomiting often took place. Dcaini;ss and Ear Ache are helped witli the likc success. as also Aguc in thc Face. fOI,I) KEET. Conr.nmption, Liver complaint, pnins in the chest or eide, falltn? of the hair, one or the oihcr alway8 accompanics cold feet. It is a surc sign of Sisease in thc system to havo cold feet. Thc Salvo will reptore the Insensible Perspiration and tlius cure every case. In Scrofnla. Krysipclas and Salt Rheum, and othcr diseasea of this nature, no internal remedy bas yct been discovercd that ia so good. The same mny bc bid of Bronchitis. Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sorc Brcast, &c. And as for the Cheat Discasns, such as Asthina, Pain. Opprcssion and the likc, it is the most wonder ful antidote in tho World. For Liver Ccmplalnt it is cqually eflicacious: for Burns it has not has its cqual in thc World; also. Excresences of evcry kind, such as Warts, Tumors. Pimples, &c, it malies clean work of them all. som: v.T.a. Thc inflommation nnd disease always licsback of the hall of the eyc in the socket. Ilcncc thc virtue of any medicine nnist rench the sent of the inftamation or it will do litile cood. The Salvo, if rubbed on the temples, will. penétrate dircctly into the socket. The poreswill beopen cd, a proper perspiration wi!1 becreatcd and the disease will soon pèsa offtothe suriace. 1I1IPI.I:S ON T}fE FACE, FKÃXKJ.ES, TAN, MAÃ5CUL1NE SKIN, GROS 5UHFACEV lts firet ncÃÃon isto cxoel nll humor. It willlot ceasc draw ing lili ilie Pnce is free froru nny natter that may bc ludgcd under thn skin nnd requemly breaking om to the MuÃate. It the dais. Wliun tïierc is nothing hut grossness, or â lull rrpulsive Búrfacc, t bégins to sollen and oiïon muil tin? ktn bccom'es aa smo.ifh and ' ;iic 1,3 a child'a. Ãt tbrows a Ircshncss and Utishing color upon the now white, iransparent ' â kin. ilvnt is, pcrlcctly ericlinnting. Somc limes I n cuse óf Prëfeklc iV-wiil Rrst.start out thosc liat have lain hiddi n and scen luit scMiii. Tur,uj tlic Salve and uil vill soon disappcar. WpRMS. irpartnts Jcnpw how fatnj most medicines were ; :, cliiÃdrcn inkè'n inVvbrdly, tlicy would be slóy Ld i.-oit lólKeiii. ' Especirtlly "ïnercnrial lozen. ." callod '-iiumIÃlvuciI loangea,i' puls &Jié Tho truih is. no oiie can loll, inv;niably. whefl vvornia óro préaoht. Now lei me si:y toparejits, ihat ibis SaWö vvïjl aiwiys léll fa eliild hae wDims. It will diivo every vesriye of them This is n simple and sale. cure. ThcTc is probably no medicina on the Taco of thc'chr.i'l] at once so surc and so 6afc in the ex piilsiölj pf wonns. It w.mld be cruel, nay wicked, to givo internal. donbtlul mcdiciirs,'so long as a harinltss, external olie could be hid. TOII.KT. Aliluiiiirh I hnve snid lutle aboüt it nfl á hair rsstoraiivc, yM i will stake Ftügalnst the World! 'l'iiey inav bpitlg ibcir Oils far 00 d near, and mine wil! rectoro the hair two engoa to thuir ono. (,I.H SORJ.S. HVRXIPICATIUK. i:i. DKS. KTC. That soiiio Sores ure an ouilet to the imppriIH-- of the systcm, is becausc thcy cannot pass off throusrh 'thé natu al channels of the Imsciimlilc Besspirationi 1' sucli sores are he.iled up, the inipnriiies must lmve somc othor oiitlet. or it wül endiinger life. This is the roason why it is in politie to use the comnion Salve of the flay ti Kiieh céttèSi For ihey havo no power to open C&her avenues, to let otT hi morbid ninttur. nrio hv. conspquenees are always fatal. This Sal ve will always próvido for sucH emergencics. DISKASKS or CHltDIiKN. How many thousands are swept off ly giviftg inicniHl medicines, whnn thrir younir bddiës and tender frames are unable to bear up against thoni? Wholo armics aro tlius sent to their graves mérely fn m pouriu'g inio their wcak stömachs powerful tfiugs ond physies! It is to snel) that the All-flealmp Oftftttiént tenders so safe, picaba in. and harmless a cure Such cases ' as Crniip. CnoïtC, Cholera Inlantuni. Wüiins. and all Sumnier Com)laints. by which so many ehildron die. the Oin'.nnnt will remove .so ppeedily and surely, tha; a physician will nover bc nceded. Mothcrs! throughout .ill this land. we now soleninly and saeredly declare to you that the All-Healmsi Ointmcnt will save your childrcn from an eurly grave if you will use it. We are not now actuati-d by thejast dcsire to gam; biit knowing as we uu mui nst bodics of infants and children die early; â Aiich s supposed to bc inevitable and ,1e to prevent, we holcl up our wnrnine vuice, ! md declare in the Jacè.ol the wholo world, c "IIILBREN N-EED NOT DIE MORE s TIIAN OTHEIISà But it is.froin the want ef proper nourisbmcni ' ind the ennstnut dr'üggmg tliey undorgo which nows ihêna down as the ronk graas inlls beforc j the scythe. Mothcrs! wc repeat agaïn, and il ihey were the last wo'.ds wc were ever to uttor, and of uourse past the icnch oà all interest, we would , say, "usctlie All-üealing Ointmcni lor sickness , among children." I RHEÃMATISM. It removes almost immedialely the infliimation and swelling, when the pain of course ceabcs. ii:vi:its. Tn cases of fevcr, the diflicnliy lies in the pores being locked up. so that the heat and pcrpp:ration c.nnnot pass ffi If the least moisture could bc starled, the crisis ia passed and the danger over. The All-Healing Ominieni will Ãn aTl casos of fevers almost instanily unlock the skin and bring forth the perpiration. FKMAI.K COMIT.AINTS. Influmation of the kidnnys. of the womb, and it8 lalling down, wrakness, and irrcgularity; Ãn short, all thoic difiicultics which are frequent with 'femalcs. il uci ready and permanent r lief. We hnve had agod ladies teil us they could not live six moinhs without it. Bui 10 females about tobeciime inothcrs, if üeedförsömè weeks anteccdont to their confincnidiit. very few ofihose pnins and convnisions whioh atiend tJem at tliat period will bc feit. Tliiafact ought to be known the world over. SCAT.I) HK.vr. Wc have ourcd casca that actually dcficd ovcrything known, as well ns the ability of fiOecn or twenty doctors. One man told us hc had spcnl $500 on his children without tny benefit, when a few boxes of tbc Ointmctu cured thein. COUN5. Pcople nee.'l never bo uoublcd with ïhcm if they will uso it. Ãa a FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can measurc its valué. So long as thc staie i olà along ovev the Heavcns - so long as man freads ihe earth. subject to all the infirmilies oà the ]O;J1] si) long Bdisease and sickness is known just so long will thifi Ointmcnt be used am' esteemed. When man ceases from ofTthe earth, then thedemand will cense, and not lili tlien. '1 allay all apprehensions on account oà its ingrediente, in possessing such pfiwerfuljiroperties, wc will state that it is composed of 6omo of tlic most common and harmless herbs in existence Theie is no mercury init, nscán be scen from the 'facà that it docs notinjnre tlio skin one narticie. whilc il will pass tlironj-h and nliysicthe buw'cls. JAMES Mc ALISTER & CO. 1Ã58 Souih Street. N. Yo?fc. Sole proprictor of' iho nbove Medicine, tD whom all Communications musà be addiesecd (post paid). Priee 25 cents and 50 cents. B3CAUTI0N.,.n! As ttic AÃl-I-Ienling Ointment lias been grently counterfcitüd, we have given ihis caution to puhlie, tliat "no Ointment wÃl) be genuine unless the nam es of James iVicAlister, or Janieé MeAlisxcr& Co., are writtcn with a pen upon every label." Tlie label is a steel engrnving, withihc figuro. of "Insensible Perspiration" on the face. Now wc hereby offer a rcward of $500. to bc paid on conviction, in any of tlic cóhstituted courts of the United States, of any individual counterfeitinr; o'.sr nnmo and Ointment. MAYNAliD'S. Ann Arbor, Wtylesale Atrents; Smith & Tyrcll, Clinton: Kotchum & Smith, Tecumsch: D. C. Whitwood, Dotter; 11. Bower, Mauchesier; John Owcn &. Co., Detroit.; Ilarman &. Cook, Brooklyn. Doe. 18, 1845. 244-1y WOOL WOO2L" CLOTH! CLOTHà rpilE subscribers will continue to manufacJL turo Fellcd Eloth, for 374 ets. per yard, and white flannel for 20 per yard; or they will manufacture the wool for halt' the cloth it wtfl njakfi, Their Factory is 2i miles West of Ann Arbor, on iho Hurón RiveV. Wool wilialso be received at Scio. V.'hen sent by Railroad it will be attendcd to in the same mannier as u tne owners vrere to come with it. Wool will bc manufactured in turn as t comes in as ncarly as it can be done with reference to the different qualities of wool. WOOL CAR DING, will bedone at Scio. by Thomas Iloskins. S. W. FOSTER &CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 10 DEiVTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed hisofüce to Crane Sc Jewctt's Block, first room on the Second Floor. whcre being well prepared to attend to every b ranch of bis profession, would respcctfully say to all who have not had those necessary organs. THE TEETH. properly attendcd to, delay no longer, but cali npon him and experience the case and durabiüty of his operations. Terms accommodating an'd charges inno case unreasonablc. Ann Arbor, March 6, 1 845. 47-tf SAJ3BATIà SCHOOL BOOKS for sale ai FERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Doe. 03. 244- tfTry- Try - Try Again. A FT KR you have tricd onc ihpusqnd und ono kinds uiTills: tlicn try Dr. Ilalsicad'a Brisk Filis nd you wjiJ bc hilly soifsficd tbnt they nie aj Hifh preferable to every oihcr kind as the nm'I yia nnd hcoi is prelerable. io bring fuiward and jomóte a hcalthy growth in vegetables lo that ,'hicli emanatcs froin the moon. They nrejust Whnt is vvanted in tliis country -n piil lliat opérales quiek. horOÃgh and easy urrying all inipuritics witii ihem'; leaving thé tomach nnd bowcls cIcbij and clear. Away wiih our SLOW PIlwLS., that act SLC1 r- clcrmso LOW, and leavo ilic eystem in a SLOW Mate. i i I i o 1 1 s inniicr and otlicr ini ediintiitscollcei ve' y japid in tlic systom wiicn once thcy begin te cc.umnlalc - and will increase as fjist as Slow (il!h will remove ihtin. li is neceesory theréforo o liavc a brisk operation - that wil] Altousv. iti' }1k okoabs Aotn tieir torptd álate, pive a mw mpetus to the bl(ju(l and secretions. Tlnn food vill diycsi - tlie siomach gum strength - ihe s,ys em fciron - the fckin clcat - the appeiit'o goótl, nd you are well - vTién 3'our s!ow doses wonlc ;crp you lingerirg along for inonths- md ihéri icrliaps you will send lor a Doctor, and whnt vill hc do? Uo will gic you a iiowerful caliiirtic - ono that will do yon gome goofl. Nov be your own dcciore, and také Halsted's egctablc Jïriak l'ills, um gradtste them to uit ho patiënt. To wcak po(ienle give tmall do(8- dleo to childten. Tbey are lüirinlots nnd :an be givcu to the most cklicatc - but ihen tlioy ;ivc life and moticn lo the systtm. D1SEASE is a elow tnorbid action, clnpging ïp all the email y?88ojs - nnd calis aloud lor a cmVdy thát will arouse ihetn into action before licy bccome too weak to be kopt in motion .- People die for the want of action - rnd l'earing hey shall obtain n hualihy. nntuial nction - l'lipy jrefer taliing a pIow medicine - lliat thcy muy loctor slowly for years - and at lust die with n low, liniifiing dieease- the namial eflcct of takiuy slow Pilln. Away then wiih tlus thcory.It' nature wishes to puriiy the ai), hlic calis up n b'iirry a thunder sliower. and wiih it her light nings (air physic) to purify, cleanse. and givè t new motion lo the ntniosphere. and all is c!l Sho does nol liphten gently the year round te produce ihif moiion. Thcn follow nature, when you nre out of health - have n bhd l;isie in youi niouih - indigestión - costivencss - fever - colk chilla - fever and trgvc - dysprpsta - pain in bacd or liinbs - taken cold - or in fact out of order in nny wny - rclievo yourfclf immcdintoly by tnkin the Briik Pilis. Try them and you vil( ósfl il" oiher. 28 Pilis for 25 cents. Sold wholennlo and rctnil by J. O wen &, Co., Detroit; C. Ebcrbach, S. P. Jewett, Lund &, McCoIlnm, Ann Arbor. 237-6mSICKÃJ5SS IN CIÃILDREN. AND ilie euffijriug which thcj undcrgo from t. ';vorms" oficn tcnd to a fatal lerrnihnfion, itnltà tin; (AisK. s never sugpccted. Oficnsive ncath, pickint at the nose. grinding ihe ;eoth luring sleep, Btnrting in sccp with fricht and crciiniing, lioubles'jmccough. and feverishncss, irc amone sonie of the Prominmt Sijmytutns of lie prosence of wonns. A tiniely nsc of SHERMAN'S VVOIIM LOZENGES Will inniedintely remove all llicse urrpléösont ?ymptorns, and restore to perfect henlth. Sister Icnntius, Superior of tlie Catholic Half Orphon rlsyluni litiB added her tesiiniony in ihcir fnvor, [o ihe thousniïrls which linve gone belbrc. Slio statcs thnt tliere uro over 100 chiidren in the Asylum, and 'lint tliey liavc been in the habit of nsing Shcnnan's Lozenges. and ehe bas nlways found ihcm to bo atlëndod with the most benolicinl effect.?. They have beer proved to bc infallible in over 400,000 cases. CONSUMPTION, Influenza. Coughs, Colda, Whooping Cough, Tightnrss of thcLungsor Chcst may be curod. Rcv. DarU8 Anthony was very low 'rom Consumpiion. Jonathan Howard, ilie eclebrated icfiipernnce lecmrer', wns rcduced to tlie vergeof the grave by raising blood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of New York, the Rev. Mr. De Forest. Evangelist in the Western part of this state. Rev. Sobns'inn Strecter, of Boston, the wil'cof Ornsmus Dü)blo, Esq. in Monrovia, nnd hundreds of otli(iie, have been relieved and cured by a propor b SHERMAN'S COUGH LOZENGES, And no medicine has ever been more effectual in tli c iclief of those diseases, nr which can bo recommendcd with moro Thoy al Iny all tlcbing or irritation, render thecough ency, promoe-e.xpcctorntion, mnove thn cause, and produce the most happy and Insling cffects. HÃADACJHE. IV.IpitJition of the Ileart, Lowness of Spirits, Sea-éicknes Dcspondencv, Faimncss Cholic SpñsrtÃs, Cnimps of the Stoniach, Summcr or Uosvel Coiiiplaints. al.o all the distrc89Ãng symptoni8 nrising trom deo living, or a night of dissifation nrc quicUly and entirely rolieved by using SHERMAN'S CAMPMOR LOZENGF.S. They ;ct spccdily and relieve in a very short apaceof timo, giving tone and viÃjor to the 6ystcm, and rrmble n peison using ihcm to undorgo great mental or bodiiy fatigue. RIIEÃMATÃSM, Wenk Back, pnin and weakneas iri tlie Urenst. Bnck. Limbs and other partsofthc body are speedily and clRciually rclieved by SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S rLASTKit, wluch costsonly 12i cent?, and is witliin the reach of olÃ. So erent hns breotne the reput.nion of tliis articlc. (nat one million will not begin to supply ilm mniiiil domiind. Jt is ncknnu edged to bo the bctftstrengihening Piaster in thcworld. BEWARE OF IMPOSJTION. Dr. Sherman's Poor Man's PJdster hns bis namo witla directions prinied on tlie back of the Piaster, and a D'm sinneñ ol the üoctor's writtén name uiulcr the directions. None others aro ucnuin.e, or to bc relied, on. Dr Shcrnian's Wnreriouse UNo. I0G Nrssau at. New York. W. S. & J. VV. ftlAYNAKD, Agcnts for Ann Arbor. 246 Cheap Hardware Store. npilE Subscib'èr takes ibis niethod lo inform JL h8 oÃd customers and the public gcnerally thnt he still continúes lo keep a largeand gencrul assortment of Foroign and Dornestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. . Also. Spike. Wrought, Cut and Horbe Shoo Nails, Glass, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Har Lead, Zync, Bright and Anealod Wire, Molasscs Gales and Fassctts, Mili Saws. Cross Cut Snws, Hand nnd Wood Saws, Back and Key Hole Saws, Anvils, Viccs, Bellow8,Adzos,Coopur's 'looi.-, Drawing Knives, Spokc Shaves, Tap Borers, Cast Steel Augurs, Common Augurs, Augur Bitts, IIollow Augurs. Steel nnd iron Squares, Ground Plnstcr. Water Lime, Grind Stones, Potash,CQldron nnd Sugnr Kcttles, Cable, Log, Trace and Hajter C'hains, Broad, Hand and Narrow Axcs, Spirit and Plumb Leveh, together with a general assortment of HolInw Ware, which will bc sold low for Cash or npproved credit at J 23. Jefferson Avenue. Kldred's Block. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGth, 1846. 248-] y BOOTS AND SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. O. M'GKÃTw & CO., WHOI.ESALR AND RKTAIL DKALERS fN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, Corner of Jefferson and Woodtcard Avenues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcspcctfully inform the Mcrchnnts of Michigan, that they hnve opened n WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in the rooms over their Retail Store, Smart's Corner. Thcir long ac.quaintance with the Shoe business, and tbc kinds of shoes that are needcd in this State, will enablc them to fnrnish merchants wilh such shoes as they neod. on bcttcr terms than hcy can buy in ihe"New York market, os all -iheir gooda are hought from first hnnds, and particular attention is p.üd to the selection of sizes. Detroit, 1Ã16. 248-1 V _ WANTED. mWO young men about 18 or 19 ycarsof age X as apprentices to the &'nsh nnd Blind rnokirig business. Aleo, onc JOURNEYMAN, at Uit :ibove business. _L H. GREGORÃN Ann Arbor, Lower-Town. Dec. 4, ie"
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